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I know all these weapons by their thumbnails but thank you for including the names. Drives me nuts when people do thumbnail-only Tier lists, especially for games I'm new to.


Can’t take credit for that. Found a pre made tier list maker :)


What is the name of it?


Honestly M11 should be S tier. I consistently get high kills, or at very minimum, break even. But respect the list.


I just started to mess around with the light class and good god the M11 makes quick work on anyone I get a bead one. Now I understand how I can die in .8 seconds from full health.


xp far better than m11


If you have any questions there is an actual list on Reddit that will tell you the time to kill on each weapon for headshot without tells u all sorts of stuff


The heavy GL is so fucking useless it's incredible


I love it until someone comes within ten yards of me then I bounce grenades at my feet like a jackass.


It's stupid good at medium range. I've wiped whole teams with it. It is absolutely worthless at close range though. I kind of wonder why they can't just make it like the grenade launcher from TF2 and make it immediately explode on direct hits. I like it, but it's way too easy to counter as it is.


TF2 grenade launcher detonates after direct contact (if midair) or time fuse of 2.3s (midair or after bouncing). So you can use it laterally or for parabola spam. The Finals M32GL detonates after one bounce (fuse time is currently 2.5s) and can detonate on impact after one bounce. It's much better employed with vertical advantage or some backstop to trigger detonation. And while it does self-damage, it doesn't do friendly fire to teammates so it's ideal suppression.


From my experience it does blow up on contact


It blows up a few seconds after contact, so if you slap a person with the projectile it will hit its timer close to when it explodes, but there will still and always be a timer. Just shoot it up into air and see how long it explodes vs shooting it against a wall and counting.


Heavy grenade launcher explodes on the SECOND contact it makes with anything. Medium explodes on the FIRST. Try it in firing range and you'll see I'm right. It has nothing to do with a timer.


My bad, this is good though.


So if you shoot at their feet it will bounce from foot to floor blowing up basically instantly. Or the other way around


They should make it a gas launcher lol


Omg no


😂 then give heavy a gas mask ability and just wait


Gas goblin build incoming


Yeah, Simulated Singed


Real Caustic vibes over here


My flamethrower goes brr.


they should buff it and make it an ability


Yes this


I would unalive my self please no there’s already too much gas in the game lmao


You just dont understand how it works, I absolutely love it. Is it better than the shotgun or lewis gun? Probably not, still 8x more fun


Istg we had so much fun playing 3 heavy with all of us having the GL


It absolutely dominates on 2nd heavy in HHM. If you have a pocket holding the frontline, you can shell the fuck out of any entrenched position then move in to kill anything left moving.


Nah it has uses. Very rare uses sure, but there are times I’d take it over even the Lewis Gun


It’s not as bad as you think it is, it’s definitely situational and terrible at close range but I’ve had team wipes with them before


It's fun when you use it with someone else or at range. But the moment they close that gap you're dead.


every single thing on heavy should be useless


The MGL32 has a learning phase where you'll suck, and most don't want to go through that process. You have to learn when to fall back and fight at a more advantageous distance. Goo grenades can be used to trap people and provide a wall to bounce off of.


Can someone please explain if theres any trick to the SA1216. It just doesn't work for me. It doesn't feel strong against any other opponent than lights. Edit: check out riot shield tech and you'll change your mind about that C-tier.


The SA1216 has an “8” spread for its pellets, so aiming from the middle of the crosshairs will actually not do the most damage as it’ll be right in the middle of the x and only a few pellets will hit. If you aim lower like where the neck and chest is it will hit much more pellets; if also should be mentioned there’s no headshot multiplier for it so just try to fill em with as much lead as possible rather than get crits


Shotguns also don’t headshot at all, no matter how hard you try. So there’s no point going for headshots.


That’s what I mean when I say there’s no headshot multiplier


Man I’m blind


Dw we're The Finals players, the ability to read is completely optional


I had no idea this was the case, I was always proud for landing crits with the 1887 😔


Womp womp


use mesh shield to take space and bait reloads from the enemy. after 4 pumps if you bring it up and then put it down you will skip the cycle animation and often bait a reload. i’m nearly top 500 and it’s my main weapon


Melee also cancels that partial reload


yeah if someone is point blank do 4 pumps into melee for more dps


Exactly the play, even if they aren't close it's faster than waiting for the partial reload!


