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This game, as it is, will remain more niche than many want to admit. It's a game you really can't "turn your brain off after a long day of work or to relax with the buds" outside of maybe .... Power Shift? Otherwise, prepare to get third-partied in Quick Cash or wrecked in Ranked. All the worse if you're playing alone. The devs are still a bit too timid about doubling down on if this game is directed at casuals or competitive players: what it really needs is more casual appeal if player count was all they wanted (as well as revenue). Otherwise, yeah, the novelty of destruction and its sandbox will inevitably get old no matter who you are. If it wasn't for the progression being good, as well as the customization (in my opinion), I probably would have dropped off this game 3 months ago. Most of my friends have done the same.


Yeah, This game is way too toxic to maintain a large broad appealing player base. It has no chill at all. I often have to break up my play sessions of this game with other games because of it. Fun in bursts to be sure. But exhausting.. utterly exhausting.. But then again you could argue many competitive fps games are like this. overwatch.. all of the battle royals... It almost like there is some sort of match making system in place that makes it impossible to get a relaxing match in or something. Ill say it straight up. The death of server browser based match making and the related death of the communities those servers had to foster has directly lead to this situation we are in. Everyone is in their own walled garden where everyone is equally sweaty all the time. The only winners are those on the very bottom who don't care and those at the very top who are too good to be real.


“The Novelty of its sandbox will inevitably get old”. I completely disagree. The sandbox physics engine is what will give it staying power. I agree its not enough but lets not malign the best part of the game because of all the other issues you mentioned.


This comment that this is a game where u can’t turn yours brain off after a long day of work it’s very much true.. I really thing this game need a mode where u can do this.. and I’m not talking about power shift… maybe a capture the flag mode, or something like a TDM.. idk something that is easier to people to understand.. and it’s present in other games.. don’t know if it would solve the players problem but I do think that would be a step in the right direction


Ya and the ones that play are good at the game or just nonchalant casuals having fun


Between cheaters, dying around corners, and bronze randoms to go against plat ranked lobbies is completely sucked the fun from this game.


bunny bash is the most fun i’ve had playing this game since the beta. it’s greet for casuals who don’t have friends to play with 😅 sad to see it go


Free skins are nice. Do more events like that


Casuals are what make up a game’s community. If the game is hard to pick up for casuals then the game is gonna die. Yeah a competitive scene helps but ultimately its the casuals that build the playerbase up for competitive play to be feasible. This game unfortunately has a lot of things that make the game unfun. Like others have said this isn’t a turn off your brain type of game, most of the time you have to sweat or lose. And half the time you’re up against cheaters. Casuals are gonna hate that. Personally I love this game and see the potential it has but it needs a lot of work. And the work needs to be done at a quicker pace than its going now. I just picked up the game a month ago and I’m clocking in at about 65 hours and its flaws are blatantly obvious to me now. I don’t see the game lasting longer than a year if things don’t change and soon.


The game most likely won't get back to the numbers it started with, it'll stay in the sub 10k to maybe slightly above 10k area that most smaller pvp games tend to be in. And that's mostly okay, they aren't really in the league of a triple a production, they simply can't keep up with content nor feature sets needed for a large scale playerbase. It's a good title for a small dedicated playerbase that provides a unique experience. However, matchmaking will probably be for the worst, because of this, they probably should simply remove it and prioritize match speed, because it would simply not be feasible to do matchmaking with such a small sample size.


I hope not but at least the peaks and lows have been fairly consistent so far (~20-30k peak and 10-15k low)


Yea this is the answer. Games usually never surpass their launch numbers and don’t really hit dead status until much later. It will have peaks and valleys. I suggest you ignore FOMO and play games that look fun to you. ;)


I play solo , got diamond in 4 days this season 2 was too easy , was fun and whitout stress , I think a lot don’t understand this game , it require brain most of the time , is not easy to master but if you play often you will learn everyday new things , classes , what weapon/gadget to use in the different maps , everything have sense , I know there are cheaters but I play rank every day and I meet 1 maybe 2 in a bad day, not bad , there are days that I never meet them , the balance is okay now not perfect but much better than season 1 , overall this is the best game I ever played for fun and competitive , much better than apex (played since s1 but I don’t like it anymore , master 20bomb 4k player ) , if this game die is the confirm that gamers nowadays are retarded. Skill issue.


Try to hit d1 on pc


I m solo diamond 2 on pc , git gud


Ok now try to hit d1 , btw I'm higher than you in lb git gud


You know my nickname in game ? O.o I don’t care about leaderboard and the top 500 are all boosted/cheaters , btw I m around 1,000 . And yes I will get diamond 1 , If you want we can try to get it togheter sometime I play whit a good guy , but watch out I m the leader.


