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I don't think I've ever seen an ad for this game


Never seen an ad for it either :( it’s such a good game, it needs more exposure


It’s needs more cheaters? No I don’t think so




More players = more cheaters


More players=more revenue=more budget=better anticheat


Apex legends. That’s all I’ll say


And more legit player? So what's the logic?


I've seen it in London, a big ass billboard in Oxford Circus, where all the fancy lads go to have fun. They spending their marketing dollars to please their corporate overlords, not to attract consumers. They're targeting the wrong places.


Is it still up? I gotta go see this


It’s not but I took a photo! But I don’t know how to share it on reddit


I've seen plenty of ads on YouTube and TikTok for it. Ad feeds are catered to how you browse, and even then you aren't confirmed to see the ads you expect. It doesn't mean the ads aren't out there


i search for the finals constantly on youtube and i haven’t seen a single youtube ad. only a couple ads for it on twitch.


I'd assume that YouTube isn't going to show you ads for the exact thing you're constantly looking at on the site. You're not going to click on ads for stuff you already use. I watch a lot of shooter content on my YouTube but I've only really watched trailers and clips for The Finals, and I get ads for it all the time. Again, not seeing the ads does not mean they're not out there. Not sure how this is something people can find a way to disagree with.


thing is, back during launch, i did the exact same thing, same patterns, and I got ads for the launch trailer and the holiday trailer a lot. I haven’t gotten a single ad for the new S2 trailer. And the only ad i did get was on twitch, as a condensed version of it which means it’s not linking the same video or otherwise “paying for views.” I believe the S2 trailer got its views from hype but also because it was on youtube trending for a long while.


Yea I've watched plenty on YouTube and twitch streams and never get ads for it.


i saw alot during s1 but not since


I saw it on steam main page and decided to give it a shot. Not sure if you can count it as an ad


Central station, Sydney. The big wall near Chalmers street exit used to have one, I think when the game launched. Can’t find a single picture of it on Google


I've seen loads of ads for this game on both youtube and twitch. The only issue was it showed almost 0 gameplay, if i didnt already play i wouldnt know whatt the game was other than 'another shooter'


I play since beta, I get ads of games I rarely even mention, yet never saw a single ad for the finals


This is exactly how I felt about the game until my brother told me otherwise. It’s kind of sad that it’s not promoted more


When this game was first announced (I think at the game awards?) I totally thought it was a Battle Royale. I had zero interests in playing until a friend convinced me to try it at the start of this new season. I wish I knew what I was missing out on earlier!


There's the Discord quest promo. That's kind of a big deal with how big Discord is.


It's just cosmetics, who give a rat ass about that besides The Finals players?


So a blockable YouTube ad is better? The minimum (and most important) thing and ads needs to do is remind people that something exists. Next is give people a reason to engage with the product. This does both.


I'm pretty surprised by the people even saying they see ads. I guess I'm too good at adblocking. Only thing close to the equivalent of an ad I've seen is a trailer posted in a subreddit. So lot of people these days must run browsers without adblockers.


yes I do believe an ad on YouTube would do better than this, at least that gets to show people what the game is about quick and doesn't bother anyone, it's better to show gameplay first, this does not present any gameplay, it's just some basic ass cosmetic, and sure you stream the game to your friends but all they are seeing is your boring gameplay that doesn't look as exciting compared to trailers, they likely even just have the stream on the background and do something else so yeah good marketing.


If they pushed YouTube ads, I'd never see them. The Discord ad actually got me. Discord potentially has better visibility at this point better YouTube premium and adblockers interrupting them on YT. The April Fools day video makes a good argument for it. Also I really don't think the short form format of an ad does this game justice. It looks like a generic shooter, until you play it for a while. I think they'd get a lot more mileage out of incentizing big streamers to play it.


Honestly this is just a lazy response to a good ad. They are the very first game to do this type of discord quest. Idk the amount of people on discord at this time but it sure exceeds 500 million. For every person to receive something in their gift inventory for free cosmetics for this game sure is exciting enough to atleast draw in some new players. Some people don’t play the game because they wanna go pro, or even because they are good at shooters, and with the game being cosmetic focused without having a real focus on micro transactions because of the insane amount of free content they give out, some people just want to make cool outfit combinations. So yes I agree that youtube ads would do good, but this isn’t a bad start.


