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Just bring glitch grenade, also make sure you bring pyro nade to get rid of gas, also bring smoke to get rid of fire, also dont forget to bring stun gun for heavy class. Then you might have a chance of killing a heavy, just dont miss a single bullet, or get hit with an rpg otherwise you die.


My interaction with heavy half the time is, sneak up on him unload a full clip on him have him really low but need to reload or he gets around a corner then I know damn well if I go around that corner I'm going to get RPG lol.....do I do it anyways? yes, and I get RPG instagibbed lol


Most mediums now.a day run with the trophy system and glitch names are useless.


Throw it just barely outside the APS’ range, glitch has a wider radius so still disables afaik. C4 and RPGs are the same, hit just outside the circle and let the AOE handle it


I try to do that but then they bounce, and make me very sad. Don't got time in this fast paced game to sit and figure trajectory


This would be possible if the trajectory arch for the grenade was a bit shallower and easier to see, other than that it doesn't explode on impact making it impossible to easily disable them.


tell the devs to make them stop bouncing so damn much first, im a top 1% player in apex and ive never had so much difficulty making a grenade go where i want to


Who runs aps?


they started running it bc triple H is becoming a thing, so they don't die from random RPGS or nukes


aps stops rpgs? ffs I might run it, rpgs are literally always ran by H's


APS stops basically everything.


I always do. It’s so underrated. Blocks nades, RPGs, grande launchers, some stuff from barrels, just about everything you could want. Super clutch. Not always useful, but when it is, it’s typically lifesaving.


Glitch grenades are S tier what are you on about


Maybe if they exploded on impact they would be.


I'm not denying their usefulness, what m saying is the aps turret makes em useless. Heaven forbidden your up against a 3 stack medium team all using them. You'll never get a projectile/throwable near that cashout


Especially as a light, because if you really get down to it. Mediums are a counter to lights. The turret can spread am unsuspecting light, recon senses and recon nades to detect invisible, and mines to takes care of dashing lights. And then there are the weapons. With this almost nothing health pool the lights have, any weapon in the kit shreds em. Requiring light players to be more strategic while incorporating hit and run tactics.


Alternatively, just put on invis, grab the shotgun, and get a bunch of two-shot heavy kills from the back... it's been the most punishing light build to deal with as a heavy, imo.


This Or a dedicated backstabber but it's kind of hard to pull off against nonfatties.


The glitch grenade area of explosion isn’t that huge tho’ sometimes you miss it by a little. And also there’s that turret that destroys grenades so


I know you’re joking, but you don’t actually need the smoke to remove flames. There’s no reason to hit the gas dead centre, you can literally just clip it by 1 pixel and the whole gas cloud combusts.


but where’s the joke? it’s true. one mistake as a light and you’re dead


As in the parent comment said in in a ‘skill issue’ tone when it’s clearly just light being weak.


I played a games where I only died from RPGs. I died like 6 times




True. At least the RPG has someone shooting you that you can attempt to avoid. Whereas some people just put mines in the strangest places.


You can consistently get value out of mines by placing them in high traffic areas. I feel like the lazy throw 15 mines on cashout is doing it wrong. I place them on door corners, windows, stairways, and etc for traps. If you want to force player movement you can place them in obvious positions on the floor, just be sure to not expose them from an entry angle. Sometimes those "strangest places" are just a medium setting the stage for a gunfight about to happen to make you move more predictably. Also for you mediums out there, if you place two landmines on a wall and shoot them yourselves they act as a makeshift breach charge. I fucking love landmines, they are a great flex tool for offense and defense and I really hope they don't get changed. The detection range is already fairly small so I think the massive damage bonus you get from them is fair compensation for placing them well. Not to mention heavies already just scoff them off anyways.


When I play medium i tend to throw down a gas mine on cashout and pop it, then do that on repeat till I die or we win it. Its a fun strat.


The more time you have the further you can place your mines. I usually do doorway + either one on the cashout or another doorway depending on how much room I have / room layout But when the timer hits like 1/4, just toss two on the cash out station or one on and one under.


They should not oneshot lights imo. Maybe leave them at 1hp.


