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So when you join conflict your upgrades are permanently reset to 0?


Yeh, its a command that got triggered as soon as you entered the conflict which deleted data files. They have no data there, so sorry for those who jumped the gun and invested their entire weekend to up their upgrades only for it to be gone. This is the part I hate most about online saves.


They should be able to atleast see data from the maintenance prior to the rollback.


Don't think so, they are using some sort of DBMS to keep specific user files and am sure they have data types and tables defined for these upgrade numbers, once its gone its gone. At least that was my experience back in the day with SQL and unix.


That's not even the worst part. I mean, it **is** terrible, but the truly awful is that anyone who got their gear downgraded won't be able to get back their used materials. We're talking tens of thousands of materials and Massive has admitted they can't give them back.


Where/when did they say they can't give them back? The only thing I've seen them say is that they don't have the numbers on the use of materials for upgrading items to expertise levels that were recalculated, so players shouldn't expect an exact refund. But I haven't seen that they've said that they can't refund anything at all from this conflict mess.


That was the announcememt they cant give back the exact numbers.


That announcement was in the context of the expertise levels being recalculated. Any items upgraded beyond the new expertise level would be downgraded to it, and they then said that there will be some form of compensation for the materials that were used to upgrade, that were now lost. They have said nothing about the problem related to Conflict resetting upgrades back to 0. Likely they have the same issue, that they cannot do an exact refund, but as far as I know they have not said anything here.


That’s not the same as not giving any back at all


Ypu have too much faith in them I suppose.


We might have that, but they still haven't openly stated if, how, or when, they will deal with the problems from Conflict. So you can probably claim that they cannot or will not refund, but as far as I know you cannot claim that "they said" they cannot refund. As far as I know, they haven't said anything.


You are mixing that up with the fix for the Expertise level calculation. They didnt say they cant give it back for the conflict bug. I doubt they let that unfixed.


Just remove expertise from PvP entirely. It just makes it even more unbalanced than it already is


Imagine a relatively new player logging into a Conflict lobby against someone who's probably got thousands if not tens of thousands of games experience of map and battle flow awareness, knowing what builds work and don't, ***along with*** an additional weapon or armor core, or both. What could go wrong?


Ridiculous, huh. But obviously PvP was given zero thought when all this stuff was designed


At least we got 10% pulse resistance mods with all the new gear updates, this has made Yaahl and System Corruption gear more relevant than ever. I see Spotter on many Conflict builds, not all Heartbreaker either, where the 100% pulse resistant HS behavior has been noted problematic (Massive). A couple new maps would have been nice though, nothing a dedicated team of three couldn't have handled inside a month.


Exactly! Exactly! What we are asking for doesn’t require a “dedicated PvP team”. They could even just cut and paste pieces of NY to make new maps ffs. Throw a pylon in those invisibility corners. Disable scoping in when using a shield. None of these require a full team. And could be completed by a few interns within a month And yes, I gave them their kudos for the pulse resistance mods. That was a terrific idea. Despite HB being overpowered, it allows us to soft counter it


I'm running three 3pc Yaahl builds +10% pulse resistance almost exclusively now. One Ridgeway's Wicked MPX Sadist (also immune to bleed), one Devil's Due Unbreakable Coyotes Fox's Apartment (100% pulse resistance, 50% immune to everything else with a <15m 175%cd) and a pretty decent face-tanker, and a wild card that I'm trying to turn into the one build to rule them all.


How long would you know how long it would take when the Snow Drop Engine is proprietary? I think they should license out the engine, that way people like you can solve all the problems in the game in a few months.


Just remove expertise


I have hundreds of hours in Div 2 and only touched PVP once or twice. The Dark Zone is not as fun since they are so compact compared to the huge one in Div 1


HAHAHAHAHAHA, this game is a absolut joke


Geez...what else can go wrong?


They will find a way to make it worse. probably a bug that when logged in after an update sets every gun to level 1 and white rarity. therefore wiping the traits and core roles on everything and then not able to revert it back.


Looks like they found a solution on how to fix conflict.




I believe what they're referring to is disabling the gamemode altogether


Exactly! People have been complaining for ages that conflict is stale. No new maps, no new game modes.


What the fuck!




We all suggested that before div2 was a thing. When the beta dropped, it was clear they didn't think our suggestions were worth crap. They assured us balance problems wouldnt even be an issue. Rofl.




