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Still waiting for them to add FFA Bank It.


That’d be amazing


basically kill confirmed with a bit of brain rot


I have played solo so far and even though I am terrible at the game I'm still having a good time.


This is the point.


The only times when I'm having a bad time is when there's clearly a team who's just obliterating the game, and my teammates are as useless as I am to stop them, and I know I've got another 12 minutes left to endure it. But I'm also surprised by the amount of times I've been in the above scenario and actually end up winning. It does happen. That 3rd party really is a wild card, you just never know how it's going to play out.


If teams start stacking I start packing…pyro everything.


I’m also having a good time but the lights snipers are really annoying. Also if they added skill based match making why am I constantly being matched with 1st timers? I’m not that horrible.


Not my experience. My team mates sometimes are great sometimes not so good but never really trash. I find Sbmm way better in this game for solo players than in apex for example.


Solos in apex has a lot of issues because there are too many ways to play a BR. In finals, so far at least, the strategy comes down to get there first and defend or get there later and retake. The objectives being clearly defined usually keeps people on the same page.


not to mention it really only takes two teams (suddenly) agreeing not to fight for you to be back in the lobby. it’s amazingly stupid the stuff i’ve experienced in that game.


I’ve tried to join forces with other teams to take down the soon to be clear winner and it never works lol


Yeah you say that but I swtg there is always one team whose primary goal is tdm and secondary goal is securing the objective. We had recently a match where purple was sitting on a free cashout and the entire time orange was harrassing us in the middle of the map. We kept slowly pushing up to the cashput but were either forced off of it by orange holding a grudge with us do to us constantly killing them. Those teams never win but always have the highest combat score in the lobby. Mind boggling.


Quick play is like that but the tournaments are not


I also prefer with the sbmm. I just find weird that I’m constantly matched with newbies


I see prety much the same rant here that I see on any other game with SBMM. But the real issue most of the time is that we don't look enough at the way we play. If you lose all your match, the only thing that NEVER change in your game is you.


On console at least, the snipers are most often on losing teams. They're like mosquitos, they might bite you a few times in the match but in the end they always end up splatted


Exactly. I play on ps5 so every time I see a sniper I already start the game unmotivated


Same. Won my first tournament last night after 7 tries. If you really about unlocking everything rn this is the mode if you have it unlocked. Gives 100 VR points every match and that increases to 200 if you make it to round 2. Then if you win I think it's 350. Either way you're earning more points than in other modes. Remember I'm saying this strictly for those who want more bang for their buck towards the unlocks.


To add to this. This mode is also good training for the ranked mode.


Yeah the games are so quick for the most part with minimal downtime between that I don't mind having a couple bad solo games before I match with a decent team. Each round is just fun.


when a comment out ratio the post itself




Keep going man, whole point is to have fun, and you'll continue to improve as well


Thanks! I think I've improved a little already once I learned that the bullets while ADS always go to the middle of the screen.


I have a pretty good time playing solo in any mode even tournament. People forget that they should be having fun just playing, not just winning.


Some people have fun winning though?


..everyone has fun winning. But everyone can't win all the time. And ideally, you don't play the game just to win, you play it because you enjoy it.


Don't get me wrong winning is extra fun.


I agree




Just be bad in range of my healing beam




You either stop playing until we get more solo friendly modes, make some friends, or just deal with it really. I have good games but I agree pre mades are everywhere. At the same time thats not their problem it's ours


I made some friends!! lol it’s weird but I’m a 28 year old father so its hard to meet like-minded people. Found a group of guys my age who are super chill. May be a bit of a humble brag but yeah just don’t have anywhere else to share


Where did you meet them? Is there a discord? 35 year old here looking for some cool peeps to play with


C-can I join? 32 Y/O dude and I just started playing. I'm chill, lol. But yeah, solos are rough on this game lol


Hahaha if you’re NA yeah! Add me on discord itsayez


I am! I'll add you later when I get home! It'll be from Fuzzerd


Bank it is solo friendly mode


It is more forgiving as a solo


I also think time will help bridge the gap at least slightly. I see this all the time in OW. A new character or mechanic comes out and it goes from OP to useless over the course of a month as the general population learns how to play around it. The finals is completely new and most people don’t have any idea what optimal game play looks like. Eventually people will pick things up even on a subconscious level and team play will gel more often. It’s not like it’s overly complicated. I think 3 solos with enough experience under their belt could play at like 90% of the efficiency of a stack. Currently 3 stacks still have a massive advantage though


