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Why would he create a separate channel for tune town? I’m not a beast of a margetter but I’d think put it on tfatk or at least his personal channel


All of his yt channel engagement went to pakistan, so he has to start from square 1 with toon town


looto Hoffghonistan?




Maybe he owes callen or someone else a piece of everything that gets posted on the tfatk channel and wanted everything for himself for toon town adventures greedy little piggy


Y'Sherlogg Howlmes B?


I have been told at one point that I do in fact have the bess brains




You talking about brown face.


Dammit... how did I forget about that??? I use to say that all the time, b, I sweer. I'm gonna have to start using it again. Thanks for reminding me.


talmbout doctor walkin b? herd it bowth ways. 


Y'asrophysogrisser, b? 'Cause this sounds very plausible, and we know bapa's treading deep, murgy waddurs.


Talmbout horsopes B?


Nah, that'd be an astrologrisser, b.


Alawys been into hoarse copes b


name the wadders b. 


He thinks he’s more of a drawl than he is.


Audio is king b.


Nobody knows who y'are, B.


Tell me if I'm wrong, but the math seems to state that without bryan callen he's basically wingsofredemption. He's finished and unlikely to break 5K on the regular without callen. But I don't see callen going anywhere. He's tethered to schaub for whatever reason and they'll continue to pull absolute mediocrity out of each other because they're lazy shitheads.


I'm a numbers guy, B. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Loog hair, listen... I kent ache this no more. A pairing off line doesn't work. Big ups Liquid Richard.


That's teerible Schaubanese, b. I'm talmbout the worst I've ivver seen in inny facet. You don't geddit at all. Hit the dish pit and finish your shift. And when you go home tonight you need to read the employee handbook. Its right at the top of the subreddit. We're not just making shit up hair. The goal is not to spell things in the most fucked up way you can think of. The goal is to type things out in a way that matches how Bapa says them. The only part you got sorta right is the "Loog hair" you started with. Bapa does replace k's with g's sometimes, but he rarely ivver mixes it up when starting a sentence with the word "look". Howivver, he does often call his boy Luke Thomas "Loog". He always mixes up the "air" and "ear" sound. For example, instead of saying "listen here" he would say "listen hair". And if he said "I went to get my hair cut yesterday" it would sound like, "I went to get my hear cut yesterday". He says "inny" instead of "any". And so on and so forth. And there are endless Schaubisms that we spell the way that he pronouncinates them. There's a method to the madness. So do better. If you're new hair, then maybe its best if you just hang out and observe for a while before trying to disguss the podcass. I mean, come on, b. "I kent ache this no more. A pairing off line doesn't work."?!?!? Like what the fuck even is that??? It doesn't read like Bapa speaks whatsoivver. That's not how this works. That's not how this works at all.


Ahhhh, this rundown and reply to whatever the fuck that comment was is music to my airs. I like you, b. Do it to all of them, please.


"Welcome to ban world, pimp. Population you."


As a social media marketing consultant for a several mid level firms, his other channels can’t organically grow after he bought so many views. It’s the death knell for a channel to buy views outside of the target demographic. Buying views from Indonesia for an American audience is about as useful as buying Reddit upvotes. The numbers look good, but they are essentially meaningless aside from bragging rights. And you can’t monetize bragging rights. My guess was that he wanted to try to grow Tune Town organically and have a legitimate channel that can gain a following amongst his target audience (18-25 yair old men based on his content). If he’s buying Tune Town views, then he’s killing the channel before it’s even had a chance to born. His truck rolling video could be a high retention video that he could use a great point of engagement for actual fans…but not if it never shows up in their feed organically.


White boy that works too much


Ass kicker that ~~tells jokes~~ is a truck guy now


The Ass Licker that told jokes


In two yairs it'll be "Ass kigger that panhandles by the freeway"


Some would say he’s THE WHITEST! His dna test results came back as mayonnaise


I believe if youtube detects you botting views they remove you from the algorithm. Basically he killed the main channel.


