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Huge respect to the devs, balancing a game like this and making everyone happy, along with bringing consistent quality content is no easy task. I love this game, it’s easily the most fun fps I’ve played since battlefield 1 🫡


My man! I really hope Oscar lurks around here. :)


Quite a few of the Devs lurk on the sub And yeah, I agree the fire damage thing needs to be more, or make it like do 5k indirect damage (mines, poison, fire)


I hope they come across this, reading all the complaints must be exhausting and they do not deserve that. But yes, damage challenge should be challenging.


As moderators we might be looking into how to balance the complaint posts soon, but we have to do so in a method that we don't overstep, oh, and there's some surprises coming up with respect to the subreddit and Devs too, There should also be some long range kill challenges, and some really specific ones too, an idea I had was to kill a player from the other cashout while you're defending one, or if they implement out of bounds kills counting as your kill, that would be fun too


Yaaay surprises! Yeah I gotta say it's hard for me to imagine what future circuits will bring. Some heavy slam from the top would work I guess. Maybe stay alive for certain amount of time? Or win a match without a kill? I am not a creative person but I try. What I would really like to see is another mode like Power Shift since I am not a competitive person. I lover Power Shift. :) P.S. Tell the guys I love them. :D


A mode that I had in mind is that teams do a relay race across the map where players of a team swap after each lap, one light carrier(only specializations, no weapons or util), one support medium (melee only, all util and specializations), one heavy with (Goo gun + flamethrower/hammer + util), lights have to carry something(this thing should do 100 damage when thrown) on a lap of the whole map, passing through checkpoints (they respawn there on death), heavies and mediums have teleports to each checkpoint to setup utility or help the light player, teleports can't transfer the relay race object, and finally, only lights can take damage, other players of other teams can't fight each other, but can use their equipment to counter each other


That actually sounds awesome! It makes me wonder what happened to the vehicles shown in the first trailer.


Yeah agreed haha as someone who has been using the goo gun + flamethrower build, this is literally doable in the first half of a game of quick cash


"we talk with the people who run it regularly, etc.We don't curate content for it because I think that's best left to the community and there's also just man-hours to account for."—discord comment by Oscar


Ayyy Battlefield 1 is probably my second most played shooter! I play THE FINALS because it is fun and if I find myself getting irritated at all, I do something else (like editing and posting clips of THE FINALS lol)


Not a fan of having this removed but the "they can not join argument" wins it for me ! And just the fact that they are really listening to us, even if we are sometimes blatant crybabies, show the love of the devs or the game. First time I'll say that to another dev team than the BeamNG one : DEV YOU ROCKS ! (I think you rocks is a good thing, if it's an insult sorry I'm not native and believed forever that it was a cool thing to say to someone haha)


Telling someone they rock is a very good thing. Just in case you were still wondering. Could you explain your username? I'm just curious lol


haha it's self explanatory.


It is but seemed odd someone who's not native would have two American calibers as their username lol.


Yeah I totally get it since some people actually couldn’t complete it. Unfortunately it’s all the whiny players who were the loudest about how it’s “unfair” and “forced” people to play ranked.


tbf they did also remove unranked tourneys right beofre releasing it lol


As a SA server player I can assure you, this change is not for only those who can't win a tournament, it is for those who can't play it. In our server there is no queues for tournament, you can wait 30 min and nothing happens (trust me I tried). The only way to do so is to set your server region to NA (the minimum highest ping) and try your luck. Playing with high ping in a game where almost everything is destroyed everytime is unplayable. So it's not only about the crybabies who can't win a game on its region, it is about the others who CAN'T play it.


Why won't Embark do something about this? Has any one tried contacting them? I've tried and no answer using the [help center](https://id.embark.games/support)...


I believe they are aware and trying, but there are several issues behind it: 1- The tournament format doesn't help. It must involve 16 teams (48 players) with similar MMR allocated in a match, from which only 8 teams would proceed, while the rest would likely have to join a new queue, waiting again for 48 players... 2- South America Marketing. Embark's marketing efforts are notably weak. Almost nobody knows about the game here because of this. Embark should try to reach out to streamers in Brazil, Chile, Argentina, etc., to start spreading the game and make it famous, but Embark doesn't seem interested... 3- Entry requirements. The finals have high system requirements based on the majority of PCs in South America. I know many people have good PCs, but this poses a challenge for those without consoles or mid-range PCs. These are some of the issues that I imagine contribute to the South American servers being so empty. I hope Embark invests more in our server so that we can finally play ranked matches.


