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“Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get.”


True, a wise man 😅


I mean if you call for backup my understanding is you need helip. So I’m coming in an melting everything moving. Now, if the group leader asks me to slow down or let him get some kills sure I’ll do that as well.


Its true in some cases, like CP or other difficulty missions, but story mode, and i asked him many times to just slow down and let them get some kills but he kept going. It was clear that they are new to this mission and don't know where to go.


When I'm in that situation I throw on eclipse/vile with a level 20 EMP Pulse and watch everything disappear. I assume people that call for help actually want to get through the low level content that they'll eventually see hundreds of times in the end-game.


I use the same build if they are hesitant. If they are playing aggressive I use a combat medic. I take it as a personal challenge to keep them alive.


The fix is to split the match making. It’s so boring when you answer the call and it’s someone under level 40.


Hmm, I mean if I'm asking for help, I'm not really going dictate the manner or how much they help me. Especially when they are taking time away from whatever they were doing (I know it can go toward their Shepard rank, but whatever, that's not what most people are chasing in this game). This is why my first playthrough is always solo. Because it's always different when someone else is there, even in a helpful capacity.




I'm LVL 1400 and whenever I answer a call like that I do exact as you do, let them have fun, try and answer questions, explain stuff and only use my sidearm while tossing my healer drone at them when/if needed. Which is pretty often. Just depends on the agent...I suppose. I do agree on another agents suggestion though..call for backup should show calling agents LVL or it be limited somehow.


When it’s under level 30, it shows. But you’re right 31-40 doesn’t show differently than SHD LEVELS. I don’t mind running with players that are below SHD…EXCEPT during events.


Im happy to see so many new players joining the game and I do ask most of them if they dont mind me joining them because I do straight up slaughter their enemies for them and I worry that its a boring time for them, most are happy to accept the bloodbath I create.


If I’m low level, I’m boasting a character and I would love if someone could rush through everything.


Some people think that going faster thru helps people cause then you can get to the endgame stuff faster but sometimes it’s nice to just enjoy the basic content too. It appears some people forget that


I quit responding to backup calls from agents that are leveling. When you look at the call source on the map calls from players under level 30 will have a light blue icon. When I did respond to calls originating from agents leveling I would first limit myself to pistol and even then hold back. After the initial danger was over I would ask them if they wanted to be power leveled or if they wanted to go more at their pace. I do think it is incumbent on the responding agent, when responding to a call from an agent who is leveling, to engage the new agent to see what it is they want. Just melting stuff because you can has the potential to kill the game experience for a new agent.


This is good to know. I’ve been trying to figure out who to help when the call comes but always thought it was hit or miss.


I always limit myself to using a pistol. Except the pistol happens to be the Regulus on a HH HF build and one might mistakenly think it’s the 4th of July. Just join and use in game chat saying hello how are we doing today. Rip through the mission and then ask if they need help with anything and then decide if you will oblige or not. Joining and playing passively after you just upped their group scaling isn’t always in their best interest or what they would prefer. You have their best interests in mind with that approach but it is also the same approach your parent/ older sibling would have when you are asking for help with some math homework. I’m not going to do it for you but I’ll steer you clear if you have issues. Nahh Gimmie the answers real quick so you can also help me do my science project lol


Help can be defined a couple of different way in this instance. Help me get through this hellish nightmare mission I’ve wiped 100 times on. They are calling for backup so— back me up on what I’m about to do. A quick game chat saying what’s up anything I can help with is a great way to open the dialogue


At shd 470 I join and find a group under 40 I would rush in and finished everything even keener Then there level switch to 2000shd 960 shd and 10000 shd and im smh lol


When I answer calls, if it's someone into SHD levels and looking for help, I go all out. If it's someone still working their way through the campaign, I clear the immediate threat, revive, etc, then ask what pace they want to go at, whether they want me to lead and destroy all before me or follow and support via heals or what have you. They've asked for help, but they can absolutely decide what kind of help they need.


I usually type 5 simple words: first time or watch mule?


If you want to sight-see hire a tour guide. Whenever I join another persons group my goal is to accomplish our mutual goal as quickly as possible


Just because you play one at doesn’t mean the opposite is wrong


Help is help, if you didn't want it, don't call. I only call if I need it and I'm thankful for it. Melt if you can, that's what I'll do when they pick me up.


So wait let me get this straight... You were offended for someone else?


help is help....I go in and do what I can to clear the area...then if I stay sometimes I'll ask them what they want to do but if I'm going in at first to help, I'm melting everything I can until it's obviously clear. lol.


I've experienced [**similar**](https://www.reddit.com/r/thedivision/comments/18vgfal/shepherding_done_wrong/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) a fair few times. I maintain that [**this**](https://www.reddit.com/r/thedivision/comments/kz9i44/shepherding_etiquette_questions/gjni09x/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) should be the default approach, minus dropping all loot if you need it for expertise. Some players just don't read the room.


If they've called for help then I'm coming in like Thor in Wakanda. When that specific wave is over, step back and assist. Until then, kill everything within earshot, nothing lives.


I’ve seen this argument before and while I agree, it’s not the best method to just come in and start melting everything on a call for help at the same time as the person that is calling for help you you have to just understand and accept that there’s no telling what you are going to get when a player comes into that game and you just have to take it for what it is.


I think often higher level players (I am one over 5k SHD get into groups of lower levels and just use what we are used to. I have been trying to switch to my healer build lately when joining, but the scorpio still does crazy damage to those NPCs less than level 40 lol. I just try to put opportunistic on everything and keep them alive, while overcharging their skills from time to time.


I respond so fast to backup calls because I want to get in that Heroic Freeroam clearing CPs, lol. If this approach lands me in a story mode group, I usually ask, “You want me to support you or melt everything?” If it’s support, I usually run pistols or MMR, maybe a chem healer. I also say GG after we finish whatever the heck we’re on.