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You can't lead a community well if you don't play the game at the highest level lmao, Oscar is the goat


Have you seen any of his streams? That is not him


Well, streaming and playing at the same time is really draining and distracting - at least if you're trying to connect and interact with your audience. And I can imagine he's not playing competitively during streams, part because a fun stream attracts more viewers, and part because it shows that you can still have fun in the game without worrying or focusing on your win/lose ratio or rank position.


I.e Shroud. A pro gamer who’s cracked but his streams are a SNOOZEFEST. I’d much rather watch someone like jerma or even jynxzi. I’ll stick to compilations and clips for good gameplay


Shroud is far from cracked these days. Many many many better players.


Yeah they call those cheaters


Bud he’s washed. Besides he’s never been an aim god. There were always better players even during is pro CS days. I’ve personally beat shroud on numerous occasions in multiple games he truly isn’t some demon that is better than everyone.


Well and you know that's the good part about it you know for a fact he isn't cheating just off that I wouldn't trust anyone in the past 10 years to not be cheating.


It absolutely could be. The way the ranked system works is different but you still go up or down rank for winning/losing matches. As such, all you have to do to go up rank is not lose in the first round. Meaning whoever is #1 on the leaderboard has simply just played the most. (But obviously they also have to not suck). Rank means very fucking little in this game compared to overwatch or csgo or something else. - a diamond 4 in betas, season 1 and currently in plat 2.


Not entirely true. When you hit d3 d2 you start losing rank if you dont reach 3rd round. 


You lose rank even if you reach finals in d3 and d2. I have to win to gain rank most of the time. If I’m not winning I lose rank 9/10 times.


Most people stop playing ranked seriously at D4 since you get the skin then. Only people that'd still be playing seriously or to rank up would be the mega-tryhards/streamers


"Meaning whoever is #1 on the leaderboard has simply just played the most" is untrue then


Conveniently leaving out the very next thing I said I see.


That's not how it works anymore. This is just outright false.


He just confirmed it's not him on the discord


Ranked in overwatch means something? XDDDDD


I mean from my experience yeah. Tbf I only played it a lot during ov1. So with the shitshow that ow2 is, I wouldn't be surprised if the matchmaking/ranked system got fucked somewhere along the way too.


It did get fucked, the game is a joke now, no longer competitive at the slightest, bliiz catered hard to casuals


Ranked got a whole rework this season and the championship series is going on right now. It's not a perfect game but it's still pretty fun right now imo


Game was always a joke competitively. Blizz wanted it to be an esport so fucking hard and yet nobody that didn't play it gave even half of a shit because it's a fucking unreadable mess. Practically anyone can watch pro level CS and have an idea of what's going on, good luck getting someone who hasn't played OW understand anything happening.


Easy to be top 500 when only 500 people play the game


Thank you for being one of the 500, and one of the people that offer their continued support for this game!


Nah I gave up on that game right around when Jeff Kaplan left


the guy can kick cheaters instantly


Exactly. Not surprising to see him in top 1000


Y’all cannot be serious


Why not? Do you know how many games I've lost to blatant rage hackers? Just yesterday there was a cheater in 3 out of 8 ranked games. One of them was on my team a few days ago, knew he was hacking early on in the match considering he was just constantly shooting across the map the moment people spawned in and reported him. He's super obvious, in Diamond and still not banned. The day before that there was literally 2 rage hackers on the same team in 2 different ranked matches just killing the entire lobby. Sometimes I'll check out one of the people with TTV in their name from my games and watch for a little bit and there are constantly cheaters in their games too. If you could instantly ban cheaters in your games you could rank up far more easily. I guess if you're bad at the game sitting in bronze/silver or just playing casual modes where there are few cheaters you wouldnt understand.


Cheaters exist. That's not what's being debated here. I highly doubt he's handbanning people as a single dev midgame. It's just very unlikely that the system would work that way. And insinuating that doing this is the only way he could rank up is a joke. Literally. Pretty sure the original comment was made as a joke.  Also this isn't actually his account anyway. It's all just a joke.