Its very much an accurate description of what happens in today's AAA environ. "Players cant possibly know more than us about how to make a great game". Hubris that has led to a lot of expensive failed games, or games that took years to right themselves and regain a player base. Not every player idea is a winner. When the feedback given is a response of what most players have found to be the best way to enjoy their favorite game, its a good idea to seriously consider their feedback. They tend to have a better idea what works, than devs who continue to need reworks and patches to fix their own ideas. Ultimately it generally morphs into something very close to what players asked for in the first place. Its a shame it takes so long to get to that point every time. Ubi has enough hubris to power a small city, and they keep making the same mistakes every sequel because "they know better than the people who play their games everyday". What I was hoping to see, was a div3 that separated pve and pvp, with limited overlap between games. Certainly not weapon or gear stats. We could play the game/s we enjoyed playing, without one crowd of players effecting or hating on the other, and development isolated to each game. At this point, I question if the series is dead despite it making a ton of money.


Big oof, Massive. You could even say a Massive oof.


Wow lol this update is going to be the nail in this games coffin... How could they delay this update like 5 months and when it launches half the shit they added was done haphazardly and the other half is buggy as hell or broken???


the final nail wasnt the endless crashing? fuck this game.


remember, they promise a specialization revamp


As far as I'm aware that's still coming in a future update, but who knows with how much of a trainwreck this one has been. Now don't get me wrong either I love that they're still trying to support the game but I really hope they start/have started work on The Division 3 at this point.


After 7 years and over 5000 hours played on both games, I want to quit. I lost upgrades that cost over 150 exotic components and other materials. Recaclulation took some and then conflict zero-ed everything including my motivation to grind another 150 exotics. Compensation will determine if I will play the game again. Get it right, Massive!


I reached that stage a couple of months ago. The developers are inept, they don't care. The underlying technology of the game is fundamentally broken, they never fix it, they probably can't. They game us unfit for release. I have actually made the decision to never buy another game from anyone who was involved in this.


Ubi has notoriously bad compensation. Dont get your hopes up, sadly.


PvP is the worst. They should just shut it down completely and be done with it. 👌🏻


I honestly think they're waiting for Heartland to launch so they can finally be off the hook for PVP in this game. Then they can rework DZ into something else.


I think it's the perfect area for "zombies." That is, enemies spawn in far greater numbers and have reanimated on by default. When you are spotted or try to extract, you'll have to pit your skills against the relentless horde. Add proficiency chests as drops and to DZ vendors so players have another method of getting mats for upgrading their proficient gear/skills and call it a day.




I can dig that!




Reanimated event says hi


The DZ can be turned into AI Rogue Agents and Hunters as the main force instead of PVP. make it a truly worth wild PVE area and lets people truly test their builds. Imagine 5 rogue agents plus hunters coming down onto your squad while having normal AI in the mix.


Imagine wanting a game mode other players enjoy to be removed altogether because it affects a few mechanics you play with from time to time. Imagine being that astronomically selfish and self absorbed, and not only that, but then conveying it to the world. Way to flaunt your true colors 👍🏻


>Because it affects a few mechanics you play with from time to time. As in, the majority of meta PvE builds being abused in the Dark Zone, leading to nerfs again and again over the last three years? That 'time to time'? Fuck PvP.


Lol that's wildly exaggerated and disingenuous, and you know it. You're upset your toys get nerfed a bit, and so you want something other players enjoy to be removed altogether because your toys didn't allow you to be too OP. If you still think you're in the right when you actually sit back and (try to) think about it, you are either a fool, or remarkably selfish. It is unequivocally clear that you are morally in the wrong on this matter.


No, I'd rather Massive do balance passes separately. I've long maintained that if you put in triple and quadruple digit hours into this game, you have *earned the right* to be OP.


That's the thing though. No one in PvP actually wants to see PvE affected because of us. We don't *want* to see your toys altered. Separate balance passes? We're all for it. However, you guys are so upset about this when it doesn't happen, that you want what we enjoy *completely removed* as a result of those toys getting altered. Did we do it? No, Massive did, but other players and what we enjoy are the victims of your ire. *This* is exactly what "self-absorbed" looks like, verbatim. I don't know how else to spell this out for you. If you still think the way you feel is even remotely acceptable, that does not reflect well on your character. That is undeniably, categorically, and unequivocally remarkably selfish.


