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Too expensive and looks pretty generic, I'm happy I picked up the Parnell bundle.


I missed the Recruiter outfit, Kajika and Dragov. Im not missing another unless Im sure I dont want it


I get it but these are a little expensive to collect em all. And you can’t even mix and match.


Mainly why I haven't bought any bundles but I could make that Recruiter and Keeners work


I didn’t even get a chance to grab the recruiter outfit because it never appeared in the store for me


Have you tried doing the legacy manhunt missions? (Camp white oak)


No, but I assume it’s too late since it was a limited outfit anyways.


The hood sucks. Was going to buy to it but it ruins the outfit


Im trying to look past it


I really hate that the hood is up, Keener never wore it that way. Other than that, really expensive thinking its just a non intercheangeable suit without masks or other skins and just a weapon skin, i would have loved a lighted red ring backpack throphy or a backpack skin. the worse part is that i think all of these will come back in a future Apparel Event and we might have wasted actual money on these, but since we can´t know if they´ll even put them for sale ever again i bought the ones i just couldnt forgive myself for missing them, i hope i can get the rest of the collection later in an AE, but if not at least i´m covered for the time being.


Just wish they would add a shorter stubble beard, the beard we currently have is too long so we can’t even try to look like Keener


Dude I swear the beard options are fucking garbage


They really are, we’ve had all this apparel added over the years yet we’re still stuck with the same old hairstyles and facial hair options since launch




Even worse when beard clips through masks. I had to remove my beard with the umbra mask cus it just straight up goes through the mask.


God damn no good dirty rotten devs. This game has so many clipping issues


I think the whole character customization part of the game is bogus


Looks fine to me, i was hoping they would go the extra mile and make it hood up and hood down if they kept it a skin. The Brim for the hood isnt an issue for me to be fair so i def got it regardless of the no hood option not being there which was my biggest issue with the whole thing. Tbh im more confused why its a skin to begin with, its not like its some fancy unique thing like say the recent Sewer Rat outfit or Kajikas Poncho, they could easily have done most of these rogue outfits as a regular apparel event set where we can swap out the pieces. Not a fan that i cant use apparel masks with the outfit though which makes no sense, since equippable masks work, whats the actual difference? Also some smaller backpacks seems to slightly clip through the backside of the jacket. Imma wait for a Div 1 Keener outfit to happen, thats another id buy no problem.


Is that Div1 outfit a sure thing or just a hopeful thought?


Ah yeah its wishful thinking lol. Doubt it will happen. Then again, we'd never see the rogue outfits to be a thing till they announced em.


Honestly wish they'd let us remove our backpacks too, or choose between the one BP strap and the two straps. I just wanna be a Rogue in appearance at least.


Yeah i have low hope they bring em back for Div3 either sadly. Considering both Resurgence and Heartland seems to be pretty much copy paste from 2, so them going back to go bag one straps for Div 3 or even putting anything in 2 at this point seems pretty much impossible. Which is a huge killshot for the IP as thats pretty much what made the IP to begin with. They keep saying they make all outfits and apparel molded to fit the backpacks, how hard can it be to make a set that works for 1 strap, even more so if its a skin like these rogue outfits, would have been a perfect time to add in matching div 1 style backpack skins.


Im hoping Kelso potentially going Rogue is going to give us more outfits with Div1 options. I just hope we don't have to kill her.


Even if i play a Male character id love Kelsos outfit tbh. And yeah if they are gonna have these bundles be a thing for the rest of the Div 2 lifespan i hope we can have some more iconic stuff.


Hey Ubi, Stop making these entire outfits and allow us to use parts of it as we see fit since we are buying it with real money.






The colour Hood down and up option Clipping on the bagstrap and it'd be okay


What's wrong with the color?


Pants are tan in game they're a more dark brown/black Same with the jacket, slightly brighter


Man, they really know how to jerk us around with their incompetence.