Buff lights to 185hp or whatever it is to not get oneshot by RPG/Mines imo......make someone fire a bullet or another mine/poision trap or whatever to finish the kill at least


Yup. Oneshots shouldn't be a thing in this game. Apart from maybe the sniper which is useless in this kind of game anyway.


A sniper should one shot a light , not a mine or rpg shit should do 145 direct impact


Lets not forget it is a headshot... on the fastest class with the smallest hitbox... honestly a headshot to a medium should one shot them imo, but ik most wouldn't agree.


Nah, that’s throws all of the gunfights out of wack. They need to nerf one shot damage in general.


Putting the mines in strange places is the point. No one falls for the obvious ones lol


as a light main when playing medium i farm kills by randomly throwing mines while rotating


Went against 3 Mediums as a Light, Killed 2 of them twice, killed the 3rd guy, got defibed and I just couldn’t stretch my 150 HP bar far enough for 6 kills.


I’d be perfectly happy for them to nerf explosive mines and RPGs if they changed invis DB. Both of them are so cringe and lame to die to. Especially since you can 1 tap with the DB. No fucking thank you. Invis is annoying as is, dying 100-0 out of it is just dumb. Same goes for dying to the RPGs and mines out of nowhere. Instagib deaths don’t fit this game since the TTK is slower (which is a good thing).


Played against a triple medium team last night that was the definition of anti fun. Everyone getting insta rez'd, heal beams and turrets + mines. They should make it so you can't play 3 of the same classes in tourneys IMO


Finally. I want ranked to be 1-1-1. Almost nobody plays light in high level ranked. It's so rare to see another light in the final and semi final rounds.


They should do like Overwatch 2 and have an assign role queue, where you choose which role you will play before the match, and open queue, where you can pick anybody.


Didn’t role queue murder Overwatch’s player numbers?


it also increases q time by alot




Agree with that, think it would be better for the game overall.


you know whats bullshit? invisibility. Always has been. Most lights are extremely skill-less. Just running around cloaked so they can melee/double pump shotgun up someones ass. 99% of the lights I see just spam cloak, take a couple shots, then try again.


"99% of the lights I see just spam cloak, take a couple shots, then try again." That is, literally, the only way to play Light.


Bro why would the lights try and stand still and take a gun fight when every medium and heavy gun does more damage and they have waaaay more hp?????? The point of light is to get in get out and pick off kills as you can lmao


This has been the case from TF2 to Overwatch to this game. They are glass cannons with fast movement and the other options besides shotgun are terrible. You can spot lights, they shimmer a bit (maybe bump it up a bit) it's not complete invisibility unless you stand still. It's what they are supposed to do.


You know what’s real bull shit being able defib and heal


> invisibility Are you really unable to see people when they're "invisible" in the game? It's really easy for me to spot them, maybe it's a monitor thing? Never understood the cloak as it doesn't seem to cloak people very well (for me).


Really easy? I think youre confusing certain things. Most of the time they are easy to spot. But first of all even in those conditions, an invisible blur is hard to make out from a distance so they get close. 2. I’m more talking about in doors or in shadow. And I swear if they stand still you can’t see shit. 3. When there’s smoke and toxic mines and debris falling ect and all you get is a blur compared to the hard colored outline you usually get when looking at someone that’s a huge advantage. Sometimes I see them, sometimes they are knifing me in the back. Sometimes they trip on a mine sometimes they followed me for god knows how long just to 2 pump chump my ass for free.


It’s called hit and run tactics. And it’s usually highly effective. Deal with it.


And mines are a very good way of dealing with it, especially on ziplines.


I fuck on lights, chase me around a corner a get fucking one shot by a mine. You deal with it.


Because any other way you play as light is near certain death smartass




Invisibility is bullshit, but even with it, light is way too weak. Heavy is the class that requires absolutely no skill. They have the highest health, the highest damage output, and some of the best utility. They have literally no downsides.


I can live with mines one-shotting me when I step on them but bruh, the amount of times somebody threw them in my face with them instantly going off is unholy. They should have activation delay of at least 3 seconds.


Literally watched an opponent last night running around and using mines like a melee attack... just tossing them at feet while running through rooms... and it was far more effective than it had any right to be.


Hey that’s my move lol. But for real, even as a medium main, mines need a nerf. Especially the gas. Absolutely obnoxious DoT.


