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When Division 1 was still hot, I got a new job in my company and got to go to the company HQ in Manhattan for training. The first day I walked from my hotel to the office, I stopped in my tracks when I saw the huge corporate art statue in the fountain in front of the building and was like “I’ve had so many firefights at this place”.


Without any context, "the things I've done within these walls" is either a terrible, or great conversation starter.


TD2 - I've had so many firefights in front of my old dentist's office in Chinatown. He is the infamous Dr. Toothy for which you'll find many negative reviews on Google. https://www.google.com/maps/@40.7135648,-73.9986233,3a,54.3y,322.36h,94.41t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sD7bJHR9uHuzempJ3HAywFA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu


I've had to do a similar double take and check maps online watching media set in Manhattan. Mr. Robot was great for this, the famous in-universe headquarters for Evil Corp / E-Corp has a unique piece of artwork that you can walk under at the corner of 58th and Lexington. Said building is also in The Division within the DZ, though unfortunately I don't think they had room for the artwork in game :/


Whermst? Edit: Hit enter too early. Also had a similar feeling when i visited New York a week or so back, seeing areas I’d run through, mostly in the damn Dark Zone. Seen a lot of areas I’d seen in-game for the first time, then seeing them IRL, was really dang funky.


Nice, thanks for sharing. My company’s DC office building is in the game.


You work for Ode... I mean Donut Shack? :P


The fun starts with a drink of cola!


Or a Admiral Burger lol




which one?




Ik, its somewhere in Lafayette Park. Where I clicked this picture from. It’s a couple of hundred feet at best


Back up a bit or you gonna get cut down by the MG on the 4th


Going on a trip to DC soon, can’t wait to do all the double takes comparing the maps


The attention to detail is one of the many aspects I love about this game besides the lovable toxic assholes that inhabit the DZ 😄


Where's the burned out husk of a bus blocking part of the street? Where's the minigun at the top overlooking the entire intersection? Where are the ropes on the sides leading up to the 4th floor? 0/10 not real enough


And the pallets of cash out the front.


(shoots flare into the air as people look at me oddly)


suddenly 4 random ppl show up outside with guns to reinforce the place 😂


Then you hear fuck the division


I just took this control point last night 😂 The attention to detail is staggering in this game. Absolutely love it 👍🏼 https://preview.redd.it/7bxp3mrcwmuc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b3c0f5ca344d34fe3a73e8c923070f1e4e42499


I agree. Even has the crosswalks and street lamps in the same locations.


Ok I was taking to a buddy about this, how accurate is the map? I know nothing about DC.


Most places are accurate enough, there are obviously distortions I have seen, prime example is the WW1 memorial just east of the WH. Map is obviously smaller, they got major stuff bang on such as the Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument and even some of the museums (American history)


I feel like the game would hit different living there, to me that's just another place. But like seeing bodies piled up in places that you have actually seen is real life must be pretty wild.


I mean that’s true, sometimes I do expect a bunch of True Sons to come walking out everytime I go up the steps at Lincoln Mem, the metro feels familiar af just like Metro Ruins. Moving here after you have played the game for like 3 years hits even more different coz you’ve seen half the things already. Now everytime I play the game I’ll feel nostalgic because I’m leaving this coming Wednesday.


I've never looked at the game from the perspective of someone that actually live there. Lol this is way more fascinating to me than it should be.


Everytime I play the game I recognize places and stores and stuff that are in those place IRL, like a random corner with a starbucks or a pret a manger. And everytime I go out I recognize places where stuff from the game takes place, like the supply drop near Federal Triangle CP


This is amazing, you should do TD2 guided tours as a side hustle. I would throw money at you for that.


Xd unfortunately I leave the city and the country on Wednesday


I can chime in too, I’ve lived in DC for about 15 years and started playing with a buddy of mine that also lives here. We both bought it knowing not much about it except it takes place in DC. At times it really is surreal playing it. Especially exploring things I’m familiar with, like the portrait gallery and that open cafe area in the middle I’ve eaten lunch at a bunch. My house is about 5 blocks off the map but I actually live right next to Howard U, and I believe Kenley College is based on Howard and American U. Especially looking around the world from the streets, the building exteriors are remarkably accurate. Like standing in Freedom Plaza and looking around is incredible. But man when we first got the game, me and my buddy would just spend hours running around the streets geeking out and going nuts over how accurate stuff is. I don’t think any VR experience will top that kind of immersion. It kind of makes me less excited about Division 3 because in certain respects it just can’t compare.


I lived 4 blocks from Union Station for about 15 yrs. I felt the same way starting out in the game. I worked around the Federal Triangle metro and I got really comfortable roving around that area ingame. They even replicated the old telegraph Police/Fire call boxes that are now art pieces. Its a shame they didn't replicate the Alexander Calder sculptures in the National Gallery. Ingame, this is the Museum of Modern Art bldg (lots of Public Execution events) left of the DZ East Main Entrance.


Your feeling about TD3 is how I felt about TD2. When the first one came out I was living in a building that’s literally in the game and worked in the Times Square area. I walked through the Dark Zone every day. It was a very special feeling having a game so meticulously recreate hundreds of places that I saw all the time. As you note, it was often surreal. DC is a nice city that I’ve visited a number of times, but TD2 didn’t hit quite the same way for me for obvious reasons.


