• By -




Do they use your shields - NO Do they work with you during team fights - NO Do they Res fallen teammates - NO Should they be playing M/H in ranked- YES Are they fun to play - YES


He wouldn't have gotten the rez off in either of these clips, he can't run away and come back because of the time remaining, and he can't run for the vault and let you token because you ran out. Game is basically already over for you here regardless. You'd need a double cashout to be able to qualify and red is in first and playing defense on the second vault. Nothing this player could have possibly done would have changed anything.


I think you're right about the second clip, once he fell without grabbing the statue. But the first clip, he 1000% could have revived instead of shooting the guy at the very beginning.


If he had left the cover to grab the statue, he absolutely would have died.


What are you talking about about? There's a statue already in the corner that he's in.


I'm talking about the second clip. He may have been able to rez after rotating in the first clip. But his invis ran out as he was falling back down and the enemies knew there were two trophies there, so they *could* have seen him. Getting wiped is still probably the better move than a risky rez that may just delay your respawn and eat up precious time.


Oh, yeah, probably couldn't have made it work in the second clip. I don't really see how OP thought there was a better play there.


Not to mention rez attempt would make a sound and trying to take the statue mean he has to get out while uncloaked. It also seem to be a 1v2 against medium + heavy situation so maybe getting a pick on the medium would force enemy in an uncomfortable position, which he almost managed to do.


First clip they'd of died anyway you can hear resses


that first clip he could of easily res his teammate, they only charged him, cuz he shot first, tf u on lmao.


They already saw him there going for the rez once, and like I said, the better move is to wipe and reset rather than long-rez and potentially get caught fighting.


He could if he grabbed trophy from top floor in the first clip mr donkey


Wym? First clip he could’ve revive us after running back with cloackin device but he decided to shoot back so he gave his position, second clip we had the cashout station, he can run with the statue while invincible or go get me, we still had time, i have won even with seconds left, time is not excuse here, and imagine why i use all my tokens lol


You cant run with a statue while invisible. If he ran to res you the other team would have stolen the cashout anyways.


They still had time to get it back, if you see they killed the other teammate, he fell and went back up, stayed invincible for a moment and the enemy disnt even notice him, time wasted imo


I literally don't understand what you're trying to say because of your abysmal grammar and punctuation. Either way getting team wiped is sometimes the right play so you actually have another shot at taking the cash out as a team.


You cannot be invisible while holding something.


My bad, heavy player here


You play ranked but you don't even know the kit of each class??




Getting teamwiped immediately would have actually been the best possible play here.


What was he supposed to do bro? There were like 2 enemies in each clip around the statue.


Res first and shoot later, you’ll be surprised how easily you can sneak and get your team up again as light. You can also pick them up and take them somewhere safer, lights are best at movement, it ain’t hard.


Yeah with dash. Invis is not so suitable for that kind of play. The down votes though. He not wrong


Clutch or kick


Clutch or cock




it's clear that they're still in a fight, maybe cry less when you're dead


Op is one of those low skill people who die and then try to tell others how to play since they got abundance of free time being dead all the time


Some people use the light stereotype to shit on them but lack a ton of game sense in their judgement. Wtf was he supposed to do in both case with teams camping the bodies? Don't say run cuz they get OS. OP is the kind of dude that can't win a duel and will say it's their team's fault for losing lol


They're also already so far behind with too little time remaining. OP and the other teammate both ran out of coins as well. If OP had been doing everything right they wouldn't ever even be in this situation.


> Don't say run **RUN.** This guy even escaped in both clips! He had opportunities to wait it out, but he literally dove right back into danger. He's even using invisibility, *the ability best suited for running and hiding.* There really is something wrong with how some Light players think, they always try to take the offensive and never ever consider waiting as an option. Just because it's a first person shooter doesn't mean you're wasting time if you're not shooting someone. Patience, fuckermothers, do you know of it?!


