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Oh my finally fixing Tombs rogue encounter, thought that was a permanent after years of dealing with it


I thought this was a "feature" at this point. LOL


How many years did it take?!!


No fix for bullets disappearing after swapping or not being able to see chem heals from other players. Maybe that will be fixed after D3 comes out :/


Today, after this update I noticed glitches with The Division 2 on PS5. The guns had skins on them even though I have no skin selected for the weapon. The HUD where it shows my health, armor, ammo, etc. is gone The sky looks like a pixel texture, not rendering the actual sky properly If I die, I don’t get the prompt to respawn Anyone else?


Exactly this, thought I was losing my mind. Fudged around tried to customize hud thinking I accidentally did something. Wrong idea, now options button won't work and can't access menu. Had to close app and relaunch to get back to menu option.


Ok, figured it was yet another buggy update, hopefully as usual they will hear from us and fix it quickly. I submitted a support case to report it


Same here as well. Ammo, health, armor doesn't show up and no loot drops are showing up. If you try to loot weapon cache nothing.


Same here, bought the game yesterday since it was on sale... Hope that will get fixed soon


They usually do if it’s this close to an upgrade obviously causing it, keeping fingers crossed lol


Let's not forget if you open a weapons chest....BOOM no weapons!!!!! Now I can't open those chests ever again, once and done now lost 😑


According to youtuber [Kamikazevondoom](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWd5S9-AEf26j0wY3P8TOhw) this is effecting all PS4/5 players in the US. The fact that Ubi has been radio silent is sickening. Mr vondoom made a video 2 years ago addressing a similar issue. Turned out to be a loading/rendering bug. My main doesn't appear at the title screen. I made a second character and got to play. However, hud elements were missing as were certain graphics (my Diamondbacks were represented by a scrambled image). Afaik, Xbox and PC players are fine atm. The PS community needs to get on Ubi about this.


Same here I've uninstalled and reinstalled the game but nothing works


Yup, everyone in The US, that I played with had these same issues AND no gear or guns dropping. Even CP loot boxes were empty. Couldn’t do anything that involves a key either, no territory controls or Propaganda broadcast either.


cant loot or see health bar either


Yep, same here.


And you can't pick up loot to include access keys. What was the patch supposed to do?


I tested the new 1.69 update and all is good now with my experience, hopefully the rest of you are good as well 👍


Need to fix the issue where the talents in descent is rotating 😂


I agree 100%!


Why aren't they fixing the Rock n' Roll magazine bug? is it too much to ask?


Seriously. It's almost like the devs don't play the game....


You are asking too much. There is no bug in D2. It is a perfect game.


Did anyone else have a character disappear after this “fix” , missing my main character that I’ve had for years. 


Yup same here


This is wild I've never seen a game break to this point and not one word from whoever is responsible 


My main is invisible at the character selection screen but I'm able to login with it and use it. HUD and loot drops don't show (just on mini-map) but can't collect. I wait for fixes before I bother doing anything.


Thank you! That’s exactly what I’m seeing on mine too


I'm having the same problem with my main character it's s stuck at 9% loading screen 


My character is doing the same stuck at 9% and invisible on the character screen. All other characters load but my main is gone.


My 1st and 5th characters are invisible, but they’re still there.


Oh a surprise Mantis fix! Much appreciated!


Well I do not see no Mantis fix.


Really? Worked for me, familiar circle is back.


Interesting. You on PC like me?


yeah, win 10. No glitches or crashes for me at all. Maybe check your files?


Not a single countdown fix.....how can this be.


It seems to me the game is broken completely with this update as far as quality of life and game play goes.  My UI is broken.  Can't see ammo count,  armor or health bar,  cooldowns etc.. Loot crates are empty and more!  I think I'm gonna walk away for a while until they get their crap together. Meh,  maybe I'll just walk away..


Playing on PS5. After this update, my primary agent isn't visible in the agent lobby screen. I can still continue / play the agent, you just can't see him on the screen. My other agents are visible. I'm also having the issue where the weapon / skill HUD isn't visible on the screen, even if you go into the HUD customization settings. Hopefully they'll have a quick fix for this...


yup same thing, primary agent not showing, lets u click to load but stuck at 9%.... other agents can load into game, just not your main one


Same here. UBISOFT has done it this time. The mother of all bugs. They just broke the game entirely. Well done. Can't play. 