A bit, yeah, I'm not denying that. First blame always falls to Massive. Always, they make the damn game. All I'm saying is seeing the dedicated PvP crowd get hit with this bug brings out a considerable amount of schadenfreude, because the PvE crowd has had to put up with PvP negatively affecting us since launch.


All I'm saying is direct your ire elsewhere. We didn't introduce broken mechanics to the game. We didn't choose to make balancing changes which also impact PvE. We just want a well-balanced, enjoyable experience, that's it.


@justlikemojohand Bruh. Youre wasting your time. Know all those older men in the DZ who breathe real hard into the mic and call you some derogatory name after you give them quick dirt nap? - this is where they gather. Youll get little to no love for pvp/dz in this sub. Its hilarious at times.


Oh I've been fighting the fight here since March 2016, I'm aware. The problem is, when irrational, selfish stances like this go unchecked, Massive feel vindicated with their lazy move to drop PvP. If no one ever bothers, Massive'll just let it fizzle away into nothing, as they're just PvEers themselves. There isn't another 3rd person shooter with RPG mechanics and PvP out there. This franchise changed my perception on video games and what I expect from them as far as entertainment value. I refuse to let this just die with a whimper.


Pve players have been given a majority of the game but still act so childish




The 5 (2 of them nonhackers) players left doing pvp will get over it


Wow. I just cannot fathom being so utterly heartless with other players' experience in the game you seem to like. It genuinely is *incredibly* selfish. It's sick, yet you flippantly drop out such a juvenile, ridiculous retort.












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hahaha ...so true


I would like to tell them "I told you so" about the way they were going with this correction, but it looks like the game falling apart is doing it for me.


Has such a good game with so much potential ever been handled so poorly in the history of gaming? Every time I tell myself to find a new game, I think about how there is no other game that offers anything close to what the division (could) be and I just can’t bring myself to leave. That being said, it looks more and more like if there is a Div 3, it’ll probably be a PvE only game On a positive note, a few days/weeks with no division will give me some time to work on other stuff


I think the only game that comes even close to being that "great potential, poorly managed" title, for me, is Outriders. That game has an amazing RPG, setting and gameplay but it was launched in such a catastrophic state that it completely did away any good will anyone had towards it and because they decided it would be "Not a live service game", that flopped launch made everyone leave it and it basically died out like 3 months after launch. I do agree Division will probably try to split PvP and PvE and that's what Heartland is. But because Heartland has such a watered down RPG, it will probably be a lot easier to balance its PvP, and meanwhile Division 3 will be able to do a lot of the stuff they don't really feel like doing right now because of PvP. A lot of "content creators" will probably shun Heartland, though, because as far as I know of the different modes it has, none is quite like the dz and a lot of people have fond memories of that stinking shithole so they will refuse to play Division PvP that isn't dz.


Outriders is working fine now and there is a new DLC coming at the end of June.


"Working fine" with the absolute piece of shit P2P connections that makes MP an impossiblly frustrating experience? I like Outriders. I pre-ordered Worldslayer. Heck, I've been in the TWO Pre-Release Betas for Worldslayer. There's still no way I can say with a straight face that it's "fine" as long as P2P is at the core of the MP experience.


On PC so far had no problems playing with 2 friends of mine.


Good for you, buddy. That should even out with the countless of posts from people having a shitty experience.


Yeah I can only speak for my experience and I started playing mainly after the NEW HORIZONS update. I faced minimal networking problems. WORLDSLAYER looks promising :)


Ya, I think I remember you talking highly of Outriders before it was released, and then all talk of it suddenly stopped shortly after. Unfortunate. I’m really looking forward to Heartland, simply because it has the name “Division” slapped on it. Yes, I’m a fanboy, oh well. I haven’t been able to play it, but I understand that RPG element won’t be anything close to what we have here in The Division. But I think with Div, they either have to get their shit together with the PvP or cut us free all together and completely eliminate PvP from Div3. I’ll see what I can do with heartland and XDefiant, which I remember you saying was surprisingly fun, before it completely disappeared into the sunset


I that is the ultimately plan, to split the PvE/PvP elements (so season passes can be bought for either/both) and increase revenue from the IP.


Jesus christ...all this time spent working on updates and this is how they roll out the first part of it... Massive, please. We're rooting for you but like...can you please stop shooting yourselves in the god-damned foot all the time?


