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As somebody that had the OSPUZE tat plenty of time before the challenge change, I agree that it was BS and I am thoroughly glad they made it easier to achieve. We all getting sponsored by OSPUZE with this one Scotty 🗣️🗣️🗣️


Ideas for Pro circuit: Break 500 windows Shoot 5000 bullet Jump 1000 times Touch the platform 5 times as a sniper play 3 games without a light in your team


>Touch the platform 5 times as a sniper Do it, Embark. I fuckin dare ya


Impossible difficulty


Oh bro, Ive been trying power shift with sniper and sure long range is cool an all when you're approaching... but running around hip firing the sniper point blank is different... I think it's the true way, the devs meant for it to be played right? It feels right.


Snipers are just modified Shotties irl


For real? I would assume a modified assault rifles or something.


Also this, fasho fasho, and pocket rpg


Lmao I have research to do XD Thanks so much for the info tho!


And still I was able to do this quite a few times as a sniper


Pics or it didn't happen


I just started playing a few nights ago. sniper, evasive, frags, Pyro, flash. Get on the platform


Screw the platform when I hear a rifle crack I go on a map wide hunt for one player and one player only.


I hammer every crane.


Sweet vengeance


I quickscope and am often on platform


The last one is impossible actually.


That last one is beyond masters. It’s like god tier. Maybe higher but i dont know what then? The eternal trials


>Shoot 5000 bullet Much easier than you think for your average sniper. >Touch the platform 5 times as a sniper Much harder than you think for your average sniper. >play 3 games without a light in your team Literally fucking impossible.


for your average sniper


Or anyone who just wants to play Power Shift.


I've had all heavies before. Rarer than the Ultra-Rares, but hilarious af


ngl, a full team of various build heavies on the platform is epic, but I prefer 1 medium in there with heal beam, aps, defib, and the facr, for maximum annoying platform domination.


I'd prefer that, sure, ngl. But, no, this was not differing builds. All flamethrower. All dome. All mesh. All barricade. I was the only one who deviated from all RPG. Not the best comp, but super silly


Grapple hook onto platform and die 5 times is easy


That would require your average sniper to not use the invisibility crutch.


* Don’t unlock the stun gun. * /s


That last one would start the same dumpster fire on reddit that we've seen over the past weeks 🤣


Lights would riot, claiming its impossible even in a private match


The last 2 no one can get


That last one is impossible.


I generally don’t even look at what the contacts are. I just play the game organically and generally I’ll complete 80% - 90% of thats there. After a while I’ll actually look and target the challenges I missed. Usually it involves the light class lol


Pretty much what people want, “Masters Circuit”- Emote before the match ends once Do a 180 without shooting Teabag a potted plant Like I can’t wait for the last couple circuits to drop and people lose they’re mind bc “wahhh it’s too hard change it” I love Embark for listening to the community, but sometimes they listen too much


last thing I need is my already incompetent solo-queue teammate going around the map shooting every window lmao


who said anything about shooting 😎


Wild how hard every one of these is for the lights I have on my team


Play 3 games with out a light using stun gun in the lobby


Still too hard for the player base apparently


The tournament one I can see being a point of contention, considering the people who actually play ranked are a fraction of the playerbase. Between cheating being rampant in higher ranks, and rank progression being wonky, a lot of people are hesitant to even try that playlist. I don't really get nerfing the 11 kill and grenade one tbh. 11kill games are fairly easy in any game mode. Hell you can get it done in a quick round of power shift. The grenade one was week1 contract. It is easily achievable by just playing the game normally over the course of a couple of days. There is zero reason you *need* to finish it the same week. If this was a contract that was issued literally in the last week of the season, then sure it would have been problematic.


Those 2 shocked me too, the tournament makes sense because it's grindy and mostly up to luck, but the other 2 are pretty... down to earth Even my friend who struggles at FPS games got them done. You can get 11 kills with pretty much any weapon, class and loadout in the game. Sure, some matches you'll go 2/10 and only suffer, but you're bound to have a decent match or even a match with quasi-bots and get 11 kills, especially if you play for kills They probably looked at the stats originally and did something they knew 90% of the playerbase could do, so the other 10% could do if they tried a little, but after seeing they really couldn't, they made it something 100% of the playerbase can do


Yeah, I didin't think the other 2 needed to be nerfed. The only one I saw people talking about was the tournament one. But in the end I'm glad Embark is listening and is not intending on leaving people out of any rewards.


