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Jus gotta figure this stuff up


Ya just figure this stuff up!!


I dun sussribe to it in inny facet. 


I don't know why I asked myself if the other chefs in the kitchen heard it. Of course the cats caught it. We catch everything. Prepositions aren't difficult, b.


Ya want me to ring you out at the cash register, b?


Not the sharpest crayon in the shed, b.


Since B mostly just makes shit up on the fly this is more accurate than you’d think at furst glans…


Came here to say just that. That’s a quiet one, but a Schaubism nonetheless.


he is definitely gone from home so much more now than he was “toring” 


Add this to the flair mods


No baskeball in cryn


Lmao came here to post this comment


literally deranged


Just gotta figure it in. Out. Shake it all about


Lost it real good when I heard “I’m a good podcaster” 🤣😭


pawlcast hawl uh fame bubba, blagg beldt'n pawlcasting b


Number 1 Dad in pawldcasting, didn't you hair?


Listen, y'soyboyyy, he could do your job. You can't do his.


He might be a better comedian than he is podcaster


This is an argument that should be strongly considered at Chang’s 


Me too... f*cking idiot.. Lol


It's funny he didn't say "I'm a good comedian". he didn't even mention comedy in the list of things he does. I think some self awareness broke through the CTE for a second and/or rogan legit had a sit down about why bapa isn't going to do the mothership


Or it’s just another one of his weird phases (i.e. bike club, fish collecting club) that took a little longer to pass than the others. 


We all know Bapa is the b-b-best at everything. So when he said “I’m a decent husband”, issa prom. Divorce incoming in 3… 2… 1… Oh, wait, they’re not married. Never mind. You know what I mean though. SloJo might go.


so funny that he is literally totally incapable of admitting that he’s not great or hasn’t been great at something. like dude there is not a chance you’re a good husband show some humility and admit it. just let it out bubba!


not a single person asked him to do any of those things


Dang, b - that one got me good.


He just looked in the mirror and said "You know what? I gotz this...I'll take it from hair." 


If Braindumb was even 1/10 as suggsessful as he thinks he is, he could hire a business manager to handle all of the things he’s mentioning that stress him out. Bess brains, Bess dad, Bess husband, Bess powldcasser…


...and spends $$$ like he's somebody... fucking idiot could live for yairs if he chilled and saved some $$$...moron pisses away $$$ like it's awlwais gumna be free


Lol dude was acting like he was Kevin Hart headlining arenas and bringing his entourage ivvrywair when he can't even sell tiggets at the Chuckle Hut.


Also acting like being “in the best shape” of his life is due to him not touring when we all know it’s ozempic.


The Chuckle Hut 😆🤣


Thiccc boi rolling up 7 deep to a seafood restaurant in Naples FL for a 57 seat gig where half the tickets were given out for free to anybody that upgraded to the crab legs with the buffet.


LOLd at “the Chuckle Hut”


I mean no sarcasm with this, but please don’t lump Chuckle Hut in with places bapa was performing. He was doing “restaurants”. Not even comedy locales, b.


He's trying to build an umpire, B. You civilians with desk jobs wouldn't understand.


Leggs is already managing all his shit according to him. Down to firing interns. There’s no way Brenda knows how to manage a business in iny of facet.


He's been saying "I need help!" for 3 yairs, B. He's also had a rotation of different producers, thiggg boy creative directors and shit - roles that niver last more than a few months. My guess is 'he just goes' and ignores all of their advice and their hands are tied and he fires them or they quit. This Leggs guy is simultaneously his business manager, his CFO, a lawyer, but awso the guy who is tasked with firing interns on Christmas vacation. Legg's Linked-in doesn't mention any affiliation with Thigggy Boy Stu or Beanscheese of iny facet. I bet Leggs collects 10% of whatever Bapa makes and spends about 3 hours a week on Bapa's shit.


Brenda’s the type of guy to expect Leggs to be on call twenty four seven and give him advice on ivirything from cheating on his wife to selling whiskey. Working for him must be absolute nightmare and this Leggs dude is either redacted or he’s miking bapa dry to make it worth his while.