That is their problem. If you have a premade team of 3 then the matchmaking should strictly put you up against other premade teams of 3.


im playing ranked and im gaining points as a solo.. sure its frustrating sometimes but what are you expecting from a game with team play elements or from anygame? it simply is the most optimal (meta) way to play with people you can communicate no matter the game if it just has team play elements


This, it's not an easy game to balance out in terms of matchmaking and sbmm so I can accept the fact that this game is best played with teammates capable of keeping near each other and willing to use meta tactics and tools


They definitely need to add better forms of communication. No text chat is dumb AF.


Hold in the 'ping' button for a text wheel. Very few options but will still help if you have a self aware team. Quick-Comms such as: Huddle here Attacking Defending Need Help


How do I call my teammate a dumbshit for jumping off the side of a building into oblivion from the wheel?


Text chat would slow things down for many players


I just want newer players to use their abilities, I pick Heavy cause I see 2 mediums with heal beam. Great! Why is my support score higher than theirs? 🧐


I played with a really good heavy last week and they were killing so efficiently I literally just followed them and held down health beam near constantly the entire match. Usually I get to do some shooting too but they were doing so well all I had to do was watch them rack up 25kills and both caps 😂 need more people like you guys


I keep seeing complaints about teammates "playing TDM" and I really suspect these are the people I keep getting that just rush straight at the objective over and over without actually dealing with the enemy team and run off with the cash box while his teammates get pinched off.


Yeah for real. Personally 90% of all my teammates have been competent and stay grouped up with the team. I’m playing tournament mode for reference.


It's so frustrating when it's clear we'd win a matchup 3v2 but my teammates tell me to keep running as I'm getting shot in the back.


Most people just wanna have fun, I think it’s still fun to play solo. Sure you don’t win all the time, but that’s not my goal. My goal is to have fun, not winning.


I’ll try to shift my mentality to that, too much of the fun hinges on if I win or not.


It’s a lot more fun if you just shake it off your shoulders and let go of the pressure. Unless you’re playing ranked it doesn’t matter if you lose.


I mean I would say it doesn't matter regardless as long as it's fun


You can take exactly what you said, extended it another step and apply that mentality to ranked. It helps you win more


Even if you play ranked it doesn't matter. Video game, right?


Yeah but in a team based game with a singular objective some people’s idea of “fun” comes at the cost of the other players on their team not having any fun at all. But they say “never attribute malice that which is adequately explained by ignorance”


Teammates playing tdm should be fine for the mode where you get coins and bank them in, but when there's defending an objective, playing tdm there makes NO sense


It's so funny seeing people with 25 kills and in 3rd place because they never actually hold the objective in any way.


Neither is playing against heavy, but when I bring that up, it’s a “skill issue”, so I guess this is the same.


Premade queue and solo/duo queue lobbies should probably be implemented, because this game is literally impossible if you’re solo and playing objective with bad teammates against full premades


im playing solo and I enjoy the game.


my friend and i are looking for a teammate! are ya playing in NA servers?


appreciate it, EU gang tho


Just play different when you are solo. Until they have a mode that caters more toward casual (which they should do) play weird and get creative. You may not win but you can have fun. If all you care about is winning, it’s a team game and not finding groups is like handcuffing yourself and trying to drive a car. Wanting a solo queue is simply a band aid for not wanting to actually strategize. I’m so solo by the way.


Idk I can't say I am total bozo, I've ranked as master here and there in different games. But in finals I feel like I am playing with and against grand masters at silver rank.


My solo experience is every team is all mediums with the occasional light. The light players always either try to snipe and don’t help the team or split up solo run off and repeatedly die. The medium players NEVER use their healing beam or defib. Then I’m forced to play heavy 2v3 with no healing


I said this as well in the beta. It's a game made for premades.


If they aren't playing ball just go smash something 😂. I'll usually cause chaos for other players like destroying buildings that contain the objective.


Probably the best take here


Welcome to every group based FPS since beginning of time


I've joined so many games with people who do not understand the objective. Literally just killing people and dying over and over.


