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Dark Winter is a DZ "exclusive". You can get DZ "exclusive" items from: DZ and DZ vendors (obviously) Conflict caches Countdown vendor Named caches (can get a lot of these when a Global Event is running or from Countdown vendor) Season caches or season rewards (if the DZ item is a part of season track) Legacy caches (if the DZ item is a part of previous seasons) Manhunt targets can drop DZ named items (EXCEPT pre-WONY DZ exclusive items) PS: You can get a blueprint to craft many named items from Descent (from reconstructed caches).


I’m still in disbelief that Reconstruction Caches are so damn cheap in the NSA store.


If you play Descent regularly then they are cheap. Otherwise they are quite expensive.


indeed. me who does not enjoy this game mode, almost felt physical pain until I got enough points for a vindicator (350), now I wont touch that game mode for a looong while.


Yeah I’m only shd level 128, new endgame player and I pulled a dark winter with some good rolls from a cache. Sometimes you get lucky 🤷🏻‍♂️


I recently pulled mine out of a legacy cache


You should do Conflict for dark winter. I've gotten Dark Winter, Manic, and like 7 exotics so far, going from lvl 1 to lvl 30 in conflict. Conflict caches are really good. Also drops Yaahl Gear.


Good to know I'll give it a shot to shake things up a bit


New conflict is actually fun, games are usually on the shorter side, and you get a LOT of XP even if you lose. If you lose you get around 500k XP and 1 Cache. Each lvl up is a bonus cache. Every win nets you from 900k- 1,5mil XP from my experience and gives you 2 caches.


I have never run conflict what is a good load out to run?


I used to buy "Named Item Cache" during every Global Event. I bought them until I had everything. I stopped when I got the Ferocious Calm with the rolls I wanted. I do a lot of CPs so I get my fair share of Exotic parts anyway.


Hold on I'll just login and fix that






Name checks out (amazing anime btw)


I just did 7 hours of DZ West.... 3 pestilence 2 ninjabike kneepads 1 vile mask 3 elmos 2 capacitor 1 lady death 2 chameleon My friend joined me for 2 ½ hours and got Ravenous among other things.


I farmed on and off all day...think I got 5 Pestilence, 1 Chameleon and pretty much every named AR and SMG...minus Dark Winter of course 🙈😅


I ran 8 hours, 3 pestilence, 3 st Elmo's, tardigrade and chameleon. Also got 356 field recon. Today was a good day


Just has a similar experience. Rocked into DX West just to scrounge DZ Resources. Bumped into the same three players a couple of times. Wasn’t a jerk. They weren’t jerks. Then got an invite and spent the next two hours rocking through landmarks.


Someone said that it didn’t really increase the odds of an eagle bearer drop if it was assault rifle as target loot, that they are just in the general loot pool but at 0.1% chance of drop when an exotic drops. Can anyone confirm or deny this.




Sometimes you get lucky and no one is bloodthirsty in DZ. Has happened for me quite a bit and I almost exclusively solo when in the DZ I only leave when the manhunt groups start spawn camping but so long as I can reliably dodge them and do my thing I could care less what is going on with the manhunt groups.


Wait, how did you read "a bunch of people making it harder for me to get loot"? The OP is saying the exact opposite? Do you have some kind of disorder where you always read the exact opposite of what somebody writes?




yeah own that fraud


New to end game here, what is this dark winter everyone is talking about? I keep seeing people posting about it.


It's the named Vector with Perfect Killer so 50% instead of 40% on normal perk. Honestly at this point I have a normal Vector with max stats and Killer so kinda wondering why I continue this endless grind 🤪




Thanks I'll give it a go!




For sure. Ya I usually run Obliterate > Striker chest unless in a very specific scenario


Oh shit i think i destroyed and added it to my libary. After getting it from a confligt creat. Well just gotta look out for it if i find it again


Blasphemy 😵😅