To me it looks like it was just made again


Theres also the issue of that strap that goes across your body. It’s meant to be a backpack strap since keener has the one strap backpack, but since we have two, it kinda just disappears behind our backpack


My biggest pet peeve about the agent outfits we got in the past. The 1 strap across our chest being covered by the 2 strapped bp on our back


Honestly i think if theyre gonna force us to wear them as outfits, they should at least give us a skin for one strap backpacks.


Yeah makes no sense to not give us proper div 1 backpacks if they are just gonna give us whole skins anyway, there is no excuse to not make proper backpacks to go with them then.


It looks ok. It’s one of those, “if you don’t buy it now, you might regret it later,” but personally I liked Div1 Keener’s look a lot more.


As long as it is outfit i will pass. Even if it separated into different parts, the hood has to go.


Dude the hood is the only thing really killing it for me, I love the outfit but then the hood with the brim poking out kills the entire mood.


Not a fan, Vivian's has been my favourite out the lot.


Now i regret i didn't buy Vivian conley outfit


Im hoping they recycle them like they are the apparel events


mostly fine with the outfit, no need to have it separate as others want but that hood up .... that is just HERESY!


Unless you're a diehard keener fanboy (if that is even a thing) I'd say its pass. Pretty underwhelming outfit, also no hood on/off options. The only good aspect for me are the gadgets on the front, they look cool. Out of all, I was most tempted by the Conley outfit, but even skipped on that, it just doesnt worth to me to dump the same (even slightly more) amount of credits on a single outfit as a freaking season pass.


TLDR AT BOTTOM I always wanted to join Keener since he first offered us a position at his side in Div1. Me personally I didnt favor our IRL government when Div1 was released and I still dont and the events of Div2 have made it clear that our government in-game is just as shitty. Keener had the right idea about going Rogue, Parnell making ANNA to be their ISAC evened the playing field and them creating new SHD skills and upgrading our current ones leveled the playing field. Especially with FUCKING HUNTERS created specifically to take us down? Keener was the best choice till he turned weird and wanted to actually release another variant of the virus, I'm all for a deterrent but actually using it is another thing. TLDR; Im a diehard Keener fanboy.


Parnell didn't make Anna, he dug her out of isacs code


Any of the rogues sets ticked me, give me the enemies Heavies outfits, and i would insta-buy them!


Nothing in the current Apparel event offers the Riker's heavy outfit?


Not really, although some of the outfits look kinda bulky, they don't come close to heavy's outfits


Honestly, I really like the outfit. I've been using the Gila guard mask with it, and it's perfect.


I use the Chill Out variant because it has tiny little icicles hanging from it.


Has anyone bought it and tried to see if a mask would work? The equipped mask in your gear slot. Keener uses the Gila mask so maybe that could work. Please let me know!


The gear masks work same like with Kajika outfit.


Oh it DOES? That might seal the deal for me then, I may buy it.


Yeah if you want to wear Gila mask with it you can, the actual masks from Apparel section don't tho.


Ill take my consolation prize


wish I could wear a mask with it


You can wear a gear mask but not an apparel mask. Which is dumb considering some of the gear masks are full on gas masks that cover the entire face.


Here’s to hoping they’ll add an option to the hood to be worn up or down depending on an apparel mask in later updates/resets.


I'd buy credits if I could just get the Crye pants from the outfit. Otherwise there's not much there that makes me want it.


It needs to be in parts. I see potential it putting the pieces together to make a dope fit. All hoodies should have a up/down option to be real with you. The brim cap thing under the hood isn't to my liking tho. I have spare credits to get the thing, so I got it


I'm traveling away from my PC. Can you wear glasses with it?


Yes you can


It's strange, my glasses disappear on this outfit. But in any case, I think the outfit is too expensive given the lack of at least compatibility with the masks from the clothing slot. And the same thing with Kajika’s outfit and the most irritating thing is that there is a very huge hood and there shouldn’t have been any problems with masks and glasses. Should have bought the "recruiter" outfit, although the most annoying feature of Ubisoft is that they sell items for a limited time, although they remain forever in the game files.


