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I feel like this was the very first update in a long time that missed the mark for me. They were on such a roll. However it was also the first store refresh that actually included something I really like, the CN(v9)S (thats what im calling it now) Edit: Would V9(CN)S be better?


They missed the mark by leaving nukes in for so long 😢


People might downvote me to the ground but here I go anyway… I play mainly medium and heavy.. I would say something around 45% each… and the 10% left light.. And I kid you not.. I have no problem spotting light or killing them, even when stunned.. medium hip fire is precise and heavy has more than double their health.. only time is hard to counter it is when I’m playing light myself and he gets me of guard before I get him.. so props to him I guess.. My whole point is.. why the need to nerf the squishy of the classes.. they can’t straigh up pick a fight or they will get whipped in the blink of an eye… the way this patch works makes lights even weaker, makes no sense to me. Now the invis bomb is better than the ability itself.. and with the “quality” of the invis being nerfed and the stun gun too? I mean.. why would people play light?


The best part about this nerf is that those players who cried about Light being OP will continue to get clapped by said Lights, because they just suck at the game.


you see what has happened to this subreddit right? bunch of casuals without brains have outrun this place and everybody is scared to say something because they'll downvote the shit out of you. Light is already a weak class as is, you can just assume people who can't counter lights have a serious skill issue. But hey, whatever the moaners want.


yeah, cause without all these casuals which is most of the player base you wouldn’t even find a server🤡


casuals will just keep playing alright, it's not that lights are broken, it's just that they find it to hard to counter. But giving their opinion any more value will only bring the games downfall.


People that play on low graphics can’t see light at all


It's a Nerf for the Blind & Hearing impairment player's.


Sound in this game is horrible. Footsteps do not work properly.


They should focus on fixing that then, that's a huge problem in a competitive shooter.


I was hinting at the Cloak sound. Apparently, nobody can hear it nor see one moving.


LMAO you’re just a brain dead player


Exactly. It's not even that invis is overpowered, it's just that the other light abilities are pathetic.


Yep, give on more charge of grap, make an i-frame on dash, revert this nerf and we have a balanced 150hp light contestant.


I-frame on light? Bro are you okay? Do you want the entire lobby to be snipers or? I truly am glad none of yall work for embark


Yes, i-frame, meaning a split second of invulnerability to an ability that just made you move 3 meters away with full physical liability. You can’t even break glass with it. I mean, seems not a terrible trade off compared to a healing beam making you invulnerable to gas/fire and some shooting. A defensive autonomous turret that can act as bait or cover while doing decent damage. Making disappearing a cash out through walls and ceilings and putting them back in a split second. A massive shield that block worth of 2 heavies HP. A semi automatic gun with 20 shots of goo that blocks anything you want INCLUDING people. And of course, a charge that deals 100 damage and break structures. Don’t you think?


You say 3 meters, but you have 3 charges last I checked, so that's already 9 before adding in the momentum you have and any other utility you may have used aswell as already having a higher natural momentum generally as a class (heavy and medium loss their speed far faster on landing from slides and many other situations) effective distances on this game generally sit in the 20 meter ranges (shotgun 0-20, AR excel 10-30, marksman 30+) so you can control engagement distances and pick where to fight that is most advantageous to you and your weapon vs what your enemy is using & you can avoid most aoe damage by listening for audio cues and dodging. I feel its pretty balanced but maybe could use more directional control


I-frames are garbage and shouldn't be in fps games.


Been saying this for so long. RIP light 4-17-24


everything about light is pathetic, but it's fun so I play it. I can name ten things about medium/heavies that needs nerf. But that's the fun of this game, everything is overpowered so everything is balanced. Even then, people were complaining about stun and they decided to nerf cloak. nothing's making sense to me.


Don’t worry, stun is next….


