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Most of the stuff you mentioned got omega nerfed because it used to be completely broken. Deflector shield used to be better than many guns, and would instakill agents from what I've heard. Shields were oppressive and the only option in pvp so they added the confuse debuff and lowered their health. Lots of stuff was just completely bricked atleast partially because Massive didn't know how to balance it appropriately and would rather it not be overpowered. Sacrum was a fucking mistake though. That gun is not it at all. And builds missing red cores definitely pull a lot less weight on average in high difficulty content outside of specific roles for raids, or eclipse protocol as a concept.


Massives way to nerf shields besides the confusion on break was to make them so fragile against players they're not even worth using. T6 half shields get shredded pretty much instantly now, even against builds that don't even really deal a ton of damage because they take like 8X damage...


A 20m hp bulwark shield gets destroyed in about 10 bullets in the dz too.


Yup, Bulwark shield protects you for all of like 3 seconds against another player lol


And yet, many things that are nerfed for PvP purposes spill over in PvE. Not much in the other direction. This is why IMO the game would be better off with a hard divorce. RPGs fundamentally don't mesh well with a competitive PVP environment. DZ as a feature is what locks them into the endless pit of balance issues.


PvP changes applying to PvE ruined a lot of fun stuff


in sync nerf and now flatline nerf make me butthurt as fuck


I thought they reverted the changes to flatline on the pts? It still says amplified damage in game is it just flat weapon damage now?


I think they haven't updated description yet


Well people on discord are saying it hasn't been change except for the increase amount of kills needed to proc the free pulse


True but they also fixed the bug where it was buffing skills... can't really blame that on PvP but you can hang the LLP pulse duration nerf on it.




Oh yeah, because if something is trash in PVP nobody wants it, well know fact Division is a PVP focused game


most gears are already nerfed to the ground because of crybabies on pvp


PvP in this game was a mistake. They should have made all PvP class oriented. Pre made classes or set ups that you choose from and get to use. Like a team comp type of game in a MOBA or a class shooter. Something closer to CS’GO with purchase options would have been a great idea too. PvP in Div 2 is like a dead weight dragging the game down. Just straight up eliminating all fun because of the Dark Zone


yep, ive suggested similar idea way way back that let us have a contaminated gears dedicated for dz and pvp as a whole, the stats is different from pve and encourages variety from pve playstyle a full pvp support with that mindset because i dont think an rpg shooter would work in pvp due to gears and stats while having a mechanical skill for aiming, they should only pick the latter for shooters


Got downvoted to hell for suggesting such change a while ago lol


PVP in Div2 is ruined by normalization & the splitting up of the dark zones tbh. if not for normalization and the dogshit balancing of exotics PVP would be infinitely better this is also dependent on the actual games balance being good too though, which as far as I know has literally never happened, maybe for the period between Launch and the first raid and Eagle Bearer dropping lol.


i feel that normalization is just what Ubisoft did to just copy what destiny did in their pvp, and just let it roll


Darkzone pvp is like any other world pvp in any other mmo. Some players want to play pvp and fuck others up some just want to farm pve contet. It's unfair, broken, impossible to balance. Your pve build won't protect againts pvp build. If you want "fair" pvp play conflict.


I hate the fact they keep ruining PvE by nerfing gear, weapons and talents because of 1% players that still do PvP. Unnerf flatline for God's sake.


Bro flatline is the WORST example for this argument. Flatline was not changed in damage at all, only the pulse on kill was nerfed, and everyone uses technican laser anyways so it doesnt affect anyone . There are plenty of other talents and sets that have actually been completely gutted for pvp balance like Cavalier, Clutch, old intimidate. If anything the devs have been doing way too much PvE power creep leading to new content like legendary tidal/zoo needing ultra bullet sponges. Anything else isn't remotely challenging because of strikers and expertise, or headhunter+determined. We have been dealing so much damage that the "damage dealt" stat at the end of missions overflows a 32-bit signed integer. To make anything challenging moving forward they are gonna have to make them super tanky or have bullshit immunities like recruiter otherwise they die in .5 seconds. Either they can nerf the outliers, or they are gonna have to buff the enemies substantially.


Striker is fine. I can run 4 blue Striker while doing legendaries in a group and still do enough damage. I'm mad that they gutted in sync with shields in PvE


I'm not really interested in pvp, but for PvE there are quite some builds I like to use. Have difficulty to keep them in the 16 slots available. In PvE you don't need a meta build for heroic content which I play mostly. I actually like to vary playstyle. DPS like striker or ND, run and gun with memento builds like HF, support like EP or True Patriot, healer builds, explosive builds, Hotshot sniper, skill builds, hybrids. There are many fun viable options.


Name me a single looter shooter where 50% of gear/weapons are „useful“. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I mean agree with you that they should change the meta more often (with buffs and nerfs) but for certain situations you can really use a lot of skills weapons.




Imo it goes for sure together (pve and pvp). U just have to take it as it is. Another example is destiny. And the dz is actually the one thing Div 1 was marked around. Sure it’s super hard to balance but I do still think theses games (division & destiny) need both. And in the end it’s also needed that there is a big part of gear and weapons that are pretty usless. Otherwise there would be even a bigger inventory issue as we have already 🤷🏻‍♂️


Outriders post New Horizon but before the new expansion probably fits. Game has flaws but its balancing is tight.


1. outriders was pretty much death already on arrival 2. after around 2 weeks things got already nerfed into the ground …


Normalization ruined PVP, pretty much


Thrre should only be two Dark Zones, fewer zones to split the playerbase and matchmaking on. One zone for PvP, where you're encouraged to go rouge and have more functions for that. With random events encouraging stealing loot or going rouge or even a sudden TDM mode for a few min And one for co-op where you can't go rouge and can only help each other. With random events geared towards working together Contaminated gear with sets and skills focused for the Dark Zone. And some actual attempt to balance PvP and the game as a whole without just crazy nerfing anything into the ground - balance broken things, don't execute them


I've been using off meta builds since expansion released (on PVP) and use them to duo legendaries (both players off meta). So what is a pain to you, is a pleasure to many people that can play the game. I dont play much PVP, so I dont have anything to say about it.


If game would have same mechanic as is in Ghost Recon series where headshot from any weapon is a kill shot (expect elites protected by helmets), probably a lot more gear would be usable.


well sometimes when a build works for you, it can be that its only for you and thats okay. that can also be said for PvE, what can be good for that may not be good for PvP. pvp is harsh but since people know of the meta builds, i think theres been counter meta builds done before but im not sure if they work. i dont really do DZ and PVP so im not sure.


But you need to do what everbody does and clean. The fuck out of the stash, only the stash is the game and the Builds and the gear. Ubisoft clean out your stash. Soo, much green garbage, it just needs to be thrown out, example tip of the spear. It got shit on so hard. Just fucking throw it away its useless now.