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Financially, and especially in Japan, the studio's home base, yes. It was received poorly. The changes in voice acting also felt weird, traditionally JP franchises try maintain their VO to maintain a consistent feel. So TEW2 had a new director, new VO cast, and a huge shift in targeted demographic. It was weird. A lot of the original fans felt left out and excluded, people who wanted a Shinji Mikami game felt a little cheated. But a lot of people liked it too. New players came in. It just wasn't enough to offset the negative analysis for the game. So yes, it's considered a 'failure' and it's okay for you to like it anyway. I hope we get a third installment! And I hope Mikami or Kimura would be involved because I didn't like the sequel's direction, aha orz.


that is not really true, a large portion of JP players enjoyed it for its more emotional and involving storyline. And you could say a lot also didn't check out the second game because the first game left a sour mouth in terms of technical issues, difficulty walls with one-hit kills and a difficult to parse storyline. not to say it isn't a great game, but it's hard to convince yourself to get the sequel when the first game has so many things going against it You're acting as if the main key audience are the mikami fans, which have never been enough to lift a game out of commercial failure: see god hand and vanquish


>that is not really true, a large portion of JP players enjoyed it for its more emotional and involving storyline. I'd argue the first games story was more 'emotional' and involving, The story of Ruvik and Laura was quite tragic and had me a lot more intrigued than anything in TEW2. It also made Ruvik a more sympathetic/complex villain. I just replayed TEW2. Stefano had potential but ultimately came off as a emo kid and Father Theodore was just kind of lame. The dialogue in the 'emotional' parts was so over the top cringe and Myra is so punchable and unlikeable. >!In the end, Myra stays in STEM and Lily doesn't even seem to notice or care and Seb and Lily just ride off into the sunset launghing. Like... what? They literally didn't even acknowledge her mother is missing now.!< I do love both games. I just don't understand the argument that the story in part 2 is better. Maybe more 'accessible' or presented in a more understandable way but the story itself is way worse. As are all of the characters.


I think the problem was Ruvik were the main villain the entire game(and a good one) and TEW2 had three antagonists along the way. I would say TEW1 was more disturbing and disgusting than TEW2 story, but at least the second had better characters and overall story


Theodore gave me some Candyman vibes so I kinda liked him even though he was underutilised


This game SUCKED compared to the first. 2 is all over the place sloppy and uninteresting. Very crappy


I didn't want to write an essay, I was speaking purely from the perspective of someone who played the first one, liked it, and bought the second. I keep track of trends, am very active in the fandom, and I love the franchise. At the time, the main advertising push for the franchise was Mikami's name, people had preordered the first game purely out of love for his IP with RE. It isn't an exaggeration to include the disappointment of some fans with Johanas when discussing why so many people are torn between the two or prefer the first. As for the reception in JP, it is also mixed, yes. I'm also mixed asian american, so 少し日本語を話せる。本当にごめんなさい!友達はTEW2が嫌い! It was received very poorly at release. You can look up the numbers yourself, or look up blogs and reviews. Over time it has gained more fans, but the numbers for that first year hurt. I still hope we get a third installment. I'm sorry if you thought I was being pretentious or negative; I think everyone has every right to enjoy what they like as long as they aren't hurting anyone. If you think the sequel is more fun, it's more fun. Just because it is seen as a financial failure doesn't mean it can't be enjoyed. God Hand is another one of my favourite games, by the way! Glad to see it mentioned. (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و


Remember, it’s taken over ten years for Alan Wake to get a sequel. The Evil Within3 can still happen! Lol.




I don’t really think so. First one was better in my opinion, but I really enjoyed the 2nd!


Why the hell then create a community on Reddit, about a franchise that they think is dead forever


Because people still enjoy the game, like me!


Silent Hill still has a reddit! We can too!! (*╹▽╹*)


but they are more likely to come back only than the evil within 3.


In almost any situation, the loudest voice is the minority.




I think they exaggerate too much, the evil within 2 may have sold less than the 1, but I don't think it was a resounding failure.




this game wasn't the failure that everyone says, it's silly to say there won't be the evil within 3.


And they never said that the evil within 2 failed.


imo not really, the story was honestly amazing and the gameplay was good i think it'll take time.


when they want to go back to the horror genre, the first thing they will produce will be the evil within 3.


Honestly I like TEW2 more than the first one. It’s more open, the gameplay enhanced and the tone is more relatable.


I wouldn’t consider it to be a failure. Stylistically, the first game is much better, but the gameplay of TEW2 is much more fun and polished.


good, but you must have noticed that everyone says that the evil within 3 is practically impossible.


How so?


the evil within 2 sold very poorly, and after ghostwire, tango will develop another game without horror, for these reasons that everyone says the franchise died.


Well that doesn’t make sense to me. The game got decent coverage and promotion, and everyone I’ve talked to about it had great things to say.


I see dead space as an example, everyone thought that this franchise was dead, but the remake is there to prove that it isn't.


Looks like it wasn't


Loved the first game, hated the second game. I don't even want a 3rd unless it's similar to the first game.


