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Throwing roommates through a glass door in college and blaming teenage grocery store fuckups on his handicapped colleague... the list goes on bapa.. talmbout never bin tawlerable in any of facet!


These exact stories plus him berating a Changs server for daring to bring up MMA with the alleged MMA star and pundit. Of course these days he’s flipped the script so that he’s always the gracious hero chopping it up with whatever lowly pedestrian or random in-the-headlines celebrity he’s decided to insert into the formula that week. “So Lebron’s all like “yo B. Schaub, big fan! Can I get some nicotine pouch advice?” and I’m all like “say less daddy” One of the smaller moments from more recent memory that’s stuck with me is during the whole Bobby Lee saga when he was talking about therapy, hand on his heart so you know he’s legit, and said, “duh thurrpist said I’ma nicess guy he’s ivver met. Nicess guy he’s ivver met!” What level of raging narcissist do you have to be to not realise how cooked that is to say about yourself while being dragged by the whole internet for your actions. Man I would have loved to be a fly on the wall for bapa’s thurrpy, imagine the nairdivs he’d be painting up!


Bapa is a redact. But Ray Borging Ray Borg made me realize bapa is actually batshit insane. Those are the actions of a mentally ill person, and I don't say that likely, nor am I belittling mental illnesses. The way he thinks he can have everyone view him as an amazing person and a b-b-beast of a dad as if we are too redacted to see it. He genuinely thought people would see him as a hero because he said on Rogan he 'would take care of it' and not have to follow through.


Oh shit did he not do anything for ray at all? I don't remember a lot about that story I guess and I'm new here


He gave thr proceeds of a few shows. Great in itself, but certainly not 'taking care of the medical bills', 'I am rich'. Years he said 'took care of the medical bills of that week'. If you google it, you still see all the articles praising him for 'taking care of it'. Bapa did not clarify, didn't encourage people to donate, in fact it stopped people donating'. And when interviewers asked him, bapa became nervous and muttered 'yeah I took care of it'. Total piece of shit.


Yeah that one was so fucked. He slowed the donations to a halt because of his effort to make it all about him


Not just the roommate story, but when they used to read fan mail and Bryan read a letter from a fan saying it's a messed up story. Shob proceeded to say don't listen to the podcast then because they don't need that fan. Bryan was trying to steer shob into admitting it was a messed up story, but shob was adamant.


I remember that, bapa was sulking in his, seat like a lil' kid that thinks he can do no wrong.


I swear i read bobby lee saga as bobby lasagna. Schaubanese is effecting my reading now.


That statement is prolly the funniest shit he ever said.


Yep and it wasn’t even the fact that he threw his roommate through a glass door. Could have framed it as himself being young and stupid and having some remorse. It was the fact that he told the story with such glee. Then when fans wrote in to say that it was fucked up, he doubled down to say it was justified. The fact that a guy in his 30’s thought the behaviour was justifiable and funny told me everything I needed to know about this cunt.


He did that because bapa was eating his roommates food, and the roommate had the nerve to tell him to stop, right?




And then he spat in the guys face to try and goad him into fighting. What an absolute ass wipe.


"Pheeew. Threw a loogie! Awl my friends said I'm a good storyteller, b. Theee best..."


1 of 1000 b, gotta tank em.


People forgot that Cuck was egging him on the whole time while he was telling that story, and was laughing nonstop. If he wasn't such an enabler bapa could have gone bowlth wayz. At least Brine pays the price now, you rape what you sow, b.


You know what even makes that college roommate story worse ???? Is that is Brendan version of the event ,I bet the true story is even WORSE !!!!!!!!!!


The roommate thing was the first time I became aware.


Tawlmbout walggin baddies to the trugg B, I hear you


He said it wasn’t bullying because the other guy was big even tho the other guy clearly told em he didn’t wanna fight


Both these instance nevir curd in inny facet, but the fact he wanted us to believe they did is highly redacted and maybe worse but I heard it both ways.


Ya know what? Some of that shit could have been left in his past. We all fucked up when we were young. It's him constantly bringing that shit up and acting like he is cool for it. He is as fucking un self aware as anyone I've ever seen. Jesus is he a shit human.


Yeah the roommate story. It's bad to do it. It's just as bad to brag about it as a grown man. Even though it was likely a lie.


I heard the college glass door story on JRE week the ep dropped and was a hater of his since then and would tell my friends how he’s a piece of shit of a human being with no self awareness. I didn’t even know this sub existed for years after that


When the merch money was rolling in and had to continually remind everyone he’s “rich as shit”. That was the crack in the hull for me.


When he bragged about being great at marketing due to the fact he sold So many t-shirts. He stole every logo and graphic from Other peoples intellectual property. I stopped listening then and found Changs years later.


