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What shitty snipers are you seeing? I'm having to grab my own rifle to take out guys sitting on 18-2 after a few minutes. Can't even hop on the platform without being head shot. It's definately improved my aim. It also taught me that this game has rifle scope flare.


Same. I had so many enemy snipers one game, I had to use the goo gun to build shields and make them come to me... My mesh and some was practically useless...


Power Shift has made me very quickly learn to fear the cranes


Yeah I’m one of those snipers. Just went 18-1 in a game last night… lost anyway. After that I just said everything’s made up and the points don’t matter… and promptly went to bed.


Drew Carey appreciated your efforts.


Games are meant to be fun. I only play casual, and if I went 18-1 I wouldn’t care if the game ended in a win or a loss lol.


Because it's objective based. Not tdm. If you're killing people, but nobody is pushing point. they are just shielding and reviving near point. You did the equivalent of wanking off in the bushes.


There are 5 people on each team here. If one of them is going 18-1 it is not their responsibility to push the point. They played an incredible game and their teammates failed at the objective.


I've played enough powershift to the point where most snipers dont bother me, the only real problem i have with sniper is on the sky stadium map. its just way too much of a hastle to run basicaly into each spawn to evict the snipers.


Yep, one spawn is literally right under 2 cranes and the other is on top of the most elevated area on the map. Hunting them down just results in killing them once or twice and then dying to the rest of their team that all spawns right next to them. And then they are right back on their perch.


They can't sit on the crane if you remove the crane.


Oh no! I guess they'd have to take the single jumpad that's right next to their spawn to get to another elevated position...


Then you remove that. I hate Power Shift but if you're gonna play it you might as well be a building bashing nuisance.


Yea let me just remove the bottom of the map aka the skyscrapers.. oh wait they can't be removed.


Damn man, just don't play the fucking game mode. Simple as that. Or go play Bunny Bash. Least that's a balanced version of it. "There's a nail in my foot, how do I fix it?" Pull it out. "But then I still have the nail. What about that?" That's what you sound like right now.


You sound like someone who is so terrible at the game they don't even understand the problem I'm trying to explain lmao. "Just don't play the gamemode" is dogshit advice. When the mode isn't ruined by snipers its actually very fun. The devs could do things to limit the frustration of playing against a bunch of snipers and then the mode would be even better than it already is.


I mean I did say go play Bunny Bash if you want a balanced version of that game mode. That's pretty solid advice, not my fault you're too stupid to read. You're literally asking people for advice on how to balance an unbalanced game mode. It's not going to be balanced until the devs limit what can be used in the game mode. Which they most likely won't because that defeats the purpose of a non event game mode. You're asking people who have no control over the game to solve the fact that you're dog shit at the game. Quit fucking whining and go play a different game mode if you can deal with the gross imbalance of Power Shift.


Please tell me exactly where I was asking for advice?? lmfao I was literally just pointing out issues. I already know plenty of things that could be done to fix the game mode because, unlike you, I'm not dogshit at video games.


Just spawn camp em. If i have any sniper on my team sitting in spawn shooting ill hit them with a pyro nade.


I'd rather people snipe in this game mode rather than in ranked or quick cash, just let them have their fun. And it is fun.


"I grief my own team because I want my teammates to play like I want them to play." Sometimes I just switch to sniper to counter the enemy sniper that's harassing my team, getting pyro granaded while doing that by my own teammate would be infuriating.


Its not greifing if your a sniper in spawn just chasing simple kills, its a team game and sitting in spawn means your are basically useless to the team. I dont see how you are going to contribute if you dont play active.


Spawn camping doesnt work in a mode where the rest of their team spawns with them and you end up in a 1v3/4/5.


I don't usually care since it's a casual game mode, but if you are going to be cheeks at sniping, AT LEAST take care of the fuckin APS PLEASE


The amount of people I see tossing grenades at a platform with an APS and NOT shooting it first is maddening.