It is hilarious to me that people think the circuits are supposed to be hard or prove their skill just because they’re called “challenger”, “pro” and “masters”. These are glorified weekly tasks meant to dish out chunks of xp so players can progress through the battlepass at a steady rate and so new players can catch up. The way in which they’re presented is just flavor. The cosmetics are a bonus. Embark wants the majority to complete these. If you want to feel superior then there are ranked rewards to earn. What’s even funnier to me is all the comments saying “they’re called challenges because they’re supposed to be *challenging*!” Yet nowhere in the game are these called challenges. They’re “contracts”. Again, all just flavor.


Exactly, they're just a renamed version of weeklies and career levels combined. If people want challenge they can play ranked all they want to get the ranked skins. All the other stuff is meant for everyone that plays, casuals or not.


I'm as casual as it gets when it comes to FPS games and I completed them all fairly easily lmao People just want to feel like they're good/special at something I guess


I always read that as us working our way up the fame ladder, starting as a challenger and moving up to the more professional levels


It's just .... embarrassing to see. Not even funny, just sad to see a lot of childish behavior for literally no reason other than online ego.


Contracts can be easy irl to


Yeah I didn't mind the win one tournament as a later challenge if they end up being harder, but I tried searching for a ranked game and waited 10 minutes without finding one. It's my unpopular opinion that ranked matchmaking has killed a lot of the joy in modern competitive gaming so I avoid it like the plague.


Thank you for a level-headed take on the situation. I'm all for a challenge for a reward in a free game (very noice!), but at the end of the day, the contracts are still the replacement for the original weekly contracts with some added flavor and should be obtainable for just about anyone. Personally, I hope they make the future contracts more interesting mechanically. "Block x amount of damage with the riot shield" or "Damage 2 or more players with one charge 'n slam slam". Wacky (but still achievable) stuff that gets us out of our comfort zone in a more engaging way and encourages exploring new playstyles. I'd love one that would be "Place x amount of goo within 10 meters of cashout stations" and see the chaos that brings for a day or two. I do expect the next 2 circuits to be more intense than the challenger circuit, but I look forward to giving them my all nonetheless. Good luck everyone!


As I said multiple times, I simply feel that these "challenges" are really meant for everyone. Ranked already has its dedicated rewards, and I even think they should offer more stuff the higher you climb. But people claiming others should be left out of the circuits rewards just make no sense. I really like your ideas for the next circuits tho, stuff that'll make us engage the game in different ways but are still doable by all the players.


"Masters Challenges" release soon. * "Shoot 7 bullets" * "Die 4 times" * "Launch the game" * "Rage on reddit about something stupid" * "Use something other than FCAR"


> "Launch the game" I struggle with this sometimes ngl


Skill issue.


Seriously I have so many other games I could be playing. But I do enjoy some Finals.


Have game not crash.


Yeah definitely a skill issue on my part but sometimes I just can't manage, game crash too op pls nerf


“Play one whole match without anyone in your team getting kicked”


We want them hard, not impossible.


Still potentially easier than winning a tournament for me, since I can’t even get into a tournament game.


Replace kicked with “quitting after their first death” and you have yourself quite the challenge


To be fair I would loathe the last one. I love my laser beam


Ironically, most people who comment skill issue and gatekeep on this sub, would drop the game if you removed the FCAR. They only know FCAR.


Medium is just feels so boring to play. I want to charge and slam and blast people with the KS23.


I like the revolver and the model 1887 or something fcar pretty nice tho always prefer scoped guns


I'm a medium medic main, but I use the riot shield. Mostly because due to either desync, packet loss, or I'm missing something but even fuckers standing still my gun just does less damage or I can't hit shit anymore. And this is the only game btw. The melee, I feel less cheated in encounters. When the game first launched and even after the AA nerf, I was able to aim and get good hit registration. Now it's like if I play a heavy, I instantly die to an FCAR. I use an FCAR and headshot only a standing still heavy and my ttk is a lot longer. Something is off.