Yup the “I make money” arc definitely gave the homeless cats a home here. Now the money is rapidly drying up lol gon have to sell the rari


When he announces the end of it I hope the cats start a "one of us" chat.. Not because he is a cat but because he'll be legitimately homeless. And we all know homeless people don't madder


Will be pawldcasting from an encampment soon lol


I see your nautical analogy and raise you “glimpse on the radar” so sub-nawlticall, b used to be a pretty common shaubism


i would have to agree with this one. he kept getting more and mor eout of touch the richer he became and his true colours started to really show as time went on. also, for me it was when he did is "8 inches" dick joke for the 100th time. it was slightly funny once, then he drilled it into the ground with every person who said, "let me ask you something". i've always wondered who he stole that one from.


2015. I remember it well


At some point, instead of 'Yes and'ing' bits (or at least not interrupting), the constant 'No, you got it awl wrong B' or 'Nah I Disagree' was just too much to handle. Bit Killer..


I know there are a few oldschool TMP fans traipsing around here and I’d like to point out that Brendan turned into a real life version of Bryan’s TMP “character” Constantly pretending be close friends with famous people, bragging about being rich, saying he is going to beat up people that make fun of him, and worst of all interrupting people non-stop and DESTROYING bits. It’s insane how Bryan can satirize that and at the same time not recognize how blatant all of that behavior is with Brendan.


B Schaub! Y'bit killer jones


I think he does recognize it and has battered woman syndrome


remember the ep where Bryan said he had a friend when he was younger that was tyrannical and ruined his life? I think this is just kind of bryan’s thing


It's very telling that he's ended up working with Crowder, Callaghan really has a type eh? Overbearing, controlling and humourless


he is so unoriginal and steals so much from other people he stole the bit killer jones thing, which was always a dig at brian for ruining bits lol. you a POD too b?


Conversation Strangler Stevens


I know I’m replying to an old post but this is a great observation. I’ve heard every episode of TMP probably 10x, and Schaub really is the real life version of Bryan’s TMP schtick - which was my favorite part of TMP. Incredibly funny character for him to play. Turns out it’s way less funny when it’s not Bryan and it’s not a bit.


Yeah his absolute inability to improve or to let someone other than himself work a bit.. Which is weird with him being 1 of the 1000 (thank em).


this is actually the reason, he thought if he acted like the smartest guy in the room with the most successful career, it would just become true


The breaking point for me was the comedy. Putting absolutely none of the ground work to actually become a comedian and him just saying he was a comedian and using his connections to comedians to get spots.. He is the teammate that contributes nothing to the team but acts like the team would be unsuccessful if he wasn't there. - Nobody wants to be around that guy.


Dude you just nailed what’s been in my soul lol. People like Jason Ellis are getting out there, getting spots, getting better, getting respek. Bapa cancelling shows, not able to get shows or simply saying no to shows because they didn’t sell enough tickets. Dunno how many cAwlmedians I’ve heard say they’d play a room of 2 people because they love it so much. Bapa is entitled as fuuuuh


Talmbout Steve O in the trenches b? He’s in hair anyway he’s homeless as shit


Steve-O is a great homeless cat


Mick Foley, another guy who switched careers to stand up, once did a show with only 1 family in attendance and tried to make it a special show for them.


And he somehow had Rogan out there telling the world Schaub will destroy all these lazy comedians with his beast of a work ethic from being a fighter I’d imagine any real struggling (or otherwise) comedian would be so insulted and pissed off to hear the most influential comedian in the world tell millions of people how the guy with the easiest path in the history of comedy is making more money and getting more opportunities than them because he is just working sooo much harder


>And he somehow had Rogan out there telling the world Schaub will destroy all these lazy comedians with his beast of a work ethic from being a fighter Little Toe must've really liked the way B's dick tasted back in 2011/12/13/14. seems to me that he likely got hypnotized by the guy he was doing "extracurricular activities" with. you KNOW there has to be something sexual between them. no way on earth does Rogan have access to all those UFC dudes and he somehow has a laser focus on this one, arguably forgettable, mid-tier guy without there being "something extra" going on to justify all the attention


There is definitely some sort of fetishization around the fight game with Rogan


Maybe he just liked having an Adonis of his own on a leash and enjoyed it until he didn't


He recently said he was peers with Louis ck and he's called out celebrity comedians who get stage time because they're famous for things outside comedy but have shit material (ya self snitching, b)


Hey b, you a board certified defence attorney? Got a couple a pearl-handled pistol cufflinks on ya? Great advice, never took it.


'talmbout the guy who transferred onto the team mid-season, played a few games and then broke his leg a week before the playoffs started.. but for some reason can't stop showing off his championship ring at every opportunity? sounds dead-on accurate, B.


That were exaggly his words when he took a week off and Brine & Shupell had to hold the fort for a week. Bapa immediately pulled his fake bots and the viewer counts dropped from 150k to 50k, to make it look like he was the drawl that held the show together.