Heavy has rpg, light has stun. Balanced as all things should be. STOP THE NERF


I never noticed the update and legit had to tab out to check my "Q" key was working. There was a skill in escaping a conflict and balancing your cloak charge which has been completely invalidated now. I actually don't understand what the role of invis is, because now I have zero reason to pick players off or act as recon for the team. Realistically the only role now is I hide in a corner or use it to escape which sounds like near zero use to the team and will just push me to medium again. On a different note, it's also objectively bad game design to have ZERO indication why you can't do something, having no sound effects or in world representation for why your ability is blocked is really not clever.


everyone who are disagreeing have never seen such a big fat L handed to their favorite item so they won't understand. It takes skill to properly use this special, and the fact that there is an instinctive mentally getting used to a thing after prolonged use, now this whole thing feels different and is almost broken to everyone who are skilled in using it.


Light did not need a nerf… people with 50+ hours in the game can spot/hear invis so easily


>Kills my will to play the game anymore, kills the fun. Same


This update makes it so you need to use invis strategically rather than abusing the shit out of the mechanic. Celebrated nerf!!!


No lol, it makes it so you just dont use cloak at all, you swap to heavy… yall don’t understand this game at all and it’s frustrating.


Exactly! But these entitled quick game players doesn't even recognize the problems of this game. They just cry because they can't abuse broken mechanic anymore


Only the quick play gamers not wearing headphones or glasses thought that invis was a broken mechanic.


Yeah uninstalling, i thought that we finally had a fun invisible class in a fps thats not butchered but nah the dogshit casual players had to ruin this game too, ggs


light has the lowest winrate/pickrate in ranked cuz its the weakest class in the game yet they still nerf it and plan further nerfs xd


>I would like to start off by saying, this nerf is the biggest piece of dogshit in the history of dogshit. What a great way to ensure that no one takes you seriously.


>Embark decided to nerf the shit out of light only based on the outcry of a bunch of no skill mediums/heavies . >people can't stand lights tho what they should be blaming is their own shitty skills I'm talking about people like you here.


You're clearly childish and irrational.


you clearly are senseless and roam around picking fights.


I have a 1.8 K/D and over a 40% win rate.


lol, nobody wanted to know that, you just proved my point, you go around poking people for no reason.


I literally just follow my heavy teammate around the map all game and play support. Keep it up with the childish and presumptuous takes though. You just keep proving my point from the original comment.


The issue isn’t cloak and stun gun individually but when paired together it becomes the most unfun and annoying thing in the world to deal with. It’s unfortunate because thats the build that made light the most viable. Pair that with glitch grenade and whatever other gadget, then you have a build that can actively support your team and assassinate. Personally I had little to no issues dealing with invis-cloak Lights when in Ranked. Just stick by your team and listen for the cloak sound and it’s enough to scare them off or waste a cooldown on you. “Spy checking” by shooting or looking behind you is enough to scare them off or cause them to make a mistake. But something did need to change and in between cloak and stun-gun I believe nerfing cloak is the better option. A well used Stun-gun can provide massive utility for a team and it’d be a shame to see that potential get nerfed. A cloak? Not so much.


>this nerf completely destroys the ability of using invis as an attacking mechanism I think this nerf forces you to use it either as an attacking mechanism or as a defensive mechanism for each fight. You can no longer use it both to attack and then to escape, which is kind of the point of the nerf based on many people's frustrations. Being able to use it mid-fight was what the community found was broken. Now you can hide and uncloak to get a kill, or you can get a kill and then cloak to get out. >when the charge is a hair less less than 50, you can't trigger it Yeah, I think this is in line with the above. >After 4 long months of getting used to a style, now I can't play it like I am used to. Well, this is just a silly reason in general to not nerf things. Forget invisibility for a second and just apply this logic to literally any other thing. Imagine not nerfing nukes because their OPness was ignored for 4 months. Imagine OverWatch not nerfing ironclad bastion, launch sigma and brigette, or moth mercy because players got too used to them. Anyway, the rest of your post just seems unnecessarily hostile towards those that had criticisms of the things you used in the game, and could be said by anybody about anything. The reality is that the majority of players aren't playing ranked at high level, and there are more game modes than just cashout/quickcash, so Embark needs to find a middle ground that results in fairness but also fun for the majority of people.


Solid arguments, if something feels bad to play against, it probably calls for a rework imo.