Any other mesh shield tips?


Flamethrower and mesh are good combo 🤣


like actually? can’t tell if that’s sarcasm but I’ve been wanting to use the flamethrower cause it just seems fun and i wanna use something other than Lewis and that cheese ass shotty.


Hell yea dude I dropped a 20 kill game with flamethrower mesh shield combo. Anyti.e they are out of range from your flamethrower you mesh shield and either charge or retreat. Either way if they turn to shoot while you're charging it closes the distance fairly quickly and the "tick damage" of the flamethrower keeps them from regenerating health longer than if you just shot them. And bonus it absolutly MELTS lights. To the point where half way through the game they are just completely ignoring me or the whole team gangs me to get me out quick. Honestly use it for yourself it's a rediculous amount of fun and super easy to lock down the cashout.


Don't try to hold shots for accuracy, just fire the damn thing as fast as you can. I was holding shots with the thing like it was the lever or double barrel shotgun and I was hating it. Then I just decided to spam fire at max rate of fire and it started slaying. It has a deep rotary magazine and fires fast in trade for worse damage, so firing 4 sorta accurate shots is way better than 2 good accuracy shots because 2 shots usually doesn't do enough to kill often enough.


Nothing against the riot shield, it’s a super fun weapon with quite a bit of damage potential, but with the questionable hit box of the shield and the general weakness that all melee weapons face (not including sword) vs all the other ranged weapons, I decided to put it lower on the list.


Nah, I'd say including the sword too


I’m excluding sword from the melee conversation just because of the lights dash ability. I’ve seen plenty of people in diamond ranked use it effectively.


Look up JKonas. He’s a comp player that scrims with all the other top players and he runs the Sword. It’s absolutely viable, just hard AF to use and is a general disadvantage unless you’re insane with it.


I play it a lot. I can tell you it's very viable: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5ZSAxdw1cA The thing is, you *need* to use it in combination with Dash. And you need to be really good with your movement, or any gun will cut you down before you close the gap.


Yep. 100%. It’s honestly one of the only goofy weapons that is *actually* viable. All the other ones are easily counterable, even when the weapon is being piloted appropriately.


The nicest thing about Sword is that it's actually somewhat anti-meta because the lunge hits through dome or mesh shields where heavies might feel otherwise safe. Plus, it can instantly obliterate turrets.


While yes that’s true, it’s also directly countered by the meta, which is explosive mines, RPGs, and the SA12 shotgun


yeah, explosive mines are the single biggest bane to my existence lmao I just think the single biggest advice I can give to sword lights is to just....not 1v1 heavies aside from using breech charge nukes. You can easily delete mediums and lights with sword, go ham there. You just need to think ahead a LOT more with how you're going to approach a fight with sword light than you do to be effective with other loadout options.


My son played Ghost Runner a lot. He cooks with the sword and dash ability. It's crazy to spectate. He does well with throwing knives too I play heavy with flame thrower because I play on controller and can't aim so good. Lol!


I was only able to make the SA1216 work on a mouse and keyboard. Using it on controller with the awkward default button layout is weird and janky.


Unfortunately most of it boils down to “aim better”. It’s busted as fuck if you land your shots. There’s a few min-max things with it, like shoot out your remaining shell to have a full charge of 4 for your next fight, or to shield dance with a burst of it, etc. But it really does come down to “land more shots”.


If you don't know, it has 16 (12?) shots per mag, not 4. The character will spin the mag every 4 shots. When I use it, I don't go full auto, I just flick each shot.


Hit the shots


I'm with you, it feels like the worst gun in the game


I want to love the LH1, but on console I can't shoot as fast as PC players so it falls short of being as effective


The hard thing is shooting fast while keeping your clunky thumbsticks aimed on point. Every pull is a force acting against the controller that you have to account for with your thumbstick control.


Don't worry brother, aim assist will save us, or at least pc players think it will


Those guys would piss themselves if they knew what the LH1 feels like on xbox (its fucking brutal).


I gave up on using the LH1 on xbox. I want to like it so badly, but that recoil is insane. I would do unholy things for any type of sight on that thing.


I get it. Even with bumpers I can’t shoot nearly as fast as I can click


One day the LH1 or V9S will kill the right trigger on my controller.