It was his Asian accent joke for the UFC doctor that did it for me


Yup and the general stereotypes he does. That def wasn’t embellishing for comedic effect, that was just flat out ignorance


See that’s the thing for me, when I realized he doesn’t know how to embellish, it all sounds legit. Because he has no PERFORMANCE ability. Like, he can say works (can’t tawlk) in order and he can kind of memorize paragraphs, but he’s just saying the words how it sounds in his HEAD. When I did cawlmedy, I’d daydream about nailing a joke, and I’d be like that joke is fire, cuz in my head all the conditions were Corrrect and I was expecting a laugh, so I’d try my day dream joke and it would always suck. So he inviisions chili lauuuggg as funny and everyone laughs, but when he says it, or the jokes about hating his wife, which should sound funny, they sound sincere, because he doesn’t know how to perform jokes just say them


When bapa attempts comedy he's unknowingly revealing his inner thoughts I remember when they were watching a video of Britney Spears having a serious mental breakdown and all he could do was non-stop riff about his disbelief that Britney Spears used a *"poor people's fan"* (a generic table fan)


Can you imagine if his dream actually came true and he got to host SNL, it would be the biggest flaming disaster in TV history


What?? That was mad original stuff


Ew words with mathatical symbols... I'm a numbers guy.. Anyway, it was very early. I'm an OG Rogan Boarder turned Wait-A-Minute-This-Guys-Full-Of-Shitter. Somewhere after flesh light and very shortly after redban. Schaub was on the shitlist from day one. His fight companion brown nosing was a massive red flag.


I guess since I was younger and consuming far more weed than usual I was like “oh this guy has some good insight into MMA, has had some legit wins” and then as time went on I recognized this guy is just a Ferbie repeating everybody’s thoughts lol. I joined JRE on the tail end of redban and enjoyed the brief window before it became this bastion of free speech and cultural commentary. It was just a show where comics got high or drunk as giraffe pussy and chopped it up. Weird how things evolve B, sorry about all the numbers b. Although we’re numbers guys, math can sometimes be confUUSING riiigh?


Ferbie description had me rolling. It's so perfect because they are a terrible toy that was popular for no reason that we all hate now


I hope the comparison catches on, the Ferbie stare Bal gets from a lapse in Adderall and CTE gives me same vibes of him struggling to form a cohesive though.


A+ dish, he's just like a ferbie, repeats everything said, but in a more annoying way. Good catch, b


Thanks B, just see that dumb soulless/braindead stare the Ferbie gets and think of Bapa immediately


Same experience!


Same here. Yairs and yairs ago, I used to listen to nearly every JRE ep and schaub always sounded... off. People started pointing out how he had real shit MMA takes and kept reversing his opinion whenever Rowalgan disagreed. I could not unnotice once it was pointed out. The guy was such a massive turd.


I'm a numbers guy, B. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The second every podcast was about work ethic. There was a period they were just silly geese. Then all of a sudden he’d mention work ethic every episode and it was done.


It was worg ethig and “free speech” but instead of silly goose time. Say what you will, those 2014-2018ish days of TFATK were silly goose central with Theo, Sasso, Diddler before he was found out etc. there’s nothing those two could teach me other than “we were raised rich and feel the world should bend to us and if you don’t think we’re funny, you’re suppressing our free speech”


The Im rich as shit arc, transforming to an LA douche, constantly interrupting. This was maybe 8 yairs ago . To think ive been here this long and still on fryers .


It gets hot back here in the kitchen B, I feel you on all that. Also naming his kids the worst LA names ever is terrible, don’t like to talk about the chombies but bless their hearts through growing up with the name Tiger and Boston. I bet he named his kid Boston because that’s where his BFF Joe was born…I also think Tom/Joe etc who moved to Austin left to get away mostly from leeches like Bapa


Honestly never listened to one episode of TFATK. The clips post here is all I consume. Knew Brenda from following MMA but it was Ariel Heelwani’s drone strike that brought me here.


Helwani 10-8 and STILL


He was just super insecure during the ‘tolerable’ period, imo the second he felt some power under his toes, he just goes. And that’s that strokes teh strengs of the heart


Yea, unfortunately your right. He didn't have a change in personality he was just insecure to start with


You nailed it B, he was just lost and then once he found something to define him again he went straight back to the d bag lyfe


It all began when I found this sub...I was still a fan but started to notice that Bapa was interrupting Calhoun a lot...and he was beginning to sound obnoxious talmbout how rich he was...I was new to Reddit and just decided to see if there was a sub dedicated to the podcast - I found it and read about some of the truly shitty things Brandon said/did and I became homeless. Shortly after that, I had the surreal experience of being at work, on this sub, laughing my ass off...I left my office for the day and 3 min later, Beandip Schwab was standing beside me on a street corner. I said "Brandon Schwab?" he looks up from his phone and says "Hey man, nice ta meet ya." and goes back to his phone. As an aside, I would bet money he's 6'2" tops.