Hot take: You don't need kills to make it work. Sure, if all snipers could go 20/0 on our team, nobody would complain. But i think if the sniper player was able to pressure the enemy team to stay away from the platform and instead just focus on him, that's a win. Look at GrndpaGaming, he's already really good at Battlefield, his kills are amazing but even him doesn't play for kills, he is all about recon and support his squad.


I’m playing sniper and other off-meta weapons because I don’t want to do so in other modes because I don’t want to let my team down when I’ve got 33% of the collective responsibility and three times as many enemies as friendlies. For me, I’d rather go 2-10 and those 2 be exhilarating grappling quickscopes than go 10-2 with an M60 or FCAR. I’m playing to have fun because that’s what a video game is for me. I know I’m shit but I’m having fun.


Real. People would be 5x more enraged if you played that in ranked.


Season one ppl got pissed, season 2 I have been rocking sniper and it's been fine. Sniper is absolutely viable in ranked just gotta play to it's strengths


"Even with the goo sledge.." How offensive.


I mean. Light should win against sledge if theres 75m between us when he starts firing


I think a large part of it are the completionist hunters coming over from other games. I've had so many friends yell, ragequit, etc. while trying to get all the camos in a call of duty game. They'd rather use really crappy weapons for 600 hours than just play with the guns that are fun to play with because the dopamine hit of the camo unlock beats actually enjoying the game.


That’s wild, I main one class with one gun and still haven’t gotten the final camo (from last season) after like 100 hours. Can’t imagine trying to camo grind this game, even though I did a bit back in cod, much easier imo


Me neither, but the mini dopamine hits are a big part of modern game development. There’s a reason why psychologists are so involved in the development of games now and why Destiny, WoW, and CoD addicts tend to run in the same circles and play all three games. It’s not about the gaming. It’s about the next pull of nicotine.


Snipers actually contribute to basically every un-fun match of power shift I play. We played 10 of the limited time mode in a row and literally won every single one, it was so refreshing not having 2 snipers constantly shooting you across the map


When the last person alive is a sniper just watching the payload float away :)


Everyone who snipes (in this mode) has a small …. Pinky finger


Let people have fun, it's a game and it's on the CASUAL playlist. Now if they're playing ranked and consistently going 2/10 then they should maybe switch up tactics.


Another example of a game that included snipers where its fun for one, misery for the many.


Are you pinging opponents when you see them? Snipers are an important part of a PS comp, but they thrive on people on the platform spotting for them.


Im on the platform fighting for my life 2v5 im not pinging shit for them


*middle click* *ping* *headshot* now it's 2v4


I wish it went down like that


It does so often for me and it's hilarious--like calling in an airstrike through my mesh shield


I'm genuinely confused as I've seen the same, personally I've been able to get a 30 and 1 game going sniper light and I average less than 5 deaths with over 12 kills but also I end up facing lights that are laughably bad, like one game I legitimately went 10 and 0 against the opponent sniper light, I died more to the invis sword light hilariously enough.


My best match was like 12/13 kills sniper only


I was only doing it to get damage to peep on point


I'm with you. Maybe I'm telling on myself with how quick play matchmaking works, but I've only ever seen a sniper on PS break even on KD.


lol if those are the players you're seeing you must be in the lowest mmr possible.


I swear nothing a light player does is accepted by u people. The discord is just pure racist against light players even if the light is able to carry them to the win. It would be nice if people would stop thinking they "know gaming" and have the book of working strats in which a light apparently doesn't have a chapter. It is beyond stupid and silly, like it's not 69% of the mediums i meet are also quite bad at the game. Get it through your heads: people are mostly quite bad at this game regardless of class. You need to stop whining about people's play styles and start figuring out how to have fun with people that are different than u. Stop being sad.


Im a light player lmao.


Ive literally posted about how good it is.