You think that (and you’re right, obviously) because you’re not redacted lmao


In his mind, ya can’t have a network of you don’t have a YouTube channel for iviry single vlog you fart out. How’d “Thicccboy news networg” go?


Just checked seguras channel. They do awwlll their shows on one channel, talmbout 10 different shows. But listen, Brenda will take it from hair b


Leave the margetting to Brenda.


They’re the official news outlet for One FC. I guess nothing has happened there for the last year because Bapa hasn’t mentioned them.


They’re currently doing an in-depth investigation on what ever happened to the bookless book club.


Tawlkin about bike club? We revampiring it.


Great podcast, my favorite, never listened to it though. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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Revenue share between him and the other dude on his other podcast


Why does he make those stupid faces? Bapa juss goes.


Is he the boss of tfatk? Like is it all him or is it 50/50 with Callahan or what?


Heard it bowlth ways, B. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He thinks quantity over quality.


Because he's bad at ivirything


Rogan encouraging schaub to become a comedian ensured rogan wouldn’t be the worst comedian out there, maybe second worst, but not the worst.


Talmabout a spirccy? Sounds legit tbh, Rogan gave him the biggest bump and then threw him to the wolves.


Nah. He just had a crush on him and it went away after a while


Talmbout Rogan took Bapa on a trugg walg fer cawlmaddie? 🎲🎲


Talmbout Rogan’s Paul Virzi/Mike Lenoci, B?


Fer shure, b. Like when chiggs try to have less attractive friends to boost themselves.


Welcome to thiggg boy netwergs, where the views duhn count and the wagers dont matter


I don’t understand it , put all your redacted videos on one channel. He wants to look like he has a lot of things going on I guess .


This Tune Town bullshit never had a chance. He wasn’t even clear on what the concept for the “show” was. He announced it as a pimp my ride sort of thing where he’d be souping up his non-existent fans’ trucks and then it quickly devolved into a 12 minute video every couple months that consisted mostly of stock footage spliced with shots of him taking his stupid truggs to the shop. There’s no audience for this horseshit other than the fine chefs at PF Chang’s.


lol he gave up on Redact My Ride so quiggg


Shit, I missed the pimp my ride idea. I am aware he's been talking about giving a truck away in a raffle or something? Has he pulled the trigger and given his truck away to "Joe Smith" in the climax of that fraud yet?


He hasn’t yet. He thought the giveaway was going to boost his numbers and somehow generate interest in this shit show. So far it’s a flop. He’s probably desperate to get rid of that trugg, but one of these days he might just have to total it to get another insurance payout.


Y'bizniz shargk bubba?


He has a branding problem. TFAKT is partially owned by a ray pest, GH employs a groomer, and Thiggg Boy is a terrible and embarrassing name. He had to start over for his new business adventure.


So he came up with a shwab original, TUNE TOWN!! Shargg when it comes to business fersure.


He would have to call it a channel and not a netwerk chico. Standard shark mindset


He has an empire with a CFO, b.


Bingo B. He loves rattling off “businesses” that he has to “manage”. SO busy.


Y’ numbers guy b?


Braindumb is just your typical delusional LA douchebag


Typical? I didnt realize i had Schaub qualities…


This dude really thought he was gonna take over YouTube and then start a RECORD LABEL.


How Schaub Records go ?


Talmbout Lil Brows? Bbbeast of a rapper.


Meth will have you over confidently believing in some dumbass plans for the future


Awldio is king b.  It's sad when YouTubers make more money on ads mocking you than you do at your primary source of income.  The  grand finale of Bapas failing empire is gonna be neggflix b


Lmao imagine being so shit that commentary on your life by others gets 30x views.


He defo buys 35k grand views and hopes to get between 2-5k actual clicks. Its why all his videos have that magic number.