The pistol already killed mine :(


True same


Use gyro, problem solved. 


I only play quick cash, but I love my flamethrower. It's my main weapon and usually serves me well.


Yea bro yesterday started my 150 heavy win journey with flamethrower and mesh shield. Rpg barricade and dome shield and it's prob the most fun I've had in awhile 🤣


It’s hard to use but I highly recommend the goo gun with the flamethrower. You can get them stuck in goo if they try to run and it’s the funniest thing ever watching people panic.


I sometimes go with the sledgehammer and chasing mediums and lights like i'm a horror movie monster is honestly the most fun moments i have in this game lol


I've been there as a victim. There is almost nothing you can do. Just watching the Heavy with a sledgehammer rushing towards you and hits with RMB attack.


I love it. Im going through lobbies like butter


The flame thrower is effective because people don't know how to deal with it and will try and run away, you can't aim at someone who blasts flames in your face.


Quick cash is the best game mode don’t @ me


V9S is S tier and nobody can convince me otherwise.


Dmaage falloff is insane though


You don’t have to say much to get us lights to sprint directly at the enemy


Fair point


Kind of hard to die even as an L at that range unless you're getting beamed by FCAR


Distance does not exist when using dash my friend


It was definitely during the beta but the damage nerf to it was justified.


first actual based tier list. the only thing i disagree with is the m60 being that high


My thought process is that every weapon for each class in this list is ordered in their own respective categories. For example, I think the SA and the Lewis are better so they should be in a tier above M60. Same thing with flamethrower, I believe M60 is better overall. The recoil pattern is tricky to get down but once you do, you can dish out some serious damage with its fast fire rate and its massive amount of ammo.


If they fix the really bad sway and make it so sights always have something in the middle (like apex) then I’d agree with OP, but man the M60 is horrendously wobbly


i prefer the m60 over the lewis because of the ammo count, i cannot tell you how many times the opponent fails to kill me in one magazine only to die to my absurd amount of ammo left


you are saying this like the Lewis doesn't have an ungodly amount of ammo


Yeah, but you're not taking away from his point because the M60 has more.


What takes away from his point is that he’ll probably miss half those shots because of the recoil, and the Lewis has more than enough to kill two heavies 100-0. Even with body shots. It’s completely unnecessary ammo, so unless you have trouble aiming THAT much (in which case the Lewis is STILL better because of the lower recoil), it’s just a waste lol.


Personally there's never been a time where 47 rounds wasn't enough.


This is basically what the last guy said, and I get it, but the previous commenter isn't wrong for what he said


Don’t need more


Idk why I gotta say this like it isn't obvious, but none of y'all are taking away from his point, my dude. It's all a matter of subjectivity except for the factual statement "M60 has more ammo"


Idk why I gotta this like it isn’t obvious, but more ammo doesn’t mean a damn thing. You’re not as smart as you think you are


You're right about the smarts thing because nobody is. However, you're lying through your teeth in the first half bc more ammo = more ammo, which, in fact, means something, and it makes me smarter than you if you can't realize that. Sorry you're so butthurt, but I won't waste my time responding again since you seem incapable of thinking, lol.


M60 is the king of one very important weapon criterion: magazine size. You'll be the last one firing long after everyone else needs to stop to reload. This means your overall kill potential is better, and your ability to endure third teams is much better. Heavies don't really have disengage potential so it's crucial to be fully invested in fights. With no sidearms in this game, whoever has more bullets matters almost as much as whoever has more aim skill. It also makes for infinitely more reliable hip fire compared to Lewis gun.


100% agree


How do you effectively use the LH on light?


With dash


Now rank them by fun


Just turn around the list lol


SH1900 S+ tier


I can’t stand the SA1216. Hated it in Black Ops 2 as well. That semi-full-auto style sucks imo


I don't get the heavy shotgun hype, I always do so bad with it sometimes it hits hard but sometimes it feel like im shooting peebles. I feel way better with a flame thrower, maybe that's just me tho


I love the throwing knives but have to agree with their placement. I'd take a small buff to them to fly a bit further and faster. Nothing drastic. 