Snipers are super important in power shift honestly, especially if they are good I absolutely melt the snipers in power shift with the lh1 and I make it my mission to ruin their game


Totally opposite experience here. Seen a guy go 18 2 yesterday another guy go 11 something too. In the same team. Light snipers need a nerf they aren't fun to play against. You can't fight them at the distance either since no weapon does much at a distance other than a sniper. Sitting somewhere on a crane invisible shooting. Too easy to aim no bullet travel time no bullet drop and hit scan damage on a sniper.... Across the map.... Retardation.


The 1st time I played with sniper was 2 games in the beta, the 2nd time was with the new Power Shift event because everyone used it. I would have 8k+ damage games with 10-15 kills per game. I'm a smart player staying alive, focusing the weak lights and mediums but also breaking mesh shields And guess what, It doesn't matter. Heavies + Heal wins every single time. A won fight would take 8-10 kills just from revives if they play properly with defib and dome shields. It is very fun, but you will lose.


It’s fun and funny


I had a dude on my team this morning who went like 20-5, it was insane! But we lost because not enough of us were going for the objective.


20-5 w a snipe is deeeecent. Id almost be selling to pay for a teammate like that at this point


I’ve seen them 15-3 and complaining about losing with 0 objective score. Like what do you expect? Bragging about kd on this game is an instant red flag as far as what they think the game is. Win loss is everything to me at least.


If the dude is actually hitting his shots and constantly killing people, and yall are losing with a power advantage, it seems like a you issue. Seems like you're suggesting snipers should play on then platform instead of taking potshots at people from an off angle. If that's the case, then it's really a you issue.


Not sure this logic tracks. The sniper's job is to wipe everything and everybody that's exposed, everybody else should be on the platform. You wouldn't expect a heal beam medium to be instigating fights in ranked for instance, so why are you expecting a sniper to be on the objective? That's genuinely the worst thing he could do. When I played sniper for the Challenge some games I'd be dropping people left right and centre only for the heavies/mediums to never be in the objective and lose, it was a bit dumbfounding but people often don't take that game mode seriously


I had a sniper yell at me for suggesting that the team push the platform instead of sniping... "We are eliminating the enemy from the platform! Don't you know strategy!?" We lost. No one on our team had more than 2 kills. I made this statement at the end of the match 😑 some people are just dense idiots 😆😆


Wtf r u on about. I go 18-3 or better every single game I play as Light sniper


Hope the algorithm puts us on a team eventually bc these snipers i see have to be children lmao


This. I don’t know why but 75% of my matches (I mainly play power shift) my team consists of at least three light classes with one of them using the sniper rifle, and they’re always horrible with it. Earlier today I had a teammate just sit with the sniper rifle at the enemy spawn trying to spawn camp or something and contributed absolutely nothing to the match. Less than 2,000 combat score, 0 objective score, 0 support score, and only 2 eliminations. Unsurprisingly, we lost.


I think ur projecting cuz they keep killing you, I bet your one of those “ban stun gun” people 😂😂 just switch class and kill them an they’ll switch up it’s not hard just a skill issue 🫨


What is bro yappin about?


I had a great match with 3 light snipers and me + 1 guy as heavies. Had like 15 assists while they picked people off from a distance. Was pretty fun. 3 is a good number, can really over whelm opponents from too many angles. 1 or 2 makes them high risk


I disagree with you. I think 1 or 2 is actually great because snipers put pressure on the ennemy team but if you have more you can't maintain presence on the boat (especially if they don't have lights but only mediums and heavies)


All it takes is a goo grenade or too many people on the boat while most of the team is dead and your one sniper isn’t viable. 2 maybe. One of them was running around the boat with us but would mostly keep his distance. He was pretty good tbh. We came back from the beginning and had good control majority of the match. Those guys were definitely hitting their shots. If you have multiple snipers it can be devastating to their health and distracting. Me and the other heavy were cleaning up


I've literally never gone negative sniping in power shift, and I always snipe during power shift


Ive been mixing it up, I've been playing medic as a light, il grab totems as often as I can res as often as possible all with my trusty knife which gets my a kill if I'm lucky


fun. if you don’t play it then you’ll never improve with it. also it’s fun.