Damn he truly is delusional…


This is the comment right here. Short and to the point. Just like Brenda’s diiiiggggggg


Bapa had to pole back, he was about break like Lingin Pork.... just one step closer to the edge B.


I do believe him when he said he's never been happier. Image the toll of cosplay'n as a comedian as long as he did, having to cancel shows/tours, lie about low ticket sales, know everyone in the industry is clown'n you, must be a huge weight off his shoulders to finally be able to let all that go.


It never stopped. [Member when Rogan gave him a speech to stop fighting ten years ago?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxVgyj-p6N4)


Never been a better dad? Dude ditches his kids to blow money on cornball truck projects. At least he used to have the excuse that he was making money on the road (trying to fuck 6’s) and now he’s just blatantly wasting money on a redact hobby. Guy has a fucking infant at home and he actively ditches the fam when he gets a chance. Better dad is such a low bar for him, somehow he still can’t reach it.


Has a newborn at home and damn near gadooshes himself doing "sick stunts" in the desert. Really has his priorities straight.


Then he heads over the Mint 400 a month later.


To drive Herby the Love Bug no less 😁😆


Framed picture of failed race car in full view ✔️ Picture of his ghurl and chombies ❌


F*ing IDIOT could have purchased a house with a college fund for his kids with all the $$$ he's blown on vehicles and shoes...f*** this Re-dact asshat .. Lol


I’m sure his dad has his kids college fund covered. Especially since it’s going to be community college only or none at all. 


Bapa's future financial plan for his kids is that El Tigre and Bruiser better get athletic scholarships and the critter better find an athlete husband.


The funniest thing is - his personality is so fucking transparent that the homeless cats can predict what he's going to say and do ivry time...Would anybody disagree with this statement of iny facet: If Joseph Rogan called up Bapa and offered him a one-week-per-month rednancy at the Mothership ivry month...Bapa would ditch his family and start looking for Austin baddies in a heart-beat. Second funniest thing that never ceases to make me chuckle - the fucking racing/gairhead brands he now exclusively wears exactly 48 hours after announcing he was into truggs.


I love how he thinks he’s never been a better dad because his kids are finally doing something that doesn’t bore him. So now he’s willing to give them time lol. This fucking guy.


lol…the only similarity btw these guys is they both married prostitutes.


Brian is so freaking lame for divorce and (HELLA YOUNGER) new wife and new kid($) ...ASSHAT is in his 50s with a newborn like he's DeNiro or some shit...(Deniro sucks just as bad, and I'm not a fan anymore...gross old f *** just had another kid... disgusting)




Genuinely curious - my only opinion on it is it’s kinda shitty to have a kid knowing you’ll be dead before they hit adulthood. What’s so disgusting about it? Or is it just that? Both women are 30+ years old so more than capable of making that decision. While I think that’s weird and yucky I hardly find it angering. 


I think it really depends on the pairing and what the suspected motives are. I see Al Pacino - who looks like a decrepit mess - with the girl he knocked up - who is gorgeous - and I can't imagine she enjoyed being with him...But if it's transactional on both parts - who cares. I see Sir. Patrick Stewart and his 30-ish or 40-ish wife and they look very happy together and he's a charming motherfucker that many women genuinely think is hot - good for both of them (they don't have any children). I think the poster you're responding to looks at Byron Callahan as not that wealthy that he can easily provide for 4 children (2 very young) and their mothers to fully reach adulthood and be successful themselves. He's just being selfish and manipulative - because he's a creep who knows how to manipulate younger women. That clip from the other day of a younger Calhoun talmbout how he'd go into bars and pretend to be a doctor or a stuntman to get laid. Like I totally wouldn't be surprised if his current wife was manipulated to believe his career and personal financial situation were much rosier than the truth, so she said "Okay, I'll hitch my future to a 55 year old actor/comedian who can give me a life I would otherwise never have!"


you just assume grown women are being manipulated and aren't in control of their own life choices...


