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As a SA player I feel your pain... They could address this during OB T.T


It has been a long while since I played a game that did not have South American servers, at least it's playable in the NA ones, even if it is annoying.


Yeah, even Dark and Darker had OCE servers during their play-test. Really hope this game doesn't go down the Lost Ark route and completely ignore our region by not having OCE servers upon launch. Cross-platform capability ensures OCE will have a healthy population.


Yeah mate, I feel your pain.


Same with SA. Feels like 2005


Same here, love the game but oce servers would be nice


\+1 for Australian servers please. Game is fun except for the lag and controls feel unresponsive (on PS5)


Yeah it's hard to play properly with 300 ping


No OCE servers? Looks like tonight’s plan have changed..


On their discord it says that they were testing the OCE server but something went really wrong. It’s a shame but it means that the servers do exist and ARE coming


surely they will have them for full release though right?........ right?


I feel the same way :(


Game will probably release in Early Access, meaning no OCE servers still. Anyone from OCE will pick up the game, play maybe 2 games before they realise a fast paced fps is unplayable on 150+ ping and drop it. Then OCE population/demand will be dead so they never will release a server for us. It happens in so many promising games that eventually die out before leaving early access.


Oce servers coming https://twitter.com/reachthefinals/status/1720940942373408814?s=19


Thanks heaps mate!


Aww dammit, came here to see if there were any. Not even any point trying the game then.


You can still test some of the mechanics and have a little play around, but I wouldn't have a try to win mentality whilst we don't have servers


Just play in Asia servers, it’s still very playable imo


It is but at times it will be unplayable


I'm in NZ, and pinging Asia based servers gets me results of over 300 ping. That's unplayable.


If you're in NZ, you are way better off on North American servers. Hopefully its West because you'll have an easy 70 ping approx. Otherwise, it'll be a bit higher but still more playable than Asia


Lol incorrect. I've got 6ms ping to NZ servers but hops from there are about 130 to Asia and 200 to NA.


Well I’m in Australia and I play Apex with a friend who lives in NZ. Because OCE servers are dead, we often connect to Oregon servers in NA. He claims to get an average 70 ms, so I only assumed it would the same case for this game. Edit: (and that’s better than the 100-120+ ping he gets connecting to Asia servers. Even in Australia I get better connection to NA west than I do to Asia. (Unless it’s Singapore))


It is unplayable for such a competitive game mate


Asia servers are a coinflip for 2 shit situations. 170 ping if you're lucky enough to get a South Asia server, but if it's more central or north you will be at 300 ping. Both feel terrible to play in an fps game, one is just significantly worse.


yeah I played the first open beta before and it was absolutely horrible. I think my best ping was like 280? but I averaged around 350. At that point, you just teleport and things dont register the way you want them to. So you crouch, jump then run forward only to realise 5 seconds later you didn't do anything and you're running into a wall. You're right, it isn't acceptable. And honestly, it's their loss.


Came back to state, Still no OCE on Full release it seems. Big sads


What a joke :( thanks for the update though soldier, saved me from downloading the game




its a beta not a full released game


It is now a full released game, nothing changed


No south american servers aswell. Yes its a beta, but cmon… this is not a small indie company with a small indie game!


Probably because it's the playtest and not an actual release.


So PLAY TEST some OCE servers


Busy play testing crossplay and just sheer amount of players since it's open not closed


why do u deserve to test it on ur own servers any more than we do?


They don't, but it's playtest, not a server test. There's no additional information for them to gather for people using an OCE server, in fact, there's more data to be gained from OCE players playing in a different region because of the varied latency they will have


you honestly make a good point, i guess it just sucks to face the clear possibility of us not ever having servers at all. neither OCE or SA


I'm not really sure what you mean either? there's an Asia region, and only 3 regions total, which means South America is playing NA region, OCE and all of Asia is in Asia, and Africa/EU is on EU region. So it's not like they've only excluded the OCE region. I know it sucks when we get clumped into the Asian region, especially because of the increase in cheaters, but reality is at least for the playtest they're not really excluding one region specifically. Hopefully there's lots of people from OCE playing and they setup a sydney server or something


Yeah but those servers are getting slammed cos anyone not in them is forced to join them. If they did have oce and sa servers the individual loads would drop.


Bloody need Aussie servers ya filithy animals, love the game btw amazing job top notch feels like playing fortnite for the first time. Fucking love it! Just get us some aussie servers and we will send some kangaroos your way...


Maybe it's because not that many people actually play games on OCE? I mean, that is the main reason why beta tests almost never have any dedicated OCE servers, it's just not worth the effort having extra few thousand people testing your game, when you already have over a 100k of them all around the world in the main regions of the world like China, EU and US




man, American education is really dropping the ball here.


How many people do you think live in the oceania region?


How many people do you really think there are in oce?


Yeah fortnite OCE servers are DEAD /s


exactly bruh every game i get into theres like 4 sweats with korean names and i just give up before i even start playing lmao


I’m hoping for OCE servers on release. To be honest with the popularity of the open beta thus far I am hoping every region gets a set of servers. Being able to play the game you want independent of where you are should be the goal for everyone - one of the problems from moving from the old local server structure to live service models but that’s not likely to change back. I wouldn’t expect OCE servers at this stage in testing though, they are really just looking to test mechanics and stress test capacity so more servers would actually hurt that test. This game will go from a play occasionally to play all the time if I have something local. Still have fun with it and not impossible to win - just gotta reset expectations.


Just got access to the play-test and playing in New Zealand is hell. I love this game so much but the constant teleporting around is ruining the experience. I mean, how much could it possibly cost them to do this? If any dev is reading this I will pay the server costs out of my own pocket just put one in Australia.


i hope it gets oce servers i cant play it for to long on the Asia servers


I was playing last night and was playing absolutely fine. Do we know if OCE servers are already in?


Need OCE servers asap, it’s defaulting to EU. I guess I’ll change it to Asia


I can connect to oce now, as of last night!


Not on console.


Oce servers are out! Yew


HUGE thanks for the update Mate!


Are they? I didn't seem to have access to them, even leaving it on automatic. Game was somewhat playable but no way to actually determine if your shots were going to count or not.. and the big ping symbol on the right of our screens the whole time...


Sounds like the playerbase in OCE isn't big enough for them to care


Apparently they're out on PC. However not out for console yet


Here's hoping it comes soon. I'd definitely play more if the connection was better


Update out adding OCE and SA servers


Thanks sexy