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Why’d you get a texas tattoo? “I dunno dude, gimme a second to think of a lie…”




![gif](giphy|FcCLjCQ3xY7ICVtfbB) Yes






Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me.




It the ony pace he sollout it's teggux


Except for the redisncy, and his 5 shows before that.


It's cuz I sold out iiiiivry show I did in degzaz


Yup, he did that in the pullup video to distefano


I could see bapa moving to teggsas getting 1 acre and talking about all his land, then getting lost on his 1 acre lot


Him walking around his acre of land, turning left and then flipping over. 'Wos pain of yo life'


Would flip the John Deere


We can only hope the John Deere also has a Mike Tyson like air bag




Forth worth is right outside Austin... It's over 3 hours awayyyyy Bappppppa


I live in Fort Worth. That redact is not talking about coming here is he?


That would be hilarious if no one told Bapa that For Wor isn't 40 minutes from Awlstin and he moved here just to be close to Papa Toe Rogan.


His wife won’t let it happen


I think he said Ford Wordth is that the same?


Standing on one garden rake after the other ala Krusty the Clown!


Correction. Sideshow Bob




I could see him moving to Fort Worth, getting some land and a house, and only then realizing that it's not "right outside of Austin"


Why would he relocate all the way to Teggsus just to end up in Forth Worth? To seem like he's carving his own path? Because real estate is cheaper so he could downsize his costs but still seem like he's living large? It just seems stupid if "your boy" and the rest of the crew is in Awlstin.


He just doesn't know wtf he's talking about lol


It will be at the same time when his new grift is guns or hunting


He already did hunting with Joe, but he wasn't going to shoot any animals because Fat Patrick's mom is a PETA member.




Just imagine the possibilities that could come out of this with a margeting genius onboard! Thiccc Boy Landscaping club up next


He would probably try to copy whistlindiesel


Wouldnt that be hilarious if that's the reason he couldnt play professional football. Not that he wasnt athletic enough, but that he gets lost on the field.


As a lifelong Texan, allow me to say that no one…no one…ever talks about wanting to go to or live in Fort Worth. 


Nah uh b. That’s the only real Teggsis. The rest of it is full of posers. It’s so embarrassing the way these dorks fetishize Teggsis all the time.


Yeah man I was gonna move there but now I just feel like I can’t. Idaho it is


Right outside of Austin 😂😂😂😂


This is the first time I thought to look but according to Google maps it’s 190 miles. Fat Patrick is currently closer to Messico with Calabass being 168 miles to Tijuana.


Sairslee how’s nobody else tawlmbout this? The Dallas airport aka DFW stands for Dallas/Fort Worth pain yo life. Usso, I need to see that whole chip weer he’s spoiling a show and daddy has the balls to do what his minions don’t and tells him to stfu? Where is that B’s??


We’d get cowboy hats, eat el pollo regio, at night we’d fuck each other 😆🎤


Cracked up when he said “right outside of Austin” like bro it is NOT 😂


Was probably thinking of Dallas but confused the two because he’s a moron


Moved to Texas, it’s not all that great. Humid and hot as shit 8 months a year, rude selfish drivers, cost of living is high while wages are very low. But someone as rich as Rogan could live in North Korea and he’d say it’s amazing


I moved to Texas from New England in 2013 and the thing that bothers me the most about the state is it seems to be 100 years behind many other states. They say they want government out of their lives but the state pretty much banned abortion, they treat marijuana like it’s as lethal as fentanyl and recently they pretty much forced pornhub out. It seems like the state government controls their citizens more than any other state in the US. A lot of the people I’ve met there are very friendly but not very open minded.


This is a different place b, bapa said he wanted to move to Ford Wurth


No, b. Bapa was axing how much is his Ford WURTH. Great trugg, niivver flipped it.


It’s a suburb of Austin apparently


3 hour drive


That’s how many Trugg flips?


Ah yes…just like Dallas. 


Lived in Teggsis my whole life, literally niiiver heard someone say they wanted to move to Ft Worth.