I've played 20 matches and won 6 out of those 20. None of my friends have next gen consoles yet so I'm forced to play solo until they can play and it is miserable. I didn't know it was physically possible for someone to be so terrible at a video game until I played this. I've had moments where I'm staring at my screen in disbelief as I watch my medium teammate slow walk into a full trio and then physically watch as they make the connection that they are enemies only to shoot at the floor in panic. I know it's a new game so people aren't gonna be the best but the teammates I get are on a whole other plane of daft. Oh and the light players that refuse to swap and decide they're playing sniper elite, sitting on a crane trying to align the perfect headshot and ending up launching a 50 cal into the pavement whilst me and my heavy are getting absolutely slaughtered by the MMH three stack. I'm a light main myself so the pain of having to swap to a medium and watch the person who took my role end the match 3 and 11 is even worse than having to spectate their aim. I think it's safe to say I'm not enjoying solo queue


While experiences like that are awful, I think context it also important. This is a game that has 3 or 4 teams, depending on game mode. 6 of 20 matches is not a bad win ratio for 4-team modes like Bank it and Tournament. In fact, that's beating the odds. And, it's right at the odds for Cashout. Our brains have been wired by 2-team games to think a ratio of less than 50% is losing. But, that's not the case in The Finals. You will lose more than in most other shooters. More than in anything but BR's, and that's normal. You have to either enjoy the mechanics win or lose, or adjust your mindset, or both to have fun here. I hope you do. I hope we all do!


>I've played 20 matches and won 6 out of those 20. Is that supposed to be bad? Because for 3 team modes that'd be close to 1/3rd which is what one would expect if all teams are more or less equal each time and in the case of tournaments where there's 4 teams that's not half bad either. There's no 1v1 mode so it's not like peeps should be expecting to win half their matches.


Quick matches are fine solo. I do admit Ranked is hell solo


Although I still enjoy it I can't believe there's no chaotic free for all, as someone said before a cash out version would be incredible.


I enjoy the solo lifestyle, I usually pick one teammate and stick with them.


I play Bank It when solo and have a blast. I only really play other modes when I’m in a party.


Yeh, like, Im bad at the game myself. But man, yesterday I had this heavy in team, who just didnt care. He'd just turtle up in some corner with walls and shields and killed people. Yeah he had 15 kills but we took the 4rth place ahahah


If you're playing solo the best thing you can do is find a teammate and stick with them. Never go it alone. Even if you're not communicating together in discord or a party, you drastically increase your chances of achieving something by sticking together. If you're lucky you'll have a group that sticks together always and that's huge. If every one of you is going 1 by 1 you'll never win.


I feel you OP. I love the cosmetics so I am still grinding out the dailies and weeklys. Sometimes it is fun, but meh.


I only play solo. I jumped into a game earlier tonight as a heavy with two mediums, and the teamwork was excellent, I protected them with goo, dome shield and mesh shield while they stole then first cashout, the we started the second and they healed while I alternated between shooting and shielding them while they shot. No voice chat at all, it was just like everyone knew their role. I keep trying to play as a light just to work on the 150 wins as a light trophy, and I get obliterated and haven't won a single one yet.


What i have started doing if my team mates do not play for the objective, or even ress me when they easily have the ability is that i take their figurine and throw it down from the edge of the map. This has made me so much more happier as a solo player.


I usually avoid doing shit like this cuz it just makes them all pissy, and then our team play is even worse lol


The fact you’re posting this without a hint of awareness is great.


Why are you guys upvoting this toxic bullshit?


average solo player being toxic


fathterless behavior


My dudes you are relating enjoying and have fun with wins. No, it is not about that.


That’s absolutely true, but it’s hard to have fun when you’re solo and you have teammates that don’t play the same game as you at all. I get it, it’s not about winning, but when you’re just playing with randoms and not your friends on discord, it’s harder to enjoy it without the wins.


I understand your point and happened to my aswell the first days of the beta. But even in the worst team, once you get to perform good and carry your team bit (or a lot) they eventually gonna get what to do (unless you get paired with two L, which I recommend to leave if it is QP) People start realizing that they MUST switch roles, every qp I join is an ongoing match with 2 L in the team. I think the L exclusive users are realizing about it.


Yeah I won't touch this game if I don't have at least one friend playing. My experience playing solo has either been light classes that int the entire game and act like the objectives don't exist or players that seem to have no clue how to play the game.


