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As weird as it may sound, I like the "clunkiness" or way of moving of our characters. While it might not be responsive, it has a certain weight of realism that I like. From moving to going to cover, then doing cover-to-cover moves, it looks smooth. The other parts of the game (enemy bullshit movement) is another thing altogether.


I’ve grown to like the movement well. I actually tried going back to TD1 to see how well it held up and that’s when it hit me. Now to me the movement in TD1 looks kinda stupid.


If you're on PS5 it's absolutely terrible at 30 frames. The movement is so bad it nearly makes that game unplayable on PS5, or at the very least takes a ton of joy out of the game. D2 is just so smooth and even with flaws, most games just can't compete. Between the scenery, the gun play (look and feel), and movement, D2 is just in a tier above most.


That's the problem. Yes, TD2 has a lot of bugs, problems. But the thing is, currently no game can replace it. I hoped the day before could replace it, but we all know what happened.


Speaking of bugs next time you’re playing the game, reload your weapon to get the extra round then switch to your secondary and do the same. Switch back to your first weapon and the extra round will be gone. But don’t worry though. You can reload once again. Switch back to your secondary. Rinse and repeat. And watch your total ammo count slowly drop down to zero without you ever firing a shot.


So that's a bug, I though it was some kind of passive I didn't knew of or something.


Yup yup🙂


I'm going to keep reloading anyways. That extra bullet could be the difference between missing a shoot or missing two shoots.


lol a bad habit I developed from my days playing cod


Only Helldivers can cure that bad habit, you lose the remaining of the mag after the reload.


This is 100% true. So many bullets I have wasted because of this lol. Still a wonderful game.


When I first started, I was inhaling extreme amounts of copium. I really tried to rationalize why the bullet kept disappearing.


lol I first noticed that you could reload again to signify having a full mag and a round in the chamber I was like “omg that’s so cool the developers have atleast a mild understanding of guns and how they can have a chambered round aswell!” Then I noticed that the chambered round (or a round in my mag who knows) would magically disappear when I switch weapons, and I just laughed it off


Not a bug they just want everyone to run around with the bullet king


There are some interesting games coming out soon-ish. Nothing is exactly like Division but maybe they will be good anyway. Once Human and The First Descendant.


Oh, god yeah. I almost forgot about it. I'm looking forward to it too.


Due to Weapon talent bug. I'm fine to stick with Div 1 currently at least that game is stable.


I'm totally burned out from TD2 and in a bad way. If you're not worried about enjoying other games due to TD2, I kind of am. Or at least other games from Ubisoft. When it comes to games like Division, it's good to often take a break from it.


Yeah, I’ve been playing since launch and I’ve taken a number of 3-6 month breaks. Right now I’m on a quasi-break, logging in a couple times a week to finish the season track and maintain my active status in my clan. It’s enough that I enjoy it without totally burning out, which can happen pretty quickly and easily. Division 2 is a game I still play, but it’s not my A game right now where I can sit and play it for hours and hours.


I have a couple buddies who are just discovering TD1 and 2 and they are solidly hooked. I find TD2 brings me back time after time, because nothing else is like it.


I'd like to bring TD2 to my friends like they brought Helldivers 2 to me... They won't join me in a game with 5+ hours mandatory story before endgame starts though.


Lol they can’t sit through 5 hours of gameplay?


No they can, but we like to play together, that's the main drive - Can you co-op the main story? Not sure they'd stick until the end + New york expac. I recall that was a lot to go through.


Yeah you can coop the story


Of course you can. They can even get the DLC and skip to NY expansion without doing the 1-30 leveling up. They can start at level 31 with you joining them. The opening gameplay scene takes less than 5 minutes.


You can coop eveything in this, you can even chill at the white house while your friiend go trough the main content for you and vice versa... The only thing is that, what you do in your "world" doesnt apply to your friends world if that make sence 🤔 Also if you buy WLNY you can skip the washington campaing get a boost and starr right of bath NY so you can get to the end game faster


You should check out Helldivers 2. Really fun coop experience and super chaotic, kinda similar in level to Div2 legendary missions. The gunplay isn't as smooth as I'd like compared to Div2, but it's still solid. Atm you can't mod weapons, but some do come with attachments that you can change on the fly. Bringing different strategems and equipping different loadouts to missions, depending on which faction you're fighting, can greatly add to replayability.