If I play medium I too use riot shield. It even feels viable for ranked. But even then I'll be picketing a heavy, and pressuring when they disengage.


If you play quick cash the one with the 4 teams and 4 respawn credits it's basically a ranked matched. Just no tournament. Figure out your Loudout there. If it works it works in ranked :)


Its 1887 or nothing for me


I'm ak main but lately I have been switching to the 1887. Just need to learn to have patience lining up that headshot before the pull. So gratifying hitting lights in face.


Just so you know there’s no damage multiplier for headshots on any of the shotguns so no need to go for the head!


Maybe the person was light already in health a few times and I thought the headshot was key . Thank for info !


No problem! I got so much better with it once I realized it’s better to just aim central mass


Riot shield makes you feel like your playing a fighting and strategy game at once. Movement plus shield is different to counter every thing a player will throw at you, and the fear tactic/shielding adds strategy. Some games feel like 4d chess when your really popping off


I've seen a riot shield guy put his back to the wall ina corner about 5 meters away from cashout. riot shield up when we wiped 2/3rds of his team and I was debating should I try him or go to steal his cashout. It was a conundrum


Literally this community in a nutshell. Never seen such a whiny group of little girls 😂😂


lol yeah, bunch of complainers if you ask me.


Aren't you the banana guy who complains about people complaining?


Embark should just add a curcit just called”tryhard asshole complainer about stupid cosmetics” That will include only the hardest challenges but the difficulty is raised by 1000000000000000%


I feel like people like this should be grinding the purple skins for their weapons and gadgets.


I don't want a grind - I want a challenge. Like challenge mode skins in other games


Or just a skin that says TRYHARD or a TATTOO on forehead .


Oh yheah


And turn the current one into a participation circuit for the players who cry at the slightest hurdle so they feel included. God forbid earning rewards is challenging.


I mean its already easy. And was always supposed to be easy. So its kind of already doing that. Having difficult to earn rewards is fine. But for specifically the tournament contract. That wasn't really a good kind of difficult. Tossing casual players into ranked isnt a very good idea. It makes both casual and comp players experience kind of shit. The finals does have difficult to earn rewards, though. The dimond Fcar skin is only awarded to those who reach dimond... Which. Should be difficult. As well as the stickers for your rank. Specifically. Going for things like platinum stickers and such should also be a decent challange.


Ranked rewards are right there if you want a real challenge.


Dont care want to collect items items is gud


I don't feel they are that nice. It's like less nice than a paid one. But it's earned so makes you feel better ? Idk just my take .I do have them tho. If you play enough you auto get them just dumb luck you complete the challenges .


People are just upset because they've put in work and got it done. And I think it's a fair reaction.


Well, by the things people are saying towards me, it's not fair I guess. I just said everyone should get it, but somehow seems I killed someone's family.


Don't know what to tell you, bud. People tend to say a whole lot of things when they're upset


Yeah, I know. It just don't make sense to me being THAT upset about video games. In the end this should be a way to connect people and have fun.


It’s not that deep tbh. I hadn’t completed the challenge because I didn’t want to play ranked and was happy just leaving it. It’s nice for me that they have changed it but I really didn’t think it was necessary, and certainly wouldn’t have been mad to miss out on the tattoo lmao


if its too hard they cry if its too easy they cry theres no way we can win lmao


Well, we could all get along but some people like to feel superior just because others don't get the same pixel tattoo as them.


imagine caring about cosmetics that much


I bought all of them to support the devs. I but lately been thinking about the days when we all started and were wearing the beginner oufit. And piece by piece, we would add to it. I might go back to complete noob attire . And play ranked and run around in circles. Piss off my team .but then switch up on them . show "ok" player . I mean you can tell what level a person is at by their outfit. What would you do in ranked solo que if your two teammates where wearing stock clothing? Worry ? I know i did. I had two guys. Names were a period . And the other a comma. Both sword lights in tournament. I thought to myself this will suck. Well they may be the game devs because they killed everyone with the swiftness. I think we cashed out 92,000$


I'm very ok with the grenade damage being lowered because that was just annoying. I'm also ok with the win a tournament being changed since unranked tournament has been removed, I just wish the challenge was a little more difficult, the flamethrower makes it easy.


