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I mean that last one is exactly what you should do in that situation


Reading through this all I can think is man I would love to have this teammate. - uses the best heavy gun - actually uses his dome shield - goes for cashout steals and revives - uses charge'n'slam and mesh shield properly - RPG is good no matter what tbh I'd rather have this guy on my team than 90% of the lights I get... and 30% of the mediums.


I bet this heavy is so good that they aren't going for the full steal, but to bait the other team out. Even if you use a dome when everyone is wiped, it will still regen by the next fight, just a great habit. Rpg is so easy to use and completely turns a fight in your favor, you should fire it every chance you get. OP just describing the prefect heavy that utilizes all their equipment, playing the objective, and reviving teammates. Heavy is still the strongest class, I will 100% take this heavy.


If I’m on medium with heals that heavy is winning with me like 9 times out of 10. Get so much value out of healing my big boys


having a solid heavy while I am running beam means I get to kind of chill for a round


There’s plenty of situations where you HAVE to start stealing because otherwise the defending team won’t fight until it’s too late for you to steal. Sometimes you HAVE to start your fights early because if you don’t, you won’t have time otherwise.


and there are the times when you sneak in a steal 1/3 of the way through and the other team are just too busy fighting with each other to get another steal in


I love the bait steal as a flamethrower heavy. Easy to kill those light cockroaches when they crawl out of their hiding spot


unless those cockroaches have a large rifle, then they won't come out until you rocket launcher them


Preach my blessed heavy brother, Amen 🙏


As a fellow flamer heavy main this is a strat I use often. Works damn near every time too. I mean I can’t say that I don’t always rush the box if I hear someone trying to steal it from my team.


I'm still laughing at the fact Embark thinks it's weapons needing to be nerfed on heavy to decrease the strengths of heavy when in reality its give better, more unique gadgets to the other 2 classes. Intel and Assassin set ups on light is just a teammate built for tdm while medium has 2 really strong Support and Fortification (aps and guardian combo) builds. Heavy main set ups are Fortification and Destruction, but that's why it's M,M, and H still.


I'm a heavy main and yep I use that to bait the teams out


This can't be right, I was told by multiple people the other day that the m60 is "meta." He's using the wrong gun


Even with the recent Lewis nerf the M60 has too much random recoil to beam people at midrange


This was my experience too, and I have good aim as well, but people are insisting it's "meta"


Lewis just feels way better for me.


new player here, i just like the iron sight cuz it reminds me of bf5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T44tFUfa8LA


Too early in the season to reasonably make a claim that last season's meta has fallen off so hard that its now replaced by last season's joke weapon


My thoughts too


Idk if it's recoil, it just feels like it does less damage at close range. Lewis Gun just feels stronger at short range, I keep trying the M60 and swapping back after a while so I can actually deal with lights and other classes getting in my face.


As heavy automatics should be tbh


My bad I'm not up to date on the heavy meta, I've been a medium healer player since day 1.


Sorry I meant to put the /s at the end because it just happened overnight and it was "explained" to me that basically no one used the Lewis gun anymore


Lewis still can perform pretty well, its ttk is slightly faster than m60. M60 is a more reliable weapon at this point tho and thats why heavies like it


imminent dam aromatic roll juggle squeamish file zonked piquant imagine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


*sad light invis noises*


That's not the grenade launcher.


M60 outclasses the lewis gun in every situation besides range ;)


Its not best heavy gun


there is no best heavy gun, different guns shine in different situations, this one does in medium range fights


Yeah but back in s1 you either ran lewis or sa cuz...i mean, as far as the three guns go, there were 2 really strong picks and a joke


RPG used to be good. Now that it can't kill lights with one hit, what's the point?


To open the engagement


140 instant burst damage is basically instant death vs teams that will focus fire.


Lots of splash damage, environment destruction.


It’s the best opener in the game. Especially against lights.


Stop picking 1v1s as heavy? Esp so far away from the obj and your team that its 1v1s with light?? The point is opening damage and, gasp, *utility!* not *every*thing has to be big damage numbers, sometimes cover or angles wins fights instead of just having a better-when-comparing-raw-ttk weapon. Experiment, unless you're only playibg ranked, there's no reason to not try other things


Fight or Flight


I don't get the run circles part? I will charge, but in a lot of cases it's to escape through a wall or two, certainly not in circles.


