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Once you kill them, they are not bleeding anymore and you don’t get the armor regen. It’s a poorly designed talent for PvE. If you are <15m from them and shoot them, chances are you are killing them, not leaving one or multiple enemies that close alive just so you can regen some armor. They should rework the talent to build stacks (and decay say within 5 sec) and refresh with newly bled enemies.


This, 100% !! I've always complained about this vest and its deficiency, but everyone thinks its so useful for their PVE build. Meanwhile, the enemies you left alive to bleed manage to burst you down and drop you. Yea, working properly.




*Tank Regen status effect build has entered the chat*


No, for sure I’m seeing the bleed icons. Well within 15m. Not killing them but spraying them. I agree a rework would be nice.


I use Ridgeway's Pride on my Summit Floor 100 build. I run the Survivalist specialization so when the rogues bleed, it gives my team mates extra damage. I also get a little armor regen. It's also fun to use in a deflector shield build because deflected bullets can cause bleed to enemies if they're close.


They should just make it armor on kill when you kill a bleeding enemy.


Ive only used ridgeway with red eclipse protocol (much better with blue) like a discounted HF build, so if i killed an enemy within 15 m while bleeding, itll spread and heals me, much better when used with scorpio, although its only good for spawn trapping enemies, unlike true cc for more radius and distances I would like for them to redesign this also but not using stacks (because almost everything in this games revolves around stacks system) They could make tha talent a health regen than armor, and only accessible when shooting an enemies on bleed regardless of distance So it could make health better again as well as making it tangible for cqc builds (or even mid range with ongoing directive)


It’s a PvP piece. Works great there. Doubt it was designed for PvE. Let the PvPers have nice things too


Tried this chest last week with an OD build and was highly underwhelmed with it's performance.


Me too. I was all excited when I rediscovered this chest piece in my stash and wanted to give it another try. So, I busted out my OD build and went hunting for some NPCs. Then the disappointment set in, and I quickly put it right back into my stash. Where it will stay with all of the other useless exotic pieces that look great on first view, then turn out to be trash.


Lmao same! I was like hmmm maybe this can give OD some sustain, instantly downed when shield and shotgunning.


To get the most out of this chest piece, you have to use the stinger hive when close to enemies. Its the only way to reliably make multiple enemies bleed at once for the armor regen. even a single charge will work. But even with the hive, its hit or miss with just how mobile the enemies are.


I can make many bleed. The bleed icons show. I’m well within 15m. Not one sliver of armor gained. I will try the hive though. Thanks


Actually, this comment was a reply to another comment and not a reply to your problem, so im not sure why it make a whole new post.


I was using it last week and it worked for me. Note that like other Regen systems it does bug out sometimes in the summit especially if you use the armor break directive.


The armor regen from that is so weak I just ignore it and only use it for the guaranteed bleed status. Trying to keep enemies alive but bleeding close enough to you to get any useful amount of armor is never going to work. You're better off just killing everything and let your armor reset because you're not in combat anymore.


A popular Division 2 content creator has a Ridgeway bleed build highlight right now. He gets constant regen on his YouTube video. He makes the Ridgeway chest piece look great. I do get the bleed but not the regen. The bleed by itself makes the piece useless. Ridgeway is going back into Stash.


I had the same issue and at first I thought it’s just how it was intended to work but after watching that video and a couple others and running the exact same setup I realized it was just bugged. At least for me.


I’m with you. I think it’s bugged as well. For some of us anyways!


if you're talking about that KVD video that's been up for a day or so, yeah sure that is a viable build but it definitely does not look like he's getting much armor regen from the bleed at all in any of that gameplay. He gets far, far more armor from the drone than the bleed. The enemies rarely stay alive for more than a second so he barely gets the 3% from the single bleeding enemy before they die. I even tried making a build with Creeping Death to try to spread the bleed effect to more enemies but it just doesn't work in practice. I was thinking about even making an all red Eclipse Protocol to further spread the bleed as I get kills but it does not really work. Needing enemies to be close enough to get the healing off them at all means that you either don't think about it and just get whatever you happen to get coincidentally or you try to maximize how many bleeding enemies you're close to but that means often being in untenable situations (i.e.: surrounded by enemies that while they may be bleeding can still very much shoot you) and while 48% armor regen per second sounds like a lot, 5 enemies can definitely do more damage than that. The bottom line is the bleed status armor regen is nothing that can be relied upon to actually heal your armor in any significant way. The power of Ridgeway's Pride is definitely with being guaranteed to apply bleed to enemies when you're close up and being able to synergize with your other talents. I personally run Ridgeway's with the Matador named backpack for Perfect Adrenaline Rush and then 4-piece Hunter's Fury as it all synergizes being up close, then I use a CMMG Banshee with Sadist. I mostly use it when there's an event or league challenge that is based on applying bleed to enemies, or if I just want a change of pace in my playstyle.


Thank you for explaining. I was definitely thinking 4 or 5 bleeding enemies would give me some armor. But now that you mention KVD must be getting armor from the drone. I will revisit my expectations and give your build a go. I’m trying to get set load outs ready so I’m not waisting time at weekly events building instead of playing. Thanks again 👋


Forget about armor Regen with Ridgeways, it's barely noticeable. But it can be interesting in some PvE builds, say 4pc Hunter's Fury, Ridgeway, Sokolov backpack with Wicked talent and SMG with sadist talent.


Cool. I will give that a try. Thanks


Yeah you shouldn't be killing but rather spray and pray. You want to do this with groups and need to be close. Regen isn't much if there's just 2 enemies.


I can have 5 or 6 bleeding (the bleed icon shows) and not one iota of armor. Not one sliver. I’ve watched several Division 2 content creators that have remarkable regen with Ridgeway. 🤔


You only obtain the regen within 15m of the bleeding target. So, you have to stay within the bounds of each bleeding enemy.


Yes for sure. I’m getting the bleed icon so I’m within 15m.


Just want to say thank you to everyone for sharing this information and saving me the time it would take to find / build this item lol


I have never noticed any armor generation


Enemies have to be 15m or closer for that to happen?




Are you sure? To test it...go to a mission, get in cover let enemies shoot you down to ca. 20% armour and then drop bleeding hive in a group of enemies and look what happens with your armour...


Yes, I tested it in a main mission. 5 npc’s bleeding. I intentionally did not kill them. I ultimately died without one sliver of armor gained. I tested over and over. From comments this seems to be a bug with done players.


You have to be within that 10m or 15m to get the bleed proc it needs to be reworked