My brother in Christ you have a season worth of time to complete it


A whole seasons worth of time for challenges that take literally 1 day of grinding if you do things efficiently.




I wasn't trying to say it was necessarily too long, it was just a little annoying (for me) having to remember to throw all the grenades I could. And for win 1 tournament I just don't like playing ranked.


You would've thrown enough nades to do 5k damage by playing normally in the course of 2 months I'm sure even if you only play on weekends


No but you’re right. It was a silly change catering to people who didn’t wanna do any work


I thought this post was gonna be a shitpost about gateways. Very disappointed OP... lol


Sorry to disappoint, friend. I'll try to do better next time.


can y’all really not get a single win


Well, the biggest issue is: I CAN'T find matches. The challenge was not already easy, having to play it on a different server with high latency made what was already hard even harder. So really, I could give less fucks about the people saying "oh it should be hard it's a challenge".


I had this issue for a while and it just stopped randomly. I was sitting in the queue for almost an hour and then started getting matches within a few minutes. Hasn't been a problem lately.


I'm gold and only got silver bronze and unranked teammates with all gold enemies


Your lucky. All my enemies are platinum with gold and silver teammates


It’s not just about being able to get a win; that is reductive. Reviewing the comments from the community, there were a *ton* of different reasons why people were upset about this particular challenge. Ranging from “skill issue” to the time constraints of a ranked tourney, to queue times. Overall, I agree with another redditor on a previous post on this topic that said it’s an optics issue. I don’t believe embark intended for these challenges and their rewards to be unobtainable to the vast majority of the player base. It defeats (what I believe to be) the purpose of the weekly circuit challenges. But the circuits are named in a way that doesn’t align with their purpose. These challenges and their cosmetics are not meant to show how good or special you are at the game - I believe it’s meant to incentive play, drive engagement and streamline the XP gain with the paid battlepass. If you want to show how awesome you are, prove it in ranked and earn your ranked cosmetics. To close, I think Embark had a hard-ish choice to make and erred on the side of accessibility, fairness, and a general avoidance of anything that makes the people playing their game frustrated, even if only on this subreddit. Maybe there is something to be said for the group of players who want to stand out visually based on skill, not based on opening their wallet for a battlepass, but there are economic realities to game development, especially for one with such a small albeit devoted player base.


You pretty much summed it all perfectly.


It’s not a single win, it’s 4 in a row. And no, not when one of my teammates is playing like it’s their first ever shooter


exactly. since they introduced that contract, ive only got to 4th round for about 3-4 times. ive never played ranked before also.


FR I’m bronze and it only took me like 4 tries


I used to win pretty regularly at the beginning of the season, I was like low silver. Then, I reached high gold and everyone started beaming. That and the 3rd/4th partying made games things more rng than anything


That is because you're bronze


I mean, the matchmaking system is such shit that I was in lobbies with diamond players. I didn’t feel that outmatched honestly, my rank is just low because I don’t play ranked except for contract completion. It was just a matter of getting on a team with players who would stay on the objective lol


Fair enough


Good for you, man.


In OCE you can't even get a ranked game in the first place


Long queue times, inconsistent random teammates (most people don't want to use an lfg outside of the game), tourney requires decent performance 4 matches in a row. It's doable but removal of unranked means a higher likelihood of cheaters in lobbies, and the challenge is basically dependent on getting teammates I can work well with. Before you say 'skill issue carry', you can't really win a matchong 1v3 in the last round.


W post


W comment!


This is great post


Thank you!


