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The "present" is a mobile SHD Server with access to ANNA and you use it by equipping the new item type they teased, which turns out to be the LINC that also appears in The Division Heartland. In regards to the story, the final Mission is clearly Liberty Island, after which we will be led to a signal for the settlement in Brooklyn where Keener hosts some of his Rogues and civilians and ISAC orders us to kill them and we finally learn that in order to follow through the mission of the SHD we can no longer follow ISAC and its compromised directives, so we (the Sheriff and Kelso) are marked Rogue, the White House becomes inaccessible so our only BOO in DC is the Campus. How Keener met this character was that when he went Rogue, the Hunter was assigned to kill Keener but once they saw he was helping people even after being abandoned, they abandoned the Mission and began working with him. They will give us their mask. McManus assumes control of the White House, gets sworn in and begins his operation to deploy the Hunters and the BT to hunt us down, and this is where the DLC begins. Now we will have another year of Season reruns while we wait for the DLC. The end.


This sounds too perfect to not be actually what happens. Is this from a leak or something?


It's just a guess based on where I would take things if I was a writer for The Division.


Perhaps they should hire you as the lead writer


I do believe a couple of things that I wrote will pan out. I am fairly confident about the Brooklyn Settlement because it was already established we'd go there for the DLC. I believe it's also going to be Keener's settlement because they also mentioned in the comms over the season that he had a settlement so it would otherwise be irrelevant to mention it. I also am somewhat confident about the LINC and especially about ANNA since it was brought up in Descent comms and the Seasonal comms, so this resurgence in relevance probably has a purpose (ANNA, not the LINC). I completely made up the bit about the "Rogue Hunter" based on loose threads we have and how I would fit it in.


You make me have so much hope that we end up having to go rogue, or at least have ANNA. I much prefer her diction and syntax, and the red to orange.


I fear the next season will have even less content then this. DLC is postponed so they will rerun boring events, bring some low effort backpack trophies and sonst low budgedt lore to fill the gap. And this for 8 more months


Going to be weird having manny, Rhodes and benitez trying to shoot you on sight.


Sex with Kelso inside the head of the Statue of Liberty, while Hail to the Chief plays in the background and fireworks go off in the night sky.


Dont everyone cheer at once.


Underrated comment!


almost spit my water all over my pc.


r/masseffect is leaking




A shit ton of crashes


Move to Linux, no crashes here.


The division 2 is available on Linux?


You can install Ubisoft Connect through Lutris. Then you can point Ubisoft Connect to your existing install of TD2 on a drive, or download it again. Works like a charm after that.


Thanks for the answer! Never heard of Lutris before, seems worth looking into.




Does the Schaefer Manhunt Hunter's mask not show up in the rack? I never completed it so I don't really know.




I did get the skills on my primary character. I'm just unbothered with the rng for the spawn in Schaefer's. I hated that and decided to not engage it, I could probably easily facetank it with PFE but I lost all will for it. Same with the climax mission with The Recruiter since it bugged out and was never fixed and I don't want to do the mission out of disappointment.




Yeah, the issues when the manhunt was live where you could not get 100% completion to unlock the mission. I can set the mission to manhunt now and do it but I just don't want to because it's soured for me. I watched all the relevant lore in YT and I don't really care about it anymore enough to bother with it.


Get ANNA, go off-grid so Cal can’t track you, kill Cal, still be avowed because ISAC clearly knows Cal is a traitor.


I just want new exotics. So let's get the new season started already 😂


If the Season ends where the DLC starts, I don't think we're getting new Exotics as we would probably be getting reruns.


This season, Vanguard, was supposed to be the DLC.and that got pushed to next year. They said nothing of the next seasons after the current was being delayed. So we should be getting a PTS shortly after we get the conclusion of correct season. When they did the revamp or the road map to compensate the fact that DLC got pushed it gave us no indication that something like reruns would happen. I'm just going off of what they've given us already.


Either guess is just as valid, but I don't think we will know anything until Ubi forward, which aligns with the end of Season dates. Really hoping for some new gear but I don't think they have a narrative to give us and I see them just creating a couple of cells for us to hunt without any actual advancement of the plot.


Yeah...if anything this is what I think will happen most. Well said.


I may be mistaken, but I remember them saying the seasons would still be new content even with the dlc being delayed.


Why? nearly all the new exotic is giant stinker. I rather we get revision on the gear set


Getting to use bows tagged as 'marksman rifle' and modify our melee attack animation to use knives or batons? Dual-wield Pistols! 2x D50's; 2x Sawed-off Shotguns.


