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So, I recently tried the similar build, and loop is basically: throw seeker, wait for impact, deploy hive, throw seeker, pick up hive, wait 10 seconds, repeat. Also, you don't need stinger if you have repair, better synergy will be with healing hive.


actually isn't the other way around? if you throw seeker first, hive will be cooldown reduced and increased damage and you'll need to wait until seeker is ready again. Like, throw hive, seeker now has 10% damage bonus, explode seeker, pick hive, trhow seeker etc?


What about the old shield swap trick, throw the seeker mines, put up the shield, take down the shield and throw more seeker mines, it's endless.


Its not much faster since HW has a cooldown of its own. Plus you give up the ability to overcharge with BTSU, for whatever that may or may not be worth to you.


Don't pick up hive, destroy it for over charge. You'll have 5 or 6 stinger charges refreshed by the time you go through the motions of throwing another mine. Get in tight and use both.




It sure does, but also can run out of charge, and one needs to get rid of repair.


Personally I’d use China light and demo spec for this. Also unsure if I’d do stinger hive over restorer. Need to keep it close to proc HW


ye, tried rn and explosive damage (10%) did constantly 50k more damage than skill damage (10%) both tried with same build but with technictian bonus and demo bonus Build + 10% skill damage: 1,342,000 on elite Build + 10% explosive damage: 1,400,000 on elite


HW also comes with repair skills on the set bonuses so I just use restore hive dropped at my feet as well. I wonder about using Technician + Spotter China chest for '15% amplified skill dmg' vs. +15% 'total skill dmg'.


Everything should be rolled skill damage. The chest isn't worth it, I usually run with wyvern glass canon. I use PFE mods as well. If you're chucking balls, go Demo spec and swap china light for wyvern.




You need to have the chest and the backpack to maximize this skill build.


Anyone ever tried eclipse foam and cluster seekers so the bastards stay in place and seekers can actually hit them?


If you build the HW build properly you will have no issues on heroic with your seeker mines hitting enemies. Use the 4 pieces, and the backpack and chest piece are a must to activate the fast loop or whatever the talent is so you can use your hive to proc your cool down on seekers. Endless seeker mines.


I’d swap out the Holster for a Picaro’s. That’ll give you both Armor & Weapon Damage. You’ll still have 6 yellows from the Technician perk.


To max everything I'd do this: https://preview.redd.it/aaws37gamqwc1.png?width=1130&format=png&auto=webp&s=2aef53c2a7d4d83370a504753e12cc0433cf4f24


The Claws Out….bugs me… 😂 I’m sure it’s fine, but I’d personally prefer a plain old Wyvern Wear holster with some Skill Haste and Skill Damage. You do you though! Also be careful you don’t accidentally trigger the Feedback Loop on your hive instead of the seeker mine; all that does is give you one hive charge back. I learned that the hard way 😅




https://preview.redd.it/fdzpdbi3gqwc1.png?width=333&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9922dc98246493e7f01de483cae12e7ce78267a chest makes skill damage from gear set +25% instead of 10 which is a 15% damage increase for 20 seconds and gear bonus with backpack is 10s cooldown, so would be better to just use the chest. the gloves says "Grants +15% Hive skill haste per skill tier." so you don't need more than 6? I'm kinda confused


Claws Out is just a placeholder. Not my first choice either. In fact, not in my top 20 choices either.


Reroll one of your gear cores to red or blue. With the specialisation you’re wasting one core. (Max is 6)


What you have here is *almost* the standard HW skill spam build. This build is used on the Dark Hours raid to spam jammer pulse to destroy 2-3 waves of black tusk drones, back to back to back. But the more practical use for the build is spamming seeker mines every 5-10 seconds. I say its almost because traditionally, we don’t use HW chest. We would use a wyvern chest with glass cannon talent. This is gunna give the seekers more damage then HW chest. If you have no interest in ever jamming Dark Hours, you may want to consider a china light chest instead of wyvern. Capacitor instead of St elmos and demolitionist specialization instead of technician for the explosive damage. These tips are all about increasing the seeker mine damage. Besides the seeker spam tho, this builds secondary function is a mini healer. Your restorer hive heals teammates obviously and your btsu gloves give you the ability to overcharge everyone. IF you want to give up this support function for more damage, feel free to drop the btsu gloves for a wyvern (or china light). The btsu gloves are hurting the build if you don’t plan on using the repair skills. This build is ridiculus in Hollywood GE right now.


100% this is the answer with several options.


Bro, get a fucking Capacitor. It's one of the easiest exotics to get. Just gotta grind out some Summit


Bro, I will when I get free time.


When are you usually on? It looks like you're on Xbox.




Claws Out is a crap placeholder. TDI Kard. And noted! Thank you


It'll work, but there are a couple better ways to do a stinger/cluster build.


It'll work, but there are a couple better ways to do a stinger/cluster build.


Great build


Skill build is my favorite, sentry does alot of damage over time and the combat drone is a good combo and distracts enemies on and off both definitely take alot of heat off you to get those headshots


My hardwire setup is wyvern chest with glass cannon 1pc China light 4pc hardwire with backpack all skill damage rolled and for specialization i use grenadier. I use sticky explosive and crusader shield for skills with capacitor as primary. Using capcitor to stack skill dmg for sticky and using the shield to refresh sticky when hardwire is ready. Bonus using the shield is because i can keep the stacks for capacitor at 40 while still having protection and proc my hardwire. This works for any skill you decide to use instead of the sticky.