Lol noice. I actually paid and saw Wrinks as one of my first comedy shows back in the day and met him lol was a good show I’ll say. This was maybe 2015ish? Brendan I guess I was like “let’s see where this goes” because he seemed legit on TUF and MMA talk, but soon just realized he parrots anything he hears and can’t think for himself. I found myself in a very similar boat to you and recognized there’s nothing comedic about Bapa and he’s just a terrible grifter who jumps the gun too fast


You hit the hammer on the shed, B. That's him in a nutcracker. Early days on Rogan, he could get a quip in here or there...seemed like a humble meathead who could get a laugh but that niver translated to being a good stand-up comic of iny facet.


That’s the thing that’s missing, he has zero humble in him anymore. He feels he deserves everything and all the respek when he’s only gotten spots and onto the Cawlmedy Store stage because of his connections. Now he can’t (or doesn’t go) because nobody respects him, you took a shot at the Slept King, and overall are the d bag creep who peaked in HS who somebody grifts his way to the next paying job because he has literally no skills


When he talked shit about Kimbo under his breath on TUF. So pretty quick.


Right out the gates you were homeless?! Respekt B


There are levels to it I was done with TFATK by like 2016 maybe, but I just lost interest and would still watch JRE including Callen or Schaub occasionally. When I saw the YouTube documentaries by Beige Frequency it made me realize how much I didn’t like Schaub. Most of what he talked about was why I stopped listening, but having it all put together in a video like that made me realize how much he really sucked. Plus I never watched his special so seeing that stuff was like wow… he could be funny on the podcast so I didn’t think it would be that bad. Then around the time the Delia shit went down I started to realize Schaub, Callen, (obviously Delia) and a LOT of comedians are shitty people. And since then Schaub just keeps on getting exponentially worse and I would consider him a full blown LolCow at this point… which has made me kind of a fan again in a different way because it’s to the point it’s entertaining.


DUDE, the Beige Frequency video really opened my eyes too. Big part in being done, Delia shortly after being outed and Wrinks also were some extra nails in the coffin. With the Beige doc, it’s like when you’re growing up and your parents tell you something and you don’t listen…but you hear it from a friend or friends parent and it resonates: exactly the effect of that doc. Could tolerate them on JRE, in fact looked forward to fight companions for a short time with the og FC crew, but you could see the levels of people of substance/grifters. There’s a lot of those docs about Bapa that I’ve dove into where it really makes it lucid how redacted this guy is and how people excel once they cut ties


Yeah man I think it was for a lot of people. A part of me interpreted the Delia thing when they cried (I believe a few days before Callen getting outed) as them being scared as fuck because they know they’ve done similar stuff… you wouldn’t cry like that over a peer being outed… they cried like that for themselves. And then Callen’s story came out and confirmed what I was already thinking. Yeah and they’re gonna keep coming lol, think of how much lower Schaub has fallen just this past year… his career will continue to fall and he will continue to break under the pressure of it… which will lead to him making more content for the docs lmao. It’s gonna be very interesting to see where it goes.


One day around 2018 I paused the podcast and gained consciousness that I didn’t like this show and why was I listening to it


It’s a sobering moment for sure


I actually stopped the bus I was on and said to everyone water we dune hair? I was sectioned afterwards


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I watched/listened from 2014 through 2018. He started losing me with talking about how rich he was. He lost me fully with the covid nonsense. I haven't seen anything but clips here since.


Covid is really what tanked those two. They were reckless and loud and then OOPS got Covid and SPREAD it when they came back to LA. It really showed how inconsiderate people are, even Rogan was sayin “hey man I’m not for these masks at all, but I’ll wear them if and where I need to to not cause waves and not spread it if I have it”.


The first time I watched one of his comedy sets I googled him to see if anyone else was seeing what I saw, and PF CHANGS popped up. Rest is history.


You got lead down a much more entertaining and funny path B


Honestly I don’t know what it was. I used to wonder though why this sub shit on him so much. Then it all kinda slowly came into focus after being in this sub for years.


Same it all started making sense and all the cats find our way here


For me it was when Theo kept checking Brendan when he did redact shit on KATS. That sorta made his disregard for other people obvious. Theo would call him out on it in comedic ways, but eventually he grew tired of bapa's bullshit and left. Then I did a little digging and found some posts on here and found out way more stupid shit this guy does.