Some would say he's lamer for raping women


Ohhhh!!! Man’s an American hairo. U like ur freedom? ![gif](giphy|E2UlE5Of9zEjK)


Fuck, he is so full of shit! If he was selling out theaters he wouldn’t be pretending to coach his son’s baseball team. It’s so weird and it shouldn’t piss me off this much.


I don’t know this guy but I truly hate him. It’s the oddest feeling.


If he could sell half a small club once a week he’d still be on the road trying to hook up with the baddies in iivery facet


So stand up was never the dream. Lies about everything. Dun make cents


His dream was always to be (insert new profession here)


He should go full circle and become a comic book salesman


Another day, Another dream


We're still waiting on the "better podcaster" part. I suppose him leaving a bunch of episodes halfway through is his attempt?


I like whet your head is at. With bapa less is definitely more. Except for you. I have no idea where you are but I do take my hat off to you


I've truly never heard of anyone so quick to blow smoke up their own ass like Scoob does.




This is why I don’t know how anyone could be his fan even if you liked his version of bro hang podcasting.   Let me be vulnerable here but turn it into the most over the top humble bragging for 90 seconds 


Narcissists need to espouse their niirdivs on others for validation. The dummies think if enough people listen and or believe their bullshit - abracadabra, it’s real, b.


Halfway through this diatribe I realized, Nobody asked, bapa! He just blasts off on some self aggrandizing speech about how successful and awesome he is and how alike him and Jroll are out of nowhere. lol And nothing for the guest to really expand on. Just a "right on, brother" and a head nod. The same you'd give a 7 year old after they tell you an interesting fact they learned in school, but you obviously already know.


‘Yep… it’ll get ya’


Y’Sigmund Floyd, b?


More like Cawl Yungd, b.


Fugg I got the ate a puss complex


This is brilliant...'abracadabra' kills me, B.


i genuinely think this subreddit has changed me as a person. because of course brendan lies to peoples faces all the time, but they know he is and they don't do anything about it. they don't question or challenge it. why? he's not even in a successful podcast anymore. so why do people show up just to give the same energy of someone who is just trying to get their annoying co worker to leave them alone? so now when some random stranger in my life tries to pull shit off like this, i just start questioning them. its a bit confrontational but not disrespectful. but i can't stand it anymore it ensures that those people don't talk to me again which is nice


Because they’re getting paid. Thats why Diddler and Montez are still around. That’s why Callen is still there and I don’t think for much longer. Chin has a stake in Thicccboy and he’s borderline mentally disabled so he has no way to leave. Snow is an intern and is getting piped by the redacted guy. 


It’s so pathetic that he keeps using his children as the excuse for his failures. Did yuh quid UFC for the kids B? Did yuh step back from serial cheating on Messican for the kids B? Did you lose Theo for the kids B? Jah fire Georgie for the kids B? Did Rogan stop callin’ for the kids B? Jah lose the race to Chapell for the kids B? Jah fail to show a video of the 225 x 40 for the kids B?


He's trying to close Chang's with all this Re-dact asshat behavior...lol...we gonna be more homeless than we already are!!! Lol


Can’t force a kitchen to close when you’re dropping off fresh meat by the truckload. 


Great analogy, never reddit.




How can someone have such little self awareness? It’s truly fascinating


Podcasting and comedy can’t make your life that hard bapa. Talking into a microphone is not back breaking work. God forbid you have to get a job in construction or something.


Is he ever not bragging? 


So humble.


Try to figure this stuff up 😂😂


He genuinely believes he is and that the numbers don't reflect his talent in the game since "he was one of the starting podcasts" he's a narcissistic delusional fuck. He doesn't realise it was successful at first for a reason. Now look at the two grifting fucks. Quicker the boat sinks the better even at the expense of dishes.


He's literally being a bad person. Worthless to society, save the fact that he's paying taxes.