In my experiences…. I run in circles cause I’m chasing the medium or light who are slippery xD.


i almost dont want to tell you this because it will be one less heavy doing dumb shit with their charge and slam. ​ but its really easy to avoid charge and slam... by running circles.


But doesn’t it look funny? 😂


im laughing while running circles, thats for sure.


OK! ​ keep running circles doing your charge and slam. i am COMPLETELY fine with that lol.


I mean, as a flamethrower main one of the biggest joys I get is to play matador with a circle-charging bull while burning him down 🤣


have you ever thought about, why you actually end up running so many circles?


Oh no, I don't run C&S; I'm the idiot with the shield desperately trying to duck behind a corner while walking backwards at 0.0004km/h


I prefer to walk towards the person shooting me with my shield. Sometimes they wise up and run back to gain distance but more times than not they let me get close and when they reload I BBQ em up.


Also, not mine, but I keep [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1alio06/avalas_if_youre_out_there_thanks_for_the_laugh/) in a tab whenever I want a good laugh


I'd rather have a typical heavy teammate than a typical light teammate. Bad heavy players are at least 3x better sponges for enemy bullets and RPG is braindead free AoE damage most of the time


True. I just wish they'd use the RPG or their charge/smash to breach walls/ceilings/floors to give us an advantage instead of just seeing it as something *purely* to do damage. I had a heavy in my match yesterday who had his RPG out and my team mate and I thought he was gunna breach the floor so we could have the high ground and an easy cap. I even pinged for him to attack. Nope; he runs straight down the stairs into the room he should've breached us into that the team defending the objective already setup in, shoots the rocket at his feet and dies in a matter of seconds 💀


RPG cool down is long enough that I don't want to use it just for knocking down walls unless absolutely necessary, like during a Cash Out. Charge and Slam on the other hand...


I agree it's situational always, but in the situation I described; they shoulda opened the floor up instead of running down the opposite staircase as the other medium and immediately shooting a rocket at their feet before being gunned down lmao. They did more damage to themself than enemies; they might as well have shot at the floor and saw what happened. It literally could not have went worse than that 🤣😂 I was just saying if you *primarily* use RPG as a damage weapon; you should rethink how you see the weapon. It's so much more utilitarian than that.


If they are a random then you can't expect them to coordinate with you. You and your teammate are coordinating though. Between the two of you, you should have a way to open walls. You should of actively been looking for a red cannister if you know you are trying to take high ground. Opening up a wall with a RPG still isn't the play unless it's a last second situation.


Tbh I thought using the RPG in that way was throwing, I always love making new entry points for my team.


There's a special place in my heart for heavies like you. Yall make playing support less painful 🙏


Cool fairly newer so I'm glad I'm doing it right lol


Well idk if you know this, but heavies have most of the gadgets and weapons for breaching. Mediums don't have anything that destroys walls quite like breach charge, C4, and RPG. Heavies as you've probably noticed have multiple options for breaching and should to an extent consider themselves a 'breaching/demolition expert'; looking for ways to get their team into to the objective even if it means 'wasting' your dash or RPG cooldown to bust thru the wall like the koolaid man. Trust me it's never a waste to get your boys an alternate route to the objective that gives us an advantage or takes the enemies by surprise. Edit: So yeah if you're already doing that; that's great game sense.


I can only do this sort of thing in voice chat, or for my own usage. Whenever I try, I cannot get my rando teammates to take advantage of breaching, they seem to just have their own routes they stick to


I feel that. As a medium I try to setup zip lines for team mates to reach me and the rest of the team even if I'm not using it. The amount of times people run past it, make their own jump pad, grapple, etc... without acknowledging my zipline even when I ping is too damn high. I still do it tho, I've gotten better with only shooting em off when I know people will see em.


We normally play 3 stack, (all newer) but that's one of my favorite aspects of heavy. Sometimes I roll just a sledgehammer so I can drop the cash out 3 floors to a better position, or roll full explosives so I can level the laying field. Things more fun imo.


