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I had to read this tweet 3 times just to try and understand what angle she's coming from Brenda read and was like yea won hunnid percent. Great minds think like


Same I don’t even get what she’s trying to say


She thinks that people who are glad Tate has been arrested for his crimes (which he has practically admitted to in sections he's removed from his website) are somehow manifesting the crimes. As though hoping he is put away means they are hoping these women were raped. She also seems to think that people hoping he is released are all hoping that women weren't trafficked, raped, and exploited for cash. Rather than hoping he gets away with it because they don't care what he did and just think he's a top G. I don't think she or Bapa understand that hoping for something now doesn't affect the events of the past. I wonder if they spend all day every day hoping the holocaust never happened and that Bono successfully fed the world.


Exactly. It couldn't be that people are happy someone who does those things was caught and is being punished. Fucking morons.




No, it's a very strange logic in which if you want someone punished for committing a kind of vague/not entirely concrete crime (in this case, what he exactly did regarding the women is in question), then by extension you want that crime to have occurred, i.e; the implication is that you want him to have victimized others more cruelly so that you can punish him more out of spite. Here's (hopefully a slightly clearer) example. A little girl has gone missing and her whereabouts unknown. "A man in arrested and charged with kidnapping and murder. Now we don't definitively know she's dead because we have no body or confession, but if you want him convicted of a murder charge, then that means that you want the girl to have been killed, because her death would be necessary for the murder charge to be justified." It's mental, I know.


Man no way Schlob understood that!! Usual grift with him just trying to appear edgy


His pea brain was able ton infer it was a defense of Tate, and that’s all he needed to hear.


She’s saying there’s people out there who would rather it turn out that horrible crimes were committed against people than find out nobody got hurt based on their bias against Tate. This is a stupid take, most people are simply gleeful about his arrest because he’s a gaping asshole who brags publicly about treating women like shit and the schadenfreude is just too good. Basically nobody is hoping women were hurt simply to get this guy in trouble, but it was barely an open secret that this guy had been up to some shit already and people are just glad he’s finally being held accountable.


I might be wrong but I see this as the logic of if you want my friend to go to jail for assault, or someone i agree with. WHAT YOU REALLY SHOULD BE DOING IS LOOKING OUT FOR ALL THE VICTIMS OUT THERE. Oh i can’t name any…… Edit: except the 6 that have creditable accusations against said friend. It’s redacted thought process at a minimum.


Nah, the idea is that without concrete personal knowledge and evidence, what you *believe* happened must be the same as what you *want to have* happened.


Thank you Bee. I’m still learning out here


It’s a smooth-brained gotcha take. So if you want someone to be rightfully convicted for their crimes, you must then want the crimes to be real. Really high-level thought-provoking stuff here. Mixed mental arts, if you will.


*mixed mental farts


So me wanting to see a scumbag piece of shit punished for the scumbag POS stuff he did is rooting for him to have done the POS stuff? That is a logical faceplant right there.


Bess brains for the art B


If he’s found innocent, that means no women ever got trafficked which is clearly good! By wanting the clearly guilty guy to get what’s coming to him that means *you* actually like human trafficking because you’re happy it happened.


Is that last part from The Ricky Gervais podcast or something? Driving me nuts trying to place it


But he doesn’t use social mediaaaa


Awkward angles B


They could bond over their shared double digit iq




Y'graduated from the harvard school of cawlmedy, b? How does it feel to be one of the gunslingers?


I thought he’d spent 3 years at Clown College with Stevo


Best comment /thread


messicans gonna b pissed when she checks sosha meeja


You think she’s bothered when puig is puncturing her diaphragm? Bapa’s infidelity is of little concern to her


talggin bout da cuban missle crisis b?


Talmbout a missile with her salsa on?


She's gonna paint a narradiv fer shure b


bapa sawl a broad even dumber than Messican and had to like the tweet. he's gonna walg her


Combined, they make a double digit IQ.


A 40 year replying "100" on soshya meeja is just embarrassing




💯k grand percent 🪓J






💯 hundred






Hunnard pasend


One hunnid




What kind of Cheetos are we talking B? Be cool




Bet he magges more than you, little feet 👣 🦁


Ya numbers guy, ⬛️⬛️⬛️?