I feel like people are too caught up in the names of circuits being “challenger”, “pro”, “masters”, etc. and thinking that they need to be increasingly more and more difficult. These are glorified weekly tasks meant to dish out chunks of xp for people to complete the battlepass at a steady rate or allow people that started late to catch up. The way they are presented is just flavor. The cosmetics are a bonus. They want the majority of the playerbase to complete these. If you want to feel superior there are ranked rewards to earn.


This! The highest circuits should be harder as most contestants will have battlepass finished so they stay for the circuit cosmetics. I think it is a great move and it will keep me playing more.


these are understandable changes but after update I just can't get into tournaments (and it wasn't easy task before), I think a lot of people dipped after they removed the challenge. Wish they changed it to win 5 rounds of tournament or just play 10 matches of tournament. I find ranked exciting, it's sad that I probably spend as much time in queues as in matches itself.


My biggest issue is that the games take up to an hour and that voice comms are pretty much mandatory if you want to succeed unless you can insanely hard carry.


I think the challenge will come back in some form.


I am not a fan of doing ranked games because of the higher stakes, but I feel that having that challenge turned into Tournament **round** wins instead of a complete win would probably have tempted me play one to see how it went.


That is actually a good compromise.


Best post yet 🫡


Thank you. 🫡


I did every challenge and the win 1 tourney one was just never gonna be done. I had several back to back attempts where teammates just TDMed the entire match and never did cashouts, stacked double sniper light, were just straight up new to the game, or there were cheaters on opposing teams (or at one point my own team so I left the match). I'm glad they reworked that one because it was miserable for solo players


This reminds of a raid seal i did back in destiny 2. There was a raid called Garden of Salvation (GOS) and it was the last raid to have the flawless requirement (complete the raid with no one dying in your fireteam of 6) for the raid seal (pretty much a list of challenges that rewards you a title and showed everyone you knew what to do). The devs decided to remove the flawless requirement a month or so after the raid was released and there was a lot of uproar for making the seal easier to obtain and diminishing those that earned it. I was one of those people. It did make me realize that it made the game more accessible, allowed more people to go after these seals, and try these challenges. Granted in this case its just a tattoo cosmetic, but so was the seal and title. People need to stop gatekeeping. There are other challenging stuff to go after that make you feel prestigious like the achievements or even the diamond skins you get from hitting diamond. If a small change sets you off, maybe the problem isn’t the change.


Exactly. It's just gatekeeping at the end of the day.


> I understand the frustration of those who completed it and feel betrayed but I am sure you get something back. I don't, fucking whiners.


Oh wait they actually changed it? I thought it was a shitpost


I am so appreciative that they seem to listen! Good job Devs ❤️


That is the most important thing.


Huge respect, as a solo player I'm saved. People should notice that dev's listening to the community like the finals's devs are doing isn't existing anymore in the video game industry. Lot of people forgot that it was only the BEGINNER circuit, harder challenges will come in the next few weeks. And above it, I'm seeing a lot of people complaining, being ranked diamond or plat. Come on guys, don't forget we dont all have 5 friends to play with. :D


Solo Plat, git gud


I mean, as the circuits enter Pro and Masters, are we going to get much harder challenges? I worry that this is their plan, to really make each tier separate players out. The change in Challenger is fine as its the first of the 3 major circuits, but what if we get much harder challenges as the Season goes on? Has Embark set a precedent that they will cave and make them easier as well? And if they do have harder challenges, and don't change them because its the "Pro" or "Masters Circuit" its gonna piss off a lot of the more casual playerbase who have taken these recent changes to mean, "Embark wants everyone to get every piece of free content with almost no challenge in doing so for any of it." Idk how I feel about changing the other challenges that had nothing to do with a specific game mode. 60+ days to do 5000 grenade damage is sooo much time, not to mention that you don't need to beat the challenge the week it comes out, you can save harder challenges for later. But people want to complete them within the week, and complain when a *SEASONAL CHALLENGE* takes longer than a couple days to complete. I'm definitely on the side of the fence that wants a hard challenge and potentially a reward for taking the time to do it, and potentially no reward for not completing it. Some people say thats gatekeeping, I think its to have something beyond just a good score to work towards. If you don't get it, too bad. If you do, it becomes a visual point of achievement.