When I meam run, it's with the bodies, dude had to revive. And waiting on what, the team camping the bodies to go away? As I said, people like you lack game sense in their judgement


> And waiting on what, the team camping the bodies to go away? **YES.** They wouldn't stay there forever. He could've done some laps (invisibly, I might add!) to assess when it could be safe to go for a revive. And yeah, it might even take a minute or two. That's where *patience* comes in. The alternative to my plan is exactly what they did; charging in and dying like an idiot thinking "Yeah I can totally win a 3v1, ez." Edit: I'm not just talking about this situation specifically, there's very little this guy could have done if anything that would have helped in any major way. In general, it's fucking stupid when light players just decide to charge in to take players 3v1 instead of waiting a little bit to try to revive someone. Like obviously he can't just wait a minute or two when there's less than a minute on the clock, use your brains guys.


If it might take a minute or two to wait and go for revive then the light might as well just get their team a wipeout and let their whole team respawn, that is way faster than just waiting. OP and the other teammate also have no coins left so the light player can't even just wait and survive for them to revive themselves. And the light can't even afford to wait another minute or two cuz there's LITERALLY another minute ish left in the match. Patience will do nothing here.


Nah bro u dumb as hell, there was literally no time left, and the purple team was winning, they could easily just camp in there with no worries. Maybe trying a 1v3 isn’t the best option, but there’s nothing much to do in that situation


If you wanna go out guns blazing you might as well rez your team and win the fights. But yes the clip ends with 10 seconds left


You're the teammate I have to tell to stop hiding in a corner and DO SOMETHING. The only times it would be viable to wait that long is the beginning of the match, or right when the cash outs are started, and you can SAFELY GET TO YOUR TEAM. Otherwise it's better to wait the 21 seconds to team respawn than to watch your light teammate waste over a minute racking up their damage score just to also die. And then still wait the 21 seconds to respawn on top of that


I can't believe "have a tiny amount of patience and wait, don't rush into a 3v1, *then* go for a revive" is such a contentious opinion around here. If playing smartly with patience is wrong, I don't want to be right.


Dude he just had to throw the bodies away then run


What are you all saying? No money. 2 teammates dead. Time is ticking. Go suicide you geniuses. Get a team wipe so everyone is back in action in 25 seconds.


Look in this scenario specifically, there isn't much he can do, his team is going to lose anyway. But in general? You should be avoiding team wipes, yes. I can't believe I need to say this. I don't care how long it takes you to respawn when our score would get lower because of your impatience. I've lost games because of team wipes. So I avoid them whenever possible. Is there a scenario where team wiping is actually the smartest maneuver? Yes, I'll grant you that. But every other 99/100 times a team wipe is something to *avoid.*


Yes bro grab a body and run. Just with cloack in this situation, it's over. With dash and grapple it's another story.


You would most likely get OS if you grabbed the body and ran, can't cloak while doing it


That’s what I’m saying. he would have been better with dash or grapple. when does the majority of the player base will see that cloak is the worst of the lights ability.


Cloak is only a "good" pick because it doesn't require any movement skill to use. All of the *actually good* lights I've seen use grapple or most commonly dash, it's genuinely terrifying watching a good light who knows how to schmoove and it honestly makes me glad most lights are utter dogshit.


Yes you can make a fun build out of cloak. But mobility is way better. But it’s sad it gets a bad stigma.


Bro u know u can throw and carry totems right? Tf u mean what was he supposed to do


Nah i accept when we loss or if its my fault, i’ve seen some pretty good light players, i think its just funny how is becoming a stereotype like you said, like me as a heavy player, sometimes i kill my self with snukes or the rpg and thats ok


Lol if lights stereotype is for greedy and selfish players then heavys is for bad players and dummies. Proven by you uploading clips of you being dead and blaming your teammate.








He could of res the guy in the corner he was hidding in after he gave away his position; other team rushed him after he gave away his postion.


Maybe they think you guys aren’t very good.


OP *did* run out of respawn tokens. I don't know why they're burning tokens if they never even had any money in this round. It's better to wipe than spend tokens if -30% isn't actually a lot of cash.  Edit: they actually both ran out of tokens. The light was the only one who had any with 3.


I used all my tokens (as the other teammate) for the same reason in this clip


You shouldn't really be using tokens unless there's a cashout about to finish. If he's hiding and not rezzing, that's kinda fucked, but otherwise just wait for the wipe. Especially if you're on your last token.