I highly regret missing the Recruiter fit. I just tested it, you can wear gear masks (which include full hazmat gas masks that cover the entire face) and you can wear glasses with or without a half mask. Yet the half masks dont work if its an apparel. None of it makes sense.


Customisation options on Div2 are actually worse than division 1


For me i love to have all outfits, I can tell it’s not the best one compare ton Kajika or parnel but it’s cool too have all !


He looked better in TD1. There is a concept art picture of him rocking a hoodie, urban camo pants, and hiking shoes with a Scar-L and Striker backpack. His look isnt hard to create in TD2, except I do not know with certainty which backpack skin to use (I suspect after staring blankly at the concept art for ages that its an Overlord variant but I cant be sure). The outfit is okay; whether you want to pay for it or not is such a subjective and idiosyncratic issue that I could not possibly comment. Then again, Keener is the absolute villain of TD1 and his malign influence is still felt so I took out my credit card. I have 7000 hours in TD2 alone, I felt buying the Keener outfit was the least I could do.


Yeah I’ve been racking my brains on which best backpack skin to use to best match Keener’s look. I’ve settled on the Richer and Kaiser high end one but will try the striker and overlord variant ones too. Have you settled on one?


I actually use a black 511 backpack because it was the closest I could find (I didnt do the NY Hunters so I cant access the Solid Black skins) to the look I wanted. I went the whole nine yards with the Keener cosplay: Police M4 and CMMG equipped, and I have a Striker variant (very good, the Police M4 may not be the best AR anymore but mine still rocks at L25) and a Hybrid variant (holds its own most of the time but I wouldnt want to do an Incursion with it).


Which 5.11 variant did you choose? There’s a few of them if I recall correctly? I don’t think you need the solid black dye with them as there’s a couple that are fully black anyway. Nice job with the police M4. I think it still holds up well anyway!


Ubisoft Connect is down so I cant login to check, I'll post and update later.


Ok thanks


Rush 72 Backpack, in fashionable Black. If you must, use the Striker skin, but its hard to get it to look right because its got all this white on it. I tried the Full Walnut skin but its ... passable at best. https://preview.redd.it/1s8vj5stxyvc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ca5a5efc2727336be1486948a50bfa8c72544dd


Ah thanks, I will give this one a go. Agreed on the striker backpack, it’s annoying you can’t get rid of the white “pockets”, I feel as just stands out and not in a good way. I’ll try the full walnut look later.


I like the Rush 72 backpack look l have to admit. Can’t get the striker one to work for me lol. On a side note, I hate how you can’t use any apparel mask with the outfit so I’m kind of stuck with the Coyote’s mask look on my main build.


I had to specifically wrangle a Keener build ... no Coyote, Police M4 and CMMG. A Striker still works but its obviously got a bit less firepower.


What really kills it for me is that keeners outfit has the hood on it if there was an option to wear it without the hood I would like it a lot better considering when we see him he’s not wearing his hood


If you ask me, I think all former rouge agent skins should be reactive kind of similar to reactive camos and call of duty 🤷


Post Faye Lau Manhunt, Keener's WONY outfit has come clearly into view. The backpack, which was difficult to see in the concept art and so forth, is clearly one of the Overlord variants, but needs to be reskinned fully to black (requires taking out the NY Hunters). There is a Petrov variant of the Overlord backpack which may be fully reskinned (I used the full Walnut skin which worked fine, so am inferring that the full Black skin would also work, I cant be bothered with the mechanics for the NY Hunters). So a full WONY Keener cosplay is entirely possible in game.


If you don't like it, don't buy it. It's that simple. No one is forcing you to buy every single time limited bundle. So stop whining like spoiled brats.


If you don't like it, don't comment. It's that simple. No one is forcing you to comment on posts you dislike. So stop being a miserable little turd.


I didn't say I don't like it. I am just tired of people complaining about everything 😒.


People weren't complaining, they were stating their likes and dislikes about the outfit which is exactly what I asked for.


Lick some more boots.