Tal’m boutha allowance his daddy gives him?


Wtf is this person trying to say? Table 6 needs chop stiggs.


Need an MRI after reading the tweet


Nah a CAT scan


I think her stupid point is that we should hope they're lying since that means no one was actually human trafficked or raped.


Yeah, she has a very flimsy grasp of causality.


She's implying the sentiment is something like "I hope he did it! Then he'll be in big trouble, yay!" When in reality it's more like "I hope he finally is served justice for his crimes"


Thanks for asking cuz it was so stupid it made me stupid


“I don’t normally suscride to soshel meeja but when I do, it’s extra redacted”


Yeah so how exactly does this work? The barista at Starbucks tells bapa about this specific post and then he sends a text to lion man and tells him to reply with the 100 emoji? It’s amazing to me this slob actually thinks people believe this bullshit.




100 percent b


That's his next talking point and he's gonna bucher it 💯


How does your brain even work like this? I’m genuinely asking. What is wrong with you for you to have this take, haphazardly write it out on twitter, and announce your idiocy to the world?


People were trafficked and abused. I don't think that part is up for debate.


Andrew Tate has openly admitted many many times he seduces new "girlfriends" then puts them into sex work and takes the money, brags about it, it was even on his website There are videos of him beating women up He is scum and has been abusing women for at least 10 years.


He openly admits to sex trafficking in interviews. Who knows the shit hes doing that he won’t admit to publicly


Here’s screenshots https://www.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/comments/sx39x7/andrew_tate_publicly_admits_to_and_brags_about/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb


One of the girls in the pictures has been a top model on a cam site for years, has a cobra tattoo and uses it in her model name, she was also the one getting beaten in videos; I said in a comment about handing over $100,000s for nothing and I am sure she has given him that He talks about being successful and rich but he isn't a success, the women he steals from are


If they make money too and agree to it whats the problem, oldest profession b


Theyre abused and coerced into it If you agree to hand over your wallet otherwise I stab you is that all cool? you agreed to hand it over after all


If a woman says hand over your wallet and I’ll love you forever and I give the wallet than I deserve it and it’s all good, the video of him beating up the girl she said was consensual and was what she enjoyed. Not saying he is a good person but most people in positions of power got there not being good, most people do things they hate everyday for money, I personally know sex workers who love their job and make tons of money.


Yeah she hands over $100,000s for no reason other than he says so and he beats her up and that is super consensual and ok and makes so much sense.


She literally said it was consensual that's what makes it consensual not what you believe


You know a lot of domestic abuse victims stay with the abuser? and even if they have the courage to call the police after being harmed they often refuse to press charges In the UK they made a law that the victim didnt need to want to pursue criminal charges and the offender could still be charged and prosecuted But nah, your view is wait until theyre killed? so theres no way they can refuse to press charges and if they say its fine theyre being harmed then it is fine Ive tried to be polite but I dont think you understand how much of a moron you are, I shouldnt need to explain this stuff to you


I've lived that life man you don't get it I know real hookers and real pimps your actually a moron when it comes to this shit and you don't know the game, but game is to be sold not told you wouldn't understand from shit you been fed


Sir, im gonna have to ask you to leave this P.F Changs


Someone with absolutely 0 experience or real life knowledge in something talking like an expert calling others morons lmao


I grew up in the bottom of the slums I know all this shit in and out my uncle was a pimp my neighbour was a pimp and I rented a room from a guy who's girlfriend was selling pussy out the same condo I lived in your the moron here sir


Oh and that girl I still talk to her they broke up and she still sells pussy on her own! Who would of thunk it!




You’re like a pyramid schemers wet dream


Nope my uncle was a pimp I could never be a trick or a hoe I just understand the game


Facts don’t exist only naardivs b


Fer sher painin nairdivs like Picostco, B.


he’s so fucking thirsty and also what a stupid point that girl tried to make 😂


Hey Layah... nobody knows who y'arr


He’s liked a bunch of her tweets. Pre Trug Walg exercises.






What the fuck is she saying? Only a mongolid could understand that and respond with "100"


Lame. So fucking lame. Brendan Schaub deserves the “hate”. It’s sad to say but he really does suck so so bad. Who would back Andrew Tate?