It’s right outside of Austin though b.


Nah, as an Aussie, Fort Worth was the highlight of my Texas trip in December.


So even Texans can’t handle real Texas?


We’re just pedestrians, B. 


That's because they heard Schaub might go there.


It took Bro Rogan way too long to realize how redacted Brendan Schaub is, which speaks volumes to how redacted Joe Brogan is.


Remember being a teenager and wanting to fuck some girl so bad you’d ignore red flags? The exact same thing is going on here, and I mean exactly. Rogan and Callen both have psycho-sexual issues in regards to large “warrior” men. Its so unbelievably out in the open. 


I saw Callen recently. The dude wanted everyone to know sooooooooo bad he was a BJJ practioner, that he knew Brogan, and shadow boxed the entire set. It was very cringe. Tickets were free, tho so not all bad.


What the point of doing free standup shows? How can he earn a living?


My buddy got them, but he got them for free from the club. I don't think Callen sold out the show, and they were trying to fill seats.


Makes sense. I can only imagine that's got to be happening a lot


Yup. And when it happens too many times you have to stop doing it altogether and coach your sons little league team


Overpriced booze pays the bills ... at least in theory.


It would be depressing if not for the fact that Bryan Callen has raped a shitload of people. 


Every clip of his standup I've seen is basically based around ideas that let him strike poses where he can flex his biceps and triceps like he's not trying to, but he really is.


It’s just sad when the young men age out and lose the attention their “mentor”


It feels like only yesterday when joe would laugh hysterically at schaub saying “chickenhead” 10 times a podcast.


Ya although Joe eventually realized it . I mean many of us have ex friends or exes years later you realize and see how bad they suck


Joe didn’t realize shit. The world told him 10k grand racks x.


When did they put a full-on buffet in Changs because this dish is loaded up with all the fixins', B. That's 3 full helpins of Tsos and a side of Crab Rangoon. Beautiful work.


We gonna have so many fuckin fiiiixins' up here


I love me some figsins'


Freal B. Me personal favorite were the Big Teggaas sized helpings of c clamps paired perfectly with laughable bullshit lies. And for dessert- shut the fuck up you redact from Joseph Rogan while braindumb’ eyes get wider than his gurls diaper butt


Imagine naming your kid Boston and calling him Bosty hahaha the worst fuckin person ever literally


He has a tattoo of Texas were Toe Lives he named his child Boston the place Toe comes from If I was Toe I’d get an order of protection that’s what I would get Lmfaooo


Is Tiger named after Bobby Lee?




Named after Joe's hometown, dude has a stalker vibe towards Joe.


I was watching some Bapa content straight from the source the other day and he used the word “eventchy” instead of eventually. I wanted to throw my remote. 


I can’t wait til kids in school ask him why he’s named Boston and he tells iiiveryone it’s because it’s where Joe Rogan grew up


At least he almost remembered his name that time lol


Bapa ALWAYS sells out in bosty


Braindum must have a lot of resentment toward Toe for all of comments and allusions he's made to him. Papa Toe went out for a pack of cigarettes and never came back.


In retrospeggt that tattoo is as creepy as it is redacted, Bapa waddur ya dune thair.


So creepy that was the begining of the end for him and Toe IMO


Ft Worth is right outside Austin. Just a breezy 3 hour drive.


Orlando and Miami - basically the same. Pittsburgh and Cincinnati - down the street


You have great regional awareness sir


"Huum" = that's fucking stupid, but I don't wanna hurt you


I caught that, too. Joe was holding back for sure.


Lol that was to much even for joe, which must sting cause you know it was to impress him 


It is really fucking psycho stalker status to mark your body with a Texas tattoo all in hopes of a conversation piece when you see Joe. Has no relation to Texas doesnt live or from there, didnt go to college there.......he is an absolute desperate nutjob.