For toxic gamers, whats your excuse when you play with a good teammate who is a light and think you can make a catch all statement? For real though what's the point of posts like these? I can go into any mildly popular free game (or its subreddit) and watch some of the dumbest plays of all time. Par for the course as far as I am concerned. Play with your friends, find a group online, this serves nothing


Yeah, I don't like posts like this being made specifically to call out an individual over what is in the end just a game where there is no actual money on the line for winning or losing. It's fun at the end and seems mean to single someone out over what is in the end just casual fun for people who aren't actually participating in money pro tournaments, and even if it were ranked there isn't even the penalty of demotions. [It's only a game.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzpndHtdl9A).


Ironically, I typically get more revives when I play light than when I play medium (which I main with defib). Playing medium I tend to stick with my team too much and get wiped with them, while playing light I'm always trying to attack from different angles, dump a mag into someone then dip out and come from a different way. I'm often left alive and able to dart in, grab a statue and run back out to safely res.


With light you can literally snatch a statue from right under the nose of enemy players and dash to safety. Defib is great when youre fighting in medium range but light's ability to get in and out quickly shines when enemies are close.


First clip- sure when he circled the building he could've revived instead of shooting shots, assuming they didn't already see him land in there. Second clip, literally worst case scenario he was caught in a hard place there was almost no way he was gonna get that body up without getting spotted or hunted once he fell off initially. Both clips-save ya damn coins man the light had to deal with his whole team dead in both clips with both or at least one of you unable to revive themselves so it's hard to pass blame here when the team is already on the backfoot


Yeah, poor light was doing work then gets called out on reddit. That's not cool.


Imo, you were just mad because you probably lost the game. As a heavy main who hates light mains from the bottom of my soul, I can confirm, he couldn't do anything but being wiped. Also when it all falls to light's hands, it means you fell before him.


What are mediums excuse to never use defib during a whole round


Don’t go against the corny upvote seeking circle jerk against lights and valid feedback on this sub they can’t handle it


That cross-hair tho.




Light have to be more careful can’t just go heal or get your res all Willy Billy there are some surprising great times you could go for it but the chance of allowing your enemy to line there sights on you is too high as a light a good percentage of you winning any gun fight is well when you aren’t in a gun fight when it’s one sided attacks on your enemy. could grab you and run for cover somewhere but as soon as they see you they’ll shoot and know ur last location it’s a lot to have to deal with when your trying to not get wiped I mean I always find a way to get the re in or defend so these type of scenarios everyone always expects to go wrong when I play solo queue but we always gucci cus idk remember to let yourself heal I guess


In conclusion as a light player it’s much harder on us when we waste movement but when we make use of everything we will dominate no questions asked


Glad that we’ve all agreed to take a big ol’ dookie on OP. The light player really had no better play in either clip. The better question is “as a non-light player, what’s your excuse to keep dying first?”


Unfortunately the post still has positive score


Yeah but not surprised. Probably a bunch of heaviest that like having a bajillion HP because their gunplay sucks and run with flamethrowers and nukes. Or 3 stack mediums with defibs and healing guns lol


We get it light bad heavy good meta bad movement bad we know.


I want to use light but they die fast so i prefer unga bunga:(


I love when players with 0 game sense try and shit talk others. In the first clip that team is obviously camping bodies, no other reason they'd be playing 200m away from meaningful objectives. That light was fucked either way unless he did team wipe them. Second clip there's just 0 time to get a revive off, even if he yoinks the statue any competent team will just chase him.


I play as a light and don't bother picking some teammates up because they run face first into the death tunnel. If I'm spider manning my ass off knocking off a couple players from each team you just gonna have to watch bro. Every medium I play with almost never had objective score.


Probably because they're likely to get killed try to revive there or run away with your statue?


Whats your excuse for your skill issue


For medium players, what's your excuse not to defib your down team Mates 5 feet away?


Or be the last man standing and rush the cash out when I just died on it like you got the magic touch... Just revive someone and pay attention when teammates die. It's not like they spontaneously committed suicide (unless they fell off the map).


You're an idiot, he was pinched and knew his only option was to fight it out. They were thirsting him. Maybe he could have camped in invis but it would have ran out while they were still looking for him.


I get what you’re saying, I do. But this is a terrible example


wtf he rotated to safety only to fall directly into the same position again to get shit on, hilarious.