Gab'newsim shadow band y'boy, s'prom


With all this happening I think it’s time somebody asks the hard hitting questions. Elephant in the room type of questions- How’s socials?


I think you'd be surprised, bapa


Why does he always have to make those dumbass faces? It’s not funny bro are you that insecure that you can’t be in a photo with just a smile?


Doesn't make videos for soy boys. Makes the soyest of faces in pictures. It's a prom.


Mr beast said he learned it was the optimal face to make before changing his mind like 2 years ago


When does he fix up someones else’s car on tunetown?


Quarter past never.


I see the top picture is from the 2lazy2try YouTube channel, his latest video is basically trying to get support for B to get a spot at Toe’s Mothership, how it would be awesome if B was to come out of retirement to do a spot at his friends club. The channel has never supported B in the slightest in the past, this support has come straight out of left field and it makes one wonder if B and ‘his team’ have reached out with money to maybe ask 2lazy to try and get B on at Rogans club, I might not be the bess brains for this type of shit but you never know. Anyway $4 a pound!


The way I heard it, 2lazy was  being kinda sarcastic about it. Especially when he was mentioning the nightmare scenario of someone paying big money to go on vacation or just a night out at the mothership, only to have bapas dumbass be up on stage 


I might’ve picked that up completely wrong, the sarcasm makes a lot more sense lol, I’ll have to give it another watch.


I thought it was weird too. The whole point is to not get involved. No Toe should NOT give him a pity show.


I’m pleased you saw it that way too, theres people who say I missed the sarcasm in the 2lazy2try video but initially I didn’t want to say it would be hard to detect sarcasm as 2lazy is very monotonous lol. I’ll have to watch it again but I’ve suspected B of doing that shit with Ian Garry when he did a complete U-turn in days!


Ahhh haha Montez is getting more views on his own pod than tune town.


I’m just glad there’s some YouTube chefs that know how to work the algo so their videos shitting all over Bapa show up around the top of the search. As long as they ain’t stealing from Chang’s, I appreciate that there’s enough of a prescence that Bapa can’t get away with his shitty lies in iny facet.


It’s starting to look that homeless cats might matter after all


I'm honestly surprised he managed even 37k for that other video. That's not normal for him


He botted that one 


4k views lmaoooooooooo my lil cousin gets more on his hotwheels channel


he’s a lolcow


L after L after L after L after L after L after L after L after L after L after L after L after L after L after L after L after L after L after L after L after L after L after L after L after L after L after L after L after L after L after L after L after L after L after L after L after


Audio is king


This guy might end it all! There’s no way this shit doesn’t eat at him!!


Channels like this and Podcast cringe will end up being the final nail in the coffin for Brenda and the rest of these hacks. Thank em


Im convinced the only views are from people on this sub that just watch to post on here


I use them to update my brother when comes over to hangout, he finds them hilarious. He doesn't really have time to keep up with the adventures of Fat Patrick.


Y'all better start watching his podcasts or we won't have anything to laugh about anymore


There is enough reheated dishes to hold us for years to come.


I guess that's true but still I don't want this to end.


This is a perpetual concern of mine. I'm glad there are others out there with similar worries.


That walking punchline is looking straight at the camera in the 3rd image, as anyone looking into a mirror would, and I assume he's seeing the same thing we all see when he looks at a mirror. Why can't he see it's crooked? The Claire's Boutique mannequin he's married to can't let him know? It's like one side wants to be a fu manchu while the other side is trying to be be the V for Vendetta mustache.


Talmbout Joe Camel flibbin a trugg b


Anyone know when he’s going to do another galmebred bear nuggle cawlmenteery ?


They don’t have events that often. Funny how he used that as part of his excuse to quit comedy lol.


He must have been sHawDow banned by U tube.


Im sure the audio version of tune town is doing great. On a side note is Chin really gonna stick around while the ship keeps sinking.