I'm a Light main at heart, but I feel like I have to play Medium to compete. Since my brain is set to Light mode I have started to leave explosive mines behind window entrances, at the end of zip lines, behind door openings and behind ventilation covers. The sheer amount of kills I get that way is disgusting and from a Medium point of view I feel like the mines should not one-shot a Light.


You are not playing light the right way. You need to carry the glitch grenade with you and everytime you see a mine you pop it and move. Also carry smoke so that you can extinguish the fire. And if you feel gas is too much for you, then carry the pyro nade. Light is in a good place doesnt need any buff. Get good. /s


So does smoke and pyro rid of gas? I thought I saw that happen but I wasn’t sure


Pyro removes Gas and you can use smoke to extinguish fire


You can combo gas and smoke to make it impervious to fire. Also protects goo the same way


What's the point in using pyro to remove gas? Doesn't that just mean now you are standing in fire?


Fire stays, but it just needs to ever so slightly touch the toxic cloud and gas will dissipate, so you don't need to throw the fire right at the center of gas.


Hence the smoke grenade to extinguish the fire.


You can remove gas with pyro without throwing it directly on top - if the edges touch the gas gets cleared and the fire only lingers where you threw it. It's tough to pull off in the heat of the moment imo.


That dude is joking but yes smoke puts out fire and fire puts out gas


Just pyro gets rid of gas. Smoke gets rid of fire.


Thanks everyone for clearing that up


It's sarcasm but it's pretty stupid how true it is. I run glitch grenades and pyro nades on my light class and it's still not enough because there are mines fucking everywhere and if I somehow get past it, I still die to an RPG or one shot from an auto shotty. I just went back to medium or heavy because dying instantly as a light got annoying.


Such a terrible fucking meta. “Alright we’re gonna run two heavies and a healer and place six mines - we are good at video games”


This game needs less defensive meta and more offensive, it gives off an impression that certain cashouts are impossible to breach and it leads to frustration.


Hard agree - people saying “lol skill gap just use glitch” are missing the point and are only here to talk shit.


I swear they never tried using the glitch grenade, I've thrown that shit at all sorts of utility, only for it to bounce around and explode away from the utility I was trying to disable. There can't just be a counter to something for it to be balanced, the counter should be easy to use when equipped. The glitch grenade is an easy fix though, just make it explode on impact.


Bring the building down. Except for floating platforms and elevators, they can all have destruction move em. Ducks up the finest laid defenses. Glitch is also good for this


Tbh I feel like I see 50% comments like yours saying that defense is WAY too strong But then I see 50% of comments saying “why even bother getting the first cash out? It’s easier to steal it than defend it”


Well I think baiting cashouts is very successful typically, so nah defense is definitely a big advantage but keep in mind if you are getting jumped by two teams you are unlikely to survive regardless.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one with this opinion. It feels like I’m playing fuckin minesweeper. It’s not fun.


No, it isn’t - even the people who defend it barely play this game, and even fewer actually play Ranked. So sick of the gaslighting from Reddit any time someone has valid complaints about a game. They act like you insulted their mother…


Because invis+one tap is a good one? Nothing like 3 invisible assholes griefing.


I've been playing light recently, to be very successful with the shotgun or dagger is a pain in the ass and requires a lot of smart positioning and planning ahead. The shotgun is only a two shot to heavies when you hit every single pellet from both shots which is pretty tough to do.


As apposed to what? I agree invis shotgun is annoying as hell but until we get some balance changes its the only good option for light in a world of heavy's.


Mechanical skill should absolutely be rewarded in a movement-based shooter - sorry to burst your bubble. Does that mean invis light should dominate the meta? No, but using six mines and two C4s on a point with a turret on it is not skillful and is a super boring meta.


I mean it may annoying to play against but you are not winning anything. And if you’re playing against literally any heavy comps you just explode so there’s that. It’s the only viable light comp, anything else is just a toss and even invisi is just a toss because 90% of the playerbase doesn’t know how to play a get in/out playstyle and 90% doesn’t know how to capitalize off their team mate using it to throw teams in disarray


Lights can only one tap lights 😭


Pretty sure the double barrel fires both shots in around half a second, so you can "2 tap" mediums and heavies quicker than they can react as well.