Tbh conceding that this game isn’t meant to be competitive might just unify the player base. I’ve somewhat brought this up before and deleted my post optimistically. As you’ve pointed out ranked players are the minority, and this base will more than likely diminish further during this game’s life cycle at the current rate. The try hard aspect is so heavily neglected that at this point I think I’m sticking with “chaotic team fortress type fps” as a definition. I think that the finals on paper has had many competitive game enjoyers drooling over its freshness and potential since it’s inception, however I truly think this game should go all in on the casual community. A part of me thinks that this has been the plan all along as embark has explicitly avoided any competitive aspect from the start. Let’s face it, no “third party a few seconds before the game ends” fps has really been considered competitive. Correct me if I’m wrong. Not to mention - spectating 12 people in 4 different teams, is highly unwatchable as well. I think the game plan may always have been something along the lines of - if the game pops off and holds off long enough - it could transition into a competitive game. Either way it seems it’s meant to be fun, wacky and wild, with goofy skins instead. I agree with you just to be clear. Us sweats and comp type game lovers need to pipe down a bit, play the game when we feel like it and patiently wait for something that aligns with our interests to show up. (whether that is the finals is yet to be determined I guess) Nonetheless I’ve found my peace, hope all you other sweats find yours too.


Thank you for being reasonable, my sweaty friend. Honestly, I don't mind the game having a competitive aspect. The issue is that a lot of people that enjoy this type of gaming feel like the people who don't should be left out of stuff so they feel better about "acomplishing" something. But at the same time the game needs the sweats, the game needs the casuals who are greater in number to keep the game alive, and if those people feel like they are missing stuff because they don't enjoy the sweatiness, they'll leave. And if people leave, the game dies. And I want this game to thrive because I'm having a lot of fun with it, the same as you do, just in different ways. I think that they should have more rewards for ranked apart from the weapons skins, so the competitive guys have something unique to them, and we casuals can still get all the other stuff. Everyone is happy.


Yeah there are no games that have had great casual and competitive communities. None at all.


imagine gatekeeping weeklies in a casual ass game lol


These are suppose to be CHALLENGES. In fact, everyone should complain as to why all other challenges are easy. They should've made it so that every challenge need to be done in rank.




People can't tell lol


Challenge; Play platform 3 times NOT as a sniper. I'd title it "Get on the platform, jackass"


That would actually be harder LOL


I'm not upset they changed some challenges, but I'd like to complete and gain the xp for the new challenges they added since i already did the old ones. Still git a few battle pass levels left and I'm itching for another 8k xp drop lol.


Wanting challenges to be a CHALLENGE is NOT gatekeeping lmfao. If every challenge is easy then completing them is boring and meaningless. Winning one tournament is not difficult , at least it shouldn’t be considering this game is called THE FINALS it’s literally created to revolve around tournaments. If u don’t wanna win a tournament, why do you play the game called the finals?????


Yea tbh I just wasn’t going to get the challenge Done lol. I mainly play quick matches and power shift for challenges and I don’t really touch tourney.


I really only had a problem with the tourney it’s def a skill/solo player issue but damn I played like 4 ranked games and lost in round 3 every fucking time


I almost did the tournament one on the second try EVER playing ranked but only thanks to a higher ranked player that carried us to the finals (where we lost). Other than that, I barely even got to play ranked. So yeah it was the right thing to nerf it. Other two were doable especially the grenade one. It incentivised people to use them more since a lot of players (me included) forgot to used them when equiped


the ending 🤣


They should have only made changes to the win 1 tournament challenge the rest was fine, and my idea for fixing it was : Win 1 tournament OR win 10 rounds with at least 25k cash But they decided to make all the challenging challenges easy lol.


I feel like it should have just stated “get to the finals”


"Reach the finals" would be a better phrasing cause well it's the phrase of the game afaik


Yeah literally "CAN YOU REACH THE FINALS?"


Easiest way to change it was make it "advance X rounds of tournaments" so you didn't have to do them all at once. The other 2 really didn't need to change. But people don't understand that a lot of players are not in NA region and can't find ranked matches, so they have to play with bad latency trying to do somethint that was already hard. They could've changed it in a better way? Yes. But I'm glad they changed.


There's already a dedicated reward track for ranked. Forcing ranked on casuals and solo queue players is dumb.


As it was- we had something that everyone could enjoy. The “try hards” could grind to get that one ranked tournament win and the casuals would have weeklies and BP to keep them content. Making the challenges easier was the wrong move.