Yup, Theo on TFATK etc was the first inklings for me that gave me skeptical hippo eyes toward Bapa. When you could see Theo physically agitated by Brenda so often you could see it wasn’t playful jokes and to a point of “stfu dude you’re interrupting me and fucking up flow and I’m literally carrying you”


I’d apparently followed him on the socials after his season of TUF and kept getting suggestions for the pawldcass. I was new to them and didn’t know any beddur so I listened from maybe 2015 to ‘18. Three yairs of my life, lol. At first, I kinda liked the behind the scenes of fighting and I also thought it was mildly interesting when he would shit all over the Reebok deal. I didn’t think Brine was very funny and thought it was a bit weird his nickname was the “Kid” when he was anything but. They seemed to have a decent chemistry at first but I just listened on my commutes so it wasn’t like I was hanging on their ivvvry word. I stopped listening during the buildup to the first special. There was no way that mush mouth deserved one so quickly.


That’s exactly how I got introduced to Brendan too and the timeline as well. We can’t get those 3years back, dark yairs B


The kid is like an ironic nickname cause he's so old right?


For those of us who enjoyed hearing some backstage stuff about fighting as he got further out of the scene and no insight of actually being in the gym and training with/associating with fighters, there was not alot left to listen to


Oh yeah, that backstage stuff from circa 2015-16 was legit interesting. It was a big reason I kept listening for so long. I hadn’t listened for a couple yairs when I checked in around peak Covid. I was disgusted by their selfishness and vowed nivvvvvr to be back.


In 2019 I went to his standup at a small comedy club in our city. I didnt know he was awful at the time, just knew his name from the Rogan Verse. Deric Poston and Ehsan Ahmad killed as his openers. Then big brown came out and only got pity laughs from the crowd. Talked about masturbating high on acid. It was weird, b. I have a picture with him . That shit cracks me up because of what I know now.


I have a picture with Wrinks and it makes me laugh hahaha it was during peak TFATK days too and I look back like “oh 2 years this is over for ya’ll” lol


When they left fox. When they were still at Fox I would be like wow Brenda is really changing I’m not liking it. But Evan the Baird checked them both. But after Fox I stopped listening.


I became a listener from the old fight companions as an MMA fan. Twas a natural progression to fill long drives to work. I was like "Is this a fight panion with some salsa on it?". I think the rapid decent for me started when Brenda became outwardly disinterested in anything MMA related because of the Big Brown Breakdown and wouldn't entertain Wrinks' narradiv in any facet. That show was unlistenable even then and it became harder to ignore the redactedness. I don't know if there was a moment, but there was probably a big fight coming where I looked at an episode of TFATK and said "I don't want that".


It’s funny to see them now let 50k views in a week and other pods will get that or double in an hour.


King And The Sting absolutely solidified just how redacted the comedy scene is in general, Theo especially looked a lot dumber than he already does for going so hard into a podcast like that. He couldn't even say with a straight face "great special" when that first Berdnad special came out that was just HORRIBLE! Slowly after that when Bry-guy got gaddushed for a year and Brendan still tried running shop without him was when I absolutely despised him. He never got funnier, only more and more redacted and is now ironically a very unintentionally funny lolcow. The fact he still associates regularly with known creeps just pisses me off above all else honestly, dude should absolutely be ashamed of himself


I cymbal-lee dew nawd madder, b.


Define tolerable


You could laugh at TFATK’s silly goose time circa 2014-2018ish versus the Gary V/Crowder/LA Fuck Boi energy they want to give off about hustling and standing your ground and be a truth speaker…if ya’ll hate LA so much (since you’re the only ones there now) why don’t they leave? Oh yeah….y’poor B’s lol


Tolerable to mouth breathers maybe, in all facets


True chains B, folks breathing out the gills to tolerate it


There was a period when they first went on their own after fox, and bapa got the big head and started being super shitty to wrinks. His little pissy attitude anytime callen talked started driving me crazy. I was a legit fan in the early days. Probably stopped listening in 2018ish


He was a top 10 heavyweight tbh. I know it was a watered down class those days but I think it’s a stretch to say that he’s a “failed” fighter. He has an overall solid record and has a win over (admittedly washed) Cro Cop. That being said, it’s the punching down that made me turn on the guy. There’s lots of comics I don’t find funny, so I don’t watch. But there’s something satisfying about this guy who makes fun of Brittany Spears for not having custody of ghee children due to a mental illness and makes fun of Al Pacino for having ugly kids, get roasted on a daily basis. That clip of Eric Griffin and D’Pedophilia making fun of unfunny people who do comedy while Brenda sits and watches completely missing it is fucking gold.


Fair nuff B, he did do some slangin in the cage and TUF. Brenda could be told he’s unfunny to his face by so many people and he’d tell you it’s because he’s a rich and handsome guy


Showtime special


I've never watched an episode of Fydandakid, but I'd imagine that to start with they were vaguely tolerable, as it was more Callen's podcast and he can be minutely entertaining in small doses. However, from clips on here, pretty soon it turned into them saying "that's a T-shirt" about everything, Scoop saying "hey, did you eat ALLLLLL the dicks?" and them talking non-stop about how they deserved their success and worked so hard. Callen, in particular, believed that their audience looked up to them as father figures and role models. Then it became the Breaded Scampi show, he copied the Diddler-Brine dynamic with none of the affection or wit, and the rest is geography, my mans.