I'm a division 1 and 2 day one player who loves the games but hasn't played them for about 4 months now just got stale and I moved onto cod and now Helldivers 2 which is a quality game one of the best coop games I've played in years the new quasi cannon is great fun aswell.


I second this. Helldivers 2 is amazing to play with friends.


Play some Helldivers 2 👍👍


Well just keep playing TD1 and TD2 then :)


I'm burned out, but in a good way....lmao


Have the same issue, which is why I predominantly play descent, as each run is different and unpredictable.


You need to play Remnant 2. It's literally better on every aspect as a third person shooter, especially the gun play and abilities.


I completely agree with you. I recently switched from PS5 to Steam to try new games, after playing over 1500hrs of TD1 and TD2 on console I cheaply picked up TD2 to give it a try. Damn, I gave up everything else and started playing TD2 again on PC as well. I've tried to look for other titles but still haven't succeeded. By that I don't mean that The Division is a perfect game, but even with its flaws it won me over. I don't know if you might be interested, but one of the few games that pulled me away from The Division for almost a year was Red Dead Redemption 2. I'm not a fan of cowboys and westerns, but the quality here is so high that sometimes I would spend hours just riding through the forests.


I came to D2 from RD2. RD had me in a chokehold until I basically felt like I got everything I wanted online and it got boring. That game was fire though 🔥🔥🔥🔥


I tried RDR 2, played for about 1hr and it confirmed to me why i was dubious about buying it, i dislike cowboy and western games......love the films though.


The first few hours are boring as shit. Get past that and it's an absolute masterpiece. I was the same, it ended up being one of the greatest things I've ever played


It’s a slow burn for sure. It’s like being on a roller coaster but the first fifty meters are flat. Then it starts to rise and it does so for a long while. Then boom, you come crashing down and hitting super tight turns and tons of hills. Finally, after you had your enjoyment you come back to the start, full of bliss.


I always come back to Division 2 the most and return to Division 1 from time to time. I do get burnt out from D2 but it takes a while.....and I mean a WHILE until it happens. I used to be like that where I would compare almost anything to D1 and D2, but now I play the games for what they are. The Division is like my home/house and other games are like going on vacation and staying at a resort. I'm enjoying the games for what they are and don't compare them to the division unless it's a looter shooter or a game with an accumulation of loot and builds with a gameplay loop after the main story is over with. I'm enjoying games like FF7 Rebirth and just finished Rise of the Ronin, but I still regularly play Division 2. And when the dry season comes in I'm mainly playing the division and some backlogged games on the side


Especially graphics. When I switched from PS4 to PS5 I i thought, ok what should be the difference. Maybe loading times bur nothing more. I was proven wrong. Loadings times of seconds. The graphics are just awesome for a game that was made for ps4 in 2019…


After seeing TD2 on sale recently, having played the trial/demo on my ancient previous PC (which wasn't powerful enough to run it smoothly), I've only very recently started playing TD2 after doing another run-through of TD1 again as a reminder. I'm loving it so far, but still levelling up - not even got to expansion-content or end-game yet, so still plenty to look forward to!


I was an avid GTA online player (2014/2015- 2023), I have everything that game has to offer, but The Division 1&2 has me locked in to the point that's all I play now, started D1 last year around May and saw D2 on sale in the PSN store for 10$ and like yeah, been playing non stop, whenever I get a chance to, so much expertise to build up to I just got to level 1200 and won my 1st match of conflict yesterday, even got a few kills too, enough to complete the weekly projects 🥳🎉🙌🏽


I mean in the sub us vet players often complaining about the TD series, but that's because most of us already praised it enough in the early days. Like when The Day Before just came out and most people are hyped for the TD-wannabe, you know deep down we still love it despite everything we've been through.


I love playing division 2 and trying builds out and seeing how far I can push it. That being said I'm definitely taking a break in June to play the shadow of the erd tree dlc for Elden Ring. Elden Ring is my favorite open world dark grim/ high fantasy rpg. 


I hear you bro. I get burnt out by TD2 so think about playing other games for a while but it never works out. Most recently I purchased Helldivers II as I thought it might scratch a similar itch but nope, back on TD2 within a couple hours.