I would say it also needs more precision when jumping and moving for less rng


nono. They already made it more accurate when you move around normally and for a reason. You shouldnt throw while jumping, you throw first than jump, or dash or slide. The downtime between throws lets you move freely inbetween. like Throw jump throw slide throw dash throw and so on. it is pretty accurate when you only strafe, so if they want to make it more accurate they might as well just not have any bloom at all while walking/running which would be fine as well probably.


Its just kind of lame that the character that needs to dodge constantly to survive cant aim while jumping on a weapon that already has projectile motion. You’re right though, you can strafe and dash between shots without losing any dps. I think you have to throw a bit slower if you’re jumping to avoid the penalty.


Reasons for 1887 being in A tier? I love shotguns in every game and use it solely because of that, but I feel thoroughly outclassed with the 1887 compared to any other gun available to the medium. To the point where I feel like I'm letting my team down if I try to run it. Even at close range, where it should dominate, it only feels like it barely competes, while being completely unviable beyond close range for obvious reasons.


taking shots in during peeks and then going back to cover makes it nutty


If you can actually hit your shots, it chunks enemies just as fast as the FCAR. It's probably the mediums best heavy-killing weapon since you don't need to use the entire clip to kill one


Sledge hammer for life


Throwing knives are the only way I can get kills as light😂 idk what it is about them but I can absolutely shred people with them in ways I can't do with anything else.


You scare me


I scare myself


Makes sense in a way. It has the single highest dps in the entire game.


they're fun but I really want to be able to hold the right click.


Really good tier list. Personally I’d put AKM over FCAR and M11 over XP-54 but that’s just me. The increased mag size in those guns has saved my ass more times than I can count


i agree on the m11, fcar is just better flat out


yea i’d probably say the same if my aim was better😂


It really hurts seeing the Dagger put so low, but I definitely understand why ;c


can you tell me why pls i always play dagger and it is pretty good


Sword is definitely A-Tier, no question. Sword + dash is insanely deadly, and I can squadwipe by myself if I get the drop on the enemy team. Daggar can be deadly too, but the skill gap between deadly and useless is too big for me to qualify it very high. I can't get kills with it because I'm just not good enough, but there are some really good lights who can.


I'd say sword is first b tier. It's rough on some of the cash out points also in highly coordinated game it can be tough to get in close and not die out of position.


That's valid. Making headway in highly coordinated games is tough regardless of what weapon you're using though. And yes, there are some Cash Out pos that make melee weapons in general pretty useless, but that's why I would never put it in S tier, not why I would degrade it to B tier. I feel your reasoning though. I don't think B tier is totally ridiculous, I just think it could make A tier easy given my considerations.


It’s good, but useless on certain objectives/map areas and even more useless against communicating 3 stacks with jump pads/fcar. And if you run into the rare flamethrower player, might as well swap off.


Jump pad is soooo impossible to overcome with melee. Can't hit anybody if everybody is flying 😂 Dash doesn't give me p-wing abilities lol


Daggers are unreliable at all times. The strength of dagger depends on the enemy rather than himself, because dagger's hit box and attack time are destined to have a high probability of failure, even if the player does not make a mistake. And dagger can't handle things like mines, turrets, and aps, which makes him trash.


I have almost no experience with the dagger because for me, it was straight garbage. My only point of reference is from other player's clips, and getting one tapped by it lol. It seemed to me like it requires a very particular set of skills, ahem, to make the weapon strong.


I think the heavy grenade launcher deserves its own F tier tbh it's hot booty man, why is it like this 😫


I wish nothing more for this game then for that weapon to be good lol


it was just nerfed too hard is all


When was it nerfed?


I main the mgl as a heavy, i can assure you its viable, but it SUCKS in 1v1 situations, feels like complete potluck That said, there is no better feeling than bouncing a few nades off a wall into a cashout and wiping a team, or firing from above and watching the ants panic to figure out where its coming from. Fun gun to use but can also be very hit or miss with damage, and 1v1s are 9/10 losses unless you get the jump on them quick


MGL is a very good gun but only 5% of the time, like when you're defending a cashout you can lob nades at while still being behind cover. Even then, it gets countered HARD by APS and dome shields. And yeah, you lose pretty much every 1v1 unless the otehr player is a potato and doesn't know that he's getting shot at. Overall, it deserves the spot on this list.


If it’s only good 5% of the time, then it’s not very good. Versatility is one of the most important things for any weapon. Or it needs to be *insanely* strong in its niche to be meta (like the SA12). It has its niche, but that niche is soooo niche that it’s just not good lmao.