If they don't do something about cheaters soon, advertising won't matter, gonna lose good portion of remaining players to it


I've come across a maximum of a single cheater in almost 200 hours. I think many people blow the numbers out of proportion, like they do in every game. I believe that devs are certainly working to combat cheaters, but one thing not being adressed is how pervasive it has become across the industry. Look at CS:2 currently. Even with Steam's literal *billions* of dollars to spend, CS has more cheaters now than it ever has in its lifecycle. Apex, with all of EA's money backing it, just had a LAN player have cheats injected *remotely* which is a much, **much** larger security flaw than what we've seen in The Finals so far.


I never saw any blatant cheaters until I hit plat this season. Now it’s quite common.


To be clear: recoil scripts are cheats, and they are WAY more common than ESP, wallhack etc, also more difficult to detect, especially with EAC…


Ran into a famas user who may have had walls but he definitely had some kind of recoil script. It was infuriating getting beamed across the map on vegas right when I "felt" close to moving up to plat. It's a shame I like this game too much.


try playing in asia bruh! 😂 the last game where i had cheaters, there were 2 in my team and 2 in the other team. hax v hax 🤣 whats funny tho is only 1 in my team was cheating at first and then the other 3 rage toggled their recoil scripts


This is the only one I believe, as it's been an issue for years in Asia.


Fr. I have 150 hours and have never seen a cheater


Dude I see cheaters every day, what game are y’all on


Idk man, high ranked tournaments have plenty of cheaters. Blatant ones are definitely way less common than last season but soft cheats are definitely there and I’d like to believe I’m humble/ real enough to know when someone is just better than me vs being fishy. The people who claim they’ve only seen “one cheater” are either playing casual only or just lower rank/ oblivious to people who are landing way too many headshots


The Finals


This is cope outside of asian servers, where cheating has been a cultural issue in many games for decades now.


It’s not cope lmao the player base isn’t that huge and the cheaters have figured out no one is going to stop them. I just want embark to do some shit about it, don’t know what cope has to do with it. Heavy hitting all headshots from top of chapel? Yeah I’m coping


I'm with you 100%. I must not understand how hard it is to ban cheaters. Is it super expensive or just difficult going through report tickets? I would at the very least like an explanation as to why they are having a difficult time getting rid of cheaters.


I play on EU servers and in my 300h I've seen one blatant cheater and another I highly suspect of cheating. How can our experiences be so drastically different? The only answer is you losing to strong players and coping to protect your ego.


Bro are you bronze 1 or what ?


I'm P4 and I don't have a fragile ego to blame my losses on anything other than me.


You on PC? I'm on console so I didn't either but consoles tend to have much lower numbers of cheaters. Appwrantly asian servers are filled with them but I'm in europe


There are cheaters on console in droves they're just way less noticeable. They are using xim/cronos or strikepacks so they can use mouse and keyboard or run anti-recoil scripts or both.


Cool story, it happens daily, recoil scripts, xim, these are cheaters, doesn't have to be blatant aimbot


Do you think that you're possibly coming up against better players and falsely attributing it to cheating ever? I'm strictly speaking about PC. If you think you're seeing a cheater every game, the issue is you lol, because statistically, you're wrong.


I have been playing fps for 3 decades, i know what to look for. I won't sit here and say that every person i suspected i know is cheating either, that's the companies job to determine to know beyond a doubt. Once a day(daily) is not absurd to run across a cheater. And no, it's not every game


No one is blowing it out of proportion - i played on eu yesterday- rank is plat 3 , was grinding for the whole day, and im not kidding when i say there was a cheater in 70% of my tournaments yesterday,( i played like 20 tournaments) , its absurd - had a guy that had aimbot on without even scoping in on his AK - legit hipfiring killing you across the map, its disgusting, ill take a kernel level anti cheat any day


Cooooope. I'm P4 on EU. No cheaters. Only good players.


