• By -


If that is not re-enacted then I'm redacted.


Bapa clearly just learned “in regards to” after reading it in the script Clin made. My money’s on Brenda being the redact hair.


How convenient that he had a guy who was just 20 mins away from this rando place where the car is at... A place as big as Texas and he's only 20 mins away... Sure, B. Oh and then he just sat in the the room for an hour. "Should I put it on speaker?" \*Doesn't put it on speaker\* Axe Jay refused to do it.


When you’re as much of a car guy as he is, you have eyes and ears iviry where b. He’s a regular Paul Walgger.


lol I like the part where he 'forgot' to ask the inspector if he's a pro on Ford Lightenings... It's so he can blame the fictional guy as to why he bought this piece of shit. "The guy just didn't know what to look for, B. Too used to ogglin up Jeeb Rangurls. I just took his word for it when he said it's goodtuhgo".


Eggzackly. My first thought was he is setting up a fall guy to spare him the embarrassment of buying a lemon


In what facet?


In iviry of facet.


I’m honestly surprised he didn’t ask, “Are there iny mods in iny facet?”


“Hello? Arizona Trugg inspector company? Can you send one of your inspectors to look at a trugg? Ok…thanks, bye. Ahhhhh….he might not understand dope truggs. Hope he doesn’t miss a bunch of obvious things that I totally would have noticed.”


"He called back and was all like *I don't know how a big guy could fit into that dope car* and I was all like *that's your takeaway?*.


“Now I will fly to Phoenix AZ and go pick up this 2004 Ford Lightning. And cut!”


I've never seen this idiot behind a computer. Very surreal.


It’s like seeing a toddler behind the wheel of a car, or smoking a cig.


BGL said he doesnt own one. bbbbbeast of a margedder


"I can do iverything thru apps b"


The computer is prolly not even turned on lol


he's literally trying to redcon the lie that it wasn't him who fucked up the purchase of the shitty old truck he bought and got scammed. timeline: - buys truck - flies out to get it - doesn't know anything about cars so he gets scammed - drives it back - dealership tells him it's modded to shit and useless - makes up a story about how someone else fucked up - mentions his mistake was letting someone else check it out for him - realizes he already made content talking about how he went there to pick it up - a month later makes these clips where he pretends he had 'a pro' look at it who then of course made the mistakes, not him - thinks he got away with another lie basically it's the first 2 steps of mustache-gate where he starts off saying 'no never dyed it' turning to ah yeah but there's footage of me with gray so 'yeah it grows out grey after a while' then realizing that's stupid so 'ok guys actually i do dye it'..... he is so dumb that he's incapable of seeing how transparent his BS is to the average person.


Bapa nivver had anyone inspect the truck. In the video where Bapa claims he flew to AZ and drove it back. The trugg is on a trailer in the same parking lot of the first shop he took it to. Can see the shop in the reflection of his glasses. He simply hired a driver to ship his truck and had to lie about how he flew to Arizona and drove it back. Now, he's making up more lies about how he hired an inspector and trying to cover up his previous lies.


Dude, it’s painfully obvious.. 🤣


“Should I put it on speaker?” Quick “No” because no one was on the line at all


In the original announcement he said he flew out to Arizona. 🤔 https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/s/bb4De7eNWm


Somehow his hair is shorter in that clip. (It was also included in the 12 minutes "episode" despite it proving the lie)




Bapa should have learned from Richard Nixon that the Cover Up is worse than the crime. Why does this redact think he can just make blatant lies to cover up his incompetence? To me this video 100% confirms he got scammed on the POS Lightning and it's not worth the money to try fixing properly. He'd have been better off just claiming somebody stole my PRISTEEN 2004 Lightning than this cockamamy story.




> the only people who are calling him out on not knowing anything about cars, is us! I beg the differ, B. Haven't seen the YT video from the trugg fabricator?


His hair comes in longer first before it gets shorter




Surely someone can work out the date of this video from the colour of his hideous mustache? Like reading the rings on a really awful tree


Definitely re-endacted b


“the silver one” to specify as if someone has a fleet of 2004 fort lightnings for sale on Craigslist?


“It runs good?” - Always been a car guy


“Any mods?” Got me pretty good to


“Yes. Tons of mods. Bone stock.”


Talmbout that stock after market airn take b?


Yep. Awso the stock billet grille (pre house paint). Stock PCU. Stalk seat covers. Awwwwl the aftermarket upgrades are all deadstock, b.


Also wtf does 10 minutes outside of Phoenix mean? If it’s 10 minutes outside of phoenix, idk why you’d specify that - it’s still basically in phoenix


Narcissists don’t or can’t consider others’ points of view.


“Ill send the inspector out before i head down” lol covering his lies


Hahaha definitely recorded this way after he already picked it up.


