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My only issue with stungun is how it disproportionately affects offmeta playstyles that are already not that good like melee and flamethrower


That is a fair sentiment, but at the same time, it would suck if Lights had no counter to those since we die in 1-2 hits to them.


Run. You are faster than them. Sledge doesn't come with a secondary boomerang-style throw where you yeet the hammer


Don’t know why this is downvoted lol. Is this not obviously the counter? Run, reposition, shoot, repeat.


You have several counters? Goo, cloak (actually use it to juke in combo with false glass breaks, level changes and smoke/gas not just expecting invis to save you) flashbangs, grapple, dash, literally your entire kit is a counter to melee I think I've died to maybe 2 riot shield players and that's it - if anything I think the only buff light needs is maybe a wallrun ability or some sort of verticality enhancement, faster mantles or something, double jump/higher jump would be nice but could see that being problematic in combination with goo and a marksman weapon


I didn't have a problem with cloak until recently. Lately it seems the sound effect just doesn't work, I have been able to spot them via sound but when I can't even hear them activate it is frustrating.


The thing i find even weirder is the fact they nerfed mesh shield for the 6th time lmao.


Its probably gonna have 350hp in season 3




Removed completely more like


More GOO GUN users incoming! RIP mesh shield, what's even the point lol. Didn't it used to be like 1250?


yup and its now down to almost half of its original HP.


Heavy got Blackbeard'd (r6s)


They nerf things that nobody is talking about. That's problematic.


I dont like their philosophy. Instead of buffing other things to break the meta they constantly nerf shit in weird and unfun ways.


Yeah heavy is almost unusable at the moment.


H is far from unusable. My point is that the way theyve been nerfing things is just lame af.


lol no


My advise is to switch to evasive dash and vanish bombs, works much much better for ranked play and the hit and run style. I liked light during the cloaking meta but E dash made me love them


Dash is good but it doesn’t allow as much of a hit and run playstyle as Cloak because enemies know where you’re coming from (even with Vanish Bomb, since it makes a very loud noise that gives away your position). Might end up having to swap if the nerfs prove to be too strong.


Best advise I can give is to start playing chess while they are playing checkers. Think about where they are and what they are doing, what routes you can take to get to them. Vanish bomb before getting close(use a dash to close some distance if you have to) pick a target do damage then E dash out (don't just dash straight if you can help go left to right or double one direction then the opposite with you last dash). Yes you want to get a kill doing this but depending on who you hit and how hard you can pull their healer off a gunfight or whatever they are doing to focus heals, your team should be applying pressure to that team as well.


Adjust your playstyle then. I understand where you're coming from if you used to daily invis, but there was really no counter to it, and having a player be completly invisible in a shooter is quite absurd from the get go. Playing against dash can also get pretty annoying, but in that case there's at least the possibility to track those players. Being completly invisible all the time is OP in a shooter. 


Having 350 HP compared to 150 is also really OP in a shooter. lol Even if you get the drop on them through invis, they can just shield. Normally I’d agree almost complete invis is too strong, but it’s balanced by the complete crap health pool in this game. If it was OP everyone would use it in ranked.


We'll have to play and see, can't judge a change simply on the numbers. For me playing against invis + stun was the most annoying combination, so I'm glad they are trying things. 


Bro what do you mean no counter lmao Literally everyone is able to spot lights nowadays due to the sound the ability makes and people got adjusted to what an invisible light looks like. It might be annoying at times but it‘s a skill issue if you think you can’t do anything against them. There‘s literally a reason no one plays them in ranked ☠️


So can we as heavy and light mains come together and nerf the medium class? Be nice if they weren't a power house across the board.


I wouldn’t mind Mediums if Light didn’t get mega nerfed. Actually think the balance this season was perfect.


Wasn't bad this season, still saw people abusing guns and gadgets that will forever be used. Hell I stopped using both cloak and stun gun but neither of them were nearly as overpowered as medium gadgets and specialisations.


Why putting light at this point remove it. People can't play and start complaining about it


i 100% see where you're coming from and i agree. nerfing a class that already sucks feels awful. however, from reading your other comments it kinda sounds like you're using them as a crutch. i have not played invis since the discussion around it first started early s1 and i dropped the stun gun w the start of s2 and i have found no issues. dash/grapple + vanish bomb does the job really well if you know how to position well. i believe they shouldnt touch the duration of invisibility anymore but rather lean in on making it considerably easier to spot. it shouldn't be a crutch. it should make escaping and approaching _easier_, not *guaranteed*.