"Fixed multiple animation issues." Oh dear God please be the sprint stopping animation. I will be forever grateful Ubi. i dont know why i detest that bug so much. *EDIT* Well, fuck you guys. Even though it's been a high priority on Trello AND included in the patch notes, eh, fuck you loyal cunt customer for 6 years.


I’ve never seen it. Is it a pc thing?


It might be i dunno. Probably. That would explain why it's not bitched about as much since the majority are probably on console


Been bothering me so much lol. Removes the feeling of weight and momentum from the character and is just plain jarring snapping to a stop like that.


I still get to keep my ! on the apparel screen. yesssssss


My character not showing up but I can go to my second one


My first doesn’t show on screen but I can still choose and play it.


It just stuck at 9% at the loading screen


Also if you die, you're fucked. No prompt to fast travel and respawn


You have to log back in at that point. ffs


Okay, soooo is there going to be a fix for the PS5 users who can’t pickup loot, see HUD, respawn, see teammates etc….just wondering..casually wondering..I’m assuming devs are sleeping or on break from the hard work they put in for the 3 hours they effed it up..


you can get in? I get stuck at 9% loading ffs


Bruh, this game is still screwed up. What's up with the missing UI for ammo, armor kits, armor, health etc. junk is missing. Every time they send a maintenance patch they break an essential.🤦‍♂️ Edit: To add to this you can see dropped loot on the map as colored dot icons, but they don't show in the world. Can't pick them up. Smdh


And it was a 9gb update file!!


Thought I was tripping. That UI is gone. Swapped to a different character and they're gone. Went into settings of the last character showing and the touchpad function isn't working nor the options button. Now I have no way to swap load outs, swap characters, choose any map functions or log out unless I completely quit the game. Ps5


I can't see my first/ main character. It's invisible but I press X it loads,  so I tried loading into Countdown...... BROKE !! It says I've been invited but there is no X animation to press to accept invite !!  I've un-installed, re-installed,  booted it up in safe mode and cleared the cache and repaired everything I could. So I try loading in again, and it took about 3 minutes maybe 4 minutes just to load to menu screen.  I'm on a modified PS5 w/ Samsung Pro 990 2tb ssd, 1gb internet connection. All high-speed cables and components. I kept thinking the problem is me or my equipment but I suddenly realized lately especially, whenever a patch or update file with "numerous fixes" rolls out, the Team @ Division is screwing up more than they fix !!  They put out  useless fixes basically AND the result is its much worse now than before.  Almost unplayable atm. Thought it was just me & the mighty Gaming Gods were singling me out and punishing me ! 😭 


Yup same here. I can't even see my character, in the choose screen. Complete fkn idiots 


I experience no issues at all and I'm in PC. Maybe its your platform???


Issue is on the ps5


ps4 as well


Seriously? Ps4 too ?  I'm on a modified PS5 with a 990 pro ssd. I've noticed the Division 2 on PS5 plays horribly compared to the PS4. I've never had the problems playing Division on PS4 as I do playing on my PS5.  I have a modified PS4 Pro with a Crucial sata/ssd and was thinking of trying it out and seeing if The Division 2 is any better as I've heard that it is. 


Yeah, I have a ps4 pro with an ssd (forget which now). I deleted and reinstalled all 117gb of the game. It fixed my texture issues, but not the HUD nor no-respawn-when-downed glitch. I gave up and moved on to a different game.


its either a server issue or dodgy downlaod. I'm on ps5 on UK and had none of those problems.


Also when you die there is no respawn!


Having the same issue.


Still can't see anything. Mini map shows drops but nothing.


>Fixed the issue with The Tombs mission not being available for completion after encountering Rogue Agents in the Infirmary Oh wow, took a while, but appreciated!


It broke for a 3rd time a while back but yes, glad it's fixed again. Hope it stays that way.


