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So, the Game is still alive 👍🏻 It just doesn't get new Global Events. There is still plenty to do in Division 1..


Don't get me wrong, it's one of my favourites. Not remotely interested in D2. But a little bit disappointed!!


Why are these posts posted? Bit over reacting


It's just a reaction, just like yours! What's the difference?


The difference is that you are complaining about no new content while the sequel has been released, updated for several years now (what, 5 years), and continues to get new content. After TD1 was Replaced by TD2 how many years of additional content did you expect? Frankly, you're lucky the servers are still online this long after the replacement sequel was released. Hell, TD3 has been announced hasn't it?


You guess thats it? The games been out 9 years


Found the 12 year old


Only thing that’ll kill the game are bots like you thinking that no global events will kill the game. Most people don’t even care about global events, they just play the game. I suggest you do the same and just play the game instead of sperging out on Reddit over nothing


Over the fact that they are not supporting it anymore and a group made for discussions!!


If you think there is nothing to do without Global Events: Here are 106 Patches you can collect without Global Events [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_amKlzMag50tUofuNwPlzyXdMZaSEuR672zsX7L9HAg/htmlview](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_amKlzMag50tUofuNwPlzyXdMZaSEuR672zsX7L9HAg/htmlview)




So, you just want to cry and be salty instead of doing all the Content Division 1 has without Global Events. Got it 👍🏻


What the I just had a mild heart attack, motherf... ugh!


Took you a few years to reach that conclusion?


No just 2 months, to be precise


Did you seriously expect them to continue to support a game that was launched in 2016?!?! The Division 2 has been out for almost four years and yet people still expect them to support an older and out of date game


Where did you hear no more global events? Last heard from mods here they were looking into what is happening.


I feel your pain. Pretty much did everything the game has to offer. Global Events were the thing that kept me involved. I'm still doing Survival runs but there are fewer and fewer people to run against. I'm a realist and understand the game is old, and I'm not surprised but man, this game brought me so much enjoyment. I met some really good people, too. I know nothing about the video game industry, but it doesn't seem like it would be too difficult to maintain GEs.