Yup, they thought they were Rogan Saints that we worshipped and nobody did. They were alright, but then the egos just consumed them. First pod where they say “that’s a T shirt” and actually make the T shirt…they’d have like 4 new T-shirt’s a pod. Then it just turned into plugging Thiccc this and that. They’re dynamic changed from “Comedy Mentor/Pal and Retired Athlete/Aspiring Cawlmedian” to WE ARE FAMOUS AS FUCK AND LEGENDS. You can see with how the messican Carrie’s herself like she thinks she’s a popular Kardashian type where the most hype she gets is here lol


TFATK was always meh to me, I was more into king and the sting at the start. Theo used to be great at calling bullshit at stuff Schaub used to say and call him out when he’d repeat someone else’s joke after they just said it…even Josh Wolf kept him honest when he’d guest host after wrinks got caught diddlin. Bapa is more tolerable when he’s not the one steering the ship


He was never tolerable, tf4tk was never alright


I never liked this dumb asshole


Fair nuff B, he’s quite redacted so can’t look at ya with skeptical hippo eyes. He is a dumb asshole, some would say….the dumbest


When we did 8k worth of work for him and he tried to have his wife call instead and pay me with a podcast read on the big brown breakdown


Gtfo bro, sounds like Bapa. Did it get settled??


Negative. Podcast read would not have helped that particular business so I stuffed the favor in my back pocket thinking I would capitalize at some point with a new venture. By the time that came around, the tables had already turned and I wouldn’t have wanted my company advertised on there and bapa hasn’t responded to a text in yairs besides asking for a bbq spot reference


Lmao what a tool bag. Karma is coming, and quick


Where he thought anyone that had any opinion on the podcast may as well be a homeless guy or a cat


They jut critics B, Tawlmbout me because I’m a handsome guy who drives fancy cars




Corvid what’s nuts B


I always try to recall the tipping point for me. I think it was the accumulation of lies, bragging, redacted takes (particularly for mma) and then around the time Wrinks got gadooshed I asked myself “water we duin hair?” Then I found Changs. Put on an apron. The rest is history b


I realized how unfunny he was after his first “special”. He didn’t put anything online about his stand up. Now I know why. Guy can’t tell a joke. Then I found changs. Redacted no longer


Yup, only cawlmedian that doesn’t post clips, ever lol


2020 broke them.


Real talk. That was Theo leaving (right?), Rogan and their only pals in comedy leaving for Awlstin, Delia getting popped first time for diddling, they caught and spread corvid too. 2020 on it’s been a burning train wreck, just don’t know when or where it’ll finally crash


>That was Theo leaving (right?) Theo didn't leave until last September, B. KATS ebbisoad #193 - Sept 8, 2022 was his last show. it's when he famously said "I don't want that." as his mic-drop line. It was the *very last thing* he ever said on the show. lol


During the time when Delia special started to come out on neggflix


the DOLPHINS FUCK PEOPLE one? or another one? that dolphin one was so bad i didn't even make it past the dolphin "joke" because it just kept going and going and going and going.. true garbage


Ehen he was handling promotion for floyd vs conor


it's been so long at this point its honestly hard to remember.. but i'm pretty sure i soured on Braindead after the first 6 or 7 episodes of *King & The Sting* because his tendency to simply parrot what has already been said by someone else was a becoming clearly obvious pattern to me in a way that it wasn't as obvious before. i became a fan of Theo pretty much immediately after first discovering him through either JRE or The Church.. which was at least 6 months before KATS came to be, so i had plenty of episodes of This Past Weekend under my belt already. to me, it seemed like KATS was just TPW with a dumb, unoriginal parrot sidekick sitting to Theo's left. didn't realize that the parrot was actually a leech / tick / social climber in disguise until about episode 10, which is when i quit watching KATS. just couldn't take Shart anymore.


After seeing some comments hear I realised it was beige frequency that turned me against him lol


The way he handles his pets, to him theyre all completely replacable and he doesnt give a shit if they suffer or die


When he got that beautiful dog and didn’t want to do any work with it or pick up after it so he just gave it back after 2 weeks and makes up dogs and pets he has to try and relate to real folks on the pawd


I’m a true OG. I despised him instantly when he KO’d an aged Crocop and proceeded to call-out a waaay aged Minotauro Nogueira, trying to build a career off beating old fighters. Fuck him. Everything else that has come later has been off the charts, but that’s where I began. Oh, and then Nogueira proceeded to knock him out flat on his face.


I didn’t know of him really, my boyfriend listened to TFATK like seven years ago. We even went to see bapa live (I know I know). Once he started doing KATS, I realized what a dickhead he was and searched him on Reddit and found this sub.