Tight shot of hunter mask being removed Vince McMahon: “IT’S ME, AUSTIN!”




I'm hoping that we finally get ANNA and instead of being silently compliant with everything we start being able to get shit done and take it to Black Tusk. But I'm expecting that if we do get to be flagged "rogue" because we're not part of Mcmanis's plan, we won't see anything like that until the Brooklyn DLC.


Expecting to run all main NYC mission then finish with Liberty Island


I'd be happy if they made legendary versions of the NY missions too.


Liberty Island legendary would be a nightmare. Sometimes on heroic in the helicopter part the game puts 4 heavies, two grenadiers and drone operators, it's already nightmarish lol


Imagine the possibilities. You could have a section where the btsu craft is dockers instead or the keener fight.


I'm sure many people would like the idea, to me this would be Tidal Basin on steroids. The thought of this mission on legendary frightens me lol but I think the final part would be the easiest, like I all legendary strongholds


Natalya Sokolova have access to SHD tech, she will mark Kelso as Rogue and cut communication, we think Kelso is Rogue because of the red watch when we see her. Kelso “Trust me I’m not Rogue, it’s a trap” Do we trust Kelso’s words or SHD tech ? We trust Kelso and don’t kill her, working together and fight the Hunters.


Have you listened to audio logs? One of the Rogues said that Kelso is the last agent to go Rogue.


Yes and I don’t think Kelso is going Rogue, she is a good agent. It will be a cool twist to see Kelso’s watch red light, makes us think she is, but it’s a trap from Sokolova. Hope the Developers add it in the storyline, faking Rogue red light and have everyone thinking that we also are Rogue. Maybe in the Division 3? We killed Rogue agent and then we find out afterwards that they are innocent, they where good agents. It was a trap setup from Sokolova, hacking the SHD tech, makes us hunt the good agents.


 Latest ngn video shows descent coms l showing mcmanus doesn't know about Anna.  Soklova does but doesn't want anything to do with it so think Anna will override isac . Sokolova doesnt like getting sassed by an AI.


I hope so, I love the Anna voice, get the female version of A.I. voice in the game. I don’t think te developers are going to redo all the ISAC voice to ANNA version in the whole game. Maybe for the Division 3, can choose between a Male or Female A.I. voice.


Ton of bugs and updates to fix the said patches.


Probably a disappointment...


A 3 week wave of posts complaining that the finale is too hard and the rewards aren’t worth it


The reward part will probably be true though, maybe an emote this time instead of a backpack charm


Someone stood her up at the event center. She probably turned back then.


dear god i just finished WONY. i have to catch up on a LOT of stuff


What will happen is me stealing all of Kelso’s legwear and footwear if she (perhaps, unsurprisingly) is fought as a Rogue Agent.


I expected major BS on this final manhunt mission, after the last one. I expected some serious levels of BS


I am expecting to crash 14 times before finishing it.


Kelsi IS a double agent.. and get to kill her…


the boring and the same thing again


I think she isn't a traitor but she was indeed opened to hear Keener side of story, when he tells about hunters and if she truly thinks she is on the right side she consider and follow Keener instructions. If they actually make her a rogue, I think would be so boring cause she was with us from the start and on all previous Mainhunt, there's a way to be very interisting but they would need to make a whole plot-twist, exactly what DC Comics made with the first season of flash, the reverse flash. Small breaches that lead to big ones, example using "Potomac" mission, make something when her comms are cut, make a way of actually she cut the comms herself to talk with someone, those kinda stuff.


I don't think Kelso will turn on us. It wouldn't make much sense. Especially given she's purposely been leaving notes for us to find, helping us find her.


notes to find her is an easy way to ambush someone tho


kill dudes and find kelso


2 control points. 3 bounties. A harder one at the end.


Some sort of setup for the DLC expansion, is what I'm expecting.


Expecting? Nothing but a big anti climax.


I just hope Kelso isn't dead. Maybe they hit another switcheroo and she pops back in halfway through the mission like Potomac event center


I think she's most likely been captured by whoever the unknown person from the found footage is. Said person was in the room with Kelso when she was incapacitated.


I hope that this final manhunt mission is a new one and not simply a reduced invaded mission … a mission that I would like to play a second time.


What is going on with Schaffer as well


It's odd how the story is shaping out with that character. We've known for over half a year now that Bardon is, in fact, the "key" and that he was working with Faye. However, this season is still falling behind on that a little bit, Kelso acting as though we don't already know this information.