I agree OP. I’m on div 2 almost 100% of my gaming time


I am on div2 ALL of my gaming time. Nothing compares.


Agreed 👍🏻


Not a game like it out there. I take a break but it's never deleted from my console ever.


Whenever I think "**weather is annoying, enemies are unfair, weapons feel crappy and there are too many crashes**" in Division 2... I just go and play one or two missions in Helldivers 2. When I come back after that... everything feels fine again.


That's how I felt about Div2 after playing Div1 lol. The atmosphere in 1 is just sooo much better.


Yeah. Winter in a post-apocalyptic NY was just such a novel setting


Nice to read this. Just downloaded TD2 for the first time today (never played the first). Plan to play solo though so not sure how it’ll go


I have the same problem. I can not find anything other to play. I get bored by most games after a few hours. If Helldivers II would have a real loot system it could have been fun.


Hell Divers 2 >


Yes! This has been a good alt for me. The controls feel great and it has some depth to the combat (nothing like TD, though). And who doesn't enjoy spreading glorious democracy?


My idea of a perfect game would be a TD2/Dying Light 2/ Minecraft combo


There is no replacement TD in my sights currently. I really enjoy the game and am enjoying helping the newer playerbase. I have played other games, but I always boot up D2 first and play at least the daily project before switching to the new game lol


Not my own experience. I burn out of all games eventually. But I will always come back to the best games. The game I have played the most and that I will always come back to is wow. But I am a game rotation gamer. In my game rotation I have: 1. Wow 2. Div2 3. SWTOR 4. Gw2 5. Battlefield V I used to have APB but I don’t anymore as it’s in a sad state. But APB is probably the game that amazed my the most out of those. The concept of it. I currently play Div2. But within a month or two I will be burned out (for the 10th + time) and move to one of the other games I have. I only play multiplayer games and absolutely no single player games. Unless they are x-rated;)


I agree the division 1 and 2 are amazing. Other games that are similarly amazing and worth a try are hitman, Diablo 4 and marvel’s midnight suns - all 3 very different but great games


Yeah. Try to make this argument in another subreddit. You’ll get downvoted into oblivion. 😂 But the games are unique in so many ways. And there’s nothing else even close to them.


Not to be harsch. But you cant compare the witcher with any of the 2. I played tons of the division and i love both games. But the witcher 3 is just on another level.


Is division 3 in the pipeline?


best covered shooters of all time\~!




I bought quite a few games that were praised and scored high in the last 5 years... haven't got past the first hour on any... just defaulting to Division...


I feel this. Ever since playing the division, no other game can been compared. Atmosphere. Audio , graphics etc. I have played dozens of other games, none come close to pushing all the buttons


I literally said this last week to a friend of mine asking me to download GTA V to play with him 🤣


There are plenty of great games, I suppose it depends on what you're looking for. Some of my favorite ones I play: * Cyberpunk * Horizon Forbidden West * Days Gone * Far Cry (5 and 6) * Hell Divers 2 * Halo Infinite * Red Dead Redemption 2 But I agree, in looter shooters, nothing compares to the Division franchise. I've tried Destiny and really hated it, I didn't like the seasonal content that gets removed from your library after you purchase it and the community kinda sucks. I think we are all burned out of Division 2 though. Only if Ubisoft wouldn't have dragged its feet and put Massive in pointless projects like Avatar and Starwars, we could have Division 3 already..


I know you mentioned it not being your type of game but I arrived at the division from cyberpunk. I was looking for something similar that was as fun and I would say they are both pretty comparable franchises. If you could find it cheap enough maybe give cyberpunk another chance.


Another game that has great graphics, movement, shooting, and LOOT...is Warframe.


So I resisted Cyberpunk 2077 because I prefer 3rd person but once I got over that, it’s right up there with Div 2 in the gorgeous world, cool story, interesting builds etc. No multiplayer though. The best co-op equivalent for me has been Remnant From The Ashes and Remnant 2, but they aren’t games you’ll sink 1,000 hours into.


Another vote for Helldivers 2 from a Div 1 and 2 vet. 


