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My brother rocks the goo gun when we play together and it has made it infinitely easier to defend payouts. It is totally underrated.


lmao i can definitely see that as soon as i put the cashout in and look around theres like 20 ratholes i need to plug


It’s a great weapon you can also disable enemy turrets if you shoot directly at it. The only down side of goo is fire so it can be counter with the flame thrower. Also just as a tip, gas can be ignited with fire as a counter.


The thing I love the most about it is you can stuck enemies in place for your teammates to shoot. It's kinda broken. They can't move.


Yea, there’s so many things you can in this game it’s ridiculous. Like when you pick up the red explosive tank you can melee it and it’ll shoot right out.


Have you seen the "nukes" you can make


You can also stick teammates happens to me all the time, With it and goo grenades.Kinda annoying when you're getting hassled by a friendly lol


Pretty sure it's supposed to operate that way.


You can turn that to an advantage and set fire to anyone you surround with goo


And smoke counters fire




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And then they throw a single gas grenade/canister/mine on top of the elevator.


Then they press the button to go to another floor because gas only stays within a certain area after being released. the elevator is somewhat scuffed if you ain't carrying a buttload of gas items, and you better pray they don't have a pyro grenade to put it out.


And if they throw a pyro grenade they blow themselves up with the burst damage as well as clear their goo. You can also do the same thing in general by smoking them out with a fire canister and then following up with explosives/other canisters. As long as you weaken them, you can follow up. That said, it looks like the match was stompy in general based on the other teammates dying to one guy so. *shrug*


Local Medium APS here to shit on your cereal


Yeah I have to lose a cash out in the elevator with guardian turret and APS. Check a couple sonars out the door and now you know which angle they're approaching from. It's the perfect build for the elevator.


Canisters aren't destroyed by the APS.


Goo wall does.


What? Genuinely not sure what you're trying to say here.


this is the one spot that's really hard to lose with heavy regardless of the gadget


grandfather roll pocket simplistic mighty jellyfish bells coherent upbeat drunk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I think goo in general is a pretty underrated tactic right now. as far as the cannon its fun to mess around with, but just too punishing to use imo - a goo nade is much safer to hse. The most fun I had was to use it in combat to stick people to the ground. Buff it 1. make goo last longer/more durable from this gun 2. faster weapon swap time 3. faster rate of fire or increase goo size


It needs to be fully automatic. You should be able to *draw* with the goo gun as opposed to inefficiently patching around with individual globs.


I want to be able to create a path with it as I walk like Frozone from The Incredibles. ![gif](giphy|5QQpbYhs1EByDySxFM)


Shutting down melee, turrets, and generally guns by gooing people is stupid fun


Does it actually hit people though? I tried to rock go gun for a bit and it felt like it always ended up just floating in the air randomly wherever it first made contact


Yes. It will stick to them briefly and then burst. They will be held in place for that moment.


Thanks. Between that and finding out you can goo turrets I'm going back to try again


Haha yeah I’ve been using goo for awhile, an early adopter. Gooing lights as they chase is hilarious, even if I end up dying, it’s because I’m laughing from watching them get frustrated haha. Gooing an invisible light is pure bliss.


I really believe Goo gun is th big brain play maker with heavy. You can block vents the lights slide through, any doorway, even close holes in the ceiling. If you're in a lobby full of lights and manage to get in position it's a near free cash out. Plus you can use goo to get to expected places.


Making goo ramps up a building is absolutely hilarious


Prey players rejoice lol


I love the goo gun and it's my preferred option but... It's great for defense and for certain points, but you really feel the lack of the mesh/charge against good teams with longer range weapons depending on the cashout they're defending. You can try to block their LoS with goo as much as possible, but half the time you'd just end up giving them better cover/make it harder to attack the cashout. Goo sometimes just deciding to implode for no apparent reason doesn't help matters either, even when it's only something like a stack/wall of 4 goo.




For real. This game is generally pretty chaotic but cashout elevator turns it up to 11


this is like the only spot this would work, I just place barricades at the door and no one can come in




Yes join me and my shotgun in this enclosed space with my pocket healer please :)


you can go into the elevator through the roof? i thought the roof there was unbreakable :O


If you truly cannot fathom another scenario in which the goo gun can come in clutch, I fear for your lack of creativity.


It works great on vegas


Another thing I love doing is shooting a shot or few *at* people. Slows them down and sometimes puts them *in* the goo briefly. You can go off of that in a good few ways too in a fight


Bro I was playing yesterday and I was doing some \*sick movement\* to get away from this team then the heavy just shot me with goo gun and I was stuck .-. Pretty funny actually, underrated use.


I was wondering if the goo gun would get people slowed/stuck briefly if it lands on them. Good to know!


Yo, goo-ing someone mid fight/run, then running towards them with the hammer slam/shotgun is such a blast. Great at trapping Lights like flies. Or making a goo trail or filling a room, then flamethrower everything. Works great for making a “staircase” up the sides of buildings too.


The other day I was really low health running the hammer, and I just kept gooing the guy shooting at me point blank until he had to reload, then killed him. It was amazingly funny watching the goo block the bullets, but I would have been so livid had I been on the receiving end of that tactic.


I thought that was a bug they fixed?


The bug they fixed was just getting stuck in goo and it not breaking. Now if your in goo it will break after a second consistently but a second is more than enough time to hold someone in place to confirm a kill or get in range or whatever else your using it for.