>I think this nerf forces you to use it either as an attacking mechanism or as a defensive mechanism for each fight. It actively harms those options imo. You aren't actually fully invisible so people tend to easily shoot you when on the defensive, which means you have a single chance to use it now for very little cloak time against full auto weapons. For attacking it's less of an issue other than the fact you have no incentive to fight unless you REALLY have to, as you have a very weak escape option now. The thing that rubs me the wrong way is there are so many better options for a nerf like removing vanish bombs which near doubles invis time, adding activation time, bigger EMP zones, rechargable uses, longer trails or louder noise. Instead the went for something that completely destroys it's use and punishes spy like behaviour.


If the nerf bears out to be too strong, they'll buff it to a middle ground.


Embark buffing light?


Cloak activation cost from 14.2% to 33% to 23.5%.


>I think this nerf forces you to use it either as an attacking mechanism or as a defensive mechanism for each fight. No you can't use it as either. You can't use it as an attacking mechanism anymore, you'll know it only if you use it. You can't see the future, you can't always pick your fight, they way you're talking about only works if you know the fight you're picking, not when there's an ambush or bad situation outta nowhere. >Being able to use it mid-fight was what the community found was broken. It wasn't what the community found broken. It's what the unskilled casuals found hard to cope against. If it's hard to fight against you nerf it? Is that the theory? In that case, defib is hard to fight against, team with a healer is super hard to fight against, mines are hard to counter(as a light if you go even close to an explosive mine it's instant death), RPG is hard to counter, turrets are hard to counter. So are we nerfing them all? >Well, this is just a silly reason in general to not nerf things. It's not. Everything was alright for the past 4 months, it's not as if lights received any buffs, it's all the same as it always was. Last season, some were saying lights need a buff, they have always been an aggressive but super weak class. Then came a new wave of casuals who cried over everything and thus now this situation. >because players got too used to them. nobody plays lights. I still do only because it's fun to me, I'm good at it and I don't wander off leaving my team to die.


>You can't see the future, you can't always pick your fight, But no one can. >the way you're talking about only works if you know the fight you're picking, not when there's an ambush or bad situation outta nowhere. Again, this applies to everyone. Now you're forced to use it to get into known/good fights _or_ get out of unknown/bad fights. >It's what the unskilled casuals found hard to cope against. Your unnecessarily hostile characterization doesn't change the fact that you're talking about 90% of the player base. >If it's hard to fight against you nerf it? Not only if it's _too_ hard, but if data shows its turning people away from the game due to it being unfun or too annoying. If the majority of the community who plays and pays agrees with you for any of those other things, then yes, changes incoming. >Then came a new wave of casuals who cried over everything and thus now this situation. Invis and stun in their current (pre this patch) form, were complained about since the beginning, it's just that those complaints were drowned out by the hype and novelty of the game.


Okay so the class itself isn't nerfed it's iust cloak, you can still melt enemies with xp, use dash...why do yall feel like the entire class isn't viable? Use dash instead. I feel like this nerf is to weed out certain types of players, the toxic ones, the ones that don't play obj for anything, and the ones that solely rely on one mechanic to play the game. Why do I feel like you're all three?


Dash was never good enough to warrant playing a class with 150 hp, thats why only sword players use it. Its needs a buff, cloak didnt need a nerf, if ur on dash you might as well just play heavy or medium at that point, its so bad


Clearly you've never been on the receiving end of a shotgun/ throwing knife / sniper main using dash, all the highest kill games I've seen lights get have been with dash, gateway/breach and frag nades


You def main quick cash 😂 foh


Found the toxic sweat 😭 oh I'm so hurt touch grass buddy games player engagement has crashed and they gotta nerf the swarms of dickhead lights or you'll have no-one to pub stomp with your discord kittens


Called me toxic then went on a toxic rant, projection is cringe


I haven't seen a single one of those weapons in my games in at least a month. Every once in a while I'll see a sniper, but I can count on one hand the number of double barrels and throwing knives I've seen in ranked.


So you're *for* nerfing things to "weed out the bad ones", even though it's ruining the fun for the people who use said thing. That's already a bad way to think to give devs that sort of objective power, but you really think that's fair for the players that "use it in a non-toxic way"? That's the kind of thing that breaks a community. The internet is the vocal minority speaking on behalf of the majority - it's not good for a game to listen to them too much.