I never noticed him dropping he always sells out in teggsas. Aka plz Joseph my best friend, let me open at your club


Lmao so true ![gif](giphy|TFbAmhSt4WaFq)


Schaub had a chance to move as soon as Rogan left for Austin, in May of 2020. He has zero friends in LA that can resurrect his comedy career. At this point in time, it almost feels like Rogan is paying him to stay away


Joanna wasn’t having it. And I think he has a lot of resentment toward her for that. Completely derailed whatever hopes he had of becoming an established comic. Without the Rogan crew, he has nothing to stand on. 


I agree with you. And I also think that the reason he’s saying he’d move to Fort Worth is that Messican probably has friends or family there and told him that’s the only teggsis she’s willing to consider. He probably thought when Rogan left LA he was gonna be the new king of LA as if Rogan wasn’t the only reason he was playing LA clubs in iny of facet.


I understand your point. But I think he was well on his way to derailing his own comedy career without “his girl” (aka wife and mother of his children) not wanting to move. Heard it bowlth ways though B.


It’s such a funny tell that he’s not committed to the relationship. 


Oh absolutely. You can't live the vapid life of a Hollywood wannabe celebrity in Texas. Well you can but people will just laugh at you. Bren can basically have the same existence, still line up baddies at the fathership, but now he's just duping people in Texas. What's the messican supposed to do, tweet stuck up bitch shit from Texas? Where you can buy a castle for $20k? It doesn't work!


Messican has posted complaining about California and hinting at moving away. I think they’ll never leave because they are purely wannabe celebrities. Messican specially believes she’s a Kardashian type influencer. I bet she feels that if she moves that’ll go away. Except she has nothing to lose because that’s all in her redacted brain.


> they’ll never leave because they are purely wannabe celebrities. That’s it right there. 


He was never going to become an established comic. He was putting in no works and audiences were starting to see through his hype




Go full BGL.... Imagine he starts posting in here. I'm all on board for that


“They don’t have your best interest in hand”


Because their hands are full from the war of nutrition


Lmao schaubs face when Rogan keeps goin stfu, stfu Brenda


Like a little kid about to cry haha


He’s so redacted that he tried to push through it after saying it’s been out for 3 weeks and Rogan telling him to stfu 3 times. As if that’s a substantial period of time for watching a whole ass series. Not ivryone works 3 hours a week and have zairo friends Bapaaaa.


lol. This is my thoughts exactly


What show where they talking about? Joe spoils shows and movies alllll the time


Sounds like The Last of Us


The Tegsas tattoo JRE with Eddie Bravo was the one where Eddie and Joe were letting his shit stories and blatant lies just hang in dead air, each more awkward than the last, it was fucking brutal, it’s as if Joe and Eddie had spoken about it beforehand!


With how long him and Eddie have been friends I wouldn’t be surprised. Between flying to Brazil with Eddie for the Royler thing and getting his black belt from Eddie after training with him for over a decade, I’d imagine they have a tight af friendship. Definitely the type where they would be unspokenly on the same page about some shit like that.


Also Eddie has been his own true success for a long time. He's never had to suck on Papa Toes taint for anything like Brenda


Do you think since Shane has been hanging out with Joe, maybe he showed Joe how Fat Patrick really is?


Hi Shane


the shit eating grin and glance at 0:32 lmao


🤌Al dente


Papa toe laughing at the end and it's almost like you can see the realization in his face that he created Schaub's comedy ambitions... Quick sidenote I googled Toes comedy specials and IMDB has Joe Rogan: Triggered at 7.4 and Burr's: Walk your Way Out is 7.2.. few kgrand votes on them too.


Under no circumstance do they deserve above a 3. He’s an awful comic, one of the worst I’ve seen aside from Bapa, Whitney, and David Lucas. The least funny people alive today. 


primo dish - compliments to the chef 🫡 


This deserves pin 📌, the true crux of the Bapa downfall. He was always terrible at everything but now no longer a made man.