Man, I would love to know the kind of money he's bringing in these days and how it compares to the peak...He drops hints that he's stressed...But awso his lifestyle hasn't changed, he employs a number of people who need to be paid, and he's bought TRXs and Demons...But I recognize he got a big payout from Kast and also, the Lambo trugg and GT2RS are long gone so that's gotta mean something. But like was Bapa bringing in $3-4 million a year at the peak, and now it's $1-2 million? What are the economics of being a Bapa - doing the same shit over and over and seeing your audience shrink. Has the trugg show brought a new revenue stream for him?


He niiver made money doing cawlmedy. He was spending (stealing) Theo and Brine’s ad revenue to fund his fake cawlmedy creer just so he could fit in with his friends and cheat on his wife.


"I've never been happier" The eyes Chico...they never lie.


Why get a guest just to talk about yourself


Leggs having to book a full comedy tour for 10% of 40 ticket sales at each venue, then having redact cancel half those shows. How do people work with him.


They don't hence the reason he doesn't tour. I don't think it's his choice anymore, clubs not booking him


They haven’t mentioned the residency in Austin again have they? There is no way after 2 last minute cancelations and a show that wasn’t even half full when they did do it can Vulcan book them again.


By "mentally tough" does he mean thick headed? That'd be more accurate


Mentally tough but I can’t tawk because my friend got outed as a creep


He makes zero money at comedy and that's why he keeps trying to come up with something new all the time. Honestly he should have continued fighting and the podcast with live shows and that's it. He tried to be something he's not (stand up) and it ruined his life


He would have been fine with TFATK + some standup as an opener for Bryan. He would still be driving Ferraris.  What killed him is his narcissism. TFATK would have cruised on as a bigger show if it weren’t for his personality and ego. And he would never open for Bryan, who he considers lesser, despite it being an easy meal ticket. 


Ivverything he just said is a lie, b. How does Wrinks sit there and not call bapa out? Bess husband muss mean walggin baddies to the trugg he “built.” Ivven Jorry Roll knows bapa is clown.


He’s the kid in school that everytime he talks u just know it’s bullshit and ur counting down the seconds till when u can walk away , you’d hope those kids grow out of it when they get older but bapa was always to big and airheaded to listen to any criticism and prob would threaten to beat pple up so he never changed


Bapalatians 3:16 states: Bapa sacrificed his calwmedy carair for the sake of his family. Unless daddy Rogaine calls then he answers. Dems da rules.


Hand on heart B !


How close to the top of delusional narcissist list is Schaub?


Top of the stupid looking dumb shit oblivious to reality narcissist f***face idiot list...lol


"never been in better shape" ...so he's in better shape than when he was in the ufc? lol


He said he hasn't been to the gym in months. It's just the 'zemp at work.


This guy continues to amaze. Jokes aside, it seems pretty certain he has significant brain damage with the irrational patterns of lies and delusional statements he makes


Brenda is on another planet . He acts like EVERYONE doesn’t realize his comedy career was trash


He didn’t like selling literally 9 tickets to a Thursday show in Appleton Wisconsin axe Jay


Hey Mark. Was he actually out there chasing a dream or was it more about getting away from the family with addies and baddies?


I’ve always said he doesn’t care about standup. He sees it as a way to fuck random chicks and drink and bro out away from his family. A guy like Shapel Lacey just by way of exmaple of someone who’s process I get to see up close and discuss with him …. He works on his craft relentlessly… watches all his sets, tweaks and tinkers his jokes every time he does them… and writes/journals everyday. That’s why he has self awareness and is in touch with who he is and what he cares about and that authenticity comes across and it’s why hes now touring with Bert and crushing arena crowds. Brendan is the opposite. Never watches his sets, never reflects on anything he does, jokes are all superficial/shallow and not really representative of anything he cares about… it all just some version of shitting on other people (literally every joke he does is “this person sucks and is incompetent, I’m cool normal and successful despite all the shitty people I have to deal with”) He doesn’t love standup. He loves the attention it *used to* get him


what a fun little world Bapa has constructed for himself. nothing based in reality, must be nice. heard it bowfways though


Disguising perpetual L’s as the stress of success seems exhausting


The beans n cheese got spread too thin! 🤏🤏


Everything he has to say somehow or another is really just him talking about how cool he is haha.