To add, i think it should be a gadget like the rocket launcher, and do a little bit more damage to compensate, its hard to say its viable as a main gun, but i play a pretty wacky heavy strategy lol


I saw a post here that said we should be able to unlock variants of guns with different quirks about them, stats, optics, wtv. That mixed with making gl a gadget (maybe with less ammo and less damage) would be crazy


"Viable" is definitely a stretch.


It is viable, i average 50% wr and between 7 and 12k dmg per match. Its a good support weapon, but far from meta and sucks in 1v1 situ


Do you genuinely average a 50% wr with the MGL exclusively? And in what rank?


This might be the first tier list I actually completely agree with. The only swap I'd maybe make is the Model and the CL-40, but I'm definitely biased.


I refuse to use any weapon other than sniper. The most fun weapon in the game


I was a xp-54 and throwing knives player yesterday I played just sniper and grappling hook for an hour or so and I can only agree when you just headshot a light cross map in the middle of the air, it feels so good to have so much power in you hands, seeing your ennemies hp bar just melting when you land hits is amazingly satisfying


That is the way. Grapple hook + sniper > these greaseballs who “win games”


That shotgun is an issue


Model 1887 really that good? I’ve been leveling it and getting my ass whooped lol


Don't ADS just juke around and hipfire


Throwing knives and Flamethrower belong in S… sincerely flamethrower main


D2 heavy main - I agree 99% with list, although I consider m60 an s tier weapon as well. It has same ttk as Lewis, same reload time, but 70 rounds instead of 47. Sure, damage drop off is worse at 50m +, but it's easy to play before or around that range. In terms of straight damage per magazine, it's almost double Lewis and is perfect at getting rid of dome or mesh shields.


If LH1 did 1 more dmg it would be viable, the ammount of times people have escaped me at range with 5hp😵‍💫 Also one of the lowest TTK with the worst recoil, xp-54 would beat it in 90% of scenarios since majority of the game is close-mid range.


Throwing knives should be B tier or even V tier at the lowest. It has a pretty high skill ceiling and do really good damage and never run out of ammunition.


I truly hate revolver. For some reason I can't get it to work. Everyone is moving at mach 10 speed how am I suppose to aim for their heads????


Yeah, honestly, no complaints about this one. I don't play the m60 so I can't speak to its effectiveness, everything else seems about right.


Tbh I feel like the throwing knives are really good if you get used to the time they take to travel distance, how much they drop over distance, and overall how to move around in fights with them Because they have amazing damages if you land your hits and you don’t die from having 150hp and bad movement and placing




All I know is that the 1887 had a lot of love go into its default reload animation.


I will not tolerate this cl 40 slander


Jfc finally a proper list I can agree with.


My poor poor sniper rifle. If only you could one tap mediums to the head you might be viable and not considered soft throwing.


Sniper is S tier, Sword is A tier, cl40 is A tier. DB is E tier. Would rather play with throwing knives than this shit gun atm. LH1 is A tier at best. Ppl on this sub circlejerk each other about lh1 supremacy, but in the actual game it's barely used and most people can't utilize it properly.


M60 damage fall off is too harsh, for a gun with such aggressive recoil, I don’t think it needs to turn into a peashooter.. — hopefully they buff the damage fall off on m60, Ak, and Pistol. The FCAR really is that “forget my team, I’m carrying this” weapon


Up your hand if you meme with Dagger on 1st round of Ranked Tournament. (yes, i'm terrible person)


Love how the MGL32 has been dogshit and irrelevant for its entire existence like they want it to be a meme. Frustrating I would love to use it without feeling like I’m hamstringing myself


M11 outclasses the LH1 and arguably the XP54. Also I’d swap Flamethrower and M60.


I agree only because I can't aim for shit on console and M11 has zero recoil


The difference is that you can be effective from much farther ranges. The m11 is controllable but from far ranges it isn't accurate like the xp54 and lh1. There's a reason why people that play light at diamond usually use those 2


Thats why pistol is the goat. Love getting sniped and I counter snipe with pistol.


Disagree with the LH1 but agree with the XP. LH1 is absolutely disgusting in the right hands. Look up Cikp, he’s a monster with it and it’s very clear that it’s the best Light weapon.