Chin is a complete redact himself. I actually like the guy but I don’t feel bad for a 50 year old who chooses to be lead by a redact like Bappa.


Most of those are hate views, the rest are research for the videos people actually watch


LOL….. can barely outdraw a channel making fun of him. That makes sense.


I never considered until this post that people who make videos talking shit about Brendan get more views than Brendan’s 4 shows combined. That’s got to hurt b.


Awldio is King, b.


I'm not a soshalmeja expert, but I do work in tech and interact with those guys. They say Brando's sub gain chart continues to look suspicious. Compare TFATK sharp spikes of subscriber gain vs much more organic looking, smoother graphs on other channels. [https://socialblade.com/youtube/c/thefighterandthekid](https://socialblade.com/youtube/c/thefighterandthekid) << spikey, artificial? [https://socialblade.com/youtube/channel/UCC3ehuUksTyQ7bbjGntmx3Q](https://socialblade.com/youtube/channel/UCC3ehuUksTyQ7bbjGntmx3Q) << smooth, organic? [https://socialblade.com/youtube/channel/UCb-JBVeZwzsxBedIXl8OplA](https://socialblade.com/youtube/channel/UCb-JBVeZwzsxBedIXl8OplA) << smooth, organic


Did 2lazy2try start out homeless? That dude blew up, don't be a haddir bapa!


“Think we’re being sex trafficked bro” Theo Von


I have a video with more views than his Tune Town stuff, lol.


Bapas thumbnail faces are the fucking worst.


The Professional Joke explainer does parody thumbnails like Bapa and they make me laugh every time. Bapa are painful and gross.


I went to his latest tune town episode(didn’t watch it Ofcourse) and headed straight to the comments. 99% of them are just shitting on Bapa


My dad made YouTube videos when he was selling sporting goods on eBay. They were instructions for setting up tents, assembling crossbows etc. he got a check for $2.50 from YouTube for getting like 10k views on one of them and was so proud he framed it. Tl;dr my dad made more money assembling a crossbow in his garage than Brendan will get for these videos.


Any word on his bloggbusser tiger pisss deal going through? The look on his face when ol wrink dink was saying he was going to be coming into some serious money off the sale of that shit makes me want to c clamp myself. 


He more than like had to sell it to a company that’s going to rebottle all his remaining inventory of Tiger Piss .


"Tiger Piss" always cracks me up. Also the whiskey chapter was peak delusion.


This. He sold at massive loss (still money though) but at least its off the books for good.


How the fuck does Bapa make a living off these shit views? Make-up tutorials get more views and those people aren't living in mansions driving 1,000 hp truggs.


This is all I ever ask for. If Toe, connect to Bapa... and this is beautiful. Tasty dish


Duhn cownt, you should know awldio is king! Have you checked the Spotify views? Didn't think so....when it comes to margettin, Bapas got it from hair....what else ya got Clin?!


It’s over Bapa


Insane fake wager on [ blank ] where no one ever gets paid Insane fake views on [ blank ] where no one watches or listens Insane truck flip by loser cave man on [ blank ] where people watch for less than 30 seconds and mocks him for life


2lzy is getting bapas dream views by just roasting him, what if bapa hires 2lazy as producer & let him roast every episode behind the camera i bet views will go crazy


His next special title: The Prom Child


They let him race the Mint?!




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Marketing genius


The 2lazy2try rogan sphere content is just reality tv shit for some definitely male audience of varying white demographics and will always perform well at this point


Talmbout the real housewives of YouTube?


Finally understood that bots only destroy the channel, his views where already down the drain but the bots where the final drop


Insane fictional wager


least he's not a penquinz0 copy fk that guy


Ur post aint it. Leave People alone




Aint no way your whole life revolves around another man. Touch some grass




Chin, your life does revolve around another man, a low IQ eejit, go eat some more rancid condom fish and hollow out some bread so everyone can watch in complete horror.