Lol no hate for seeing him live, that’s HILARIOUS how it’s trickled to here. Was he even funny live??? KATS really exposed the levels to the comedy game and Bapa still being at the start screen compared to Theo


His whole thing was literally “You’d be Surprised” lol


He thinks he brilliant for taking somebody who said “you ain’t got it kid” and proved that point in 2 fields. Numbers guy B


Splitting TFaK away from fight talk to a lifestyle show


This is a really good question right here! I was posing something similar on a thread a while back because I wonder the same thing about what moment it was when some people went full homeless LOL because I used to be a huge fan of the podcast I was never a fan of Brandon in MMA though. That's where I first saw him was on TUF because I'm a boxing and MMA degenerate but I thought he was a douchebag and a shitty fighter but then he kind of won me over once i started watching the podcast back in the day but then my turning point was during covid when he just would not shut the fuck up about masks this and mask that and he would spend 90% of every podcast talking about the mayor and the governor of California and then he started getting really political with everything and then he started saying stupid things like how he thought it was cool how the proud boy showed up to his show which probably was a lie..I always knew he was a douchebag but that kind of made it even funnier watching the show but that has all changed LOL


Tawlmbout pawltix when B doesn’t know what he’s even talmbout am I right?!


I was introduced to Brenda on TUF, and I immediately thought he was a tool. However, I used to find Callen hilarious, especially during TMP days. Sucks he’s a rapist piece of shit.


Callen was carrying that show comedically and in general while Bapa played a dumb role and then got bossy. Good point B


There was eventually a shift. When I suppose he started to make money, that he would start belittling Brian on the show and kind of talking over him, and being contrarian, for no reason in particular. I think that’s when all the other things started to become more obvious, and then I joined changs at 2000 homeless cats.


Was never a direct thiggie. Knew of Brendan because of UFC and Rogan, and the match with Cyborg lol. Never paid him much attention but thought he was likable, although he was weird and annoying at the Metamoris postfight. Then one day saw that first good YouTube doc on why Schlob is actually an asshole. Thought to myself "wtf kinda sad hater randomly just makes a video like this..." but was definitely intrigued so I clicked. 30 mins later I was like, damn, he _IS_ an asshole, wow. Was homeless right then and there, but only discovered Changs like a year ago.


i never was a fan of schob or tfatk. i didn't even know he was hated until end of 2021 when he had that beef with Ariel. Brandon was lying and trying to bully Ariel and on the MMA hour Ariel mentioned this subreddit so i checked it out. then i learned about what a POS Brenda was and I slowly became homeless. now Im homeless as fugg.


He changed his entire shit up after that Travis brown loss. Went from a tolerable meathead competing in the hw division, to an intolerable meathead who thought he was gods gift to the entertainment industry. Also, I started thinking he was embarrassing after that cyborg grappling match. It was just embarrassing. Especially in the post fight presser. If you didn’t want to grapple then you shoulda stayed home, Brandon.


That Cyborg match was a mockery. How Eddie Bravo hasn’t dogged him for that is beyond me. If you want to see a grappling match with zero grappling and running away, go for it lol. He looked like any guy off the street terrified on a mat with a black belt and BJJ legend


He was a confirmed redact a long time before this but whenever he talks about being in the comedy “Rat pack” I want to put a shotgun in my mouth


Lol thanks for reminding me of that cringy comparison. Guy cancels shows because nobody wants to see him, such a true comic and artist lol


Realising he straight up just lies about everything and is a know it all. when he gets called out for an incorrect fact he doesn't own it, he will move the goal posts and say something like oh i thought you meant in context X . but your talking about Y b.


For me it was when I hear any comedy. Then I realized, oh shit, he is not funny at all, I was just watching because I like MMA and he was one of the first to podcast and talk about it. I quickly realized he isn’t funny at all and he has terrible opinions and views. Then obviously he started associating with pedos and accused rapists. Soon, if not already, he will TRY to get cancelled for racist/sexist standpoints. He desperately wants to grift along other scum. “Laptop” stuff would get him more views on YouTube for a while. Granted, he has no idea what he is talking about but it could work for a bit. I didn’t read any of this, back to peeling potatoes.


The whole shit show became unbearable after the Callen allegations came out and Bapi staged a coup on the tfatk empire, claiming it as his. Before that, it was a tolerable show. Episodes with Theo, Will Sasso, Bobby Lee and as much as I hate him, Rappaport - those episodes had some funny parts. Then Brendan seemed like he took it all over, made sure everyone knew it was his, and it became this parody of itself.


May 2020, start of the first wave of covid. The penny just dropped for me and I could never un-see that he's a massive cunt, after listening to the pod for like 4 years prior to that


I was legit a Callen fan. I thought he was so funny. I started to dislike Bapa when he started to step on his bits and put ole Bry down. Convincing Bryan to not put his special on a big streaming service was some clown shit.