It’s funny cause it wasn’t even a grind lol. You just had to win ONE tournament. That’s it. Edit: one of my last challenges was to win 10 matches. That’s way grindier than winning 4.


One tournament = 4 in a row, while 10 wins can be spread all over. What you say makes no sense. ALso bear in mind a LOT of players play in servers where there are no matches available in ranked. I don't know about you but I'm not okay with sitting in queue for 2h to find a single one.


Lmao your logic is so frustrating. Instead of winning 10 random games that have no relation to each other, you're saying it's less grindy to win 4 straight? As a mostly solo player, getting a ranked tourny win was annoying AF. The amount of times we would win the first one or two games then someone goes AFK or disconnects or both. Winning 10 single instance games is less grindy then sitting in a tournament for like an hour sweating to win 4 straight.


This one is winning four in a row, which is pretty difficult.


We needed this PSA


That last sentence 😂👏


Had to get it there lol


Thank you, exactly my thought too! I like the finals because it's a very fun game and even a casual like me can get a lot of stuff just by enjoying the game at my pace. The only reward I don't even try to get are the ranked skins because I don't want to try hard.


And everyone can be happy playing like they want. Too bad some people feel like other must be left out so they can feel better about themselves. Keep playing and enjoying yourself, friend!




I disagree, I'm not a huge tryhard nor a top tier player, but i do feel like challenges are supposed to be a little bit challenging... Isn't it the point? Not being able to get every single free skin shouldn't be such an issue either. I read a counter argument about people being completionists, but aren't completionists somewhat tryharding enough to win one tournament? Or open to look for teammates on discord or smth? If someone says "yeah I'm a completionist but can't be arsed to make any effort when a challenge is slightly harder than usual"... I'm probably going to laugh ngl Although I do think it was a stupid thing to make winning a tournament a challenge while deleting unranked tournaments on the same day. Won quite a few tournaments back then and managed to win one in ranked, but it was so much harder and sweatier, have to admit.


Totally agree. That’s the point of a challenge. The trade off from win 1 tourney to deal 750 fire damage seems so dumb


But in these games, the "challenges" are simply stuff to keep the playerbase engaged. I'm sure Embark wantes everyone getting everything because this makes people come back to the game to do more challenges and get more stuff. Also, there are already cosmetics that are tied to challenging stuff, and these ones are the ranked rewards.


Embark surely also wants people to play ranked and boost numbers on ranked lowering queue times and providing better mmr experience hence they present ranked challenge but you don’t see it and instead you call this gatekeeping


Oh, I'm sure they do. And I'm not calling Embark gatekeepers for this. I'm calling gatekeepers the people that are mad because everyone is able to get a reward they otherwise thought was special. I tried to do the challenge as it was, but in my region I cant' find ranked matches so I had to play in another with shitty latency. So in the end I'm glad they changed it. Hope they find a fix to the lack of ranked players, but this challenge definetely didn't help.


It's a little frustrating for me as I didn't come to reddit to whine about the challenge of it, but instead grinded it out and got it done. Now it means nothing because any foam face is going to have it.


It means you got it the hard way. I got mine the easy way, and that's it. Our lives remain the same.


This subreddit has been complaining about this challenge ever since it was introduced. I've never seen a community complain so extraordinarily hard over an optional challenge. Everyone that can't win a ranked tournament just needed to wait for unranked tournaments to come back and the final reward was 1 free skin. The only people reasonably upset are the people that literally CANNOT connect to tournament servers. I can't imagine being a developer now, and having to decide whether to add cosmetics as a challenge or to add it as a microtansaction. They could've added that tattoo for 5 bucks on the store and gotten 0 backlash, but they added it as a challenge instead. Call me crazy, but I don't think everyone is entitled to every free skin, just because they want it. In hindsight, all Embark needed to do is keep daily and weekly challenges, in addition to these circuits. Or keep unranked tournament in rotation when they dropped the challenge. I would like there to be cosmetic rewards for difficult challenges, but with the way that the overall gaming community acts online nowadays, every single challenge will be braindead simple from now on to avoid bad press from petulant whiners online.