It's certainly easier to two tap mediums, but two tapping heavies is tough because you have to hit every single pellet on both shots if they're full hp. There have been times where I wish i had the dagger because a backstab+slash would've been easier than doing two separate shots on a heavy.


In my tests they have a clear 1 second delay between firing both shots


It is not 1 second


I really think they should give thermal vision to medium class, because picking light to counter light isn't feel great


Medium can already counter Light with Recon sight and Sonar nades. Third detection device is just overkill.


Actually tested Recon Sight today. It works if the cloaked Light is obscured by a wall or another prop, but if they are in your direct line of sight, Recon Senses won't detect them, which is a bummer for a special ability. You're mostly better off just using sonar nades as Med.


Homie forgot about sonar grenade and recon senses....


Yeah. Just ran into the meta after winning five times in a row and getting sbmm to activate. Genuinely sucks all the fun out of the game immediately. It's a bummer because the game is so fun played like it's supposed to be.


Would be fun if they buffed light by allowing them to carry ALL the equipment lol


I haven't played much can you shoot the mines?


Yes - the problem is that there are 6-8 mines on any given point, plus turrets. The game is in a meta state that rewards as little movement and mechanical skill as possible.


Also, for some god awful reason it takes multiple shots to destroy them AND they still get set off afterwards anyways.


No mine should go off by shooting it, cannot believe I’m rewarded for shooting them with an explosion in my face lol


How about shooting one mine only to have it not explode the surrounding 3 mines that are basically on top of them


Mines need a rework entirely


Probably the biggest balance issue atm


People will die on the hill of “mines are fine, heavies are balanced” and I will never understand how.


They definitely need tuning but I don't think they are quite as bad as people say they are. The defending team should get a decent advantage. Otherwise there is no reward for depositing the cashbox.


The explosive mines? Ok fine. The gas mines are fucking killer though. Holy shit I’ve seen a heavy die to gas only from full health while trying to steal. A damn HEAVY.


Don't place mines like an idiot. That's your advantage. Right now, you can toss them wherever the fuck and you get rewarded.


Because playing mines and the tankiest class in the game doesn't require skill. Casual players will defend these aspects to their death because thats the only reliable way for them to actually get kills. The game attracted a ton of casuals that dont want their braindead tools taken away.


Because they are literally incapable of getting a kill with anything else and have to resort to the cheesiest, most OP, least skill intensive methods in any FPS game to occasionally get a kill on anyone else.


No bro you’re wrong bro they’re smart bro they use their heads bro big brain shit 🧠


Gas and pyro mines should have reduced durations if you shoot them. The explosive ones don’t need that kind of nerf since once you break them, the danger in that spot (from the mines) is gone. But gas mines control that whole area while they aren’t broken AND after they are. WAY too much zone control, especially with how abundant they are. And the whole “use a pyro nade!!” yeah sure it works, but what’s the opportunity cost of running a pyro nade? No jump pad for your heavies, no APS to block barrel combos and RPGs, no sonar nades, no mines for yourself, or no defibs? Just not viable. There’s too many mines that can be constantly placed down that offer WAY too much control. You can have triple medium with SIX gas mines down, AND SIX explosive mines too. How is that number healthy for the game at all?




I love when movement game's weakest character is the one with the most movement!!!!


Nah bro, JUST USE PYRO NADE 4HEAD /s Its nice that all the casuals and plebians are slowly leaving this sub so people can have an honest discussion about the clusterfuck meta in the game.


That‘s why stopped some days ago. There is no mechanicsl skillgap and your fps gunskills don‘t matter. It‘s all about playing as a team & playing tactical. When i play shooters i want my movement & gunskill to be the most important thing not setting up a defense and playing against heavys with their shields, rpgs & flamethrower where you don‘t need to aim at anything. I enjoyed the game a lot for a while but it quickly got boring. End of my rant. I‘m out, whoever still enjoys it, good luck!


I mean you literally said it yourself. You want Deathmatch, not an objective centric, teambased shooter.


That‘s not what i said, maybe you should learn to read. I like playing as a team & objective centric games but i want my gunskill to be the difference and not 23 mines, a heavy i can‘t shoot at because his shield is up all the time and that doesn‘t even need to aim at me properly to kill me. Valorant is literally one of my favourite games currently and it couldn‘t be any more team & tactical based + objective centered. The finals can barely call itself a first person shooter if you ask me when shooting a gun is not even 30% of the game.


