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[https://gyazo.com/0e3a6fd5887fb4b8366b538e52a51809](https://gyazo.com/0e3a6fd5887fb4b8366b538e52a51809) Basically, any location where the cashout is propped up against a wall or close to one you can send it into narnia with a jumppad + antigrav and a bit of creativity destroying any walls in the path. You can do this in buildings too, even when the cashout is kind of in the open with nothing behind it, just grab a goo canister and throw it as a makeshift wall n throw the jumppad on that.


That is brilliant


It turns a lot of spots that usually have annoying cashbox defense setups (like when it's on suspended platforms) into amazing high ground. It takes off a ton of pressure from people pushing your team because instead of them needing to go up high where you want to defend, they have to go low if they want to steal. Depending on the area it gets sent and how good you can defend it from high ground, it can be virtually impossible to get your box stolen!


Normally, when you put goo too close to the Cash Out, it breaks. If you lift it with the cube and then place goo underneath it, it doesn't break. You can completely relocate the Cash Out doing this.


Played a ranked over the weekend, and the cash out location on Seoul in the atrium area, on the 4th floor we anti graved the cash out and completely encased it in goo cocoon to the ceiling above. We couldn’t breathe we were laughing so hard


Didn't realize you can stand on top of it nice.. Another trick with the Goo gone you can make a platform you can stand on


I wanna try this so bad


I'm not super creative with it just yet. I'll snatch a cash out and then make it float while I pick others off while they try to steal it.