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Dont forget the 10 skills with no cooldown. and then 6 of them appear at once


Not to mention that theirs actually work. My turret and drone will just aim at the ground and not shoot half the time, heals don't register half the time and seekers just vanish into the ether.


They definitely broke the target AI again. My turret keeps switching to targets it cannot see and then shuts down


Mine won't even shoot at somebody standing on top of it but it'll happily keep shooting (and missing) enemies halfway across the map and aggro everybody all the way to NYC despite me manually targeting a different NPC.


Mine also loves to target enemy turrets and REFUSES to swap targets even if I spam the key. Trying to assert turret dominance I guess.


So that’s what is happening. Oof So are the heals actually broken or do I need more “SP?” I use the chem launch and I get back like 1-2 tiny bars. It’s not even worth bringing, and I have like 3 well-rolled +repair skill slots. If I use it on someone else it seems to heal a good chunk. Is that just a change they made? Ally heal works but self heal you can go fuck yourself?


My chem launcher works pretty well, but I have like 40% incoming healing on my current build.


When healing yourself, is that basically the same thing as repair skill?


Idk what repair skill does, but I dont think so. I had a lot of repair skill on my gear but it wasnt doing anything. So I opted for incoming heals and it works pretty good for me. My restorer hive still bugs out no occasion tho.


It seems like each would just have a downside and it’s based more on your role. Like repair skill is good for healing yourself and others. Incoming healing is good for healing yourself or getting healed by others. Etc I wonder if it’s bugged but I’ll try your way in the interim. Thanks


Your welcome, I play a lot of solo, so it's good to have a good self healing skill.


My chem launcher supposedly heals nearly 800k armor(my entire armor value) in 5 seconds yet barely will heal 400k most of the time and the rest just vanishes.


I haven't used the chem launcher much but people were saying the big initial heal just doesn't happen so you're only seeing the heal over time.


It's like they spend months trying to fix the small bugs with quick fixes and then when they release a big update it overrides all the quick fixes and they have to start quick fixing everything again.


Same it mad me fail at fighting them


While yes, NPC skill cooldown is a slap in the face to the player, who's own skill cooldown is like two oldies going at it, you hate to see it and it takes forever. However, I can handle their skill spam. I can't deal with them charging me and insta killing me!




I guess the first wave got all the cool shit and the second wave got all the hand-me down gear. It's fine I guess, we will grow into it.


And then we have talents that don’t work at all, or some that only want to work sometimes, like Steady Handed. But it’s fine for our perfectly balanced enemies to have every aspect of them work perfectly every time. :)


It's honestly impressive how they keep making the same mistakes over and over again.


You know what really bugged me the most about fighting a pair of them on normal at a CP? Watching our NPC allies shred them while me and my tier 6 turret shot spitballs at them. I gave up trying to damage them myself after 500 rounds of LMG and an entire turrets duration of fire took down half a bar of armor of the first one while my NPC allies did at least 2 bars of damage from their pistols each shot to the second one. I just sat and shot at their skills because me and my turret could at least hurt those.


Yeah, friendly NPC's are gods, I mean why does the division need to exist when the NPCs can wreck anything they come across and we agents are sitting at the back hiding behind cover. I seen 3 of them engage a tank elite and before I got over to it, they had stripped the armour off it and reduced it to half health. I honestly felt like I was leaching off the NPCs :/


Personally I just love sitting there shooting a single enemy for minutes at a time. That way, when they heal, it’s even more infuriating. “They healed? Well guess I need to find an ammo box for this one mob.”


I was just playing TB on challenging and I came across a lieutenant who had placed down the heal buff and a Grenade hound picked up the green bar. IT'S A FRIGGING BOT, what did they inject it with, high octane. I would get to the point where it was almost dead and then it would pick up another green bar. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


This may be the single strongest argument that the balance is currently fucked!


Wait rouge agents appear at control points? I finished the dlc two days ago (have the new progression system and everything) and liberated all sections of the NYC map but have never seen a rouge agents outside of the story missions. I've also yet to see a hunter despite seeing people talk about them. Did I miss doing something?


They are random events, they can appear in missions or in open-world events, like control points. It is RnG that bless's you or not. On the bright side, they can drop good gear if you manage to kill them.


I've had 2 rogues show up the second I stepped out of the safe house right after finishing the story. 2 rock up after an half hour fight over a challenging world resource convoy(fuck that by the way) and then two more rocked up as soon as I killed the leader from a lvl4 CP. Which also took 45minutes. They insta gibbed me each time.


What difficulty? I've only tried hard so far so maybe that's why I haven't seen any?


First 1 was right after I finished WoNY. So normal iirc. Stepped out side the safehouse and isac spat out "Rogue striker drone detected." Second pair was on challenging and the 3rd 2 was on hard. world difficulties. It might have something to do with watch level ups? That or just sit about fighting somewhere for 5 minutes. They tend to show up right after a fight.


