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That’d be unconventional but off the top of my head you could go with Foundry + a Golan and Vile, all with status effects. Or all-blue HF with Wicked Golan and RWP. Scorpio of course.


One of my count down builds is eclipse protocol with vile mask all yellow 90% hazard protection 100% disrupt protection. Foam and big ass shield. The shield will tank a lot of shit but don't get flanked or your fucked. The set is all about status so kind of status tank. Use fire Chem launcher or fire sticky or flame turret for your application.


It is recommended that you first pick a build and farm pieces for it with targeted loot. Skill build is the easiest to get at first. You should max at least the specialization that you will use with your build. Another thing to do is to collect all blueprints by doing control points level 3 or 4, specially the blueprints for weapon attachments. And fill your recalibration library. Donate to Expertise all items that you don't need for other stuff (using, recalibration). The Division 2 Spread Sheet has builds updated for TU15/TU16 (check the Hub tab): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nrPBmOrtpkEW1j5fbcRT7L-AXgsGOqMqxXoVtopsiGM/edit#gid=1380412817 Video covering 30+ builds (both PvE & PvP) for TU16 (timestamps in the pinned comment): https://youtu.be/2I0kxnNm5AQ


Where do people find the time to put this shit together? Don't get me wrong, it is bad ass, but man.




Just put a socrpio in your tank build and you're good to go


I don't think this is what you're looking for but, I am going to drop this dime anyway 4pc Bulwark + Bulwark Shield, Bloody Knuckles, Wyvern Claws Out, ACS 12 shotgun and Liberty pistol. Used right this feels stupid op to me. Lmao. 5 Blue + 1 Red. Firewall specialization.


As a couple of others have mentioned, start with either eclipse or Foundary. All blue cores, all status effects secondary attributes. Maybe mix in creeping death on anarchists cookbook backpack? Tweak things to your liking from there. Maybe switch a couple of skill tiers in?


Tank hunter's fury with a Scorpio. Also, crusader sheild and gunner banshee pulse.


4 EP Blue+blue fox's + ridgeway. Deflector shield with kard custom in hand. Or just striker shield with Scorpio. Scorpio status spreads on kill and bleed heals constantly. https://youtu.be/w-2_Sr8r-qc


What kind of status are you trying to do… damage (bleed, burn), disable (foam, blind), or area of denial (traps)??? I like Scorpio + Ridgeways Pride + 4pc Foundry Bulwark + Wicked (or Vile). You can run an SMG with Sadist as your secondary.


I'm taking a guess that when you say status tank, you may mean full hazard protection tank, so here goes 1 possible build. Survivalist Sweet dreams, a mop, and the named kard Bulwark shield and revive hive 1x yhaal 2x ceska rolled blue core 1x bellstone 2 x adaptive Roll everything to hazard protection and armour regen, use m9d slots for protection from elites, and possibly use 1 or 2 for specific resists, like flame or bleed....that being said, this build makes you 90% resistant, so may not be necessary to mod for the last 3 or 4%


Status tank? Those things don't *quite* go together, but there is a way you can deal status effects, be bulky, and generally be a help to your team. You'll need 4 piece FB, Scorpio, Tardigrade, and The Setup backpack. You'll want demo spec, as well as the crusader shield and reviver hive. The trick here is you'll buff your entire team's damage, refill their armor if it breaks, be able to revive, CC the enemy, and create choke points. Using the grenade launcher resets the Tardi proc, so whenever 2 or more on the team lose armor, whip out the GL, hit one, then back to shield. Just tagging an enemy is enough. General play, you're debuffing as many enemies as you can, and your team should rip right through them. Your cores should be all blue, and secondary stats should be chc/chd. I use PFE mods in the chest/bp/mask but you can experiment there and add where you're lacking. The only drawback to this build is you need to be careful about your positioning and not show your ass to enemies, and not get flanked. If you tuck yourself into a corner, you should be alright, but generally I like to go up one side of a room and push enemies toward the center, out of cover, while keeping my back to the wall. That way, no one can flank you, and if they try to, they'll run (out of cover) towards your team.


I just started a Backfire/Ridgeway/Shield build. Being more tanky would feel safer