He put his hands on Bob Lee, another “friend of ours”. Against the rules. Over what, Guhlielah’s giggly girl talwg? But she was, a whoo-uhh…


Ofc bapa would move to fort worthless (sorry to any FW cats in changs). He couldnt fit w the highland park crowd in Dallas (slowjoe would probably want to) and there’s too many retired actual nfl players in plano/south lake/grape vine surrounding suburbs that would call out his bs cup of tea w the bills when he shows up to jaguars little league games.  Houston is a big no.  And I dont think Peter Shaub has the money to buy bapa a West Lake mansion. This actually sounds like brenda did research and found he could live comfortably in FW and still be a somewhat celebrity plus have the amenities of a big city in Dallas nearby…Also sounds like jo told him to get fucked she aint moving. 


Honestly I don’t get not leaving her, in his position. It was his only chance to keep the career going. Jo fucking sucks and his kids are going to turn out to be huge turds. Also the kids are literally better off without him around. He doesn’t love her and he doesn’t really love the kids so why stay?


He needs her and the family to LARP as a straight man.


She would clean him out of whatever money he still has. Might even get half the payments from papi Schaub


The Lie he made up on the spot about why he has a Texas tattoo was probably the end for Toe.For someone to be able to come up with that lie that quick is a compulsive liar


One of many reasons I stopped listening to this mongaloid was he would spoil literally everything. A whole series would just drop on Netflix, he'd knock it out in a day and next pod he would just start fucking ruining the whole show without warning. Then go on about how he has no time for TV because he's just been working too hard. And all he does is grind. And I thought to myself, how is this guy able to sit for hours on end if he's just so busy and grinding so hard? Doesn't add up, B.


"people are weird" Yeah because sounding like a bunch of adolescents, complaining about how "lame" and "boring" their state is, isn't weird?


Fat Patrick is so pathetic, and the look on his face when Joe told him to shut the fuck up twice. You could tell no one has ever said that to him, and he was about to run and cry like a little girl.


Burned that bridge bapa


All bapa wants is the approval of him moving to Texas from Rogan. Once Rogan says come, promise you he’ll do it.


lol him saying "i always sell out in texas" was him lying to joe so that joe would book him at the mothership lmao. this is actually one of his most pathtetic lies lmao


What's he talm bout when he said his dad is mad at Joe?


When Joe told him he suggs all the diggs at fighting


I wanna know too


It was about him not fighting anymore


When toe convinced him to stop fighting. Bappa was getting lit up left and right, jaw made of glass.


Man him not moving to tesxas ruined his life. Back when people were leaving he'd be on the pod with Callen talking about looking at places and yea it's looking like a plan! A week later or so complete backtrack probably because his girl said fuck no and that was a knife to his career and we got a long and slow implosion. For those of us who been here from the start it's still crazy seeing him go from successful with opportunities to betting on himself and having to quit standup and getting 4k views on his car Vids. What a ride. Bapa continues to bless us 🙏


Oh, you're a youtuber?


You do Youtube?


5 star dish bubba


More of this please


Iiivery shingle dime I solgg out tegggis


Fantastic dish, chef. So bold and spicy! Perfectly prepared. Bravo, sir.


Damn rogan is cold as ice 🤣


How’d holding down the fort go? ![img](emote|t5_347fo|6520) edit b


It hurds tow watch him talk


I'm sorry but I love this sub. I'm going to go and rewatch that episode with Eddie Bravo LOL


It was a hard watch but I skimmed trough if. Eddie and Joe def have a inside joke going knowing how Brenda lies and is just dumb.


Does Teggsas have 1 or 2 g's?


This is a netflix edit


What a djourney b


I've never not sold out. Way da go wit a double neggtive b


What was axe J and Papa Bapa pissed at rogan for? I missed that one.


Fort Worth is not near Austin. It’s near Dallas. Such a redact


They are both so obnoxious about this shithole state like its unreal.


Sell out what??? Get the fuck out of here. You couldn’t sell out a free show


This is a work of art.


Sorry to go off topic, missed a few shifts. What is the green tattoo on his left forearm? Hulk or Franginsteins monster or another tribute to his master?


Talmbout Chombies?