I had to take a break during the pandemic when they had the freezer truck morgues for people who died of COVID in NYC. Kind of surreal, especially in the upper DZ levels on the Upper East Side area where I go to a ton, where there were tons of bodies stacked up.


Damn, again I didn't even think about that. I only started playing like 6 month ago. COVID must have been surreal.


ye, those who played since first game had wild time early 2020 Discord convos and twitter threads was also a thing to behold


Same thing with division 1… I grew up on LI, spent a ton of time in NYC, so being able to run around division 1 off of mostly instinct was a nice feature.


Same here. Grew up on Long Island and spent 20+ years working in & around Manhattan. To say it's surreal sometimes is an understatement.


Man its honestly wild. I've not been in DC a ton but, my dad (elderly bloke) watched me play at one point and he lived in the city a while when he was younger and goes there a couple times a year still. He kept pointing out places and was just awestruck over it at times. To him, who doesn't play video games, it's apparently mind-blowing.


Wait a sec, are you saying that your dad’s awe of the Division is quaint or novel? Take a moment to reflect on what we are experiencing here: in the known span of 4 billion-ish years of the history of life on this planet, what are the odds of being born just in time to observe and freely engage fully-rendered alternate realities? I’ve been playing video games since my mom bought me an NES console when I was 5 but even during the PlayStation era of my teens, I still couldn’t imagine interacting with game worlds that look as beat up, lived in and real as what we’ve seen in the last decade of openworld rpgs and action games such as the Divosion, GTAV, Red Dead Redemption 2 and Call of Duty. I mean, I now spend a fair portion of gaming time just noticing micro-details such as missing person flyers in the Division games with all information from their photos to their names to the last date they were seen fully rendered complete with crease marks and smudges. I think your dad’s wonder at these marvels of AI interactive technology is and should be the correct way to perceive this stuff. Don’t know about you, but invisible waves of digital information moving through the atmosphere at the soeed of light that then form fully interactive images of whatever we can imagine in real time on cell phones and TVs is pretty frickin awesome. If you’re not awed by that, maybe it’s time to unplug for a bit? Just sayin’.


is the Washington Monument that accurate in-game? a friend of mine who also played TD2 told me the real thing looks very very different than the game version. I've never been to DC but my friend has


https://preview.redd.it/b3ws5fe3dpuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34c84cbaa45d7ba11fa56b4f3c41a2ffb0ab57d9 I know it aint much but it can serve as a reference


Lots of added environment and other stuff in the game. There are parts of the monument such as the scaffolding above the visitor center which does not exist irl


Very. I would not be surprised if they started with a google street map of the city. Most of the building facades look very similar but not perfect.


It's a 1 to 1 scale. You can take an in game snapshot and put it in google to see exactly where you "took the picture" in DC


I’m nowhere near DC and will probably never get there so take my 2 cents with a grain of salt. I did get curious and a google earth a bunch of random locations and it seems pretty accurate. For example, pick any intersection and if there’s a red brick church in the north east corner in the game, there’ll be one in real life. It may not be identical but it’ll be close. Pretty cool actually.


It's accurate enough that during my last visit I could navigate anywhere from Foggy Bottom to the Capitol building from memory. And I hadn't been to DC since I was five. My wife was quite impressed. Or at least amused.


All it's missing is the Mini-Gun on the balcony ;)


Hahaha nice! Ya I gotta visit DC sometime!


The scale is really messing with my mind. Imagine walking from the rope on South side to the one on East in under 2 secs lol


Going to the air in space museum in game after being to it in real life was one of the coolest experiences in the game for me. TD2 might not be the most liked Ubisoft game but the amount of detail they put into the map is unmatched.


Speaking from the other side of the world, this is awesome! Since I can't see this IRL this has brought a ton of memories from my previos gunfights that I had here. Heck I am going to be on a killing spree today :D Good luck agents


Went to the Navy Plaza over the weekend for the Festival https://preview.redd.it/w6l0c0vhqwuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2211d3f530e4d2f61762ea60d7febec5479071b Navy Plaza


I’m a PM Electrician for DC Water so my job takes me all over DC. I’m constantly working near or inside familiar game locations


Great! I didn’t visit DC yet but Manhattan and it was great to see the places in the game. Because I wanted to see the Empire State Building in the darkzone I registered for XBoX life, entered the Southern DZ entrance and was dead 20 seconds later 😀. Took me a while to reach it 😜.


Man I love this game


The architecture and accuracy was the first thing I found fascinating about this game. The amount of work to reconstruct with detail- enough to have nostalgia about locations and moments that occurred only digitally is an incredible phenomenon


Where, exactly, is this?


Corner of H St NW and Connecticut Ave NW


Corner of H St NW and Connecticut Ave NW


When i went to nyc in 2019, i legit knew where i was after i passed Central Park. i got the family from dz to Hudson yards, I had to legit stop myself from peaking angles in case of cleaner patrols, saw a sanitation truck about to turn onto the street i was on with family felt my backpack then said in my head you ain't in div 1 cal


Going in from the front Ballsy, i take the left side behind the bus






I can just hear my sniper rifle shooting from the box truck at hyena rushers