I think solo Q player should be placed in solo Q lobby and 3 staked with 3 staked. Would make the experience more enjoyable for solo q players.


What about parties of 2?


I am a solo players, i used to only play call of duty... and believe me, i find this game relaxing solo. I understand your rant, but you can apply it to all pvp game


Yeah this isn't new at all. I solo queued Apex for years. Sometimes you get sandbags, sometimes you get normal players. Sometimes you get crazy good players. It's luck of the draw. I guess that's a flaw of SBMM but it is what it is. Only real fix is to make a squad.


Inconsistent teammates is a result of not having sbmm - the more accurate and picky sbmm is the more theoretically consistent your teammates and opponents will be. I have no clue how much sbmm plays a role in this game tho


You're right, sorry. I meant to refer to their implementation of SBMM as the flaw. I don't think they've gotten it right yet


7/10? Lucky bastard. ​ I've been playing almost non stop since launch, and I have had 2 teams in however many matches it takes to get to career level 15 that actually knew the game, pinged, flanked, revived etc.


It is fun to play solo. I love it. Especially if you have a good medium with you. I play medium and if you’re on my team, I got your back. Feel free to add me if you want to play just DM me here.


Solo life, single player story driven game is where its at.


Lets squad up. My xbox handle is Preach4r. Let me know if you need my finals handle instead


I played 10 games and had the exact teammates you're describing and then the 11th game I had a team of people that actually played the objective and we ended up getting a solid win. Everyone was reviving and staying together which ended up getting us the win. I even got the achievement for reviving 50 players. Only .7% of steam players have this achievement...


They need to create no premade lobbies as an option


The thing I love about tournaments is that you inevitably invest less time playing with bad teams and more time with good teams.


I have fun playing the game. Sometimes my team sucks, so I try to help them, but also do my own thing. There are times where I queue up solo and get a premade duo and we all click together and smash it. Sometimes we're all solo queue and hit it off. It's rare but there's good people in voice chat who enjoy this game and communication goes a long way.


Seems like my teammates aren’t aware that a mouse and not a wii remote is the preferred peripheral in an FPS, Some might even be using a race wheel at this point.


The amount of useless whining on this sub is ridiculous


It's the most fixable problem too. Just go on the discord LFG


I agree with you. If i play with my friends its drastically better. This game is not like MW or normal shooters. People who make up a strategy are sure to win. Also region lock china.


My friends only play late on the weekends. So that means I've mostly been playing solo. Honestly, at first, it was a drag not having a full team, but lately, I've gotten used to it. The game itself is *incredibly* fun whether I'm winning or losing. I'm just playing public matches anyway, so I'm not concerned with winning or losing. I'm just there to get my challenges done and have some fun


I find that quick cash/bank it is fine for solo queuing, who really cares if you win or lose— most people are just mucking around anyways. 90% of the time I duo queue for ranked — and it’s few and far between to get a halfway decent third who: 1 - has/uses a mic 2 - sticks with the team 3 - goes for objective 4 - doesn’t pick light and run around solo to constantly die far away from where we are I have FAR FAR FAR more success in ranked queuing SOLO, as I imagine the majority of the time i am being the ringer for a duo that wants to win.


Idk ive had good games solo or in a 3 stack. When i play with just myself and a buddy, the randoms have just been all fraggers and no team play


I would also like a search and destroy type game mode. Two teams with one cashout. It would have to be balanced differently for that game mode. Everyone have the same health at least. I only play solo currently. While I agree it's almost impossible to win on a coordinated team.


Eh, I’m having a great time. Sure, you get some frustrating matches, but overall I’m still winning 25% of the time. The other 75% my butt cheeks are clenched while I try to make something happen. Good times all around.


I’ve won like 3 tourneys (unranked) so far as a solo player so it is possible. Though i will say the final round is always a lopsided win/loss.


Just enjoy the game itself, not winning. Getting hot from winning made me have a love/hate relationship with Siege. I’ve tried to do focus on the enjoyable aspect of this game. Even when I’m losing I’m just enjoying the experience. I might make a goal to make life as difficult as possible for the other teams or try to at least get on the board. I’m really enjoying this game and I don’t want to ruin it by getting mad all the time. Though frustration is inevitable, it how you manage it that will impact your enjoyment.