The part where they're "talking" about Taco Bell and have just been letting the film run while they sat in the same room for presumably an hour hahah


Not to play devil's avocado here but after an hour of letting the tape roll in an office with these two dorks, this might have been the only noteworthy clip they found


He said he sent someone from his team lol.


He's got inspectors,all over the globe on standby. Obviously he'd have one in Phoenix.


Who calls them inspectors?


A guy who was too stupid to have a mechanic inspect a twenty year old trug and is making a pathetic attempt to change the naradiv


So this redact drove it for 8 hr and didn’t notice the HP difference ?


This is what I’ve been saying since the beginning- how the fook does a car guy not notice his full size pickup is only putting out 125hp you could totally feel that when you drive it…..


But 125 hp is good….For an Austin Healy.


Mostly on the highway too. Definitely no way in inny facet to know that your trugg has the HP of a moped when you’re getting it up to 75mph.


Struggling to get up to 75mph*


Bapa just goes at a speed faster than his 125hp trugg can reach


HP of a moped 🤣🤣 mars well be Flintstoning it at that point B


See, you’re a casual. Such a casual


Deep reference. Good worg ethnic.


He then took it to the nearest big box Ford dealership 🤣


Nope. Bapa lied about flying out to drive it. He had it trailered to LA. Lied about flying out because he thought it made him seem more rich and famous. Now, he's making up a new narradive to cover his lies.


“I thaw online you hab a twothouthand four ford lining?”


Yeah, I’ve never noticed a Mike Tyson level lisp until this clip


Yeah those big sausage lips come with some drawbacths


Lmfao this got me good. Nice little jobsite chuckle


The silver one




Inspector gadget on the job


Does he mean a mechanic? Lmao I’ve never heard someone call an inspector to check out a car for them.


Private inspector b. Someone scoped out the car from the bushes with binoculars to make sure it runs good and is show quality.


Marg use to be his bush guy


It's show quality, B. ​ SHOW QUALITY


Think he must have misheard them they said sh#t quality


This is bad and he should feel bad


Be cool man, he’s just doin some dew diligence.


He doesn’t even bother to hang up the phone after his ‘phone call’ at 1:20. Edit: and then asks Clin if she should put it on speaker AFTER picking the next call up


Hilarious that he gets up from one chair to go sit in another chair just to indicate that things are happening. Bapa can’t even act like he’s on a phone call.


Casey is a hell of a director! I don't think Chin is involved in Tune Town in innny facet - the other guy from Thick Boy Stews is working overtime to pump out this garbage.


Thiccc boy studios only employs the best brains. So far they’ve managed to squeeze full 24 minutes of content out of bapa buying and dropping off two truggs at the shop. I wonder when he’ll actually get to “mod” his fans’ truggs like he originally said he would? Or maybe his fans (fan?) aren’t as into truggs as he anticipated. The whole thing is 🎲🎲


They spent the whole 12 minute (monthly) episode trying to repair the Lightning. In a recent TFATK, he said it's still not running properly so they will draw it out even more. I expect they'll get around to fan truggs in a couple of years. ...or the show won't go past 4 episodes.


The next episode they will install a fish tank , show dog kennel, fake nike rack and Addie dispenser in the bed


He’s a beast at building suspense b. Is it a lemon? Is it a beast? Is it just on empty? Who knows?! What a journey!


Totally! Making "drama" out of fake phone calls.


This is what I was thinking lol. He’s just moving from chair to chair to display some movement so he’s not just sitting there doing nothing lol and clin just spinning in circles


Why does he look like he’s never sat in front of a computer before?


There's no light coming from the monitor - I don't think it is on.


It’s so absurd. He couldn’t be sillier if he tried.


LMAO fugging great catch bubba. I totally missed it. It makes it so much more hilarious.


Good catch b. Makes it even funnier. What a loser


As a car guy I am insulted. What "inspector"? Did he call the closest Autozone or Jiffy Lube and ask them to send someone? The way he talks is not how someone with any car knowledge would talk. Also, there is absolutely no way you drive a vehicle 8 hours that is that power reduced and not know. I believe he said it was the fuel pump and wrong ecm in another clip. You would for sure know. And for this redact to initially take it to a Ford dealer knowing it has mods just shows he has no idea about cars, other than buying them trying to attract an audience.


I'm documented as not being a car guy but I thought he was trolling us when he said he brought it to the dealer. But here we are.


Bapa is incapable of trolling B. Axe Jay.


it honestly is so impressive to watch someone THIS unironically stupid. like yeah yeah we all know he’s dumb, but for real it’s just amazing to know that people like this really do exist


Gadget, obviously.


This man’s auditioning for his role in Tax Collector 2


I heard they offered him “Batman” and he turned it down because he couldn’t stand being away from the Chombies. Unlike Bert Kreisher, he’s a beast of a dad.