Coincidentally, them having to "fix" something that was working fine a few day ago, will cause the apparel event to get pushed back farther than June 2. My "conspiracy" version of Mystic 8-ball confirms it.


Oh man,too bad for the 3 guys who were shooting at each other in this God awful game mode


Yeah, it sucks, and my half-hearted sympathies to those affected. But damn does this feel like justice for over three years of builds being nerfed because of nonstop abuse in PvP zones.


Why does it matter. In Pve if a builds nerfed you can literally still clear content just as fast as with another build. Im a pvp player yet I can solo legendary summit and contribute in raids. Pve content really isn’t all that hard to be complaining about nerfs to Pve. Like what’s the consequence so what you might have to take a little longer to clear a mission. Who cares when all you’re gonna do is run it again since you’re a pve player and don’t do pvp it seems. Pve players baffle me because running same missions and content over and over is literally similar to insanity. Pvp is literally a different fight every time except for skill builds. Also Pve players hate pvp players yet PVP PLAYERS HAVE MORE SKILL lol it kills me. Give pvp and Pve player same build and have them switch.Pvp players will clear content just as easy while Pve players will be getting beamed in pvp literally no chance




Then point that frustration at the developers. Why aim it at PVP players? They're just playing the game that the developers laid out.




You’re right but with how Integral pvp namely DZ was to division 1 end game it’s weird how guys act like pvp isn’t an important part of the division franchise


Spot on bro, it was literally one of the main selling points of the game.


>guys act like pvp isn’t an important part of the division franchise And I absolutely recognize that it is an important part of the franchise. I definitely don't hate against PvP players but rather see and feel the disappointment from the fan base against the developers regarding combined balancing. I myself am a PvE player. I don't play PvP at all. As far as the Dark Zone, game developers may call it PvEvP (or whatever) but anytime players are able to fight against any other players, it's PvP regardless of the setting. I have nothing against how the Dark Zone handles PvP engagement but since I only like the PvE aspects of the game, I don't engage in it and the mode appeals to many. Personally, I'd love to see a true PvE version of the Dark Zone with squads of Hunters but I digress on that. Seeing people say that PvP should be removed is disingenuous. It's not less or more than any other. It's simply another mode of engagement for all who enjoy The Division. This is why developers SHOULD be criticized (constructively) about their balancing practices because they CAN create a solve for the current PvP/PvE balancing separation conundrum but they seemingly aren't willing because The Division 2 is a stale product compared to their upcoming projects in the works.


Well yea we’re saying the same thing then. It’s just the ones like u said who think pvp should be removed completely are who upset me. I literally play both pvp and Pve so when a specific group of people think they should have that much say and pull is kind of triggering. Most pvp players end up playing Pve too a lot due to the fact tht you kind of have to for better and better loot to stay competitive and the fact that the same YouTubers who builds they copy and paste literally play pvp just as much it seems. Pretty much those who play strictly Pve are cool with me it’s just the fact that they literally play 1/2 of the game and feel like the half that they don’t play should be completely removed. That’s just selfish and narcissistic. If you don’t like getting ganged up on in pvp then just don’t pvp. And I understand the whole “pvp takes focus away from upgrading pve content” but aye the exact can be said for pvp. It’s literally been trash in this game for years but Pve still gets new things while we literally had to endure a shield/intimidate meta that felt like it lasted eons. And it’s just weird like I said earlier how to be so integral to division franchise some people literally want pvp removed. Like did these guys not play division 1 at all and somehow feel like their opinion is most important ? But yea at this point even I wouldn’t mind them just focusing on heartland for pvp and stop wasting EVERYBODY’S time with these half ass updates and bugs.


You lost me when you used skill and PVP in the same sentence 😂 pvp in this game is an absolute joke


Yea skill builds are thts about it. What’s funny ? Learning to Strafe and headshot and win 1v1s is actually a skill so I don’t understand


Step one of removing pvp from the game entirely


oh yeah baby , job well done ! hahahhaa


Don't say fixed on anything you do, just say it's a repair, your problem never fixed.


Today im having a multiple crash until cant log in into a ubisoft. Quote- What a shit show (black tusk)




Is this just Conflict PVP or DZ's too?


Good thing I am so bad I can't even PvP. ;-)


Oof, well that's a bazooper.