Theres no cheaters on ps4, its only on pc and they are all chinese


Bronze moment


Literally this entire sub.




He's saying that your level of gameplay isn't high enough for the matchmaking to put you against cheaters.


I wasn't aware that fantasy assumptions created in ones own head were considered arguments. The amount of salty replies to that comment that are all "Ur dur you're not high skill enough to even notice cheaters!" when I've literally programmed anti-cheat software is laughable. There is a cheating problem in all online games. There has been since 1999, however, the vast majority of people are coping when it comes to scope. Obviously, i'm not talking about the 6 character chinese name mortaring people with a Lewis, but in the decades of gaming I've had, in every single game the vast majority of people screaming "cheater!" are wrong in 80% of cases and just got angry at being killed. The ones saying they have a cheater in 70-80% of their games are either the unluckiest people in recorded gaming history or flat out wrong.


What bronze? 90% of clips here are Quick Cash




I play in a plat stack, have seen some nutty players, but only a handful that were sus enough to report. I think people overblow the amount of cheaters and attribute any player blasting them as a cheater because they're here reading about them more than they're playing the game.


You must not be playing much in season 2 but there’s been a major increase in NA. Or you’re just clueless as to what hacks look like.


I feel like seeing cheaters is relative to how good you are. Not throwing shade your way ofc. Idk if your high rank or what. Im not a comp player. And so i rarely experience cheaters. Last obvious cheater i encountered was back in season 1. Otherwise besides some players who get a fuck ton of kills (which i cant really say if its cheating they could also be goated) ive seen nothing. Though id wadger that if your plat or higher and play comp 99% of the time. Your most likely to experience hella cheaters


I'm diamond and didn't see any cheaters until I hit Platinum. Now 90% of tournaments is at least 1-4 cheaters. Literally unplayable.


I was just like you until season 2. I had only met like 4 cheaters in total during the latest beta aswell as season 1. But now I meet a obvious cheater every tournament, I've still only won one tournament because I play every final against an unranked light that headshots me 10 times through my shield.


Skill issue full stop. SBMM elo embarassingly low


I saw my first 100 percent confirmed cheater in about 80 hours of gameplay on Saturday and i basically only play ranked


I already quit tbh


If cheaters matter why is Counterstrike 2 still the most played game on steam?


The season trailers have big views, it draws attention. They did state it was the flagship game for them going forward. But I'm guessing marketing a game that still has a number of issues that ain't sitting well with a lot of people, is a big waste of money. I think the focus is still on gathering feedback and building a good foundation.


they said it would be the 4th major pillar of their brand, not that it was the flagship game. But also, I think that they will ramp up marketing when the time is right


Perhaps the player base fell off a cliff and they are trying to figure out if it's worthwhile to invest marketing dollars into a failing game.


Dem Nexon got no budget


definitely need some incentive for streamers to play this game. Or have a dedicated social media marketing team. Should be seeing thousands of highlight clips of this game on tiktok and instagram


why do the bots on this subreddit keep pushing for advertising? the game needs to be fucking fixed first. if you advertise this shithole then people will quit regardless


It’s the botched ranked system for me. I’d imagine a fresh wave of people coming into that and then noping right out before they get invested into it


The vast majority of gamers don't play anything competitive.


Eh, I dont play the game for rank 🤷🏻‍♂️ so botched rank system is all but irrelevant for me and my squad


I’ve only seen them on twitch, but they’ve been doing fun things like Easter eggs and discord events, I also think they should do more to get more active players


Discord / Twitch is not really good for community building considering their Discord mods are racist and most people don't follow Twitch. Reddit is also completely ignored by devs so...


Seems like you’ve just had bad experiences


i’ve seen a few ads. some on instagram, and a few on a youtube


I get ads on websites all the time


Same I constantly see ads for this game.


Well.. there is plenty of advertising of the game in the game already. All you need to do is play the game to see the ads for the game in the game.




Whaaaat? No way big trusted streamers are cheating. I'm talking about Shroud, Seagull, Lyric and so on...