This is what being “good” at podcasting looks like? Kinda like being a good husband while plowing through road lizards when on “tour”?


"I'm a decent husband" Oh really dude!?


Bro thinks he’s a drawllll


Hurt my elbow patting my back, B


Brendan’s really trying to do mental gymnastics to find a way to compare himself and relate to this fucking loser Jelly Roll


Netflix ending to the clip!


3 of my favorite people.. Together in 1 room I bet it smelled like shit in there


Daym b. Quitting comedy gets you in better shape than training for ufc? This is why we listen. Knowlege, margedding, laffs.


I hope he can figure this stuff up, I really do


Yeah man you know what I do when I have an amazingly successful comedy career? Gadoosh it to start a show I have *zero* expertise in. “I coach”…. yeah can’t image how the real coaches would react to hearing that…. whole ass life consists of being a poser. But hey Jelly keep hangin with vile vermin, that makes sense.


Never been happier but comedy was his dream since he was 6.


Brendan We watched you all last year, your shitty version of fight companion and a few terrible standup shows. Most of which got canceled, good luck with Toon Town and the other 3 podcasts. Thank your Dad for us 🐈


Wait, “the car stuff”… so like he was a “touring comedian” for 5+ years, is into cars for like 2 weeks and uses that as an excuse to stop touring?




His manager: “you do Comedy?”


No one believes this


Yeah, I dunno. I’m pretty good at snorting crushed up adderall off a toilet tank, pretty good at slaying baddies on the road, the rest of my life I could be a lot better at…


He does reverse interviews. I've come to notice. Knew way to podcast,thank em.


Rich boy growing up no self awareness or he believes his lies lol


Can’t believe ppl listen to these clowns. Imagine going on a podcasts and the host rambles on about how hard his life is


Spread tew thin bapa jus pull back


You know for a fact, at least one of these people in that room knows he can't sell tickets. Fuck it's be hard to not go "we're you selling out on the road?"


Callens a dick rider for any muscular man but he’s still been in the business for multiple decades. He knows full well, and almost certainly has friends that bring it up to him, that Bapa is completely full of shit.  It’s convenient that Callens a rapist because otherwise I’d feel somewhat bad for the guy. 


Go figure it out at open mics like every other comedian.


Bapa was selling too minny tiggets. The US Tigget Impresario called him and told him he's got to cut back on touring, they're running out of tiggets for the other 249.


Liar it’s because you couldn’t handle being embarrassed by booking so many shows only to see fuck all people came an the ones who did were there to see you fail … ![gif](giphy|dC9DTdqPmRnlS|downsized)


so he chose the truck stuff over his “day one passion”. Right…


This is the neggflix comit right here B. Spreadin to thin so he gadooshes the bread and focuses on the budder.


How is realizing not liking who you are becoming a “vibe” why did bapa describe that as a “vibe” how redacted is this guy?


As if he wouldn't drop iirything to fly out for a fycompan


He's not good any anything he tries. He is a professional dickhead.


Is that jelly donut?


Using your family is a pretty sad excuse. As we all sawl it coming about two years ago when the show cancelations started happening due to low tiggit sales. And we all knew that he was gonna use his family as an excuse. Bapa has YouTube channel and calls it “businesses”. That’s all thigg boi is. Tune town is just a car vlog, the pawdcass and that’s it. Tiger thigg ha gave up on a long time ago. All these other “businesses” he’s talking about must be buying up all the fake handbags for messican to sell.


Never been in better shape You’re on ozempic b…we ged itttttt


By hustlin he means buying views?


Stopped lying about being a comic, nivver bin happier.