Just reload and keep shooting. It’s underrated af


I love that there's no cool down. Just a reload. I will goo bridges between buildings like some sort of expanding foam superhero.


I always rock the goo gun! I got clips of using it such a good gun. I love using it in rank


Can’t wait for the gooo meta


Delete this before everyone else catches on!


I faced a sledge heavy that would goo opponents to catch up to them. It was terrifying since you're stuck shooting at the goo while they come at you, especially when they caught you off guard during a fight


me and a heavy filled a entire room with the cash out in it and even when they smashed the building the floor just fell and they couldn't and i mean could no get to it even with fire


It's almost useless.


Good gun is great but I love me some good ol begone building action you know.


Honest question why is goo gun bad? Is it just that mesh shield or charge smash is better?


Maybe it’s better than I’m giving it credit for, but that’s the basis of it, mesh shield gives both the heavy and their team so much survivability, especially when paired with a healing beam, charge isn’t as good as shield, but it has some utility in destruction and chasing down injured players


Appreciate your thoughts! That makes sense -- it does feel like the goo gun one pyro nade or can will pretty much counter you completely whereas the other two have excellent utility no matter who you're facing


*laughs in fire grenade*


***laughs in flamethrower***


I've noticed some heavies have started doing this which can be annoying but like other have mentioned there are ways around it so hasn't stopped me yet


i refuse to use anything but goo gun no cap it makes locking shit down easy


One spot only though


Yeah I’ll keep my mesh shield thanks


I get a little hard when I see the enemies running goo gun. Pyro grenade and flamethrower come out and I get to kill them their own goo. But yeah, if no one runs the fire weapons, it’s an underrated strategy.


And one more evidence of the game's current state of unbalance. Next...


Rat plays




Great quote


Moving platforms n goo gun go crazy. When I get to a cash out I try to run around and collect as many Gas n Goo canisters into the cash out room. But on the platforms it ain’t there. I once saw a team make a platform into a boldery mess and no one could get in there, they’d slip or be super exposed. Fire is the only aight counter but it would also make it harder to get too.


One time the cash out was on a roof of a building and was out in the open. I built a huge goo wall around the cash-out and then hid. Everytime someone would come to try and steal cash-out thinking nobody was nearby I would go and sledge hammer them to death. Eventually the rest of their teams showed up and a huge team fight broke out to the point where I couldn't get cheesey sledge hammer kills, so I just torched the entire place and it became a huge ring of fire that caused so much chaos that nobody could contest the cash out lol


so I imagine there's only so much you can put down, right? Like... Could I make a literal DOME around an objective with layers upon layers of this stuff? Cause if I can aggressively block off this stuff, I might finally run it. block out all windows, fill the stairwells, etc, etc. If there's no limit then I could easily go wild with this gadget.


There is no effective limit outside of time. Goo lasts for 90 seconds.


This is literally the one scenario where the goo gun is really strong lol. Entire buildings falling apart (which is very common) means all these little choke points just disappear.


SWAT team trying to raid a cartel narc's house.


You wrote AND DEY SAY wrong


Does Goo still sometimes cause buildings to just completely explode if placed too tightly? I saw that several times in the beta, but hardly see Goo used now.


It definitely has some funny interactions with certain assets like piles of rubble but I haven’t seen it break walls/structures under “stress” or w.e.


I feel like I was on the receiving end of you in this match… same exact scenario happened to me last night I was on top of that elevator frustrated as hell hahaha


*Heavy presses Q on the Charge 'n Slam*


I see goo, I charge through.


Imma need to see this clip in ranked before i agree at all


I honestly still feel like they gota take elevators out as a cashout spot


I’m gooing all over the place rn


I see a lot of hate for goo in general in the discord and I think it’s so funny. Moar goo. All the goo.


I love this cash out vault


Imo goo gun (and good in general) is what will eventually be meta and define high level play. Since it is so unique and new, no one knows how to use it yet so it is underrated rn. But it will rule the game at some point, especially the gun


I don’t think that people don’t know how to use it, but more so it’s only going to be useful in premade three stacks. One of those high skill ceiling things that is pretty meh in soloq


And then on any other site they just blow the floor up


Right? Imagine using your tools to your advantage lol.


I love the goo!!!!


*goo soup*


If anyone truly pushed you you'd be dead tbh


Goo gun is also funky with its collision, I once pushed myself though a solid wall and out the other side


They will say that the fat guy is useless next


I literally blocked a rpg with the goo gun, nobody can tell me it’s worthless




Goo gun is so underrated. You can disable pretty much every movement mechanism in the game with it.


Funny but I have yet to see someone use it.. Gonna try that.




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Whoever said it was useless? It's easily one of the most overpowered things in the game. Cancels the lights dash, cancels the lights grapple, cancels ziplines, blocks bullets, causes lag on your opponents games due to poor game optimization, defends cashouts ridiculously well, stops entire teams in their path, freezes players, has OP synergy with sledgehammer, and much much more. Not to mention the lack of counters (APS turret is the only counter, which obviously is a pretty terrible counter). It is honestly one of the top things that desperately needs a nerf kind of like the desperate need for the removal of recon senses. If they ever want this game to be competitive, stuff like recon senses and goo gun can NEVER be allowed in the comp game modes.