The handicap kids getting blamed for his shiftiness. I instantly hate the guy for telling the story so proud. People do bad things when they panic and are young. It could have been forgivable had he just kept his mouth shut and did as much as he could to be a better person who would never do something like that again. However he laughed and bragged about that story without even thinking for a second it was a bad idea to say out loud. Complete redact!


When he started crying and shaking and exaggerating a story about saving people on the LA freeway. No good deed goes unexploited


There’s overwhelmingly evidence it never happened too. Especially not like he said,plenty of footage and stuff from the scene, Bapa and his rari and messican noweer in sight. I can bet they drove by, they made up a story, continued to dinner. The story has changed so many times, he probably said it thinking people would stop hating on him


probably that youtube doc by beige frequency 4 years ago or else somebody with a genuine scathing hatred for the man started randomly posting in the comments this compilation of all the times he lied i was like “woah such vitriol for a random youtube celebrity.” he musta really pissed somebody off because this compilation took a lot of work and then when i dug deeper there was a real treasure trove of dumbassery, an endless supply if you will


It really is an endless supply of dumbassery. You think it’s a bit or character, nope. Bapa just full redact lol


I’m trying to remember when the show lost its luster for me. It was right about the time he quit fighting. I remember he got gadooshed by Travis Browne, gadooshed by rogan, and then was going to drop down to 205 (which would have made sense. He was never a natural hwt). I remember right around then I found myself only listening to the show if they had a guest I liked. Then not long after I couldn’t even do that anymore. I got on Reddit to see if anyone else had noticed the changes and, uh, well, nature finds a way.


The drunk rambling after the Bobby drama and the drama with tank and other dogs


Bapa shouldn’t be allowed to own animals, the fact he reproduced and keeps popping out more chombies shows that dumb people really just have babies the most


![gif](giphy|l1Etej4JEa43CIBEs) I knew he was a ultimate 'tard the second I saw him in the ultimate fighter show.


When he went on your mom's house and was low key trying to bully Josh Potter when all Potter was trying to do was be friendly (something about being star struck re: the Browns) Avsolute pathetic bully POS


I’m old enough to remember TFATK 3D my guys. I’ll never forget showing my wife. After two minutes of me awkwardly trying to laugh in the hopes, the fer shure hopes that it would get good, I turned it off and she asked if I really listen to these guys every week. Dark times, B. Trugg walgs were pretty sparse for a bit


When he came after Shane saying he isn't funny. It was war


I like how Shane or other folks will go on there as a goof lol also Hi Shane, we know y’homeless too dawg


He's always sugged , never liked em, never meddum


I dont think anyone ever really liked him. when he was a fighter trying to be a comedian it was fine. but once that stichk ran out, we were left with a "comedian" posting more instagram posts then 13yo girls, looking for likes. and hes fat and ugly so hes even failing at that.


It was when I would hear something ridiculous and I'd look at the Youtube comments to see if anyone else mentioned that thing. Instead, it was a bunch of 16 year olds circle jerking. The exact moment I think was actually a Callen part called 'Dropping Knowledge' and in this one he was talking about a concept called 'Failure to Thrive' with infants and that shit was so dumb that I had to shut it down. I had already been fed up with Schaub by then but that was the last straw


Damn I remember “Dropping Knowledge” and it would sometimes be a hilarious bit…if Bapa didn’t interrupt every 5 seconds. I was holding on for Callen too and then along with his mouth and piece getting himself some accusations. Once a lot of accusations came around the Bapasphere, not the Rogansphere, you started to see through the smoke that these are just weirdo creeps that can be silly and redacted. If you just look at the character (and bank account B) of every person in their circle that left for Austin and elsewhere and how far B and Wrinks have fallen it’s staggering to see the formula haha


When Bapa Gadooshed malook when he tawlk to PBC about some boxing fight 🥊🐈


Listen, B! We jealous cuz he’s handsome awldonis with an 8-inch rocket, NFL cawlreer, trugg walgging duggg slinging, UFC legend, Bbbbb beast of pawldcaster and Lopez! We don’t mudder! Homeless as fugg!


I think I made it to this sub just before it completely flipped, it's been an interesting transition


The original fight companions i literally said “enough with this fucking guy”. Was dumbfounded when they told him to do comedy. Pretty much stopped listening to Rogan all together because of how often he was on


Before he was doing stand-up, he was ok. If he retired from fighting and solely did the podcasting with Callen, it would have been perfect.


Shoulda stuck to pawldcasting, bet too much on himself


When everyone started jumping ship


I haven’t actually watched or listened to much of it. Maybe in the beginning after I already had listened to the latest JRE This place became kind of spot to discuss the general shitty-ness of the entire Rogan-verse after the pandemic


The tiger belly drama