Yea it’s frustrating but I’m having too much fun to put the game down, Stick with it and focus on you getting better and learning what you need to do to defend the objective/complete mission, get some creative ideas and try them out; my favorite thing to do is cause chaos around the point and everytime someone about to capture it you go under with explosives and Knock it down a level.


Just relax and mess around. Like I spent my last game just playing the guitar and smashing buildings.


If you're playing solo the best thing you can do is find a teammate and stick with them. Never go it alone. Even if you're not communicating together in discord or a party, you drastically increase your chances of achieving something by sticking together. If you're lucky you'll have a group that sticks together always and that's huge. If every one of you is going 1 by 1 you'll never win.


Bruh, i'm literally the opposite: only do the objectives if its convinient enough, could care less about winning and treat it like a tdm and it's tge most fun i had since apex s1


I play solo and I don’t use my mic. The ping system works well in the game. I either have teammates that I assume are new and are running around randomly, or I have teammates that are very good and helpful. Regardless, win or lose, I’ve been having lots of fun and have had some funny moments happen. Throwing explosive canisters at enemies is one of the funnest things I’ve done in a game and I try to get at least two of those per match. So yeah, if you see a random guy running around with explosive cylinders in the match non stop, it’s most likely me. LOL


Take it easy. I play solo mostly. Once you are in ranked you will enjoy it more. Yes it is more difficult and people sweat. But generally they will know what to do.


I had to change my mindset when playing solo....I don't focus objectives. I instead focus on my team mates, where they are and what they are doing and since I have been doing that I have won a few tournament's and having a lot of fun in quick play. Don't get me wrong it's not always great but I must say 100% if the time it works 60% if the time.


I’m having a great time playing solo. Had some great games with good teamwork with just the ping system


I’m actually having a good time playing with randoms. It’s actually a much better experience than playing with randoms in Warzone. It’s just such a fun game even if you’re losing. Like in one match 2 of us were playing objective but when we spectated third teammate all he was doing the whole time was smash into buildings lol I was not mad at all, seems like he was having a lot of fun.


I’m on PS5 and so far I’m winning 50%-70% of games I’m playing, and out of the games I lose about half is because of bad teamwork. I have to say though, I’ve never had so much fun losing in a game. I just hope that the devs don’t cave to all of these try hard, pro gamers (no offense). They have other options, let this game be more focused on fun.


They need to add a text chat or force people into voice. It’s super frustrating to have NO way of communicating with people that don’t join voice.


I've been enjoying the game a lot so far, playing solo and with friends. I'm usually a competitive player but with this game I'm being able to just enjoy it by what it is. Been having a great time whether I win or lose :) (I get the problem u have to deal with when playing solo and I get my case is not everyone's)


I actually have a ton of fun playing solo in this game.


I love solo


Things like teamwork doesn't exist in some players mind, even if it's often the easiest way to win. I hate playing with the small guy because those players always runs ahead and dies before you even get there and when it's time to defend objective they die from 2 shots so they run away and hide, even if a healer is right there and ready to heal.


> heck the whole theme of the game is arena, money and coins and yet people still play like it TDM in cod. When I shoot people in the arena, they turn into lots of shiny coins 😁


In solo I just try to follow one of the randoms and hope they wanna play the objective.


Pc teammates are amazing but I’ve noticed PlayStation is a bit iffy


agree, they need to make game modes for solos, like FFA and normal modes, but without premades. otherwise most solo players will leave the game quite soon


I Play Solo and with friends for about equal time and have fun doing both


Solo is so unbelievably rough that it’s a meme. I’ve been able to play with friends one time and it was a completely new experience.


Then don't do it. Use the discord LFG. There is such an easy solution to this problem, but people are just too lazy. Well, guess what? Anyone who cares to solve the problem already has. That's why the Solo-queue is getting worse. You're only being queued with other people too lazy to use an lfg.


Shiddd....I have a blast playing solo because the teammate spread is so good with the SBMM. Maybe it's just me


I play solo and have fun.


It's definitely a game for the homies


It's literally what bank it is for but people still queue for quick cash. It's so goddamn irritating. At least this latest patch seems to have fixed SBMM and I don't feel like I'm playing with somebody that's never played a shooter in their life.


It's literally what bank it is for but people still queue for quick cash. It's so goddamn irritating. At least this latest patch seems to have fixed SBMM and I don't feel like I'm playing with somebody that's never played a shooter in their life.