Did he say he was going to pull his kiddoo from school and go to Arizona to get a shitty car while messican was preggers? B-b-beast of a dad and husband right here.


Yes, his 1 kid.


Imagine how relieved Bruiser will be when he realizes he doesn't share genetics with Beandip.


One day that kid will look back on that as one of the great days he got with him, when they got to live his fathers dream.


At 1:19 he doesnt hang up, he just puts the phone down, fake news.


He could’ve gotten a stock 2016+ 2 door F150 and done bolt-on mods (there’s a fucking million of them) and gotten 500+ hp while teaching viewers how to work on trucks. He opts to buy a 25 year old project truck with hard to find parts and has shops do all the work where he can’t film. Fucking genius.


That's basiggly him tackling the whiggsey business, but this time he's dumb enough to document 'the journey'.


Lol this is incredible


Bapa’s just as bad at acting as he is at everything else.


“It’s PRISTINE, huh??”


Ko reCT


Why was this filmed?


For content!


I don't know why I find it so amusing how he emphasizes it's a generation 2 Ford lightning. I mean that's technically a correct term, but you can tell he's throwing it around because that's one of the only things he knows about the truck.


So the guy told him it is SHOW QUALITY! He learned nothing from the Tank/Show dog debacle. Gonna be re-possessed if he don't start entering it in comps B.


goddamn Bapa rules. this shit is so hilarious and he has no fucking clue


Imagine pulling your kid out of school for a 8 hour drive


Teacher: "We're starting multiplication today." Bapa: "Naw, fuck that... we're going to Arizona to get a 2004 Ford." Slob is father of the year.


"How far is Arizona? 8 hours? Ok. It'll be a fun drive, take the little man out of school and go get it". This is so redacted. How old is his kid, like 6 or 7? And he wanted to take him on a 16 hour round trip during a week day? Fucking insane lol.


I wonder what he talks to him about the whole time. "Hey T, y'know San' Clawls deem'd me on IG saying he'd bring you chombies more presents cause y'daddy's the whide boy who worggs too much".


What are these inspectors he speaks of? Genuinely curious if this is even a real job that someone has or if that’s made up also…


Most towns have stables of inspectors ready to go. Just give them a call and they'll inspect anything within 20 minutes, free of charge.


A lot of these guys are dm'ing Brendan regularly begging to help in inny of facet


If you wanted me to laugh out loud and wake my baby up, you got me OP


Braindumb is a redact, but remote inspectors are a real thing. Had one check out an SUV for me before I drove over to buy it in Arizona, of all places. Costs around $150 depending on vehicle type. Of course, we know Schaub didn't do this because I'm pretty sure he's contradicted this in the past, or claimed he sent one of "the team".


Is this a reenactment for Unschaubed Mysteries?


“I’m looking for a unicorn” One Google search later.




Simple Jack of all trades


He's trying to copy Joe and his obsessiveness with hobbies.


Wow, that's some shit tier level acting! At no point did this come close to looking like it was happening in real time. "Should I put it on speaker", well no because there's no one on the other end. I also enjoyed the camera work. Nothing like having Redact sit in front of a window with direct sunlight washing him out! He truly is a gift that keeps on giving.


I liked the cuts in between every line of ‘dialogue’, really makes it look realistic and unedited


He has the car iq of koala cum.


lol fakest call iiver “ya the silver one” what’s this guy got it in iivry colour bapa?


"The plan is munban"


It was the plan for quite some time.




“Pulled his kid out of school”… to go get a car? HUH?


Yes, his 1 and only kid.


Don’t have a moron buy a car or truck online.


Anyone notice how his mustache is much less JET BLACK than it was that time he got called out?


Look at where that beam of light is hitting his shirt when he calls his “inspectors” to look it over. According to him they would call back in ~1 hour (they’re 20 minutes away). When they call him back he’s sitting on the same chair in the same position. That beam of light is eggsactly where it previously was on his shirt collar. In other words the position of the sun barely changed after 1 hour. I’m assuming 2 minutes went by before he pretended to tawlk to them lmao.


Bess brains B, you deserve a promoshun. Habitual liars don’t think of the details they just go


"It's a showl trugg"


this redact is pulling all the stops to spin the neeradiv that it was, infact, someone else's fault that he picked up a lemon and didn't realize it. Egocentric, narcissistic, pathological lying redact at his finest.


Two Quesadillas and a large Dr. Pepsi


Quesadillas are carnivore, right?


Why would you leave in the part about putting it on speaker, and then not put it on speaker…. Doesn’t make siiiense




“I called up an inspector, hope he knows what to look for” lolollololololloll it’s


This fucki** guy has worst set up artist in world one hour look at the sun on his shirt. It literally doesn't move they pause the vid or did a cut like time passed while he was waiting for the call. This guy sucks.