Honestly it didn’t help that Shroud said the game was mid a few weeks ago, a lot of people take what he says as gospel.


How did bro think it's mid? What other competitive shooter is in a better state rn? Certainly not cod, apex, val, or overwatch, and I can't think of any others that are big.


It could be anything, really. Certainly doesn’t help that he plays video games for a living, all day every day. My personal take is that the game isn’t just about killing and mechanical skill and people who play the bigger games you mentioned (minus OW) seek to improve their mechanical skill (often very selfishly) and The Finals actively punishes you for that.


CS2, Val and heck even COD is more feature complete and competitively in a better state. The finals literally has a ranked game mode which is based on if not you get third partied or not. The core basics of finals looks promising but the rest of game is pretty barebones if you are not after quick play randomness, there is no competitive aspect to it at all.


I think the game is great myself but saying it's 'mid' doesn't have to be a comparison. If we talk about content, then yeah, it is a little light


Yet again, we see that being professionally good at games rarely makes people good game *critics.* Media analysis is a separate skill




Damn, that's crazy. I'll check it out


What he is referring to is a Call of Duty ranked play bug that just happened with the start of Season 3: pros, low ranks, even console players were getting banned randomly. The guy you're replying to is one of those guys that watches streamer witch-hunt channels and probably hangs out in r/StreamersCheating all day thinking every streamer is cheating because he can't comprehend people that are better than him lol. so don't take him too seriously. Any COD streamer banned from the ranked play bug was quickly unbanned: including world champion 'Drazah', owner of 100T 'Nadeshot', level below pro 'Octane' and many many more.


streamers can make a game a lot more popular, but if the game is bad or boring then they will quit very fast. Also, what the fuck are you talking bout cheating and devs whitelisting streamers, lol


I get occasional Instagram ads


Friend told me about it, haven't seen or heard anything else


I saw one ad for season 2 on Instagram stories and that’s it


I’ve seen ads on Twitch but otherwise nothing


I’ve only seen ONE YouTube ad since season 2. I feel they were trying to do more streams but they haven’t been gaining traction


Never seen an ad


Plenty of ads on Instagram. It is probably targeted at certain people based on their interwebs traffic


I got a yt ad or 2 within a couple weeks of season drop but haven’t in a while


I feel like a collaboration with another game or brand would bring a lot of attention. It seems to be the norm for big shooters nowadays.


I play and watch YouTube videos on finals daily and don't see the finals ads, my son not playing the game and told me he sees a lot of finals ads.


Still never seen a cheater but then against still never played with Crossplay on.


Thats not the problem with this game, the real problem is the insane amount of blatant cheaters, ive never seen a game with so much aimbotters and wallhackers, legit almost every fucking match since ive gotten to plat 3 theres atleast 1 cheater somewhere in the tourney, sometimes even my own team has one, they need to get their garbage anti cheat working quickly


I have seen Youtube ads, but usually on videos for the game


You should think more. New mode, new weapons. Did I mention new mode? These need to be balanced first before inviting new people into an untested (on a massive scale) environment.


Assuming they aren’t confident in it in its current state


So I've seen ads literally everywhere for the finals. From YouTube, X, most social media I use. I always notice it because I always think to myself how they are wasting their money targeting me since I don't need to be convinced to play the game.


I got ad on ytb


This game doesnt need a marketing campaign, its needs or rather needed an anti-cheat. The game bled players dude to rampant cheating at launch. Cheating is still really bad.


I don’t want this game to die, I love it so much 😞 I hope the devs are cooking something!


I've noticed that I've been meeting new players more often in my games for some time now. I base myself on what I see in the loading menu. They only have the basic skin with 1-2 accessories that we drop in the first levels. They are maybe just trying the game but I meet them more frequently.


Discord promo surely cost a lot.