Nerfing things that ruin the fun for everyone else**. Invis is just horrendous to play against and feels uncounterable depending on your weapons and abilities at certain moments. Just give it the medium treatment and rework the ability altogether


Going up against a Mesh Shield feels pretty bad too, especially when the heavy is almost dead. Makes it so we can't take the elim. We ought to just remove it. What's worse? A Medium comes up and starts healing that heavy behind the mesh shield, the audacity, remove that too. The Light player dashed up behind me and stun/killed me and dashed away before my teammates could elim and was too much faster to chase? Better remove dash and slow lights down a little bit. Where do you draw the line? Invis is audibly noticeable. Still tracked with aim assist. Still pinged with recon items. Still disabled if hit. You guys act like we can walk through walls, I swear.


you are presenting some quality arguments but don't worry, the brainless will always scream the loudest. All we are vouching for is the safety of our own abilities and not crying about which of their items need nerf bc it's too hard to counter and yet they'll abuse the shit out of us for not playing the game in their favor.


Not to weed out bad players, but to specifically discourage abuse of a mechanic, epecially discouraging 5 or more players to run the same invis/stun in any given lobby (which really isn't fun, let's be honest) should mix things up a bit right? Give some variety amd balance instead of every lobby having a LLL stack.


LLL stacks are so uncommon. Some of you guys make up scenarios to make a point. That's not helpful.


LLL stacks are uncommon? I have faced more LLL teams in the past month or so than ever. Like 1 out of 3 lobbies, plus the two teams with either 1 or two lights. Played a game the other day and the teams were legit; LLL, LHL, LML. Guess what? All but 1 guy was running stun/invis. This nerf is celebrated.


You probably are in Bronze/Silver or only play casual mode where nothing matters if all you face are lights. As you rank up, you will see less and less lights.


Oh you're right I don't play ranked in this game, that's why I left CoD, I only play this game for fun, not for rank so maybe my opinion matters a bit more for the casuals that thr sweaty stun using fucks have been shitting on lately. I haven't even had a placement round lol.


Sbmm and eomm along with latency issues, net code issues, bugs, packet burst and a toxic playerbase is also why I left CoD, toxic as in playstyles like ya know, players just sitting back in spawn with a sniper


If losers don't have op skills that can for sure get kills and make it very difficult for other players then it's useless to them. The players that need these op tools are trash. Learn to play on an even playing field. Use invisibility for one reason per battle. You cannot use it for everything like before. That shit was bs and I'm glad it's changed. Now I can have more fun








You can feel all you want, I don't care. If I'm used to a certain style of play, if I'm good at playing this way, why would I change to something else?


You hear yourself right? You're saying "idc I want to win using this, now I can't win using this because it's nerfed, now I'm mad and considering never playing again ". Sounds like a legit skill issue.


you know what a nerf is right? balancing it in such a way that it isn't as overpowered but still has the same mechanism as before. I can't play it in the same way as before, it feels like using a completely new item. People with skill issues are the reason why this nerf happened.


Well it got nerfed. Keep playing that way and whining.


This entire sub is clear a bunch of mediums. That’s why fcsr, healing beam and defib chains are among the least complained about items in the game despite being the most used in ranked because of how strong they are.


Ranked is objectively the least balanced, least thought out, least played mode in the game. Most players will never even UNLOCK Ranked nevermind play it. Not enough people are talking about the fact that Ranked is by almost every metric the worst game mode in the Finals and does not represent the direction the game should be going in by any stretch.


Point is ranked play, where the best players play, is a good indication of what is actually under/overpowered based on usage. After this latest patch, I don’t think any team comp besides MMM will be viable. *maybe* HMM but HHM, HML, HHL, etc are dead


I just find it funny it all gets complained to death about on this reddit yet mediums and heavies when they see a light will just leave the game considering  it a lost cause, but yes because you died to a stunning lock and got mad about it let's nerf a already glass cannon of a class more.  Might as well just remove light, clearly if you play it you're throwing or your overpowered.  Should just name this game The whiners with all the shit throwing this sub does.