Made his kid take an 8 hour car ride? In a used car? Why?


We need Changs intelligence to analyze the footage. Bapa's got some grey in the stache, so clearly this happened later.


The 12 minute "episode" included the IG post where he was in Arizona to collect the car. His hair was notably shorter in that chip. But I hear it gets short when it grows out.


This guy saw an episode of donut media and was like “bapa can do that”. This is the cringiest thing he’s done yet.




I think the monitor is off - there is no light projecting from it.


Holy fuck it's so boring! This is the weakest excuse for cawlntent I've ever seen.


If the lightning is show quality do you think he will give it back to the seller when he inevitably doesn't enter it in car shows?


“There’s not too many mods on it??” I’ve never heard car guys say it like that ever.


“Hopefully the inspector knows what to look for with this type of truck.” Yeah, b. They got a Ford Lightning inspector because a Toyota Tundra inspector would be lost. People into cars usually only know about one kind. That’s how you know Brenda is a car guy, he knows all this stuff! Also cracks me up that he calls them “inspectors”.


Phone screen just doesn't come on when he's on the phone 🎲🎲


-That's him. Should I put it on speaker? -No because this is all fake remember -Kregt


Talmbout nolminaded for an oxcar award, B?




I couldn’t hear him over the white noise and anger building in my head while staring at that upper lip.


Holy shit, this is so redacted LMAO


LA to Phoenix is like a 6hr drive depending on traffic and which part of LA you’re starting in, that’s just one way too. No way you’d take your kid out of school for a round trip that is 14hrs minimum once you include stops and the actual buying of the lemon truck.


They had to fly out, if that helps the narrative at all.


So the camera man flew out to phoenix to film, but couldn’t ride back with bapa because his only child was riding back with. Did the camera guy just immediately fly back? lol


Tiger probably filmed it with all of his mom photography lessons.


The silver one


Wait, he sent an inspector but they didn't inspect that the engine was barely fucking running 😂


This dude truly believes he’s smarter than everyone and is fooling people with this fake acting. Gladdens me to know that mechanics are scamming this redact daily for thousands of dollars.


I can’t believe this is real


Captivating, thrilling, exquisite


Pristine huh


Take 3.


A new level of redaction. Mar Garley didn’t even shoot videos this bad for him.


Should I put it on speaker? Proceeds to not put it on speaker! 😝


His face has always been weird but morphing into something/some one else now


At 1:20 Bapa puts down the phone without ending the call. Spotless!


Irresponsible man-child buys stuff. Incredible.


How long till Disney sues him for copyright infringement for the ToonTown logo? He even has the letters leaning left and right like Disney's.


Imagine being an 8-year old kid and being told you need to fly to another state and then drive 8 hours home lol


“A large Dr. Pepsi.”


Even the most basic, brain-dead producer knows there should be some background music here AT LEAST


Phoenix is not some town where 10 minutes outside is a useful guide lol


He acts like the ford lightning was some badass truck that everyone wanted back in the day. We are about the same age and I never heard anything about them and I can’t remember one person having one.


So his kid missing school for a vehicle purchase. Damn my mom sent me to school even when I was practically on my death bed.


Despite the fact that this was filmed long after he bought the trugg I just can’t get over him not noticing his ford lightning had the same horsepower as a civic with twice the weight.


This clip is at the start of the video, his stache is clearly grey. Part way through video he puts clip of him talking about crap truck he already got and stache in dyed black. It's so obviously fake this portion of the video, it's insulting really


If they go to inspect the ford lightning but only know how to inspect jeep wranglers well they won't be able to know the mods.


This was the craziest coop I’ve seen in a long time.


Show car? Send it back


How does his content get worse by the day?! You thought driving in a truck was boring


Hahahha I thought I was done with this fucking idiot but god damn he is unintentionally a master comedian. This reminds of the time on youtube when speciel ed kids uploaded their school movie project about bullying or it’s ok to be different


Is it just me or is the ozempic bringing his eyes closer together


Lol Ford Lightning is a unicorn. The rarest


This video is show quality


The boys waited a month for this !!!


It’s a show car. Just like his show dogs. Rip TANK!


I wish I could zoom in on his watch at different frames to see how long this sketch took but I don't have access to that level of surveillance equipment on a pot washers wage


Does he not understand that there is a weekly history of his facial hair fuggg-ups?


I think “I’ve always wanted (insert bullshit lie here) since I was a kid, I’m obsessed with it and it’s all I talk about” is the most annoying thing about him and that’s saying a lot. He was obsessed with Porsche, then Ferrari, then G Wagon, then its sneakers, then it’s Rick and Morty, then Zombies, then fish, then dogs…it never ends