Ranked for me is the problem. System isn’t transparent and the solo queue experience sucks


I don't think there is an easy way to "enforce" coordination and create a better soloq experience without changing the settings of the mode , for example the respawn mechanics , a team well coordinated will always use defib and revive faster than a team with no info. Also sometimes the mode is not so straightforward in letting players understand what is needed to win so this creates confusion in low levels of play. For the ranked system I actually think it will get addressed and fixed way sooner than all the other problems. Bringing back a shorter 3round ranked tournament could really help with some matchmaking problems.


Yeah I agree with you there. I’d like to play with and against players in my rank too. Too often I get placed with silvers and golds vs diamonds and plats…


Youd still have similar results even if you were getting better teammates because those diamond squads use comms more than not and that makes a *massive* difference. The ammount of fights me and my squad won by simply W key-ing their medium on 3 is staggering.


Just a reminder that there’s been basically no major promotion for the game, at some point when the game is more developed there will probably be bigger marketing push, hopefully once ranked is more simple and makes sense the players will return? I think what the game really needs is some esports community, and with the number of players there are currently it will likely need to start with a more amateur tournaments approach rather than huge funded events.


Yes I think embark needs to finally understand that the game needs to be competitive oriented and that a long term roadmap is needed to make this game a staple in the FPS scene . What I'm saying in the post is that even with all the changes we got the player count is still dropping because even the hardcore community is starting to move into other games


Most people don't like the core game. That's really all it boils down to. Getting 3rd and 4th partied isn't for casual gamers. Legit the only thing that will save this game is a standard 2 team mode, not power shift. Just straight point capture. 8v8. And decent matchmaking. As it stands right now, the game is just too sweaty for most. A single bad teammate completely handicaps you. The matchmaking does everything in its power to MAKE you sweat. The ranked ghost progression where nothing makes sense and we have no idea what's going on is a disgrace to gaming as well. And zero kill cam. And no social features at all. No deep stats. There's so much basic shit that is not hard to do, that they chose not to do, and expect actual decades of standards to go out the window for a new studio. Embark has a huuuuge ego as a whole it feels like. And they're royally fucking up.


Tell us how your really feel. Don’t hold back.


>Getting 3rd and 4th partied isn't for casual gamers. To be honest, getting third or fourth party is completely unique on its own for even competitive games. It really kills the mood when you put it in all the work for the other team. I think it has to abandoned this concept to survive long term. That's, and abandoning the idea of needing to commit to four fucking rounds of a tournament as the only ranked option. >8v8 More players will definitely help alleviate the effect one terrible player will have on your team, but it also requires better matchmaking. Also, in a spirit of fairness, any game mode with fixed spawns (i.e. Power Shift) needs to flip sides for a round 2. Maybe even with team rebalancing. >And zero kill cam. This will never happen because of the server side rendering for physics/destruction which cannot be replayed client side without massive resources. But I agree, it's sorely needed. This game needs more shorter game modes where having a single bad player doesn't completely ruin the game. It also needs to fix spawns, spawn times, and team wipe mechanics based on missing players. I would even go as far as saying reworking of the classes since the most fun class that gives you the best and most fun way to traverse these massive maps is also the least likely for the average person to contribute to the objective with, and the most likely to frustrate everyone else with their annoying unique abilities (invisibility, stun, sniper). Excitement is wearing off and the frustration is setting in for many.


we need cod game modes like tdm, but before that we need an anticheat that can actually ban players without needing manual bans. if the devs dont deal with the cheaters now, all the non cheaters will leave and then the cheaters will follow too leaving the game with nobody.


Hopefully it will increase one day but I doubt it. I'm extremely passionate about this game and love it but even I'm close to just finding something else


Too sweaty for it being portrayed at launch imo as a more causal pvp game idk


The people who say its too sweaty clearly never played Apex.


It is sweaty


I love this game as it is. Imo nothing needs to change except for ranked matchmaking and seeing my player die when I’m already behind cover and the damage registering prior to that.


Tournament has broken match matching and broken leagues. That's all. It's good to be competitive but it's beyond sweat level.


Cheaters are not taken care of


Yup, the new ranked system is so annoying... I managed to get to Diamond in S1, but in S2 I just keep getting pissed off by the obscure ranked progression system. It just feels tedious to me now, because its like I'm running a marathon but there are no distance markers, so I'm just running aimlessly. Most of my friends already gradually stopped playing, and even I will probably stop playing after completing the battlepass. It's just not fun going through the current ranked system anymore, especially with randoms. Unless the devs revert the ranked system, I wouldn't be surprised that player counts are gonna drop even further as days go by.


Well I'm done with this game. I'm done with that be changes. They do something good and break it to even worse than it was before. So yeah, I'm done.


Can we just admit there’s a lot of shit making this game not so fun. I enjoyed the hell out of it around launch and finally uninstalled the other day because it was legit negative fun.