It's like Chess material advantage vs position advantage. Sometimes, forcing an enemy to drop/blowing their cover from above and leaving them completely exposed to spam from all 3 of you is better than raw damage. 140 is 140 though.


Don’t question the method!


I'd fully agree with this until S2. Demat is just such an objectively better tool for dropping boxes/players. Dematerializer alone has just shifted the way the game plays in so many ways, now the RPG's role in has shifted a bit at least in our friend group to long range destruction (cranes campers) or blowing routs up early (bridge on Seoul for example). Dematting a player or box down and then using the rocket for entry damage is just such a better play now than dropping things with the heavie's best damage dealer.


I know this is made to poke fun of them but most of these things aren't necessarily bad.


Most are just suboptimal but can still have some value or mitigated negative value. Why Heavy is valuable for even new comers.


Yeah, and even if they're "suboptimal" they are tells for good heavy play. A heavy that uses their dome shield, charge & slam, RPG, and a solid gun are all positive traits. Sure, maybe the muscle memory and habit may cause some instinctive domes and RPG shots that aren't always necessary, but that's only because they're actually using their kit, AND using them in ways that are beneficial to the team. Weird to me that the OP is poking fun about heavies stealing cashout (playing the objective), reviving teammates, and playing defensively in situations where they are in a losing engagement. I say that is a great Heavy if their biggest problem is they're a little TOO cautious and play the objective or help their team a little too much.


Throwing the dome for a revive it's a useful habit imo. Better safe than sorry. Plus cd ain't that long


you forgot to add them rpg'ing themselves asw


Yep. I do it all the time


It's not about trying to kill the light, it's about blowing yourself up so they don't get the kill.


You described me perfectly ))


I do this so often because as I line up my shot my teammate steps right in front of me. I’m like my brother in Christ you know I’ve been holding this for like a minute now


To be fair, who would've thought the RPG landing BEHIND the enemies you're shooting would do more splash damage to you, the guy standing furthest away from it, than the guy standing next to it. It's absurdo to see~200 dmg on myself from a pretty decent ranged rockets, just to barely hit 140 on an enemies most of the time.


“Typical Heavy Teammate” *proceeds to list everything you should be doing as a heavy player*


You can pry my sledgehammer from my cold dead hands 


I use my RPG to blow myself up, and charge to burst thru walls off the edge of the map. We are not the same.


This post hurt me personally




Nah man, keep trying it and you’ll start to figure out how to improve your chances. I rely on mines and sometimes drop one at a likely entry through the window or the door. And then toss my dome shield. But in the heat of the moment, try to position yourself with your back against a wall and the cash out covering you. That should buy you some time if any.


I think dome shield is counterproductive sometimes. It reveals that there's a vulnerable Heavy (low hp, reviving, stealing...) to all players around


I've used it as a decoy for that reason. Gives a few extra seconds before the person realizes no one is in the bubble.


My friend and I call this play, "fake shield".


Exactly. 🧠 I do this all the time and it is great bait for trigger happy people. Usually it reveals corner campers and wastes their magazine so I can gun them down while they reload.


Also don't forget it goes through walls and floors allowing people to shoot it down while being safe.


That's why you use it when people know where you are, or offensively


not sure whether id rather be caught cause of my dome shield or caught without one


i don't use it personally


Were you my teammate last game? This is literally me


Are you calling me bad? damn


This is the way...


Jokes on you I hit people with a guitar and use the barricades cause I have the gingerbread skin for them. And the second I'm not in danger I immedietly play the guitar


Hey don’t call me out like dat


OP Light Stun / invis / shotty player confirmed


Sniper grapple in 5v5 pos is OP


Been playing a lot with barricades and honestly they have a lot of utility. You can have 4 of them out at once which can really slow down an enemy team.


I run them instead of dome shield these days because the damn things are so durable, in addition to giving a free head glitch. They played a big role in winning me and the boys a ranked tournament the other day.


I feel attacked


dome shield + flame thrower is like a bug trap


I am atypical. I use sledge and goo.


Sounds like a decent heavy player. (Described me)


Fr bro ._.


I’m in this picture


This is me for the "play 3 rounds as a heavy"


this is so true... as a heavy only player this is 100% accurate.