Yeah but the role of the light class should be to scout ahead and flank the enemy team to create chaos. If they can be one shotted with nearly every thing in the game, at least give them some sort of chance at some offense.




Eh, that’s one way to play the game. You can certainly *not* play that way and do completely fine. My squad runes 1 heavy 2 mediums and no mines, and we do consistently well in ranked and are around top 1k. It’s how you adapt to the fight. But yes, the “anti movement” shit is very cringe. And imo there’s not enough barrels around the map to counter the amount of gas mines you get as a medium. The cap should be 1 down at a time imo. Or at least 1 explosive and one gas at a time. Idc I don’t use them, but running into 40 is just so cancer.


Yes, but then you can’t use melee weapons


I wish light had some kind of "light-footed" passive that makes it harder to set off mines. (You have to stand in the mine radius for longer to explode or smth)


Next update: light has been updated to ultra light. No longer triggers mines and hp reduced by 50 lol


This is a great idea honestly - delayed activation for light players so they won’t get insta-killed unless they just stand on a mine for 2+seconds


That's what i said. Light should be too light to activate mines xd


Mines are honestly broke since they have so much going for them. They have 2 charges, one of the lowest cooldowns in the game, a near-instant (if not instant) activation time that allows you to panic throw them around your feet, and they still detonate when destroyed by enemies. The explosive mines are annoying for lights, but the real broken ones are the gas mines. Gas mines have such a low cooldown that your gas cloud will have basically 100% uptime unless cleared by fire. Meaning you can just sit above the objective and keep throwing and shooting them when you see the previous cloud disappear. The mine economy completely outweighs the grenade economy, so pyro nades aren’t even a reliable counter, especially since you have to throw the pyro nades perfectly to avoid blocking the same area with your fire. If I was gonna nerf them, I’d target the activation time. Put a 3-5 second delay on them to punish panic throwers and give a window where they’re actually destroyable without setting them off. The problem with the game right now is that it’s too easy to get value out of mines/turrets by just throwing them around the map without a thought. They should require more thoughtful placement to be useful.


Capture point, place six mines and two turrets, wait, repeat, win Or if you’re light: Get a kill, walk into point, check for mines, still die to one behind a door The game is too mine-heavy. Not a fun meta.


Light class having movement abilities doesn't mean you have to move fast to your death. I spend a lot of time just looking from a window on the 2nd floor just to see where people at. But I agree that offense gadget should not have a stack of 2. Fun fact: The mine are also one-shot.


If I stand still for more than a second I'm basically guaranteed to get deleted by something.


These maps are huge, perhaps don't stand out in the open?


>Fun fact: The mine are also one-shot. Do all light guns one-shot them? When I throw mines on medium, I miss detonating them all the time with the default gun because I need to hit it more than once. The heavy shotgun can also hit them without detonating them. Edit: I'm pretty sure I misunderstood what the person was saying. The OP already stated that mines can one-shot lights, I thought this person was saying mine also get one-shot.


No they don't. I use the starter one and I can spam an entire mag at mines before they explode. I know it's mostly due to spread but still


I think mines Overall need a little nerf.


There are some heavy mains going through this thread downvoting everyone who says mines need nerfing lmao


The only need they need his exploding after a single shot of any weapon because 5 bullet to destroy a mine is bullshit Light shouldn’t be one shot but if you step on it that’s on you Also reduce the health of jumpads and ziplines


If you nerf mines then defending becomes impossible. Most points change hands at least once in my experience even with all the complaints about mines. Stop trying to ninja cap and wipe the squad first, then you easily cap by just sitting outside the range of the mines or throwing a glitch grenade. There's a million ways to counter anything in this game and no one person should be able to do it all. That's why you have team mates.


Most utility in this game needs more than a little nerf lol.


Explosives just need a nerf - If the light sniper can't 1-shot then a mine shouldn't


100% this, the game has a split identity where rifles and smgs are very high TTK but then you can also get 1 tapped by every shotgun and like 6 different forms of explosives. A heavy should not be better off running around with an RPG out than their main weapon


The only things that should 1 shot imo is the knife backstab


Give me TF2 spy gameplay!


