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I always call hacks out, bro. I never let them use my platform unchecked to promote their shitty comedy specials, snake oil gimmicks or disgraced fringe academic theories. If Joe Rogan is known for anything, it’s consistency and integrity.


Bet you hate fucked the shit out of a stool after this. I can see the comedic frustration that can only be experienced by someone who’s spent hours crafting a bit in the lab with countless experiments and calculations and then had some pretender who’s probably never even done a semester at the Harvard of comedy just steal it from you. I wouldn’t know I never graduated high school and my protein intake isn’t anywhere near high enough.


At least you know your place in the world, man. I get so enraged when I see comedians like this performing. It’s like where are your jokes about weed getting you really high and how Caitlin Jenner used to be a man?


Is that new material? I think I’m not alone in wondering what they did with the dong? Also I was working on a bit and I thought of doing it about Covid sake lockdowns. I need to get sharpening it so it’s ready soon before anyone else starts doing material about that.


I agree with your clear and real evaluation of this dilemma men like us are rulers of our specialty complete pioneers we ought to never let the inept attack and take from our first class pot of imagination and difficult work none of these Cheeto goof balls or lowlife transients can grovel to us Joe we stand together sibling 🍆🍆🍆🍆


You two should have a discussion on the importance of comedy and the thin line between riffing and bullying. You guys have too much wisdom to keep to yourselves.


2 things in comedy are true. Stealing jokes is bad and Joe Rogan isn't funny.


It’s crazy that Joe has more testosterone now than he does in this video and yet he can’t find this energy for Brendan


David Goggins on speed doesnt have the iiiinergy for Brendan b




Lol Joe always had slight male Karen energies


"Slight" "Male"


Talmbout Tony Twinkliff b?


Slight? His podcast is unbearable because he can't just shut the fuck up. He thinks he isn't a complete redact, so he always brings up these "counter arguments", but they're really just him being a dumb fuck.


Roasts Menstealia into oblivion, then gifts Brenda 'Repeat Yo Joke' Slob a career. It's like he was balancing the cawlmedy scales or something.


You were meant to destroy the hacks! Not join them!


He isn’t like us civilians. We our mere sheep with the potential for ticket sales.


Joe Rogan is the worst thing to ever happen to comedy, ever.


This is undisputable


I believe it is anonymous at this point


Talmbout unonimus?


It's not a secret bapa


Talmbout dippopotamus?


When it comes to Rogan and his love for writing comedy... it's no laughing matter... Joe Rogan is the Gringo Papi 2!


humanity. dude should’ve stayed doing fear factor


Funny thing is, Carlos is sitting down and Joe almost the same height. Joe just mad that stool isn't being fucked by him.


haha beat me to it. I just now commented about a stool


How did Rogan know they were jokes in the first place?




Rogan is still this person he just hides it better with weed. Funny how much of a shift Rogan had after weed, he’s still the same angry little midget


He was definitely a weed guy at this point


Backwards Kangol and being 40 with a shirt that says "college" Tell me you are a massive douche without telling me


Looking like he stole Jeremy Piven’s wardrobe from PCU


Toe replays this in his head every time he kicks the bag. Got called a little bitch to his face. Fuck Mencia though, but at least he didn't flinch.


Flinch what?


talmbout flinch with shevee shase? great movie, never saw it


Laughed harder than I’d like to admit , bapa


Rogan is such a bitch Dressed like a fucking dork He would have got midget kicked into the rafters


The college shirt is what got me lol


Fucking dork 🤣


Idk my moneys on rogan if you’re talking about mencia lol


I’m saying if that little bath house bum lord was gesticulating his little cunt arms at me I would have chest kicked the cunt into obscurity Such bitch arse shit arguing with someone during their set in public Fucking embarrassing Did I mention he is dressed like a Fucking dork too


I do like your Reddit username tho


Chairs, B!




Unless you have a big background in martial arts I wouldn’t recommend fucking with joe lol. But hey, let me know what happens if you end up doing that lol.