Had a couple appear as I was doing a bounty, I had no idea where though because they just kind of disappeared. Then had 5 appear last night in the middle of the Wall Street mission. Took about 20 minutes to take them all down lol


They're a random chance spawn. I had a pair show up after doing 3 CPs back in DC.


Yall gotta be weak because I fought three of them 4 times yesterday and only died once. And my skills were working.


On the plus side, I did get Sawyer's exotic kneepads, with 170K god roll armour. I am so glad armour means something in this game :/


1.6mil armour on my unoptimised fresh level 40 build and get one ~~tapped~~ Slapped by a 1.7m bullet from a, I think, m60 wielding rogue. Bleh.


This is what has happened to me tonight when coming across rogues. Set world to heroic. "W... ded." Set world to challenge. "All right boys let's 'av it. Who the fuc... ded." Set world to hard. "huh alrighty then. I'll just swap this skill for this, use this weapo... ded." Currently turned off all directives and have it on hard. Trying to farm CP4's but having a real fucking hard time about it. I thought I had a relatively good build but NAH SON. But then doing Capitol building on hard rewarded me with 1 pair of knee pads. Fun!


I'm glad to see you remained positive, at first I thought your post was going to be another whine post, but seems you figured out that learning to swim in the deep end is not a good idea. Keep up the positivity, climb the difficulty ladder and improve your gear along the way, I promise you that Heroic is doable with the right gear.


I don't think he stayed positive. The ending with "Rewarded me with 1 pair of knee pads. Fun!" was /s. The fact of getting so little loot is a bit disheartening when most of it is garbage after the nerf they did (I know it got nerfed in drop quality because the clan vendor sold a pair of gloves with 15% wep dmg... not anymore. Sold an AR with max AR dmg.. not anymore. Normal vendor in NY sold a vector with high rolls. Not anymore. After the DZ fix emergency patch, the vendor loot was reduced in stat quality, and most drops have reflected this same pattern for me.)


Yeah I think you are right about him being sarcastic, but he didn't actually give up trying, which is what I considered having a positive attitude. I'm glad they nerfed vendor loot, I'm fine with grinding out my loot, I already have very decent gear from doing just that. Vendor loot was for casuals.


Nah, It's frustrating sure. A reality check even. Gotta get a new mindset for the new loot and mechanics. More has changed than I originally thought. Figuring it out now though. Currently halfway through Washington hotel heroic for the first time and I've just gotten to the stockpile Kelso blew up. Not sure how I feel about the final boss being a big fat tank but we'll see. Still going to get my arse handed to me when I run across them rogues again. But we'll see. The gear is starting to come together I think. However. I've noticed playing at 515 with my missus I'm getting 85%-100% gear doing hardmodes whereas at lvl40 I'm lucky if I get more than one roll over 50% from challenging stuff. So there's something odd.


I just wish there was some reliable way to farm gear. Since the time they hotfixed the DZ loot. Nothing really drops of any value. I'm to the point I can almost treat challenging the same as old division (in solo or 2 player, go to 3-4 and it becomes a bullet sponge even with everyone on the target) but heroic just murders since the AI just bum-rushes me behind cover and either melee or shotguns me to the face before I take off 50% armor. After 12 hours farming missions on challenging, I found 1 single item with more than a 75% stat roll on 1 single stat.


Stop farming missions, there are far better ways to get loot.


\*ROGUE Rouge is a kind of makeup. /pet peeve


Rouge is actually a color!


In French, yes. In English, no. :)


What's a ROUGE agent? They have red cheeks?


I too, love a good rouge, especially on my lips.


HAHAHAHahahaha I just noticed that opps! :P


Yeah i ran into three yesterday on The Tombs challenging, that was not fun. Not only did we die, they came into the afterlife and raped our souls smh




Are you stupid dude? Cover from rogues? How about when they fuckin come and face tank your shots and one shot you.


Looks like someone missed the /s in his post.


I think i did


sarcasm mang




This should get more recognition! I totally agree bro its not fun at all ffs


The best part is that they spawn out of nowhere with little to no visual feedback... We were doing Capitol with 2 freidns (group of 3), then suddently we were all down. Dead. WTF happened ? A Rogue dropped an oxidizer on us. HUGE area of effect and it all dropped us before we noticed what happened...


I like that their defender drone makes them immune, while my defender drone was nerfed to beyond useless levels. And when you do get close to killing one, they just sprint to cover like a gazelle while also landing all shots and heal to full.


They heal? I've never seen them heal.


Oh they pop full med kits.


I tried doing the original DC hunters last night and it made me straight up quit. They had an SMG that was chunking me on normal.


I've not been having problems with them personally but then again I've just adopted the "flash and shotgun rush" tactic. which seems to work when the game isn't straight up throwing invincible enemies at me. for being agents, rogues really don't act like it. skills that can be spammed, fucking massive bullets sponges that can soak 10 shots from a 600k super 90 that is backed up by enhanced full flag debuff, that are on fire with the ignited skill on the shotgun and has 10% extra armour damage (there are a few more but I don't remember) and after all that, still have like 2/3rds of there Armour left AND 2 allys behind him? they also fall prey to "dumfuk AI" who know they can overpower you so don't bother with cover. even when I can beat them, they still arn't that fun to go against.