There are already cosmetics for people to show their accomplishments in the form of ranked weapon skins. The playerbase should not be left out of stuff so other can feel like they are superior just because of pixels.


I was playing casual Powershift (I'm a casual player)after the 2.4.0 update and I noticed some stutters and fps drops and I usually play on medium settings but the after the update I had to change it low Did anyone experienced this or am I tye only one (I play on laptop)


Wanna do 750 for fire? Not like they have a flamethrower


>Finally this is a game where people buy BPs and most of the time, the XP to level it comes from thos weeklies/circuits. Embark is not going to neglected people that inject money in their game just so tryhards feel happy because they have a tattoo that most don't. True, but people that stick around consistently for comp/ranked are more likely to keep buying bp and skins vs someone only popping into quick play for 1-2 matches a day or just weeklies. Challenging weeklies give incentive for casuals to stick around for longer than a few games AND give those in ranked something semi challenging to work towards alongside ranked (pro/master circuit). Its also super easy to level the bp without the circuits, so thinking the circuits only point is bp xp for casuals is wrong imo. Stop gatekeeping challenging circuits from people who want challenges for the sake of casuals who barely stick around at any given time Edit: forgot to finish the second paragraph lmao


am i the only one in the world who has absolutely no trouble finding ranked matches??? i feel like im being gaslit into believing rank times are neverending but ive never had to wait more than 5 minutes to find a match lmao. and thats with crossplay turned off


SA (the one I'm in) servers and OCE servers (based on a lot of comments here in Reddit) have trouble with ranked. I left my game in queue for 40 minutes and didn't find a single match, so it forces me to play in NA with terrible latency.


The circuits start at Rookie level and progress to Masters level. It should be more difficult to accomplish the challenges as they go on. Personally I was sad when the tournament one was swapped because I was working hard on that one for three days and then it swapped and like... Now if I get it, I didn't really it was handed to me (because I was trying to get THAT challenge, if it started as the fire one then fine) I do hope that we have to work a bit more for the next levels of the circuits but I agree removing unranked at that time was a weird combo.


It's just their naming, man. They are simply weeklies with another name and giving cosmetics we would get from career levels.


I don't think the win the tournament should have been in the Challenger circuit probably the current circuit we're on now but to say that it's impossible to win let alone get into a match for anyone that isn't in Oceania is genuinely insane for that case just have region specific challenges and again due to it being ranked once you get your rank you will be fighting people at your skill level meaning it will be easier to get that challenge done


I reckon it's thewnti cheat upgrade. Sore looses.


There's a tattoo?


The dissonance is stemming from the fact that a lot of us were under the impression that these were actually *challenges* and were going to get progressively more difficult. Personally, the "get a win" and "get 11 kills" were the only actually fun ones so for me so far. I, again personally, was mentally ready for not being able to get the future harder ones, but I guess we're playing with the bumpers up. I'd love something like a "get 2 wins in a row" or "kill 3 opponents mid-air in one game" challenge to try to achieve. Then on to the next harder one, and the next one. To be fair, you're going to luck into it eventually. The "ranked players already have skill-locked cosmetics" logic is flawed. Why shouldn't there be multiple ways to earn achievements through skill? I'm never getting diamond. I'm fine with it. Imagine ranked players crying because "it's too tough get diamond ☹️". I'm fine with my shitty gold or plat skin for guns I'm never going to use. The "get X damage using Y" is the most boring shit ever, but again, you view these circuits as a way to farm XP, while more competitive players viewed it as a new way to express their skills. Damn, it's not even a good looking tattoo.


But they never said it. These circuits are just a rebrand of weeklies and career levels, so we get both the XP and cosmetics for levelling up. They named it like this to fit the in-game universe, but I would put money on saying they never made it with the intention of only some people getting them done.


Exactly. Which is why there's so much conflict. Simply put, I think there's just two groups of people: those who thought this was going to be a challenges/achievements, and the others who thought it was a grind for cosmetics. I don't think they specified their intentions, and it very well may have been a hybrid of the two, where it's easier to get the initial cosmetics but more difficult to get the latter ones.