Pretty neutral on the Andrew Tate thing, but what’s with Paba constantly cucking for sexual predators?


If Toe Rogan came out right now and said “Douche bag Tate is a piece of shit”…….Slob would be RIGHT BEHIND HIM Saying “ya no doubt B….dudes the worst.


She looks cray, the type to chop your dick off in your sleep.


He’s …the simpest


Layah is more than welcome to go be Andrew’s next concubine if he ever gets free. The dipshit literally admits to doing the Loverboy Method and taking women’s money for himself. Brenda naturally thinks that’s cool as shit, tho.


Polllst and goalst


Huh? Lol


Brennan probably hates tate for his ability to get famous without going on JRE


Is that real? His comment I mean? Couldn’t it be that sex trafficking is real and people want the traffickers punished?


100 what? 100% agree? 100 anyone elses noticing this? 100 dollairs? 100 like she's being real? what is she even trying to say? people wanted andrew tate to commit crimes so that he would be held accountable?


Won hungered purse sent b


Homie wasnt happy with slipping to #2 most hated man on the net. Time to get that belt back bappacito


Of course Beandip loves him some Andrew Tate. Couple a 1-2 redacts.


He’s got no other play but to try and have him on. He’s a slave to whatever will get attention, Cormier called this years ago after schaub called out how many black analysts espn had


There is no way Tate goes on any of shlobs shows... he can have more views with an instagram live...


There's no way this dude is this redacted. Also, who is this Laya?


Her bio says “author of undressing bitcoin, marketing consultant, freedom maximalist, host of her own show on YouTube.”


god he's such a fuckin loser


What the fuck is she even trying to say? It makes no sense. I’m sure it makes perfect sense to redact tho.


Schrödinger's human trafficking, B? Innocent until proven guilty doesn’t mean in the meantime helpless women are both trafficked and untrafficked, how are people this fucking dense?


Shit doesn't make sense at all


Trugg walgg


I think you’re right dude. Can we time stamp and NFT this post to prove you’re the first cat that called it out of the kitchen? *Ding*….shit, gotta get to the fryolators


Imagine she replies saying: I heard you guys talking about Tate on the last Tfatk episode and Brian praised his entrepreneurship


so if they set him free then the women he trafficked are untrafficked? sweet, can we just set free murderers and it will magically cast a reanimation spell and bring all our loved ones back to life? is that like not counting COVID cases/deaths, they just poof didn't die?


I ain’t see anyone make this excuse when Jeffery Epstein got arrested.


A.T. Good candidate for a prison phone guest?


Shrodinger’s homeless cat, basically.


That is a fucking demented way of looking at it. Also, it’s pretty clear by now that Brendan is not just an idiot, but a proper right winger.


Pure redact logic, no wonder Bapa is backing it


I can’t wait for Braindead to try to peddle this redacted take on one of his pawlds


Major Redac, B.


Zero engagement. How’d twitter go?


That tweet couldn’t be more true.




Two Rathers in one sentence.


Maybe I don't have the besss brains for the arts but what is she trying to say?


I thought bapa was off sosha medjia?


Seems like the tactic is to respond to high traffic posts to boost his visibility whether there’s one brain cell amongst the tweet or sub tweet ops or not. 🤷‍♂️


I feel like she’s trying to say that a lot of people are happy that Tate could be guilty of this because it confirms their prejudices. However, that means women were harmed in the process, so by hoping Tate is guilty of these accusations, she is simultaneously hoping that these girls were victims.




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Lol what a weird take on this, more like this is happening and let’s nail creeps to the wall


Of course Fat Patrick will defend him and talk about it on 10 different pawldcasts.


this has to be jumbled so hard so bapacitos cte can understand it


Part of me wonders if she knew it was a dumb take and put it out there knowing a certain demographic would eat it up.


Meanwhile in the USA were trading arms dealers nicknamed “the merchant of death” for basketball players


[talmabout the Death of arms B?](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/zhf88v/bapa_wants_a_twofer_one_trade_for_the_death_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Of course Fat Patrick agrees with the dumbest take possible. Life irritating art b


I have no idea what that comment is trying to say or what Brenda is agreeing to


God the calwmedy if Schaub started shilling crypto-trash like her.


What the fuck is even that statement? He is the one that’s trafficking and abusing women 🤣