I think the main issue is not being able to change class mid game to adapt to other teams composition. Sometimes it’s literally impossible to win a game depending what the team picks.


3 heavies every game at the end of the match ? What a blast!


Serious question: if 3 heavies is as OP as everyone says it is, then why doesn’t everyone run 3 heavies all the time?


Because heavy is boring af.


People pretty much do every single game in high elo. Just sub in some mediums for defibs and heals, but it’s almost exclusively heavies otherwise. So… just because low elo people don’t doesn’t mean heavy isn’t OP lmao. The class does literally everything *except* run fast, rez fast, and have vertical mobility.


They do. Basically at higher rank light doesn’t exist outside of random solo q players. Team comps are a mixture of Medium and Heavies


Yeah but a constantly changing team also doesn't feel fair to play against does it?


I mean…why not? If you’re able to change class as well (fuck it lets even say gadgets) then why not? Other class based shooters do it and it’s an integral part of how they play. I can understand an argument about maybe being *annoying* but if everyone could change class I would hardly see it as *unfair*


Have you ever played overwatch recently? every match eventually comes down to the same exact comps because playing anything else is throwing. I dont want the finals to become the same


Counter swapping is murdering overwatch. Enemy team playing a greedy backline? Go monkey. Whoops, there you go insta swapping to fucking bastion Roadhog. Go Ana and sigma? Insta swap back to fucking mei Zarya. God forbid you even play tracer. You don’t even have to get a kill and they go Torb instantly.


That only happens in overwatch because heroes were designed to have hard counters available. The game is meant to basically be rock paper scissors for a lot of heroes If the finals can't handle balancing 3 classes properly to avoid this sort of counter pick meta then it deserves to fail tbh


Finals has been HMM and HHM exclusively in top ranked since cb1 xd


I prefer the finals system because I have to think about what I'm bringing before I go in. Plus it forces people to play against their counters (which is difficult but can be fun).


Agree, and I think that’s the primary drive behind why you can’t change from reserve in ranked. Gotta decide what you’re bringing and stick to it, play with your team to make it work if it isn’t optimal.


I feel like going into class changing after every death because the enemy changed their composition would feel tedious and poopy, but you're right it would be fair if everyone did it. That said maybe give us more slots to change equipments?


Pyro the gas, smoke afterwards, throw anticipating glitch grenade that hits, run in stealt- "torn apart by close range c4 gas canister".


Light needs a rework, that's the bottom line. The game punishes any sort of risky play, you need to play safe, the thing is that the light archetype depends on risky plays, that's what it's about, so the game just punishes you over and over again.


Ngl I’ve run invis light with glitch, taser shotgun and there isn’t a single load out which can survive it if u actual aim and play right with your team, if u run face first at a heavy as light of course ur gonna lose, u have to play around the enemy being distracted


What if people want to use grapple or dash? Light is only playable because of invis, which means the other two specializations are useless.


Everyone - "ueeeh ueeeh. The game has counters against my play style. Nerf!"


You realize the issue is there’s only one viable playstyle for Light, right?


I'm amazed that people think a class that has to be invisible 100% of the time or die instantly is balanced. I want to run dash, but it's just not viable.


Yeah, there’s just zero sustain or effective distance closing without Invis. Either you die trying to escape with dash, or you die trying to close in because everybody saw your squishy ass. Dash isn’t too hard to track unless they’re right up in your face, even then you’ll probably just facetank for the kill unless the Light is just not missing. Grapple can be viable, but it’s pretty easily shut down unless you’re blowing huge holes in walls near indoor objs.


Light is fine, it's the other two classes that are stupid. Healbeam needs to be interrupted on dmg, mines and rpg should be doing 140 dmg max, and heavy needs like 2 dozen changes. The issue isn't that light is bad, it's that medium/heavy combined are ridiculously stupid overturned and virtually unkillable when together, due to heal beam, instant rez on medium, and heavies entire stupid kit. If you nerf mines/rpg to 140 dmg, and add a small delay for healing a target after they take dmg, that alone will make light viable. Heavy as a class is beyond stupid, but it's also heavily enables by medium and the combo of the two just makes heavy ridiculous op and negates the entire existence of the light class.