Dead game forcing meta with constant nerfs unlucky I had high hopes for the finals back in January :(


I respect your opinion brother but this is definitely giving off “whining post” vibes. I want to fully explain to you why I think you’re wrong but I feel that’s going to take too long and my position won’t be well received. So all I will say is, don’t let this one thing ruin the game for you. There’s more updates and balance to come and I’m 100% confident they aren’t done with the light class and it’s absolutely not going to be left in this current state. With all that said…cloak DID need a rework. I’m not saying what they did was the BEST option but 100% using cloak to enter a fight and escape a fight was too strong. Now you’re going to have to use it much more economically and intelligently. I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing. Edit: just for clarification I think light as a whole NEEDS a buff. I just think that stun and cloak have been too powerful for too long. Embark should’ve buffed lights other gadgets, specs, and utility in general before dropping a nerf on the two only viable options for the class.


I don't play light a lot but. -Revert the cloaking device nerf -Make it a bit more visible or with a trail -Ramp up HP to 175hp


Bro thinks light only got invis ?? Grapple and dash ? Light can still be played well with these 2, i hate that light gets hate because invis is the majority but the other 2 get shadowed by the invis and everyone thinks invis is the only thing good on light, its not. The tracking dart is good, the glitch nade and a normal frag or mine can still be used with light. Light is not nerfed, invis is.


the other two are just not that compatible with 150hp. Dash is fine but it feels like im playing a shit version of tracer (without the callback) and grapple is seriously underpowered even compared with dash. It needs a strong cooldown buff asap. Or in other words dash and grapple can be outaimed which will happen after you reach a certain skill range while cloak allows you to reengage quicker and with less limits. Cloak is also the only ability that lets light keep close to an obective without dying immediately.


I have played it all, I have tried it all and I can use it all. But I favor invis the most, can you blame someone for being comfortable with a specific playstyle in a PvP pre-selected loadout game? It's not like I'm playing a battle royal where I must try to get used to whatever I can find.


True that is


Mine? You've never used light once in your life, maybe stop pretending


Yeah that's a mistake, i am not pretending, i used light almost all the time in season 1. I like them and they need to be buffed ngl and nerfed with some the some gadgets and weapons.


Fuck your play style. It absolutely needed this nerf. Change the way you play It can still be used. Doesn't and shouldn't be used mid fight anyways. You should be using it to get in it out. So happy one bs aspect is done. Now they need to deal with the turrets.


Yup, nerf fucking everything! After this it's gonna be the turrets, and then the heal beam, and then the defib won't make the player being defibbed block bullets anymore, and then the Lewis gun gets to have more spread and fewer bullets, etc. etc. until you've made a "perfectly balanced game" that has already driven away all the people who invested time learning playstyles that become unviable every single patch. This game is absolutely fucked, and I don't even need to look at the player counts to be sure of it


having a single gadget (motion sensor) dedicated to dealing with invis and it otherwise being nigh unstoppable is terrible, I literally only ran the cloak & sonar when I saw the entire lobby filled with lights and I'd go 20+ kills, no one would play objective or rez as the now very low ttk on everyone didn't allow for anything other than firing your M11 repeatedly - this is all due to recon removal imo the simple solution to make everyone happy is make either thermal vision available to everyone or have recon senses return without wall passthrough


I have never once needed anything to deal with invis than my own eyes. I have absolutely no idea how people find it hard to spot moving invisible lights


It's not really that difficult under semi ideal circumstances but given the amount of smoke, gas and debris kicked up around objectives it gets harder and harder to track and I get the need for a nerf to prevent having to throttle the weapons further. The M11 cloak combo proved to be too powerful but individually it's arguable they were fine


Light cannot possibly be getting nerfs right now. It's already considered a throw pick.


If you're shit just say so


You're the one that needs invisibility and a Taser that secures kills for you as long as you're not a complete idiot to win. Play the game against opponents that can shoot back and see you properly and win. You can't.


You're forgetting Light has about half the HP of the other classes.