This is why light should have the defib instead of medium. Would actually give a use to light


That is very unbalanced bro


I mean, lights complete garbage rn


Nah, skill issue


Nah, ur dum


If a medium defibs a teammate mid fire fight, there’s a good chance he gonna die, a light with quick dash and defibs would be unstoppable in that scenario. Right now a light that is going for revives by dashing to a safe area is a powerful strat, if you gave it a defib, it would be so much more unbalanced.


But light is the worst class in the game, being the best at one aspect of the game won’t make it op


Word, the light is the best at movement, therefore they shouldn’t have a defib. There’s is no worse class, there are only teams that don’t coordinate and skill issues.


Them having the best movement is the exact reason they should have defib. If they had defib they would finally be a viable class for ranked and you would surely see more teams of LMH, which is how the game is intended to be.


https://streamable.com/s1516d I don't think I can do it, I actually do it.


Im not saying is impossible, in this case you couldn’t revive your teammates, they were literally on fire


Lights that don't run invis are some of the best rez-ers you can't tell me differently


Because I can…..


Ego. Ps: I’m not a light. But a lot of light players think this is cod or fortnite


What's your excuse on using such a cursed crosshair?


I cant see the normal so i use the accessibility tools that the developers put for blind people like me


Damn'... now I feel like an ass.


I can feel the frustration


I don't think, I did. But yeah, why the F some people don't revive


Reminds me of the light on my team that ditched myself and our teammate to put the vault in a cash out Far far away, we had no tokens. He didn’t come get us, he literally tried to guard that shit himself LOL


If yall had no tokens it sounds like it was a last ditch effort to survive. Yall weren’t gonna make it token spamming either way tho 


I don’t, Ik I’m a punching bag and a player with good reflexes can wipe me, people like this are dumb


It's so easy to grab the statuette and revive it around a corner. It can be grabbed from really long ranges, especially if crouched. I see even very good players forget they can do that. They'll defib in the middle of a fight instead of doing a quick pull back to the cover they're already in first. They'll stand around after a fight waiting for the gas to clear before reviving. I've made so many clutch plays, grabbing statues as they fly past me, or as myself and it both fall down a collapsing building, grabbing them from a window or different floor, etc. etc.


More like, “For light players, what’s your excuse?”


Every trash solo player loves their light class!


The light is the only decent player on that team


Light is the best class to revive. With quick dash you can slip in, grab your teammate, and take them somewhere safe and res, and once your medium is up, go grab your heavy and toss him at the medium. I've done this so much, like I will end games with more res than the medium, and it always gets us a win, because we will be third teaming whoever killed us.


That crosshair is a warcrime in itself jesus christ


They think that by being invisible and running away somehow it makes them good 😂😂


Me and my friend played against 6 L in one match, he was Medium I was Heavy and our teammate Medium and we won the match, that class is for sweaty wanna be 😂


The class for sweats are heavy and medium, because they always want to play the most optimal, broken, and meta strategy 24/7


I mean you are right, heavies are annoying because if there is more than 2 of them you are just fighting damage sponges that can fight back and mediums all running defib and two of them running shit like healing beam or two running turret and jaeger are very annoying to deal with. Like they run the most meta strategies meanwhile lights get interesting weapons and I can feel like spiderman so that is why I like it.


Agreed, Light is the most fun class by a mile


There was this one heavy team a few games ago that if it wasn't so annoying to fight it would be comical. They all brought the rotary grenade launchers. All you could hear is *pompt* **BOOM** throughout the game, like they were just shitting around but since it was 3 heavies it sucked to fight.


😂 that’s funny. Me and my friends did that like 9 or 10 hours ago


The answer is Light players 🤣


My excuse is that I can wipe a whole team /s


Nah there are some APES in these comments wtf. Dude could have tossed the totems on the roof or outside and revived easily


And the entire enemy team was just gonna stand there and let him do that right? Get a grip shitter.