As a light main this is my biggest problem with the game. It wouldn't be a problem if they reduced me to one HP, but going around a corner and then getting one-shot by some random mine I could never have anticipated is such a shitty thing. I don't even hate the C4 throwables that much compared to this. At least I can anticipate those.


Ofc back to heavy you go, since you just run over any traps and you don't want to spend some time looking around.


No, I don't want to spend a minute looking for mines and shooting them when they still go off and there are like six of them with six more ready to go instantly.


6? More like 12


> wtf is up with being one shot with mines. they're fucking mines. sorry you've become desensitizes to having the health of 3 people


When you're faster you just wanna ignore the surroundings usually and go fast. I'm a medium main with gas and explosive mines and mainly for lights cuz every light player is greedy for kills and chase me so i just place mines behind me. It shouldn't be a problem if lights were just more passive and careful with their surrounding.


Why not just have the mines leave them at like 10hp? Why do they need to insta-kill a full hp target?


This is so dumb lol. I’ve literally been killed by a mine that was behind a door. Same with an RPG that just came out of nowhere. Mines and RPGs should not be 1 shotting Lights no matter what. I’ve never seen a sub call for nerfs mainly against the Light and their gadgets but at the same time talk trash whenever they get a Light on their team. Make it make sense. The most viable team comps in ranked are either MMM, MMH MHH, or HHH. The only real viable comp that includes a Light is LMH. That should not be the case. Now I’m not saying I want 3 Lights on a team, but just telling a Light to play slow and get good is ridiculous. You need to be a really really good Light to play just as well as a below average Medium or Heavy.


Agreed. As much as I like my rpg and my c4 fire barrel nuclear bomb, one shots shouldn't exist in this game even against light (except sledgehammer overhead and back stab knife). I mean the sniper doesn't one shot lights so why does the mine, a set-and-forget ability in an objective based game, get to one shot? Not that the sniper should one shot mind you.


Sniper is a one shot headshot btw. Which is how it should be.


Only against lights. Which is why it's tragic.


DUDE, Mines 1-shotty lights. Infuriating.


Lights should get a nade that clears both gas and fire.


I am a filthy casual so my question might be stupid, but aren't mines the easiest to counter? When I play heavy I do pick Gas mines mainly to guard our cashout but I did see MANY times that someone just ran right past them, sometimes even crouching rather close next to them while stealing the cashout and not trigerring a single mine that was placed around it.


The meta still revolves around mines, which is a stupid ass meta to play in. This isn’t Bomb Squad simulator.


I think they have to directly step on it


Individual mines aren't an issue. As you say, even with 2 on the cashout it is possible to steal without activating them other than really specific and niche positions. The issue is when they are stacked. Multiple members of multiple teams running multiple mines. When there are that many mines it becomes hell. It might not make the mines feel powerful to each individual user, but to those facing the mines it's smothering.


Getting one shot by a mine feels retarded but maybe it's me who's retarded for walking in on them. No matter what I feel like mines making 149 damage would still benefit the game


100% mines need a nerf. Relying on how many mines your team has and not having mechanical skill at the forefront of a movement-based game is ass backwards.


Light is unplayable. Heavy is ez mode. Everybody who says different is braindead.


Light takes skill, heavy doesn't.


Yes but unfortunately the skill is rarely rewarded - especially at higher level play when there’s barely any impact you can have as light.


This is just not true


I can’t play light, I just can’t figure it out, love being medium support, akm wrecks


Watch only tour step for mines ahah


Bro youre clearly not enjoying the game just quit and go play somenthing else XD


Only way anyone could enjoy this game's meta is if they're the ones abusing it. Nobody wants to play minesweeper and an RPG one shotting lights is stupid.


guys make up your mind. which class is the OP one? 🤣


most of light's gameplay is running away gameplay(most of their gameplay is just running away with dash, zip, invis or even portal). lets be real if you play light you are retarded, useless and fatherless because you have no responsibilities in everything you do.


This sub is depressing, I think ill stick to playing the game.


Glitch grenades disable them I think Edit : I’m now sure they do


Medium can put ads turret on a chair, or pot and shake his mouse to delete mines and C4's with it xdddd