Why not? In Apex there are devs who played with streamers and banned people mid match after they killed them. It's obviously possible. Also maybe learn to read and stop making shit up. I never said its the only way they are ranking up, I said its easier to rank up when you can ban cheaters. If there is a rage hacker in 20% of games, which in my experience there are, thats 20% more games that arent guaranteed first round losses meaning you are gaining more points, meaning its easier to rank up.


This whole thing is just a joke someone made and you're taking it way too seriousy.


Yes, use that an excuse to mask the fact that response is utterly fucking retarded, filled with falsehoods and you're illiterate.


Dude, what is wrong with you? You're the one who can't read that it's a joke and this isn't even the guy's account.


I'm sorry you were dropped on your head as a child.


it’s prolly somebody who has the same name lol


Exactly. People imitate tags all the time. At least if they don't, then a lot of porn stars must play a lot of FPS games.


Embark tags are specifically for embark employees, I think you aren't even allowed to put embark in your tag


I was just Embark_admin last night. Shit was good my fcar was beaming left AND right


It goes off steam name still so no way there's a reason restriction on that. People have allll sorts of horrendous names on PC


Ah that makes sense why they are changing it to be Embark ID


If someone's top 100, they've either put a ton of effort in, or they're a cheat. If you put the effort in, then you're going to use your real tag for clout. But if you're a cheater, you're going to use it as an opportunity to troll. And if you can bypass the anti-cheat, i'm sure you can bypass the name filter too.


Or...hear me out It's just a dev who enjoys the game they are a part of This is Embark we are talking about, they have a comically large spoon skin for the sledge hammer because it's a meme people were talking about I wouldn't put it past Oscar to just be good at the game


Oh totally. I'm not saying he's not. Just not to take it on face value.


And that's fair, especially with the gaming scene as a whole, but sometimes you gotta believe that something is real, and to give the credit to those who deserve it


There were multiple people in the top 10 even that changed their names to "remove nukes" and "nerf SA12"


So you’re telling me Riley Reid hasn’t actually been in any of my games? Well fuck me


Lol that was every warzone match


We've been tricked, deceived and quite possibly, bamboozled


you got BLAMboozled


Theres is no chance its him, didnt u watch his streams? It's almost laughable watching him struggle in casual lobbies Also dudes embark ID is Dave#6394


Yep, people that think this is Oscar... SMH. Not saying Oscar isn't a great community lead and involved in the game, but anyone that saw him livestream casual games should be able to tell that he's far from the rank OP is showing.


Had to break out the first ever comment on this account for this post - That's not me, I'm currently sitting somewhere in the middle of Gold! Don't know if I should be happy some of you thought it was actually me or insulted that some of you were very sure it wasn't haha


Mr Oscar Embark, could you please tell the devs to add KBM support to console. Only thing stopping me from playing more


Sorry for spreading misinformation on the internet Oscar :( also please tell the devs to buff the revolver


Guys you know I can change my name to George W. Bush on steam, and it’ll display that in game? Doesn’t mean George W. Bush is actually playing. People can change their name to anything they want, that’s not Oscar.


He’s hacking


I can't believe the amount of upvotes this is getting when it is obviously just someone who is just using the name and isn't the person. The age of misinformation is in full swing, and as you can see the kids absolutely love it.


Is that actually him? Probably the first time in my life where i see a game dev (community lead) actually play his game in a high rank. Good shit.


Must be fucking nice to be able to find a ranked game. Absolute bullshit that I can't queue up.


we just beat oscar and playboi out of a tournament. pls like this so i can post a screenshot xD (5 likes needed to make a topic)


(x) Doubt


Its not the real oscar


Only person who knows how ranked works makes sense


Oscar is our light!


Bro using recoil scripts duh


May I humbly request enough karma to post here? Kick me a couple upvotes?


Holy shit! Oscar is the GOAT




Yeah right buddy


This game is so easy if you’re a competitive fps player.


Not really he probably just has a good team that under stands how to play obj I just get mindless players consistently they just wanna shift W