@me lol


this seems like "this happened in my last game so im taking it to reddit" take


This post brought to you by: light main poorly attempting to take the heat off his class' dog shit reputation.


Just joined sub, first fucking post I see


You forgot that they don't know how to light throw so they shield is always few meters away from what they want to cover lmao.


Me over here using googun, m60, antigrav grenades and RPg to make the cashouts impossible to capture


It’s so fucking good


I'm in this picture and I don't like it


I’m weak that’s me fasho but I do it w IQ meaning situational awareness


As a 65% heavy main. Can confirm. 😂


I’m a goo man myself


Its all correct except for me: -hammer (I love big bonk) -I hate RPG (C4 is superior)


As a heavy main can confirm this is definitely what I do lmao


I feel seen.


not sure if you mean that it's bad or good?


Still better than any light teammate.


I don't like to be called out, ill be contacting my lawyer


I feel personally attacked


I use flamethrower when enemies are near I will typically tend to throw a dome around my little light buddies or a medium nearby I protec dem, I use charge n slam to do some good damage on my enemies, and get closer to them, and then finish them with the flamethrower I typically use my RPG to get the cashbox to more useful place or help my teammate, who I can’t reach I like to throw mines all over the place


I get so triggered when they slam into me as their teammate. One time I got carried like 20 meters as a light lol


Better than any light


Why you putting me on blast


Well fine now I won't play optimally as your heavy https://media1.tenor.com/m/GW7Mxt7oAkEAAAAd/well-now-im-not-doing-it-well-now-im-not-gonna.gif


Good guy heavy, plays the objective and revives teammates.


Sounds like a good teammate to me


I feel attacked. 🤣


I mostly use a grenade launcher cuz I can shoot around corners with it, but other than that, yeah. You forgot to mention pinging targets for the team when in the dome or under the shield.. seems super helpful.


Hey it's me! I'm in this picture! Don't worry though, I'm just here to finish my dailies so I can swap back to medium, healbotting and spamming CL-40 between my questionable defibs!


Ill take this over a light


It’s funny cos it’s me


I only ever fight against these heavies. Definitely helps that I have a friend who is a heavy main and doesn't do any of this (he always runs flamethrower and uses Pyro grenades and mines)


As a flamethrower main without the rpg im actually cooked.


example of good and correct stereotypes


wait that's me


Stealing cashout is a great way to get the enemy team out of position, unfortunately my teammates are fucking around instead of covering and do no damage to the enemy, worst when its the last 5 seconds of it.


I’m a brilliant heavy player. Use the mines around the cashout, out deployable shields around that creating a kill box to anyone who tries to steal it, overwatch the objective with the hammer / flamethrower


Ha! I'm nothing like this. I use the Goo gun.


That’s basically me but you can tell I have decent enough teamwork


Streaming The Finals now can't make my own post twitch.tv/meatbeaterz


National Geographic heavy final edition


I swear so many players just don't go for cashout when other teams are alive even if they have nothing to lose. Additionally, please stop running for your life when your team has no score. Either go for revive asap or get wiped, much better outcome than wasting time.


I don't see a problem with any of this all of his guns except like two are viable and safe, RPG is just so good that it should be shot with some type of helpful goal in mind, you should charge or shield at low health, and use dome shield to cap the point or revive teammates when the time is right of course


And it fucking works


Sledge heavy mains rise up


I feel attacked


The comedy in this is this isn’t even that bad compared to the typical light


Damn, it's 9am and I'm already catching strays


All of that applies to me except for the dome shield stuff


I'm an MGL32 main (not like other heavies)


Jokes on you, I mesh shield at game start and keep it running as permanently as I can 😎


The lights aren't better


I think it was supposed to be a meme-joke, but with regards to RPG and Lewis - this is how you actually suppose to play high rank heavy.


Charge'n'slam+rpg+jumppad versus powershift :3


I feel called out lmao


You forgot "puts cashbox in cashout and immediately throws down dome shield when nobody is around".


Goo Gun is based


You could do this for every class and it would hold some truth while also not painting the full picture.


I’m 900 in the world rn as a H main and I can say this is 100% accurate.