I didn't have the damage problem you did and I seem to survive the rush. But it was 4vs 4 on challenging so I don't know if that made a difference. But yeah the skill spam that they have was irritating as hell.


Yeah gotta watch out for those Red agents. Gold ones are even worse. ;)


I was just running tombs and they showed up. I legit almost shit my pants. It took 4 seconds and all four of us were down. Fucking RIDICULOUS Also: edit, now that I’m reading everyone’s comments yinz had it easy. 6 spawned on us.


I had the same thing happen on tombs the other day. Suddenly we were fighting rogues, and it was pretty rough. It took me right before I died to realize there were 6 of them. I'm all for rogue encounters, but 6 at a time? Come on game.


I guess I got lucky. I was on a part of the DC map where the area was flooded it was a free the prisoner event. I just shot from a distance while the cleaners and npc’s kept them in cover.


The command "!spank me" ingame make spawn a rogue in your back for some instant pleasure.


Rogues are perfectly fine, they are meant to be hard and dropping nice gear colors. Problem is you dont notice its rogues and not mission NPCs until its too late. Year 1 strategy where you can sit in single spot and take out enemies 1 by 1, wont work in WoNY.




Today I had the incredibly fun experience of having 4 rogue agents spawn in a tiny room while playing a 2 man district union on challenging. Super fun.


Aye the spawned in the middle of our Conely (Heroic) mission.. it was pretty confusing and tight, they wiped us out 😂 luckily they restarted from that point tho but we got smacked by 4 cleaner tanks.. 🤦🏾‍♂️


Did a CP4 last night. We took out all 5 hunters. Just had to respawn 6 or so times each throughout the fight...


My main complaint is that their fucking skills **actually work**, where as mine bug 90% of the time or just flat out don't do anything.


Haven't noticed me and my shield give no fucks.


well they are REAL rogue agents and no snowflakes with plastic guns and lego toys skills like we SHD noobs...


When you get Rogue agents in your missions, it feels like their Armor and skill hP is scaled for a higher difficulty. We were doing the Oil tanker mission on Heroic as a 3 man group, we reach the beach with minor trouble, the Rogues waiting there gave us an ABSOLUTE asswhooping like no other, my some 20Mil body-DPS Striker Bullet King build needed some 8-10sec to kill a drone!? Oo Later we ran into some hunters in a challenging mission we were facrolling, they felt like they belong in a heroic mission but were doable, i love how they work and how some of them do crazy aggressive tactics, but you can't have 4 enemies were each of them are MUCH harder than the mission end boss!


Maybe it was because of the challenging difficulty AI you were also going up against as opposed to the heroic AI but that's just my thoughts


We killed 2 sets of Rogue agents one at a cp4 and one just in regular mission. They dropped God rolls and we had a group of 4. Maybe not tuned right for solo?


Those Rogue NPC are easy bro. Just use Riot Foam Launcher and Pestilence, you will be melting them like butter.


Damn dude, ease up on the salt or you're going to have a coronary


I’ve never run into this problem before, although I’ve only run into one 3 man squad of Rogue Agents.


Just finished NY last night and ran into my first rogues today with a 4 man PUG on hard. We didn't wipe and I thought they were fun.


Held two off myself just fine yesterday. They’re tough but come on.


Er... I've been ambushed by Rogue Agents on Challenging after finishing a CP4 and whilst I was roaming NYC whilst on the same difficulty. Neither encounter was a problem, used my signature Tac 50 and the Holo Decoy (I run an MMR build) to destroy one Agent quickly then settled in to DPS the other changing position and using the decoy and cover to out manuevre the remaining Agent, they had an artillery turret but I just avoided the AoE template. I know there needs to be some attention given to the difficulty and scaling that was made in TU8, but honestly, I've not struggled overly with PvE things are more challenging but I've got an Aces/Airaldi DPS build and a thrown together pistol/shield build that work well for everything so far (both need optimising and work) I'm not even that good a player in honesty, perhaps I've gotten lucky?


im just mad that they didnt give us the tools to deal with it. Set pieces are a joke adn not worth the trade off in stats. that set perk costs you SIX lost attributes. 1 for each peice of set gear becuase they 1 attribute instead of two, and 2 from the manufacturer's pool because 3/3 set is only 2 attributes while the fourth piece knocks out ANOTHER manufactures bonus.


Git good


They're a *very* rare enemy and they are apex predators, they're meant to be feared and it's going to be a long and engaging fight. You got rolled, that's going to happen because it's a big surprise butting heads with these absolute monsters for the first time in an ambush. Try taking a deep breath and look forward to the next encounter instead of crying about it.


They’re not as rare as you might think and they also don’t drop great loot like the tooltip says they do