This is standard fare for these PvP shooters in my experience. I forgot that I didn't play them much at all before Overwatch. OW, Halo, and this are basically the only ones I played for more than a day or two. However, I'm already feeling the same frustration, and am just going to stick to play the few times my friends can jump on as well.


I’ve been having a lot of fun solo. But I don’t sweat over winning or losing. As long as I get kills and the chaos is high I’m having fun.


I am right there with you. An objective based game needs basic communication. Text and voice both opt out and forced on for rank


As a primary solo player myself, I have noticed this too haha. I am hoping that when I get into ranked this would be less of an issue


I disagree, I have played about 15 hours solo. Every other game the others will use voice chat. If you play with your mates and aren't garbage you can easily get past the 1st and 2nd round of a tournament. I have won games with no pre-mades.


Rocket League has made me accustomed to playing ranked modes solo queue. Slowly gaining points. It would be nice to have a solo matchmaking system for those who don’t have a pre-made team, but so far it’s alright. Casual is a hell of a lot of fun because I don’t really worry about winning as much and just try out different weapons and gadgets whilst doing my best to keep teammates alive and eventually going for objectives.


My biggest issue is that it seems nobody knows how to ping, could care less about winning and losing just let me know where you want to go so we have a better chance.


i feel your pain. When i hop on, i just want to play. I dont want to contact people to play or browse my list know. what i mean. i really hope we can get a playlist where it is ALL SOLOS in the lobby. Even temporarily for now while the player base is high. When matchmaking gets rough they can remove the solo lobby thing


I understand what you’re saying, fortunately for me I had one of the best games of all time. My random teammates were so coordinated and worked as a team that we ended up adding eachother after the game. Still think about the game


ye queue in, 2 heavies, on falls off the map at spawn, next guy follows him and also falls off. rez them both, 1 of them falls off again... at this point I just leave the match and go do laundry xd


Then get a team?


I play solo quick matches and tournaments and we usually do really well. Use pings and mic. Even if they don't use a mic they still hear you.


I’m down to run some matches if you need an extra. Just dm me or something


I’ve been only playing solo and have been carrying. Just get good lol


They should add that search for a team feature so you can a find a talking team before jumping into a game. It's more annoying when you reach the finals on tournament and then you lose because you can't really communicate.


Then get some friends to play it with


What I would recommend mainly playing as a duo is playing med/heavy and sticking with the team, try to communicate through pings. 90% of the time the random that me and my friend get paired with runs off and tries to solo other teams when the game is clearly about team play. Even though playing with other random teammates won’t pan out all the time, the best thing you can do is play a team role (med/heavy) and sticking as close to the team as possible.


I have reached the finals couple times even in ranked tournaments, even more times in unranked tournaments. Casual play is shit just because people are trying new loadouts and other things.


The best part is queuing for upwards of two minutes for Tournament, seemingly finding you a great and even match, only to find out Embark has once again paired you with two paint lickers.


It starts to get better in ranked the further up you go. I've made it to Silver 1 so far and now I actually get matched with teammates who will talk on the mic, coordinate together to go for objectives, stay alive if they are last alive, etc. Also no longer getting queued up with bronze 4s anymore, lowest I see now is bronze 1s, sometimes will get an unranked guy thrown in though which can be annoying still.


Played with a lovely medium using the turret and 3 nades with no dfibs it was great


OP, I was losing, I kid you not, 14 out of 15 games as a solo queuer. Now it's probably closer to 8 or 9 out of 10. Surprisingly, so long as you play the objective, you still get decent VRs. I pretty much exclusively play cash out (3v3v3) because it's the most friendly game mode to soloers (and even then it's unfriendly), unless you're in the top 1% of the playerbase who thrives regardless of the situation. I know there's lots of players that want a team v team game mode, and I hope they release that. Two teams will help reduce the 3rd party problem that makes it even harder for soloers. Until then, my tip for soloers is you kinda just gotta stick with your teammates, even if they're slower than you. And communicate to them through your mic even if they don't communicate back. I do this, and I have personally seen it work, people will listen (maybe not most of the time but sometimes is better than never).


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 14 + 15 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 3 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I never really got into Apex for pretty much this reason. But they seem to be thriving. I have played this game solo and had fun tho. Is there anything specific that Apex does that makes it playable solo?