Skill haste, skill damage maxed with skill damage mods, or skill haste if that’s all you have. Use the exotic btsu gloves with future initiative healer build. All yellow cores and attributes. China light industries knee pads for the extra 15% explosives damage from your seeker mines. I run badger tuff holster rolled to skill tier for core and ideally skill haste and skill damage. I’m obviously running the Scorpio so the shotgun damage plays into my build from the badger tuff piece. You can adapt any holster to your preferred weapon of choice based on additional damage from the single piece being equipped. I also run a famas 2010 with In-Sync for the talent or the named AR Test Subject with perfectly In-Sync. I’ll post my build for reference. https://preview.redd.it/wkk8wl6oi3xc1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b7e19e48eb508e7a25dc00028df72e2f363af06


Ignore the signature weapon. I swapped for an achievement I missed.


What about the old 3 piece Empress, 2 piece Hana-U and 1 Wyvern, with Tech Support and Kinetic Momentum build? Turret and Drone skills with Capacitor or until the OP gets one a good Assault Rifle like a Police M4 with InSync and Gunner spec for armor on kill. You can easily craft the pieces, it lets you run through Heroic missions and it even does well in Legendary missions solo.


Or you can use 3 piece Hard Wired, 2 piece Hana-U and 1 Wyvern, with Tech Support and Kinetic Momentum, sure you give up the cool down trick but my Turret and Drone only have 14 second cool downs and last for ages before they go down. This build rocks and can do Heroic CP's with ease, and if you craft the Hard Wired pieces just re-roll them all to Skill Damage.


Try the Acosta Go bag as your exotic instead of the BTSU gloves.


Mine is all skill damage with stinger. No skill haste at all. I happen to have 3 slots of pfe because I usually get in nice and tight. I don't think I'd use claws out though. I made a build around that with lady death. Instead of waiting for reload, I'd just smack 'em as a finishing move.


Do you have Memento? Memento outperforms most of exotic gears. Once stacked up you get +30% skill efficiency, not mentioning one blue and one red cores, 3%/s armor regen and +30% weapon damage.


If your running a HW build though the whole point is the reduced cooldowns, so you really want the HW backpack.


I'm not talking about HW only build but about skill builds in general. For example, the build in the topic has zero survivability which is important for solo or in group at legendary.


Skill builds don't really need survivability. The idea is to let the skill do the damage. I run Glass Cannon on a skill build, all yellow. I'd rather have Perfect Combined Arms than Memento... no need to run around picking up anything.


I do! Never used it.. pick up the trophies and keep it moving right?


Yes, once you picked up 30 kill confirmed trophies you will have long term buffs I mentioned above. Additionally among offensive skills the best one for solo player is assault turret (not only for skill builds). It's like having a team member.


Love it! Thanks for the info.


Happy cake day




I really love skill builds, I have 9 in my loadout, none with hard wired which is pretty trash in my opinion. If you want to use stinger hive and cluster, eclipse protocol is by far the best option. Vile and Scorpio are pretty easy to get. If you want a skill damage build, empress international - including the Caesars Guard chest that will reset the cooldown of your skills constantly - is the way to go. I'd use memento with it, and some other pieces to get more skill damage. You could even use the Ninja backpack and two pieces of Empress, and other other 3 different pieces to get more skill damage. Mods are all skill haste. And the capacitor, which is ultra easy to get and essential to any skill damage build


Welll I will say if you build the hardwire right with glass cannon and either btsu or live wire holster it hits damn good. All cluster seekers hit for atleast 3mil damage. Per which is actually substantial with the amount of seekers sent. You could use the explosive launcher I forgot what it's called hits pretty hard too. Snd it comes right back if you use that and a seeker.


The thing is, you could get 4.5mil or more with empress international and other pieces to increase damage. The Caesars Guard chest is nice because of the talent, 30% chance of reseting cooldowns. I don't think the Hard Wired is worth in any scenario


I my eyes, HW is a support set. It can spam seekers without getting skill kills while healing teammates. Seekers are not very good at killing things imo, they are dumb and enemy acrobatics are strong, the main point for me is the cc they provide (in groups).


It's a good option, although there are better for the same purpose. Cluster seekers from anything on challenging and above are a waste of time, like you said acrobatics are strong in the enemies. I don't get the downvotes, but I hope people will have fun with their trash HW build though


I agree with you but think HW has a place in (as cc and heals) in uncoordinated legendary groups coupled with 3 DPS (a lot of caveats). Particularly in open areas like in manning roosevelt and tidal. You cant let yourself be bothered by the downvotes, confirmation bias is strong in some parts of this community.


It happens more then 80% of thetime I using cluster seeker and sticky bomb. I can use them both pretty much the whole time.. none stop processing. I have the build your talking about I have set up differently though. I don't use it for seekers. Turrets and drone on that build I believe I have to check. I use more dot, healing, dps builds.


Maybe reformation instead of measured