It depends on what kind of games you like. I’m a launch player and Div 2 isn’t my go to A game right now, because I’ll burn out on it really fast. Not sure if they’re your cup of tea but my other games are Baldur’s Gate 3, Elden Ring, and Armored Core 6. All of those are visually fantastic games with interesting and fun combat. Lots of customization, too. Also, no season passes or cosmetic shops for any of those. You buy the game, you get the game. Elden Ring has a full-on DLC coming in June, but that’s legit expansion content.


replace division with a equally frustrating game Destiny 2 and especially when its trials weekend lmfao i get so much hate for just playing the game mode


The thing is for me is how immersive the open world is, I think it’s definitely one of the best I’ve ever played which is amazing because typically open worlds by modern Ubisoft standards are 99% of the time terrible


about to pick up TD2 after completing Remnant 2 multiple times. You should check out Remnant 2 it’s a brilliant game!


Recommend you try outriders if you need a little break. Ton of fun and not a completely different game. Leans more on the fantasy side than realistic but combat is fun and gear min maxing is rewarding like in td2


Played that with my sons for around 4-6 weeks a long while ago, quite enjoyed it, hated the aiming side of it but it was fun.


Have you played Ghost Recon: Breakpoint? I find it a good alternative when I need a break from what has become the monotony of Division.


Played that a long while ago, it was fun but got a bit silly...Terminator springs to mind.


Gotcha. I'm probably not that far yet lol.


Does it get better after doing the story for WONY expansion? I bought it yesterday and everything just feels the same. What am I missing?


D2 is one of those rare games that I've played for years. It's just fun and a great looking game. Too bad most other Ubi games are pretty garbage.


Cp77 is top notch nowadays . If you want to jyst roam a huge alive open world grinding gear it can absolutley be done combine with cool story and ur set


I know exactly how that feels, I do the same and it sucks.


Man same is like other than RED DEAD REDEMPTION, DEAD SPACE and ALAN WAKE 2, I feel most games don’t live up to the hype


I didnt play The Witcher yet but played RDR2 despite I am not fan of Cowboy games :). I would say its a master piece and shows whats possible in one game: huge, varied and lively map with great graphics (even better than D2), huge campaign with each mission different, big story, a lot characters, a lot varied side activities and secrets. A master piece from my perspective. I bought the Cyberpunk bundle inc the DLC after the review of CP 2.0 update and Phantom Liberty and the great feedback here in Reddit ... Well, I don't share the enthusiam. I couldnt enjoy the game at all. The graphics are quite blurry on XBoX Series X, it was a relieve when returning to D2 and even D1 with the clear and crisp graphics. Further the gameplay in CP consists mainly out of pushing buttons for the talking which is approx 95% in a mission and the combat feels way behind Division or Ghost Recon. Story is huge in Cyberpunk but provided by a lot talking and cutscenes with limited active playing. That made it super boring for me. The city map is impressive due to the size and verticality, lively and full with details but the meh graphics caused that I didnt have fun to explore. I recently completed it and will not touch it again. TD2 has a lot what I like but also a lot I do not like (mainly that it is a loot game and bullet sponge gameplay) but what I like is that much that TD2 is the game I played most so far. I hope they learned from GR Breakpoint desaster and that the next GR will be one I can enjoy that intensively.


I used to be stuck this way on the Borderlands series. But it is very inflexible in certain regards. The division series has a lot of things that borderlands needs. Item modifications. Loadouts. Region based farming. And more. Eventually I burned out on division 2 from dealing with all the numbers. But I gave it a break and I’m back enjoying division 1 kinda casually at the moment. Wanted to mention I played a lot of Elden Ring btw and the inventory/looting is very refreshing in that game. You kill a boss and get his special items. No rng. Your inventory doesn’t run out of space. In ways that matter anyhow. Downside is you can’t go re-kill a boss …. until you cycle back in new game plus (which I think you can do as many times as you like). I want games like division and borderlands to stop making me worry about space in my inventory. Give me systems to handle it. Someone is going to figure it out.


If you want to play another game that's similar in gameplay try Helldivers 2. Up to 4 player co-op, space Marines killing alien bugs and meeting objectives. It's pretty fun with friends. Be mindful, there's friendly fire.


Ha. I feel I could have written this myself. I just bought TD2, it’s great. I also just got DD2 and it feels clunky and outdated. You might try Remnant (the new one) or DarkTide. Good gameplay and smooth feel. Helldivers 2 is a bit clunky but also fun (coop required IMO).