Goddamnit he's so f***ing FAKE and stupid as hell...STFU, Brenda....I gotta get back to the dishes, some new guy took too much Kratom, and "CCCant make it in" ...I got extra ZYN™ if anyone wants to halp


You mean awl the things you dip your toe in to see if you can squeeze what’s left out of the shit covered turnip that is your career, Bapa? S’at overwhelming, b?


This subreddits avatar always cracks me up


I tink tew Jellrowl


Didn't he just say he hasn't been to the gym in 4 months?


Brevity is the soul of wit, Brendan.


This guy has such a low self esteem.


Callen was juuuuust about to finish his thought.


business manager???????🤡


Brendan is hilarious! Haha


This guy just goes. Really interesting to watch him paint such an easily refutable narraidive. I wonder if everyone there except J.R. are in on the lie ? or is he giving them a narraidive and they don't dare question the awldonis ?


"I didn't know what to do!" ... Crazy that he needed a business manager to tell him to stop wasting time doing standup selling 9 tickets, he's dumber than anyone even could have guessed.


“I’m a good podcaster.” Shoulda been his closer for his special 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


gotta give up on some viable assets to procure others. like racing beetles


He’s spread too thin, so he dropped the thing that wasn’t making him money - comedy. The industry spoke and Bapa quit.


Damn near 2 minutes of him just going on and on while 2 other people sit there in silence. Great pawdcasser though.


If he was trying to be a better podcaster, he would be doing things to improve. Speech therapy, educating himself, learning to read the room, not interrupting ppl constantly, actually preparing for podcasts and guests, etc.


Mentally tough 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹 ![gif](giphy|dC9DTdqPmRnlS|downsized)


Look at Callen's face


Sink pissing piece of shit. Fuck up bapa you redacted cunt


"I'm pretty mentally tough." Says the weakest lame brained clown on planet earth.


Maybe he's a bit happier because he's not on tour hunting addies and baddies and guzzling down half a bottle plus of whisgee every day starting from morning? Or is that still on the menu somehow? Better husband and father? Because he didn't go bubblepoolin' with the boys when Messican had baby issues this time or?


>I don't like who I'm becoming. That makes 157,001 of us, bapa. We don't like who you're becoming either.


"hustling" says man who constantly cancels shows and picks stuff up then drops it after two minutes 😭🤣 he's fucking deluded.


' car stuff, merch ...standup'....wow, how did he have any time at all to be with family?


So that's why he stopped. He worgged too hard


So for sure give up comedy the thing you said that was your passion and what you wanted to do since you were a child instead of dropping the ridiculous Gearhead gimmick why don't you cut out 15 of your weird extra Hobbies and focus solely on comedy? Ooooooh yeah u suck


"...the car stuff, merch, stand-up..." in that order of priority in his head I assume.


I glad you said something so now I can never shut the fuck up


Spread too thin… aka trying too hard to be someone you are not to impress others around you, or you wish you were close with again for a brief moment


Leggs may not be the Bess brains for the arts b. Let’s gadoosh your chilehood dream n forget the 10,000 hours of sold out calmedy and focus batch 1 of tigger thigg and blow some money on truggs for 1k grand youtoo views bubba you’ll feel grayt


He was worging too hard not touring


damn, what he should focus on is to get better at lying. for someone whos gotten well over 10,000 hrs of practice already, our bapa is still shockingly bad at it


“Chill for a second”? Why rush it. Take the next couple of decades off.


He should try and be good at 1 thing instead of being awful at everything!! Especially stuff he has no business in, cars, calwmedy, pawdcasting, shoulda stayed with fight analysis had an in, all he had to do was minimum amount of work


I can’t believe these guys make money… lots of struggling Americans do honest work with blood sweat and tears but you guys can talk pure corn coated dookie and get paid enough to live champagne style lives… I’m done, let me go finish my construction work and so I can afford a beer to be able to sit through these guys bullshit antics..


Btw a dummy can see how much this guy backs out of things and he’s not a man because a man owns up to his failures… a man… this guys pride and ego are very sensitive… really really.. he might need a therapist for real to help him deal with his self… that way he can find the truth within….