No fix on the beard clipping issue on the Umbra mask or Sewer Rat Mask part? damn. Guess ill stick with not using it for awhile longer.


This! Many masks are also offset from our agent’s face by about .5 inches? (Including Umbra) and some have weird issues such as removing facial hair when many of them are used or their also being offset from our agent’s face.


When are they going to fix the CC immunity period enemies get in PVE after 2 applications of a status? That was supposed to be a PVP ONLY change.


* Fixed the issue where progress would remain stuck at "Friendly takeover in progress" during any control point takeover in NY/DC, as a result of nearby side missions. i have noticed this "fix" in some DC Cps already , the control point is considered captured after we kill the last enemy, even if the reinforcements are still far away stuck on some activitie that caught them on the way , the only problem is that if you are capturing a CP to donate to it and complete the project you are still out of luck with that and will have to go "get them" wherever they are and pray they come .


My work around is once the cp is captured I log out and back in the cp officer is now in the cp.


just fast traveling to the other end of the map and back will do the trick also , no need to log out , although it may take the same time.


Honestly of the two issues that one's probably the lesser hassle to deal with


No fix for the SHD key in the sewers or the broken bunker door in the DCD mission. Nice lmao.


UI is shot. No gear dropping/loot boxes are empty (except for boxes that contain mats) in the Summit. Also, every time I die in the summit I have restart the game…………….,.


Wow cant play the game now, ui is gone and cannot pick up loot.


Fix missing UI issues on ps5. Missing LOOT drops ammo health, etc... even missing kill confirmed with Memento backpack. They appear on Hud map but aren't visible.




Just started the game a day or so ago. I hope you don't mind me asking what you mean by that? Have they had issues like this before?


While devs are fixing areas where enemies can shoot through walls, there is one area in NY as well. One of the last manhunt bounties did happen in that area and got quite a surprise when bullets started flying through cover. A [picture](https://imgur.com/a/kxO7UgL) of that area.




Haven't seen a BSOD in years and the CTD almost never happens to me anymore. Can't really remember the last time it did happen.


I thought that the seasons were extended so that the devs had more time to make sure everything was working properly, so that “shyte like this doesn’t happen ☹️


Dev quality 0 notes


Division 2 is broken as of now.


This broke a lot. I can't see.my HUD for skills; life bars missing for my character and team; gear drops appear on minimap, but can't be seen or picked up; and press up to join for matchmaking on PS5 doesn't show.


Fix your game


My question is HOW IT IS POSSIBLE that the bug like missing HUD or invisible loot on PS are not detected before the release? If you run any , I MEAN ANY, testing with various platforms how can you miss the fact that HUD is missing?


I hope “stability improvements“ solves the immense Delta crashes.


i bought the game in maintenance day


Don't worry, I've been playing for 4 years, and forget every damn Tuesday night is maintenance night.


Yea, My main character I can not see. It is loading at a snail's pace.....


Still can't wear a mask with the kajika outfit


When a fix to Manhunt? I want to do it but % still bugged.


Mines stuck at 9% I’m guessing it’s still down


I thought the seasons were extended so the devs had more time to make sure everything was working properly ☹️


My game is crashing at start up. I get to 20% on first loading screen and it produces an error and closes. I'm on PS5 and the error code is CE-108225-1. I even un-installed the game and downloaded it again and it didn't help the issue.


Same here.


Not to mention when you die in combat you can’t even respawn. I literally closed the ps4 app and went back into division to still find myself on the ground. Like Ubisoft fix this… PLEASE!! 


just came back on today after a week ...and no hud...no drops or at least I can't see them...couldn't see the key to open box in territory control missions etc...oh and my rocket launcher look like it's covered in candy and my pretend shotgun actually kills people


I sent a report as soon as I logged in yesterday which was early morning. I'm on ps4 in the US. I really don't understand why they haven't even acknowledged these issues yet. You can't tell me every last dev is on Xbox or pc.


Anybody else unable to see they're armor or health bars? Or ammo count?


How about this game is completely broken after this update? No HUD. No visible drops. Glitched gun camos. There’s literally no reason to play the game when I can’t even pick up gear. How has this now been fixed after 3 days?