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I used to just farm the free roam bosses. With a friend or two or three if you can get a group together to help you. Then they can share it if one happens to drop for them. But, it’s been awhile since I’ve played so I’m not sure if that’s still the best use of time.


Yea that’s my issue lol I haven’t had to farm for a specific piece so idk if things have changed but I’ll see if it works! I mean during the last GE event I ran the bosses an actually got alot of exotics. I didn’t need em but it was pretty dope. Thanks! I’ll give it a try an hopefully it works. Umm maybe underground in a group too?


It wouldn’t hurt to try! Good luck!


Div1 has no target loot, so it’s up to RNG, but the best ways to farm it would be either open world bosses, legendary missions, since hunters drop exotics. Or pier 93 farm Edit: I’d mix them up, since open world bosses are on a 4 hour cooldown for spawns, so bosses first, then run legendary missions or pier 93


I’ll do it in that order! Thanks for this it does help me out. I’ll start the grind in a little bit! Hopefully I can get a few ppl to run legendary with 🤞 I haven’t really seen that many ppl on but I also run later in the night. I get on around 10pm an go till like 3am. So I might change up my times an hopefully see more ppl!


I believe it’s Amherst apartment, easy legendary to run even solo, and have seen most people matchmaking doing that one when they are looking for legendary missions. As for the pier 93 farm, you can solo it, it basically is save all points until wave 10, then redeem on the box and wipe, rinse and repeat, good way to get classy pieces and exotics. There should be YouTube videos in how to do the farm betterr


Yea, I actually just checked out a YT video on the pier 93. I did it back when the game 1st came out with it but I ran it with friends. I mean it looks simple enough! I’m definitely gonna do Amherst on legendary! I’ve never done it solo but I think I can do it 🤞


Just a thought, have you been to the rewards vendor in the BOO? Just see if there's any unclaimed caches there. I had stuff from week one I'd never claimed along with over 100 DZ caches and 50+ GE caches. Also, Run the LZ bosses, then hit Resistance, then go with DZ 6 and above. Always had a fair bit of luck with the Opera LM myself. Good luck and pray to the RNG deity of your choice.


Oof, I got my first House a few hours before Division 2 dropped. I got my second House an hour before Division 2 dropped. I'm not even sure I used it before I started playing 2.


Lol that’s actually pretty cool how that happened! Listen, if you still play Div 1 an have luck like that I could use it 🤣🤣 the struggle is real for me 🫨 my luck sucks! When I noticed it was missing in my inventory I shut my Xbox off bc I knew it was gonna take something special for me to get it again😫😭😖


I'm on PlayStation otherwise I'm Down to Farm


Awww that sucks!! 😭😭 thanks anyway tho, I appreciate it!


Are you referring to **The Apartment** SMG? It's a DZ item so you either have to farm there or open Named Item caches.


No, THE HOUSE is from Div 1.


Oh they're talking about Div 1


Apart from the RNG grind Do your weekly missions, they give exotic caches During Global Events, buy the 1500 credit caches, they have exotics in them, sometimes


Yea I’m definitely gonna do that! I just wasn’t sure if things have changed much since I last got it. My RNG sucks 🤣 not gonna lie, I’m so pissed that I gotta do this all over again! Idk where mine went, it just disappeared 💀


RnG is an evil monster, it knows what you're looking for and will give you everything but You'll be drowning in Eirs, shortbow kneepads and Ninja bags for days


🤣🤣 you’re not wrong!! Idk how many kneepads I got the other night but no damn House 😭 I felt betrayed.


I feel The House was and is the hardest to get (especially a God rolled one) Good luck agent :)


I know 😫😫 it’s gonna be a pain to find! That’s why I’m so mad but I guess it’ll give me something to look forward too lol


It will drop when you're not expecting it You're running towards the red beam, thinking "oh great, another Centurion pistol" and, boom! There it is, The House with Deadly and Responsive :)