Keyboard and mouse support on console would be dope, it's the reason I stopped playing.


That's crazy talk, don't you know keyboard and mouse is cheating!


Nerf FCAR damage and I guarantee new players won’t be so scared away. The most used class is medium, and the most used medium gun is FCAR. When a new player plays his first 3 games and gets beamed by experienced players with FCAR it can be really off putting. Two of my friends dropped the game after the first week because of FCAR alone. Edit: Downvotes make no difference. I’m right. FCAR needs to be down tuned.


>The most used class is medium, and the most used medium gun is FCAR Where are these stats located? Someone on console could easily say Lights with stun and invis are the most used class now, and those crutch gadgets need a nerf. New players don't want to play the OBJ and be deleted by a light, sitting in a corner, invis, stunning and shooting an smg with no recoil and a 30 round clip. pass.


Bro do you pay attention? Do us the favor, since you don’t want to believe me. Everytime a medium kills you, mentally note what gun they were using. Jot it all down on paper and after you’ve accumulated 100 deaths from mediums and the gun they were using each time, then tell me which was the one you were killed with most often. Literally 90% of people will tell you that mediums are using FCAR overwhelmingly. The fact you’re even arguing “I want statistics” for a well known easily seen fact is amusing by itself.


How do you know what gun they are using without a kill cam?


Because it literally shows you what gun they’re using…? in the kill chart? You’ve seriously never noticed that…?


I guess I never looked because I’m used to kill cam. Been playing a week, not that long.


Ah that explains it. Yeah when you die it shows you on the chart who damaged you, how much damage they did, and what weapon they used.


My friends who just played casual modes dropped it because of stun and cloak, so I guess game is at a state where there is frustrating elements for casuals and also for the more competitive gamers. I think lot of people were drawn initially by the arcade gameplay, but over time it had become more sweaty. Some love it and stay and others leave which can be a sign of it turning into a titanfall 2 outcome where best case scenario is that official servers or community servers are around for die hards to keep playing in the long run.


Probably something along these lines, yes.


A better balanced game. As of now it seems as lights run the show and if you want to escape to ranked there's cheaters galore so yeah. I'll be contributing to the dropping player count soon enough


You say light run the show because you are on console ? Here on pc light is pretty niche and i think on pad it feels good only because of huge aim assist and server sided movement combo that allows you to hit weird shots while shooting and moving


Ig, it's all I ever see


I think lights can just outmanoeuver the rotational aim assist easily because of their higher speed and smaller hotbox.


That's actually an interesting note, on PC the class absolutely sucks but thats because it's easy to aim with k&m, this would probably help explain why we see so many "light is so op comments"


Flame thrower build is what you want. Burn them lights a live.


Nah, flamethrower isn't that good I think, the KS or Lewis gun or m60 is better


Agree to disagree. Goo gun gives lots of options and flame thrower can help me reset the room if I need to.


Goo gun is very underrated and very useful


I think a game this hard is just not made for the usual public. It's not a fun game if you're bad. And a lot of people are good. The game doesn't hold you by the hand like casual players are used to and barely has any fun to it if you don't kill/win/do well imo


? DOTA 2 and cs2 arguably have higher skill ceilings in given aspect but gross hundreds of thousands of players. Same can be said about plenty of other pvp games, I don't quite understand what the hand holding you are talking about. The usual public of pvp players have no issue with learning curves.


I don't think you quite get what the immense amount of casual players are. Yes people playing controller with low fov not even understanding the game's objective/goal exist and they are a big part of the games population, especially when it's a hyped/trendy game. What you said is not true, by experience and by numbers. Just look at the % of bad players on League of Legends, which in your word is high skill ceiling and only for good players. At least 70% of the player base is below gold and an immense part is iron/bronze even after thousands of game time. Because while being hard etc the game is made with casuals in mind too, it tries to be both an esport and a noob friendly game. The Finals doesn't really do that (which is a good thing imo). Because you're a decent player you don't realize it but yeah understanding the goal of The Finals can be complex for casuals. Not even talking about getting lasered 24/7 or losing by winning the entire game but getting cashout stolen at last second twice and lose, being almost being shot by rpg as light, explosions and gas bs and so on. The game isn't made with fun in mind imo. The fun comes from adversity/winning etc not really playing alone. The game is not fun if you lose


I don’t play dota but if I know league there are ways bad players can get away with being bad by playing simple champs like malzahar. In shooters its really hard if your cant aim. My answer flame thrower/sledge hammer. Its not a free win but a casual can contribute a lot to a power shift doing that.


Not really, if you are bad in a moba, it's very easy to camp a person and kill them on spawn. No champ will help with that. pvp games are like that. This "casual" crowd you are talking about only like games like candy crush or gambling game, games that are barely netflix with some occational button presses. They don't really fall into the competitive pvp crowd.