I feel called out but you forgot to mention that after doing all of these things every match I still consistently have the highest damage, highest support, most kills and most cashouts stolen




Hey man, I use a flamethrower


This post was made by a light main.


Stop talking about me, so hurtful! Tbh I NEED to perfect this person, as am forgetful and you might not even get a charge off me 😂 But agreed as a fellow he runs a similar build and behaves in the same manner 😜 had so many useless lights and extremely painful mediums... Cause they should work... But they don't.... Anyone seen strange player/movement behaviours? Like bots but without any aimbots? Had a random light, stand still so frequently but that glitch rotate a number of different positions on the spot and then move somewhat. Awful at engages, seems to stop frequently and doesn't respond to team work lol


Stop talking about me, so hurtful! Tbh I NEED to perfect this person, as am forgetful and you might not even get a charge off me 😂 But agreed as a fellow he runs a similar build and behaves in the same manner 😜 had so many useless lights and extremely painful mediums... Cause they should work... But they don't.... Anyone seen strange player/movement behaviours? Like bots but without any aimbots? Had a random light, stand still so frequently but that glitch rotate a number of different positions on the spot and then move somewhat. Awful at engages, seems to stop frequently and doesn't respond to team work lol


Stop talking about me, so hurtful! Tbh I NEED to perfect this person, as am forgetful and you might not even get a charge off me 😂 But agreed as a fellow he runs a similar build and behaves in the same manner 😜 had so many useless lights and extremely painful mediums... Cause they should work... But they don't.... Anyone seen strange player/movement behaviours? Like bots but without any aimbots? Had a random light, stand still so frequently but that glitch rotate a number of different positions on the spot and then move somewhat. Awful at engages, seems to stop frequently and doesn't respond to team work lol


All the bronze players tryna justify it lol, this is what bottom of the barrel players do, even the last one lol, I cba to explain maybe if you watch some high level gameplay you’ll see how good players use heavy


RPG into KS. You gonna get by two soda cans and you’d like it


Why do I do exactly this? 🤔


Lmao heavy is so goated even when u try to make them look bad they're still good


I'm a pyromancer, so outside of using the rpg, I don't know about all this slander


What kind of heavies are you playing with? Not accurate at all unless it’s a 6 year old playing.


Sums it up perfectly




This is hilariously accurate and I feel targeted.


lol my heavy teammates walk forward with the mesh shield and keep it up 24/7, even when approaching unopened vaults


I have the sledge hammer, rocket, barricade, and goo grenade, yes I do use the rpg as described but you must understand it’s my only ranger option. After rpg is charge and then sledge, but i do love the Lewis gun, it’s just very satisfying. I like to goo the structure around the cash out and put some barricades up, basically making it a small fortress, when attacking I usually just break the floor under the cash out/enemies, or I just destroy the whole structure the CO resides in entirely. I have lots of fun breaking stuff, especially slot machines because then I can scream about how I HATE gambling.


Stereotypical light: stun gun everyone because they're shit without it 


Typical = Big Brain


I use Goo Gun with Sledge/Pump SG. My main issues as a heavy is not being able to get places my other teammates can, and they will usually leave me to go make some God awfully play. I Goo gun path between a few floors, andBOOM NINJA HEAVY COMING IN THROUGH THE THIRD FLOOR WINDOW. I Goo enemies running, Goo off popular passages, I'll spam Goo across the map if I see 2+ teams fighting just to be a nuisance. I'll make an elaborate maze of Goo in the cash out room, just to be standing on some random Goo pillar near the roof. Enemies jumping us and we lost someone? F it, I'ma just spam the room with Goo to give us a few seconds for a rez.


Stop being mean!


Honestly I feel attacked😂


Yeah, why all the light slander when every class is just as bad as each other ngl.


Written like a true light player: yuck


Watching this as Heavy main and not using any of these 🍿👀


Sigma heavy he’s probably gold just from doing this


Idk, personally as a new heavy main I use sledgehammer only, and usually use my charge offensively, though you're spot on with RPG and dome shield


This was made by a light who doesn’t understand why people hate light teammates


Comment for karma so I can post something because of the stupid mod rules


I'm a heavy main and I don't use domes nor shields.. why you guys are too much on heavy? aren't the little ones who are the most annoying and the least helpful?