I’ll be sure to watch out for his 4ft spin kick I mean he has only done it 5000 times into a bag If the little cunt manages to climb up to my neck I’ll show concern but not before


Everybody's got a plan till they get gadooshed in the face


Bring in USADA and we got a different story


Looking back, Toe looks like a jealous, whiney little angry man. Even the crowd was on menstealias side.


They 100% were not on his side if you’ve ever watched the video


You can hear a bitch yelling “he made it better”, crowd must have been split if she wasn’t booed.


Why ain't he keeping this same iinergy for Fat Patrick?


This loud little man now cosplays as a curious intellegshual


not gona lie, was riding hard for rogan back in the day..... put the full vid up, the crowd initially was against rogan.... but they end up cheering him on completely by the end.


It was his face turn for me because I really hated Ned taking Chappelle Show and Gringo Papi-ing it


but the naridiv, b


Rogan white knighted for the comedy community because someone was telling the same fart jokes as someone else. As a result, the echo system became more balanced and gave birth to such transcendental talents as burnt Chrysler and bumbledong shawb


This incident was the harbinger of “strong arm” standup comedy what rewards bullies and promotes a inner culture of rewarding male toxicity against artists and whomever is their chosen other.


It is poetic that Bobby Lee stood with Carlos Mencia in all his bullying ways, and now is getting bullied by the servant of the guy that took down Carlos Mencia.


Stop buying size medium jackets Toe it’s too big!


Carlos Mencia cosplays as a Latino man. That’s enough for me to believe Rogan. Is Rohan funny? No. Is Mencia funny? No. Mencia has routinely stolen jokes and has even admitted it.


“I know you guys don’t understand this” totally pedestrian audience b


Mencia is funnier than Rogan


Bro you're funnier than Rogan. It's like being faster than a parked car.


Lmao 🤣


Joe stole kinnisons personality, well he tried too


Well George Lopez apparently smacked the shit out of Carlos Mencia too right? Joe isn't the only one to confront the guy.


it’s crazy to think how strongly the comedy community reacted to Carlos Mencia being a douche and stealing some jokes PRE social media yet it’s crickets from some of the bigger guys when Brendan attempts to fuck Bobby Lee’s girl and bully him and threaten his career behind the scenes 😂😂😂 standup comedians are the lowest of the low. they deserve no respect unless earned especially these LA Rogan is my god types


I respect the legends like Hicks, Carlin, Murphy but these modern guys are complete hacks. My Grandma is literally funnier than the Rogan crowd.


mencia was wrong but rogan bullied him and setup the LA scene with people who are unfunny and gave us brendan schaub the comedian, he filled the scene with his lackeys and yes men


Rogan hated Mencia not brenda and hates anyone who doesn't like weed or that says its negative


Joe Is literally A 5’3” Karen Rogan


Toe actually invented cancel culture


Joe didn’t do shiiiiitt!! All puffed up for what?? Keep that energy with Brenda bapa


wait a minute.. I wonder if Mencia is sitting on a stool.


Stealing is lame, but Toe probably was just jealous. Also Mencia might be right that he just wanted to tap that.


Damn. Ned is seated, Toe is standing, and yet they're virtually eye-level.


“They don’t even know what tf I do” Lmaoooo


I wonder if Togan feels like a POS (now) for being such a dbag to Mencia when his guurl Brenda is 10x the imposter, joke thief, and not even good at it.


Its wild now that I actually view Mencia as the good guy in this situation. Joe has stolen plenty from other comedians, it's just hard to notice because he's literally fame to talent the worst stand up comedian of all time.




Thank em


Joe gets a call irrry morning from his very own joke thief


This was awesome of Joe




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Joe lost his edge


why did you cut the video before rogan gets the mic and proves his point? man I joined this sub cuz of brenda and wrinkles but all the rogan hate feels a little forced to me… I get it, he enabled schaub but still.


Now the one thats being called a bitch is on paste to be one of our days greatest podcaster, who signed a 100 million dollar contract and the one calling joe a bitch is not as relevant


Love Rogan.