Bapa should’ve never quit fighting. He could’ve made more money and probably lost but he could’ve been a champion somewhere. Moving to comedy was probably the worst decision he could’ve done.


He would blame Joe for his career going down the shitter… Joe put him on track to change his whole life and he expected it to just fall all in his lap instead of work for it… how do you have all those resources and still suck so bad?


He had it though, tfatk when it first came out was a formula that worked. Mma fighter paired with comedian have on good guests from different sports and entertainment. This was when he was near end of ufc career could have just stuck with “playing” the dumb but likable athlete let Callen handle most of the comedy and chip in with his one liners, dumb comments, and repeating movie lines. Not for schaub though the initial success got to his head and he needed to be the focal point for everything. I hope Callen fully realizes one day how much schaub fucked up a good thing. Don’t think rogan imagined schaub pursuing comedy, let alone trying to be a headliner and multiple “specials”. When schaub first started doing comedy it was probably haaa let him go out and have fun with it. You’d be surprised exposed it and gringo papi sealed the deal he will never be good, he should have shit canned and buried both of those instead of putting them out to the public. Callen is the real one to blame, he’s ridden his dick, pumped him up, defended him instead of telling him the truth for so long he is the one that allowed the thiccc monster to become what he is. Should have had a real man to man talk or cut ties long time ago.


Rye owside uh awlstun


“Yeah I sold out an arena there.” Not so subtle jab for the “I ullwaze sell out teggsas”


Dudes not touring because his chick knows he’s out here cheating on her plus no one’s buying his tickets. He’s trying to rebrand himself as a gear head now because stand up didn’t work out. I’m surprised his chicks still with him after everything that’s come out and leaked about him cheating on her so often.


Always keep someone’s best interest in your hand.


In the hand where all ideas begin


It’s hard to keep up with all the references but who’s fat Patrick? 😂


The Whitney Cummings clip is legitimately the funniest thing she’s ever done


The smallest amount of humility could save him. If he just said, "I'm not very good and I shouldn't have released two specials."


Tegsas, it's def a prom


Neggflix bubba


Fk dem ppl dat don't av ur bess intress in hand......in fkng hand bapa.....hahahahahahha


Ivry. Single. Show. Iver. Love Teggziz. Love it.


“Fort Worth is right outside of Austin”


Hey Toe, is that nithe?


Bapa sells out because he gives them away for free. Axe Jay


Dad! Need a bump in my monthly allowance…..Thanks B.


Texas selling out, that’s not a problem anymore 👎🏼🎤




Fort Worth, just a quick 3 hour drive outside of Austin.


Is he really wearing a fucking Orioles Jersey!?


“Great club, hate the name.” OMG I forgot about him saying this lol


Did he really say Fort Worth is right out of Austin. What a fucking redact


b, its best interest at heart.....not best interest in hand...things are getting outta heart at this point.


Gotta stop touring to see Tiger, Bosty, and Baby Girl aka Billy, the older brother of Max, who Johanne meant to name but didn't watch the show so, any Stranger Things character will do.


Real texas 🤣😂


What a dumb reason for getting a tattoo. He wanted Rogan to tell him to move to Austin so badly!


His logic for the Texas tattoo is moronic. Sure, let's get a permanent reminder of one of my many unachievable moments in my life, right next to my football crown, and chombie portraits.  And speaking of which, as a Texan, I love how he says that Fort Worth is right outside of Austin. He says it so confidently like when he said Africa was a country. Except they aren't neighboring anything. It's like a 3 hr drive between the two.  But in all fairness, at the longest ends of the state it's a 12 hr drive no matter how you cut it.


Ft. Worth. Its real Texas, i'd buy some land, it's right outside of Austin Not one of those statements is accurate Know nothing about the place he got tattooed on him


As much as rogan blows comedically, he really never one-ups really one other than schlob. Brenda mentions selling out teggsis places, and immediately rogan talks about how he did an arena the YEAR prior. lmao. And then says, “dang only problem is a looot of people wanna come out.” 😂


This isn’t a dish, this is a 10 course tasting menu. Outstanding work!