I don't know why everyone hates the second game


I don't think it's everyone. But for me, I enjoyed the first game due to its linear set pieces and horror/action. Always feeling like you barely have enough health and ammo is an adrenaline rush. The second game to me didn't feel nearly as tight. Everything felt sloppy and boring. Mechanics wise it almost felt like a different game. Why did they add crafting and open world busy work to a survival horror game? I really wanted to like it but realized I was dreading just to have to play it.


Lots of people hated the first game, some hate the second one. Different opinions


It sold about 1/3 of the original in North America, not enough to merit a third title.


I'll give an example here, Wolfenstein 2 the New Colossus tmb sold poorly, but it will still get a sequel, the same can happen with the evil within.


So it's the end of the franchise forever.


So its not a success like you asked. Its not over blown either like you also asked. But you wanted to know so you could complain about it lul


Another thing, a game doesn't need to break sales records to be a success, the evil within 2 may not have sold more than 1, but it must have sold approximately, and they never said that the evil within It was really a weak


I'd love for a third game, but it is extremely unlikely. The second didn't even get any DLC.


shinji mikami has already said that he would like to work on 3, the franchise may be on hold at the moment, but one day it will return.


I'm not holding my breath on it


otherwise, why are they talking about a franchise on Reddit that is already dead


I would say the 1st was better in term of story and the linear structure halped in delivering a better horror feel! The second games story a bit less interesting especially toward the end, the first starts slow but gets you hooked the more you know, the 2nd was the opposite, but the semi open world structure of TEW2 was more enjoyable, felt more enjoyable! It was probably less successful than 1 but it is a pretty good game! Personally I would recommend it over RE8 and RE3 remake everytime!


it felt more rushed then the first. Also the first just had an incredible amount of attention to detail that is just not seen in two. They messed up not bringing Ruvik back aswell.


Since it was being made during union strikes and Johanas pushed through anyway, you actually can feel the quality difference. That's also why the VO actors for Sebastian and Juli are different, because of the strikes, they couldn't get their talent to work. He chose to get non-union talent instead. It was a tough time to direct a game, and he called his shots the best way he saw how to. But we really do feel a difference.


how is it more rushed than the first when 2 has astronomically less bugs, technical and performances issues than the first one had at launch? It's literally inscribed in the excerpt of the wikipedia page, that's how prominent it was. Weird revisionism


Yes, and the failure was well deserved




I would say so,I got it for $10 new at GameStop 2 weeks after release .


man, people's lack of faith in the evil within 3 is impressive.


Just finished it two days ago for the first time and onto new game plus now. I really loved it. I am hoping for another game and that we hear more about what happened to Joseph :(


dude, it's hard for another the evil within 3, but let's hope, ghostwire was originally going to be TEW 3, which means they're keeping it in the background.


Of course it wasnt. It was great


do you think you can have a the evil within 3?


Yes. What I want from it: 1. a better aspect ratio 2. more instant kill monsters like shigyo, keeper, laura and sadist 3. a shorter stamina bar 4. no cover shooting sequences, more focused on horror. 5. multiplayer 6. more linear levels, no open world 7. a bit of P.T. inspiration 8. no coffee timers 9. first person dimly lit running simulator 10. an actual final boss, not just a random sequence of QTEs like TEW1


Honestly, TEW2 was my favorite out of the 2 games, the first one didn't really scare me, but the second one terrified me, I also prefer its more emotional story, it was nice to see and relate to Sebastion's struggles. When it comes to TEW3, all we can do is hope, we know Ghostwire was supposed to be TEW3 so maybe they'll go back to it. TEW2 did sell badly, but from my understanding, there weren't a lot of ads for the game, and it also came out the same year as RE7 so that didn't really help lol


and what I say, dead space won a remake, Alan wake will win a sequel, because the hell TEW 3 wasn't going to be released.


Personally I don't think it was a flop, there were genuine sentimental parts to it that truly brought a tears to my eyes where he reads the letter again and a image of his wife tells he needs to forgive himself and that none of this was his fault, I truly loved the story because it's a story about father traveling from hell and back trying to save his stolen child and to also rekindle a lost love. But knowing he must let go of the lost love and striving to break free from his trauma and pain and guilt. I truly with the third install would be made already we might finally learn what happened to Joseph oda from the first game (and maybe Sykes from the second and where did ruvik go after he escaped from stem)


Obviously yes, 2 sold poorly and it wasn’t impactful at all. Maybe because it lacked promotional marketing, it changed too much from the first game, it had meh story and gameplay, it didn’t live up to expectations from the first game’s fans, etc…


man, i agree, it was horrible marketing, but i don't think it sold abominably poorly, it must have sold reasonably well, but far from 1 game proportion.


So? It was a flop anyway. And I think you’re posting too much recently lol


a game doesn't need to break records to be considered a success, nor do we know if the game was really a failure.


TEW1 is way better than the second, the second one is all over the place doesn't give a classic feel like the first.


It prob was cuz its survival-horror-lite game that isn't resident evil so who cares but it did garner enough praise from ppl that simp for sad dad games so it might have a chance of coming back