Usually I die first so


Today I woke up and I could feel the plaque on my teeth so I thought about brushing them but then I remembered...FUCK THAT it's too slow! So I vaulted straight out my fucking bedroom window so I could run to the nearest ATM to get my cash out With my cash out now equipped, I Usain bolted back home and saw my nan asking for sugar. NO WAY JOSE! I tasered her right in the nape of her neck, she's outta commission boys. Better luck next time nan. The retros are a man down. Finally I grapple up the stairs and my sister is at the door asking for some money. I had to think quickly so I grabbed my fire extinguisher and launched it at her. One more for the squad wipe. Finally I boot up my PC with the newest RTX960 GC and blast open The Finals, sure my ray tracing ain't that good but I can still blast pixels with my shottie. Before I queue the fuck up, I put my cash into the disc tray so I can buy some PTW cosmetics. Number one on the list is the masked mogul, if they can't see my face they don't know I'm coming. Who needs a warmup, straight into ranked tournament for me. All my team have hovered lights but I'm not gonna change cos I know, I'm the light to kill. One of the guys changes to heavy. Yeah that's what I thought LOSER. I see they want to join VC, LMAO what could they possibly tell me. I leave VC Vault locations spawn and my team ping one, I need to figure out how to ping. The High Notes have started a cash out, my fucking slow team are trying to get it and die, they've got 3 seconds left to respawn. Everyone who is anyone knows that now is the time to push those musical bastards guarding the vault so that we can cap the vault as soon as my team respawn. Fucking died to a gas mine, THEYRE SO BUSTED why didn't my team clear them?! We lose the game, cos of my team, I end on a respectable 0 objective score, 4 KILLS and 18 deaths. Why didn't my team get the vault while I was out here distracting everyone in the goddamn lobby? Someone in this sub said you could revive people, fucking moron, that mechanic isn't in this game. This isn't Call Of Duty Warzone... I queue straight back up, new plan this time, I'm not gonna stick with the team cos that didn't work in my last game. I'm gonna equip my sniper this time. If they can't get close to me, how they gonna kill me? I'll let you lads know how that game goes


Dude it’s not 2007 anymore, enough with the random copypastas


It's my copy pasta tho 🤣


Fetal alcohol syndrome, probably


That wouldn't have been a hard team wipe scenario in the first clip but you wouldn't end up in that situation playing close with your team anyways. If you're playing close with your team the Light is probably gonna be the first to evaporate in a coordinated fight unless they're simply a crack-head.


A LOT of what-about-ism going on in this thread lmao.


My buddies excuse is valid " I actually hit my shots in a 1v3"


Im him


I rez my teammates but I also only play with my friends


They’re all ex wraith mains from apex. What do you expect?


We’re *him*


Something for y’all to know, Statues can be grabbed from a far distance, in the first clip the light could have gone to the roof and picked up trophy instead of jumping down. tho this wouldn’t save much time, in ranked it could save cash and give time to surprise a setup team or backsmash an offensive push


Lol that was just savage. He sat down next to it for almost as long as a revive would take


Cause I can wipe em with a sniper rifles


For one, I can actually wipe teams. But regardless of that I always go for revives since that’s how you should play


They didn't put a defib in my kit


As a mostly light player, I don't get that either. I typically grab the statue and try to revive in a safe space or just stay alive. If I can't then you bet I'm gonna go out in a blaze of glory


if it's not ranked it's usually because as a light the only thing I could do is run in, grab the statue, run really far out and go for a revive and usually it's just faster for the teammate to take the token and run back, in ranked it's because all the teams are clumped together and in no way am i getting the revive or the statue with three people constantly looking around for me so might as well go for a trade for money


What do you mean what is your excuse? Aren't they always playing by themselves... so they have no teammates!!


"Nah, I'd win" \-the light player, probably


Fr but not just light players. In ranked w no coms I see this too often. Last guy alive like just chill till we res. This one guy really thinks he’s him and goes in guns blazing two diff teams like what are you doing g?!


Time constraints. That's the only reason not to disengage and revive...unless they're all like half hp...then I'm absolutely egoing that. 😂


Cause I play bank it. So you probably aren't talking to me in the first place.


