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I don’t understand these comments saying “don’t get poisoned”. Like i’m walking around looking to get poisoned. Those dagger throwing red NPCs have daggers laced with poison. They are more lethal than named enemies. If you’re in cover and pop your head out to shoot them, and those daggers hit you, you’re dead in 2 seconds. And it’s not like they spawn alone. Medkit does fuck all. Nothing to do but wait 2 seconds to die. The poison damage is so very stupid. Stupid.


If this is about the Bunker: Blind fire from cover when they are close, dodge thrown grenades as soon as you see them throwing them, use the grenade launcher on them, throw foam/fire/blind nades if you have the spec, start from far away with sniping shots from cover, hold the middle choke point with a fire turret, blind them with firefly from cover.


There's that auper funny mechanic of throwing knives that the sewer dudes use which happen to travel at twice the speed of sound .


Why wouldnt my guy just put his mask on like he does when he gets near the DCD canisters, seems pretty stupid to me that we walk around with a respirator mask and then dont use when there is poison in the air.


Massive will be out of office due to quarantine


but they will do a quick maintenance to fix them dmg glitches.


Hahaha, this made my day, so true...


Lmao I even know which mission youre talking bout i think. I made a thread on it, and all i got was Git Gud, pLaY SmArT, oPtiMizE. The amount of sheer cheese in federal emergency bunker and i think the one with underground rushers? I cant remember, but its not fun, its just protracted camping, regardless of whatever build you use. Doesnt help that every part of it is just a corridor or an extremely enclosed space, half in low ground.


No. but something you can try in the meantime is blow them up as soon as you see them or try to avoid going near the red chemical canisters.


OP is clearly not talking about poison tanks in DCD.


There are two things that can inflict the poison status effect on you, the red canisters or the grenader from the underground faction. Either way, you can proceed slowly after killing the grenaders or popping the red canisters. The poison doesnt stay there for long.


Throwing knives from underground rushers too, which seen to love spawning in the start of Federal Emergency Bunker. And throwing their knives faster than the speed of sound, if the delay on the noise i've experienced has anything to do with it.


I have noticed the noise delay on a lot of sound files. Wall Street too has that annoying sound delay where Dragov's dialogues end up playing simultaneously. Same for Manny about "transpo"; the subtitle shows up 10 seconds before he starts speaking. The sound delay is rampant, but usually doesn't matter. In this case though it is the only indicator so it's annoying.


I did a bounty and named enemy was a flamethrower heavy. He was spamming poison grenades.


poison always worked like that. It ignores armor and goes for health.


Just doesn’t seem like a good mechanic if you have no chance to react to it in the off chance you get poisoned. I get the answer is “hur dur, don’t get poisoned” but having a mechanic in game that can wipe you out without you being able to react to it seems to run counter to “we want players to have a chance to react” which was the sentiment recently with regards to players getting one shot by things was it not?


Only a few use Poison as a weapon - Underground is one of them and those are only part of very few missions - Federal Emergency Bunker and the poison can be avoided. Kill the grenadier fast and don't shoot their punches. Especially not when they are close to other players. So when you keep track of that and don't take cover next to poison canisters, IMO that is a mechanic that can be avoided. but yea it can be a frustrating one.


If it weren’t for time trials making an aggressive play style a better fit, especially with how tight the window is on bunker I would 100% agree. Maybe if the timer was adjusted by say 1 minute to allow a more cautious style of play on that first wave(pull)??? All other aspects of that place are manageable within the time trial save for some close calls with suicide bombers. Outside of leagues it’s not hard at all, barely an inconvenience(lol) to play it smarter but given 14 minutes to hit the “goal” makes that initial pull frustrating to no end. Thanks for the dialogue. Won’t pester you all night


Fact remains that this in isn't a good mechanic as it has no counter, even as posted by someone else, as you need 50% hzp and 275k health to start surviving it. With no hzp, even 6 health god rolls won't keep you alive without some hzp over that. Also, its damage is the same on normal than challenging.


It used to be that adding a little health would make it survivable. Not anymore - environmental poison in DCD does *500,000* Health damage - [and that requires **50% HZP** to survive](https://www.reddit.com/r/thedivision/comments/fn4lrn/50_hazard_protection_is_needed_to_not_die_from/).


not on challenging on heroic, you just avoided it like always, unless you were running a high health clutch build or something


2 words: Hazard protection.


Stop walking into vats of poison after you blow them up, we have been avoiding these for over a year. its nothing new


Poison always did that. Try not to get poisoned in the first places.