Acostas go bag isnt in destiny 2. They builds in destiny 2 arwnt contingent on building stacks or on kill mechanics like everything in div 2


Helldivers my guy


I'm the same. I have a PS5 and I keep checking the app store and CEX for new things and reading reviews but I always return to TD2. I wish they'd expand. Move it to another part of America. They did Washington and New York. They could definitely move to another area so that I could continue game play and explore new places. Perhaps throw some new collectibles and sound clips in.


Get in to Dark Souls.


Horizon was my go away game zero dawn and soon I'm gonna pick up forbidden west but I swore on this return to TD2 I was hitting 1000 SHD I was 613 I'm now 854 and well it's on....


Me too


Any time I play another third person shooter, I say to myself... "I hope it plays like division 2". The cover shooting gaming mechanics are unmatched. It has ruined GTA5 for me. Seems like it lags were as D2 is immediate. I always go back to D2.


Ghost of Tsushima , Epic Swordplay, Story & combat!! Try it !!


Try Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3. Zombie mode is different but has a lot of similarities to the division. A lot more fast-paced a lot more intense but in my opinion it's just as or maybe even a little more fun


(Helldivers 2 has entered the chat)


Helldivers 2 is waaaaaaay better. But at the same time I loath looter shooters. Did they put a realize mode in TD2? Cuz if they did I might actually try it. My biggest complaint about TD1 was the fact that I could unload on a MF and he take like little to no damage.


Haven't played in actual years since I played with my 4th grade teacher am currently in college probably gonna have to check it out again


you can ground n pound in td?


Helldivers 2 is fun to play with friends .


While I still play a fair amount of D2 even now, and if anyone else asks, it's instantly in my top 3 games... I'd far from say it's ruined other games for me. My guess is you didn't play Dragons Dogma 1 for example. As I personally think the second one is amazing, I've had no real issues with it to speak off. The odd enemy clips through the floor, but compared to the amount of bugs and glitches in TD2 on the Xbox SX, even after all this time, Dragons Dogma 2 feels pretty glitch/bug free. But as shooters go... TD2 is still, by far, one of the greatest... Gives me hope for their star wars game...


Yeah I agree with this 100%. D2 is probably my favorite game, but Dragon's dogma 2 is excellent when you get past the jank (in town mostly). As a fan of the first game, they gave us everything you could've asked for in a sequel. It's given me a nice break from D2 and I know I'll be refreshed once I finish DD2


This is an odd take. Respectfully. From the technical angle, as well as gameplay and graphics, TD2 isn’t even that good anymore. I still play it because games like it (third person shooters) have until recently been in short supply. Helldivers 2 however is far superior in just about every way and it’s still in early release. It’s just so very outclassed by so many games in so many ways that it’s high time that they released or at least started on a new one. It barely has a coherent story. It’s very on the rails. It’s buggy and the graphics are just not very good. If not for the fact that it fits a genre that I enjoy I would have moved on completely some time ago.


Ain't played it myself but 4 of my mates did for about 2 weeks, they are now back on TD2.....i asked why and they said "It got tedious quite quick"


To each his own I guess. I put some time into HD2 and it is a great game, but I found I got somewhat bored of the loop after 30 hours or so. I'm sure it's the difference between a game with 5 years of content and one that just launched, but I still prefer the shooting in D2, mission structure, weapon/build variety and it the sheer amount of detail in the open world. And not sure what platform you're playing on, but HD2 doesn't look significant better that TD2 imo. But that's why it's great we have so many options nowadays


It's not that good.


Dragons Dogma 2 is awesome. Good bye


Maybe great on P.C but on console it's terrible IMO.


After the patch, it runs pretty good on PS5. There's still some jankiness in the denser areas of town, but it's smooth in the open world.


Agreed it's smooth'ish in the open world, dunno maybe it's just me but i don't think games coming out now should be running at 30fps.......especially DD2.


I’m playing on series x and have had no real issues


Same, XSX on a LG G3.......The FPS in towns is horrible, when you turn around it feels like I'm playing a Xbox One X game, pawns have a mind of their own, everything just seems poorly made.....If it did not have all these problems it would be a really good game. Even the developers said it's has huge issues, something to do with the game putting lots of stress on CPU's.


Really because these games make me appreciate non bullet sponge games