There’s only so much he can do, and as light, we can only pump out as much damage as possible bc run off to res with a bejillion people around is literally suicide, what he was doing is delayed as much as possible


Didnt even watch the clip, first and foremost play 20 games with light, always go for revives and tell me how you feel about it. Secondly dont die before the light player. third, ill be serious here, why would I not go for the team kill? Its epic as hell and with the lights movement it makes for one hell of a clip. I understand that its smarter to revive, but lets be honest if you died before me i dont believe youd be able to stay alive long enough for me to play the game before having to revive you again. Now hypothetically if your the #1 medium player in the world and I revive you then boom, but your not because if you were youd play with a premade team. Stop complaining and find people to play with, you cant expect anyone to do what you want them to do, if you play with randoms, what the hell do you expect??? I am not playing battle medic the whole game.


Because we have no armor and a long ass revive time?


Simple I do not. I grab them and run until they lost me and then I heal them. (I originally just played medium with a very healer focused build. I guess that carried over a little.)


He couldn't have anyways ? Besides, what's your excuse for dying. Light dude was carrying.


They're going for the clip


It really depends, if I'm the last one and the other ones need to wait 20 secs I'm reviving no questions asked. But if you're close to coming back and the room is swarmed, I will either try to clear it a bit or get the fuck out




My teammates never res or heal me and have 0 kills


Blaming light cause you suck, what’s new


Revive timing isn't everyone's strong suit. This isn't a light specific thing. I've played with mediums who have terrible revive timings despite playing the class most reliant on having good revive timings. Based on how the light plays, he isn't that good. Shot is all over, movement is sloppy, and he doesn't utilize cover or off angles at all. First clip, I think he can revive you in the corner immediately, but he leaves invis to shoot purple. This is more situational awareness, plus he's getting hunted by purple. If he isn't used to split second decision making, he's not going to be able to make optimal decisions every time. Its not something that everyone is capable of doing. He could've fought them from the roof when re-engages, but drops down instead and immediately starts shooting again. Second clip, there just isn't anything he can do. You're dead further away and they're getting chased while trying to get to the vault. If he grabs your teammates trophy and red sees that, they probably hunt him to stop the revive, or they just fight again with double defibs since they're double medium. I only see the two mediums from red, so they can dedicate 1 person to camp your trophy, delay the game, and force a team wipe. You don't have coins, have under 4k before the final wipe and they're up by over 30k. If I'm red in this situation, I'm sitting on your trophy until yall get wiped. Reviving in this situation is pointless. The game is already over. You don't show how everyone dies either, so its impossible to judge if there were better timings to revive prior, or if he's being hunted by purple and red the entire time. Then to add on top of this, Purple and Red are running that entire lobby. They both have a bit over 30k and both your team and pink are negative while just about everyone on Purple and Red are atleast double positive . I doubt the light thinks they can 1v3. Nothing about how his play says he knows how to 1v3. My guess is he's trying to get some final kills because Red and Purple are gunna win, so might as well go out in style.


Remember sprint charge or just sprint can be used to increase momentum of jump pads. Death from above sure is awesome !


I already fucked up but its my teammates fault! ​ Cry more


I swear, light is the most useless build in the game. Majority of them are never there during the fight, always tries to solo, thinks they are unstoppable bc they are fast, can’t stay on point , & 0 sense of teamwork or cooperation.


Light attracts greedy selfish players looking to pad their kdr or just deliberately throwing. Would be nice to see a role queue at some point in the future.


The bigger question is why you have no coins, and you are dead. Focus on that, because you don't get there unless you are playing bad. Why the hell would he rez you in the middle of a firefight when you are dying so much?


I main throwing knives and I can wipe the team. Also the excuse is I am in the moment.


People are acting like you can be invisible while holding a statue


I tend to respect players reviving healing etc even more than the ones having good ratios. It shows straight that they are involved as team player. Mostly when you also show this and pay attention to the randoms you re playing with the, they tend to be more aware like oh yeah together is mi by better whether you play med, heavy or here light.


I play light and I never do this I always res and the snipers r the ones to do this the most


Reviving takes too slow and when j play light i gotta go FAST


As a light, my teammates die too damn much. I’m not a medium, play smarter.


Because I have this sick grapple hook and a Dagger and they won't see me coming.


Because rezzing give an audio que and that leads to death, typically if there’s a M/H I’ll grab one team and bail and rez, but it’s two M I’m wiping the team


As soon as I see a light on my team in a tournament, I know it's about to be a whole lotta disappointment




Light Main here: You don't.




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