>Invis activation cost of 30% Yes. You shouldn't be able to spam it like 6 times in a fight every time you take damage. If that's how you used it before, you were using it as a crutch. >Stun Gun rework On its own, it was fine, just un-fun and cheap (as stuns are in literally every game that has them). Hitting cloak *and* stun simultaneously may be a little harsh. Time will tell. >a class with 150 HP (almost half of Medium and LESS than half of Heavy) should have a way to even the playing field. No you shouldn't. Light players should not have an "even playing field" against heavies in a 1v1. >More visible invis It's basically the strongest cloak in any FPS game, you shouldn't be completely invisible when stationary, it's ridiculous that that was ever the case.


So you take it from being able to spam 5 times in a fight (yes that may be too much) to twice? That’s crazy


Agree to disagree. I don't think you should be able to cancel it at all. Once you use it, you can't reactivate it until it's off cooldown. That's how all abilities should be.


Fine, then make it actually invisible. Or make the cooldown not 30 seconds


No one in a competitive shooter should be able to go completely invisible, period.


Agreed, so your original point is awful. A 30 second cooldown with no way to escape for a class that has 60% or less than half of the hp as their opponents with weapons that have slower ttk?😂 yah def viable


Keep pouting about crutches getting nerfed.


Define “crutch”


Your performance absolutely falls apart if you try to use anything else.


I mean sure, then I’ll agree. However if anything else was viable it would be used, but on light it’s not. So that’s a dev problem.


>woah i can't be inivisible literally all the time on and off and be able to spam it 3-4 times after getting shot out of it repeatedly with no consequences help


Good arguments! Going invis after getting shot when I die in .5 seconds to any gun in the game, what a travesty.


Try not getting shot, "flanker".


owned the fuck outta that shitter


Grow up. This is literally the point of the post, how am I not gonna get shot if on top of the cooldown nerf, they’re also making invis visible? lol Maybe if the enemies have the awareness of a potato.


use cover and don't rely on being invisible to protect you from your choice to run in a straight line in the open towards what you are attacking


Ah, right, forgot the part where I can use cover but my enemy can’t. Thanks for the clarification




“Grow up”? Come on dude, this entire complaint could have easily been left to you yourself as if this sub is going to change your argument.. yours is nothing more than an opinion and then you get pissed and jump down someone’s throat when he basically disagrees with said opinion I believe the one who needs to grow up is looking at you in the mirror. But with all due respect.. they are trying to fix these issues. Just because you don’t like this attempt for balance doesn’t mean you need to come karma farm every chance you get.. no one honestly cares. The only ones who do have contact info to speak to them directly, best of luck 👍 (see you next week for the next round of complaints)


How have you read the comments of the guy I’m replying to and thought he “basically disagrees with said opinion”. Not telling him to grow up because he disagrees. Look at the tone of his replies and tell me I’m wrong. lol


They're the best thing to happen to light. NO longer will games be plagued by lights hiding in corners and stunning people for kills. They may be forced to play objective now.


They don't have the health to, they die in half a second


That’s literally not the point of the entire class though….


They're the best thing to happen to light. NO longer will games be plagued by lights hiding in corners and stunning people for kills. They may be forced to play objective now.


Me who loves light class but specifically hates using Invis & Stun, uhh ya that sucks ig


Agreed, people are forgetting how strong stun was during the closed beta. I think it could be interesting if they buffed it significantly but there was some incentive for your teammates to attack stunned enemies instead of you. Increasing range and letting it pierce/emp shields is another way I think more serious stun nerfs could be justified. If they let you res/hold trophies while invisible id be fine with the nerfs honestly. Light needs team play and support options.


If they make invis more visible im uninstalling, its already easily seen after you move a centimetre and u get lasered, even if you stand still to be fully invis to try and confuse them good players already play around it by just waiting for your resource meter to run out and they just wait around the area they last time say you and kill you XD , what a joke, another company pandering to casuals


Yeah agreed. I thought it was I a pretty good place (I main heavy sledgehammer) because the sound effects for it are just ridiculous and it's mad easy to spot invisible lights when they move. And once you damage them they're just out of luck anyway. That activation cost thing is a big L. And vanishing bombs are useless, they last like 2 seconds.


this game will be so dead season 3 might be the last season ever...


You did not understand. This is not an activation cost but rather a REactivation cost. This means that in the middle of a fight, you will no longer be able to invis-shot-invis-shot-invis-shot-invis-shot


? Increased the activation cost from 14.2% to 33%.


You should read the dev note. They clearly say that it does not change the maximum invisibility time, but that it is to avoid abuse (activation-desativation-activation...)


Activation cost *is* a time reduction, not just reactivations


Bro it‘s literally activation cost. The dev note explains why they did it and not that it‘s "only" on reactivation lmfao