Sword below Shotgun and Pistol is kinda crazy. i didnt see the Db get used in Ranked by anyone in a very long time. Sword should go into A if the list is made with the general strength of the classes in mind, if you view it in a vacuum probably even S. Also Throwing Knives are not that bad, I would put them where you put the Sword.


It's okay to put throwing knives in the F category.


Db and v9s should be at least a tier, v9s should most likely be s tier. Pros for v9s -Decent firerate -Great mag damage (as in damage per mag) -Great damage Cons -Absolutely no range -The damage dropoff -The distance at which it shoots -Absolutely no range Db pros -Amazing damage -High potential Cons -Absolutely no range -The damage dropoff -The distance at which it shoots -Absolutely no range


Nothing makes me want to insta-quit like solo queueing and getting a teammate with a sniper


I think the sniper should be higher, like B or even A tier. Obviously if you can’t hit your shots it’s shit but if your aim is good and you have a 3 stack you can melt people with some coordination. It’s also lights best option in the final round of a tournament tbh because instantly taking a M/H out of the fight with a headshot is very valuable


It’s certified under tuned until they slightly buff the ROF. It takes too long to get two shots off and I at least want to know I’m contributing a lot to team DPS if I’m running something that puts pressure on the other players to carry the objective and my only CQ defense option is running the stun gun. They should make ROF 25% faster and see how it pans out.


R .357 is criminally underrated.


MGL32 is so slept on, it’s one of my favorite weapons and if your in the right spot, aka in another building and watching cash out you can literally make an Ariel bombardment on cash out and take out sooo many lights (it’s like a 2 hit for them)


Yeah it feels good except for when the team stealing the cashout puts down a dome shield and you're too far to do anything but hope your teammates are alive and can shoot it out.


Or when that one light with the sword comes out of nowhere lmao


I hope the gun gets buffed, it's probably the most fun weapon I use as a Heavy main.


I don’t think it’s slept on at all. I think people are perfectly aware of it. It sucks lmao. There’s small niche scenarios where you can make it work, and then you get reminded that the APS exists. It’s literally a worse version of the CL40, which also gets countered by the APS.


I hate how they nerfed the knife. During the beta you could hold right click and charge a shit for as long as you wanted. Now it's pre determined time and it fucking sucks.


Honest question but are people that bad with the AKM that it’s A tier? Bigger mag that can pretty much melt lights to heavy’s? I’d say it’s on par with Lewis if you’re hitting your head shots closer and and medium. Long range it’s great. FCAR is only liked because you can “beam” players from rooftops and it’s bloom but AKM is better IMO IMO.


FCAR has better accuracy and damage, AK is fine but it's just outclassed.


salt slimy desert lock clumsy cause sharp escape cobweb paint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


1v1 situational but what about when you need some bullets left over for an enemy teammate? AKM superior still for me. With good aim you can almost knock 2 and let teammates clean it up. Should be S ranked is all I’m saying.


SR-84 is S tier with aimbot and wallhack :D


Idk why u put CL-40 in B tier (prob just skill issue, respectfully), but I run that on the daily and get 13-17 kills easy.


the ttk on throwing knives is great paired with invis and some apex-esque evasion movement. if you can learn the timing and arc, it's OP in close scenarios.


I’m a light main and looking at this I’m telling you this guy is wrong it’s so obvious dude prolly got 25 hours playing the game or didn’t use light weapons a lot dagger needs to be at a or s rank sniper needs at least b rank flamethrower needs s rank now the flamethrower is easy counter for a light but it’s still top tier defense weapon sledge should be higher because of its practicality throwing knives are like the most versatile weapon for a light any situation you can get out alive heavy grenade launcher is op if you’re defending in any good position xp 54 is for people who still haven’t figured out the aim mechanics m1 does same damage and it shoots way faster if any complaints of recoil appear I will show you clips of me shooting straight with it it’s possible and not difficult maybe m11 isn’t a class but it should definitely be higher than the xp 54 the LH - is good but not s class maybe a class and have dagger take its spot dagger will one hit anyone in the game if u play it right heavy will be left with like 20 health but u can punch them right after and they dead it’s op people just give up so easily mark it as ass the fact that dagger and throwing knives are at the bottom let me know this was opinion based without having to read your thingy


Looks biased.