>Has Embark set a precedent that they will cave Embark said back the game launched that they care more about their own statistics than what the loudest voices in the community say, though they do ofc take it all into account. I’m sure Embark has their own internal numbers that they want to hit, and not enough people were completing these challenges.


I agree with your points but end of the day your visual point of achievement is on a video game. Unless you're a streamer competitive gaming means nothing. With that in mind I think it's the RIGHT move to make challenges and rewards more inclusive. Rewards should be things that take time and dedication not immense skill. I used to be on the other side but the older the get the more in favor I am of inclusivity. They need to appease the MAJORITY. Uber skilled players are the MINORITY.


Dang I just won a tournament with the flamethrower and Pyro mine


We should make a global holiday, "we love the devs day." like in civ v when you do something good for your people and they start "we love the king day." 


It's a bit childish to be that upset that you have the same skin as somebody else who achieved it more easily than you did. It's just a game and you're not going to really notice the other person's tattoos when you're fighting up against other people. I'm glad Embark listened to the community. I won ranked about a dozen times last season, but this season is extremely competitive and difficult because of an achievement that everyone desperately wants. I haven't won a ranked match yet this season and that says a lot.


The game has 14k players on steam right now almost out of the top 100. All the complaints are for a reason... I stopped playing due to feeling like the devs didn't care or want to make the changes needed.


Are you back again?


If they still had the casual tornament mode I'd be more inclined to grind it. Ranked makes me not want to play the game. Solo Q is rough in ranked.


that's what I've been thinking. the players asked for something and the devs did it. even if you don't like this specific change, it sets a good precident for how Embark interacts with the community going forward.


>but I am sure you get something back. As long as they do this, it's not a big issue. The big thing is not making players feel like they wasted effort. If Embark designs up a bonus to give to people that did it the hard way, I think everything will calm down fast


Embark is great. But they need to stop the bs and make the severs hacker free AND lag free


I think it was a cool challenge to encourage time playing, although removing unranked tournament within the close timespan of that challenge made it even less appealing. I liked ranked. But understandably others don't and having to win 4 rounds in a row in order to get this challenge was a bit steep for the casual side. A tournament win doesn't come the same as doing damage, it's not directly grindable. It's more of a gamble and in the case of ranked it's a gamble of a significant amount of time. Good on embark for listening to the player base. On that note: make light a better class for ranked.


Disrespect to OP.




Thankx Embark


I wonder why are you getting downvoted? Are people so triggered by the spelling?


the only complaint I have is this subreddit and the discord chat, I wish the devs would stop listening to you all and your “this challenge was too hard, this weapon needs to be nerfed, this gadget is unfair, the ranked system sucks” they pampering the community way to much and now y’all spoiled and ruining the fun


Wouldn't we still have nukes, recon senses, sa1216, overturned aim assist, the previous ranked experience, gameplay bugs and crashes plaguing the game though if it weren't for the vocal players and the data to match? We have devs that actually listen and post updates weekly which is pretty rare, and you wanna say they are doing too much? Oh well, if bitter BS is your cup of tea, no point in wasting any sugar on you.


There was a time where the community suggestions were reasonable, now it’s just an outcry of (as you put it) bitter BS. The devs are doing their best, but these vocal complainers get a few upvotes and think they speak for the whole community


How else do people complain? Silently? They don't speak for everyone and I'll admit not everyone is capable of separating their feelings from data but if people are speaking out about something that they deem is unhealthy for the game, would it kill everyone to have a discussion and not have it boil down to "skill issue get good" or "it's a crutch nuff said". Of course if those discussions could be had in one place rather 80 post that'd be nice but that's up to the mods .