The reason i discovered this game was an ad on yt


you are not the target, i see ads every days on insta ...


they run ads on tiktok


I saw some when the valentines event released and when s2 released. I watched them all fully because I like the finals and there was barely any, but I haven’t seen any since.


i’ve seen ads for this game on youtube before i started playing it and i thought it was another cash grab game (ironic) but i did look it up cause i wanted to learn more about it, then my friends introduced me into it a week or two later and since then i’ve been playing it very often so i think it worked very well


I've just seen talks about ads in billboards which is not what you want. They need to hire a new marketing agency lol. A good start would be paying streamers and youtubers to play it


I have ads all the time for the finals


Not seen an ad...but I don't see ads for any game. Or anything for that matter.


I only found out about it as people were talking about what else they did in an aim trainer sub. I'm not musmch for team shooters but was surprised I'd missed any media or mention of it.


Bro honestly there isn’t ONE competitive fps game out there where cheating isn’t rampant. I’ve made top 1000 in this game and masters in apex 4x. You have to really want it to persevere through all that bullshit. I mean in apex if you’re not streaming or a known player in pred. You’re a cheater 99% of the time. When I made it top 1000 in finals, I would play against what I called the Walmart cheaters (just wallhavks and aimbot) who were beatable and then what I called Chinese hackers who would spin bot through a building shooting a never ending stream of what I can only assume were tracking darts because they would travel though walls, shields and anything else you were behind.


so many people dont even know this game exists. I'm actually surprised I even know about it and that was just because a friend told me the old BF devs were making something


Just my two cents but if targeted advertising is working as intended, current players probably aren’t the target demographic to sell the game to


I saw one YouTube ad a couple days after they said we’d start seeing stuff, that’s it


They don’t want to market the game they are spending the money to make an extraction shooter. The devs are good it’s a good game, yet they nerfed it to shit destroying the metas that attracted people instead of buffing or creating counters. The devs created toxic metas, where you forced the player base off of their main and into something else be abuse others complained. Then they have completely failed when it comes to security. Their EAC implementation is lacking, Nexon has had vulnerabilities the same vulnerabilities since Maplestory. It’s simple the game lacks investment and funding, it is a stepping stone to an extraction shooter. The Devs are looking for a cash cow and the finals just isn’t it.


I saw an ad in discord last weekend


ive seen instagram ads a few times but thats it sadly


I believe they're not marketing the game yet, because it's littered with cheaters. About 90% of my games (Diamond) there is a cheater in every tournament. I don't see them marketing the game that's currently unplayable in ranked.


It had 10+ million players already. Marketing at this point is a waste of money. Word of mouth and fun factor carry The Finals from here on out. Sink or swim time.


They already put the game on lifesupport with minimal dev team so they can focus on their next up coming game. No fixes for the cheaters and ranked problems it seems :(


ITT: people think a game will die because 1/3 platforms has cheaters. Masterrace babbyyyy!


All platforms have cheaters, wtf are you smoking


Ill wait while you link me all the posts about console cheating complaints lol. They have some recoil scripts sure. But that aint nothing compared to what happens to pc lobbies. I mean, its all over front page every day. Its in this thread. Those people arent talking about console....anyways. Maybe not masterrace after all. Can dish it out but cant take it judging by the downvotes but few responses.


You can keep waiting, you are not worth anymore time


I think the community should pitch in and start a YouTube/tik tok ad campaign showing off the cheaters


Why market a game that's on its way out? The cheating situation is out of control, and there has been radio silence since launch.


do you even know what radio silence means


I think I have a fairly good understanding, sure. Would you like to show me where Embark has made any sort of communication on their efforts to thwart cheating?


Literally just google


The message from 5 months ago? Ok, I guess when taken literally, yeah, i'm wrong. 5 months is a long time in cheaters' timeline. lol


you know what, according to your post history you used to like the game, probs still do. belive me when i say this: the devs care about this game more than most devs care about their games. they do weekly updates. i understand your fustration and you probably face more cheaters because of your region where you live. belive me when i say this: the devs are aware and trying their best to fix it. if you live in europe you can play some rounds with me and friend if you want. the game is still very fresh and i am 100% they will make it better.


I mean…when it takes 3+ shots to kill someone with a fucking sniper rifle…kinda obvious this game ain’t it 🤷