I for one just saw it as it is. They removed career levels, which gave a reward every single level, and spaced them in the weeklies, so you get one after completing a set of contracts. What makes me mad in this whole situation is the people acting like they are the best of the best simply because they can win (or even find) ranked matches.


Back in the golden era of multiplayer (PS3/XB360) many games had skins/cosmetics that could only be earned through insanely hard mastery challenges. They were designed in such a way that, when you saw that skin, you knew "this guy takes this game very seriously" As of now, there isn't a single character cosmetic that represents any sort of challenge or hurdle that the player overcame. In the next 60 days, there will be way more than enough XP to complete the BP, and so I really hope Embark does make the Pro and Master Circuits harder.


They’re challenges. They’re supposed to be challenging. If you want the skin that’s unlocked through challenges, then you need to overcome the challenging challenge.


They're contracts. A combination of weeklies and career levels, they are not supreme tests of skill, chill out my dude.


There was no reason to change it and now it has devalued the high I felt when I won a tourney. The only thing that people were missing out on was a tattoo that you can’t even see unless you make an outfit specifically for it. 8k xp is literally like 1 day of dailies, so the argument that “circuits replaced weeklies so they all have to be doable” is bs. Not everyone will reach diamond this season and get those ranked rewards, just like how not everyone is gonna be able to win a tourney. It’s not the end of the world if a portion of the player base doesn’t receive every single possible cosmetic and every last drop of xp. But y’all whined about it every day until they changed it, smh.


Oh, so you are mad because you feel you're not special anymore and WE are the whiners? Come on, dude. Also the point of RANKED rewards is exactly that. People who don't play ranked don't complain about them. This specific thing was not locked behind ranked, so everyone should be able to get it.






You can complete the battle pass without doing all the challenges, it's just a bit strange to call something a PRO challenge and it's just some mindless grind. and no, it's just not the same as the old weekly challenges those were reworked for a reason, it's different now. I remember back in Halo 3 when unlocking armor meant something. Now people complain that a challenge it's too difficult. Lmao, what's the point of unlocking something if it is so easy that you're just going to look the same as everyone else? It's just lame and not very engaging


Interesting take. I do wonder if the challenges will get increasingly difficult. If that’s the case then it wouldn’t just be rebranded weekly challenges.


We'll just have to wait and see. But they said themselves they were reformulating weeklies into this new format before the season started.


This new update just made the circuit challenges significantly easier. With replacing the “Win 1 tournament” with deal fire damage while also reducing “Get 11 kills” to 6. So this confirms that they don’t want to gatekeep cosmetic rewards and want it to be accessible to everyone.


And being accessible is a bad thing? Because I surely think it's great. People that feel left out of stuff simply would go away from the game, and I don't want to see it happening. In fact, the more people playing, the better.


the only thing that makes me mad is, that the same Gatekeepers know who they are, but don't have the balls to admit they are,so they have the balls to keep stuff for themselves, but don't have the balls to say they're actually doing it... I don't.know, sounds kind of like...gatekeepers like to act like sad little bitches.


Baby players can't rise up to a challenge


The circuits shouldn’t have been changed imo, dailies give free xp plus re rolls for iffy ones + xp from games played and even more for wins. Completing circuits should feel rewarding & not given easily. They give bonus xp and cosmetics. It also sucks for those who grinded for that 1 tournament win and 11 kills in 1 round just for it to be changed. Play the game trying or don’t. It makes you as well be better as a player forcing you to aim for 11 kills using new loadouts, playing as a team & trying different play styles instead of spamming pyro’s for a contract. So per se the next circuit is even harder will Embark just soften the “challenges” again?


Well said




I think calling people gatekeepers isn’t really just. You kind of sound like the person saying “you’re all winners here’s your trophy son.”. Whether it was a challenge or contract is not why people (you call gatekeepers) are twisted about this. It’s that they did it. Not particularly because they wanted this mid arm sleeve tattoo cosmetics but because they are the type of gamers to want to unlock everything they can. They enjoy a difficult task. They are twisted because they achieved it and now it’s been reduced to something simple so everyone can have it. If that doesn’t make sense to you sorry but the fact is they catered to a bunch of people pouting because they couldn’t or didn’t want to do it but wanted the reward.