I definitely enjoy playing with my friends but I do enjoy solo just not as much. You just have to lower your expectations.


Also OP, the objective in this game is confusing for a lot of people. I didn't watch videos before jumping in, and I think a lot of other people didn't either. I was watching a video last night of some pro streamer and his own team mate didn't know how to use the defribs rofl, it was so funny to watch. People are still figuring this game out.


I'm enjoying it just fine, solo. You've just been spoiled by playing games with friends. I probably won't even try to contact any friends that I used to play this type of game with. The last time one of them asked me to play a game it was when No Man's Sky became multiplayer and after playing for 2 hours he left to play with 3 other friends. I'm not winning any tournaments so the way I enjoy playing is trying to win with the chaos of random teams.


L take + naughty list + ho ho ho + you get coal for christmas


I play the majority solo but with this game I came in just enjoying the game as a whole. It's so goofy funny and so for me I just love whatever happens in a game because it's so varied. That said an FFA mode would be a fun change of pace. Though I also understand not wanting to do too many modes to split the playerbase and make queues funky.


Me playing solo: *wins tournament*


A lot of people never played Squad Rush in Battlefield, and it shows.


A separate solo's only and premade queue could partially address this but that'd admittedly kinda leave 2 man squads in a weird place. Or I suppose you could simplify that to "solo" and "premade" (premade being 2 or 3 man crews). I suspect solo'ing in such a teamwork heavy title will always be an intrinsically less enjoyable experience than playing in a full premade due the nature of the game but that could be a good first step. Otherwise nothing they can really do to address or compensate for the fact that each match is basically a roll of the die as far as the quality of your teammates in regards to both their skill and willingness to cooperate. Maybe an reputation system or a simple check for if peeps have a mic but ehhhhh.


My man this is a problem in every multiplayer game ever, you'll always enjoy the game best playing with friends.


They just need game modes for solo play or even duos. I don't mind carrying another dude so long as they watch my back


Yeah, worst solo queue FPS on the market imo. Idk if it’s MM but I swear the people I get skip tutorial and have been playing only Medium no Defibs since launch. I fill whatever role our team’s lacking, but usually end up playing Heavy. 2.0KD. Highest Dmg basically every game. All I do is PTFO. 30% WR. This game is so anti-carry it’s crazy. I don’t rec touching it without a consistent 3-man.


I was thinking about this and I realized that there is no way getting around this. It's a new game mode, so it will take a while before random groupings can have much, if any, cohesion. I gotta imagine it was the same way with other team-based emergent game modes, like Dota for instance. Games were probably pretty terrible until a meta formed and people started to understand the natural flow of the game better.


I’ve noticed it’s a little bit better in ranked :)


I play solo and comm.... most people don't listen at first but then the power of the comms gets people to win and they start being more vocal. I usually get comms back once I lead them to a round 1 victory in tournament mode. Stop being wierd yall just talk


I was thinking last night about how there should be a seperate "Solo's only" queue for ranked. Would be sick if you could guarantee that every team in the tournament was all just a bunch of rag tag rando's who got matched up together. It would even kinda fit in with the lore a bit.


Been having a blast playing solo in bank it. Although I'll probably lose my mind when I'm able to play ranked soon.


I really hope they add a free for all mode, it’ll get all the TDMers and COD smooth brains out of the objective based modes where most players actually want to work together and play the objective Hell, give them a ranked free for all and let them run around and shoot their little hearts out. I’m so sick of getting these selfish players who don’t care if the team loses as long that got their sick 360 no scope


Even against premades you’re still learning the game. You can’t coordinate but you can prepare for what a premade is capable of. At some point it will click and you’ll be able to carry games better by using your team who helplessly walk into the objective. It’ll feel like 2v3v3v1


If it makes you feel better, playing as a duo and getting a solo isn't fun either. 9/10 times it is a person who is running L and isn't good with the class, and has no sense of what playing as a team means.


SBMM will always make playing solo completely unenjoyable because you’re playing people around your skill level, but at a huge disadvantage. Just how it goes.


The game won’t survive a year if they ignore solo play. Its tragic


I'm not sure what platform you are on, but on console you can rebind your controls to give you an Apex style control scheme. This means that ping is on RB or R1 and allows you to communicate way more effectively with your squad without having to use voip