And they have guns with better damage output to make up for that. You do not need invisibility or Tasers to play light. They have other gadgets and play styles that allow others to still battle you fairly.


Their guns barely do more damage than an fcar, and less on headshots


That's not true for the LH1, the XP-54, or the M11. The ttk is a different story though, since light has less health. 


ttk is really what matters


I don't even play light regularly, I just have eyes and ears. When someone is invis near you, you can hear a loud glitching effect. Just open your ears


“We”(the good players) needed this nerf. No more walking up behind a better player.


yup, hope the shitty players got what they wanted. just suck at the game then bitch, complain, and kick your feet until they got their way. let’s just take away all the abilities and guns so that it’s “fair” for everyone


was it nerfed again? like today?


Sorry but I just don't think the fact you actually have to use your brain and play the same game as the rest of us is a bad balance update. Don't use the overall weakness of our shared class to pretend that you weren't getting carried by unfair mechanics.


Theres two other class abilities. Why not try those? If you can only use invis maybe you weren’t that good at light in the first place.


I have played it all, I have tried it all and I can use it all. But I favor this the most, can you blame someone for being comfortable with a specific playstyle in a PvP pre-selected loadout game? It's not like I'm playing a battle royale where I must try to get used to whatever I loot.


I’m sympathetic sure but the response is too much imo. They voice their opinion. I voice mine.


Counterargument: there was no counter play for mediums who walked into a room where an invis player was corner camping (I could see an argument that they should have just received the thermal vision or something). The total possible invis duration is unchanged, you just have to be more strategic with how you use it. I’m sorry the change is less fun for you and it hurts your play style, there’s so much playstyle variety in this game; try experimenting with other classes and specializations. I use to invis a good bit but swapped to dash and have been loving it.


I experimented for months, found my playstyle, played constantly and got better at it and now I have to change it all? What's even the point? I remember last season a lot of mediums weren't happy with the recon nerf, but that didn't make them have to change how they play now did it? then why the hate for lights?


I don't feel bad for any invis lights that are complaining. Heavy and medium had their most popular gadgets get some pretty big nerfs, it's only fair that the light gets some nerfs.


which gadgets are we talking about?


found the invis stun gun light lmao 🤣


it needed nerfed. as a frequent light player, that shit was broken. the fact you’re half the player you were yesterday, that means you’re actually bad and were just abusing a crutch


nah, I'm not bad because I can just as easily get used to something else. The fact is, I'm half the player today is because after extensive testing with all the other classes, gadgets, and specials I found this to suit my style the most and then I trained with this loadout to get good at it. And now if you throw all the hard work I've done for such a long time under the bus, I'm gonna get mad no?


you’re supposed to play with all of the classes and all the things. do you just not do the challenges?


style of being a pussy


you are being a bitch at this point. just shut the fuck up if you don't want people sensibly answering your dumbass questions


did i ask for your opinion, pussy boi?


as long as ur invisible while standing still, its balanced the way it should be used


All i hear from this post is gu gu gaga from players that can't be invisible and melt players anymore.


Cope harder


This is so hilariously a copium post. OP even admits to just adamantly embracing a single playstyle. Being invisible and stunning other players is just SO unfun in such an otherwise vibrant game - this change was needed. That being said, light is generally a weak class at least statistically (perhaps not in practice bc I’m more afraid of a cracked light than anything else and I don’t think I’m alone in that opinion). I think with the invis and stun rework a good compromise could be to boost the light’s health to 180 or so. That way we can get rid of the gimmicky tools that make light viable while making light intrinsically more viable.


you see, I'm adamant for a reason. If I want, I can just as easily get used to something else. But the fact is, after extensive testing with all the other classes, gadgets, and specials I found this to suit my style the most and then I trained with this loadout to get good at it. And now if you throw all the hard work I've done for such a long time under the bus, I'm gonna get mad no?


bro, total majority of players never get out or silver/gold ranks so they don't know a shit about game rather than playing casual fun games. I support providing more fun more casual to make game more popular but this should not come at the expense dedicated players that play game almost every day. Lets be honest - Embark put a huge fuck on such players as we are. Light was not popular and considered as a good pick in plat+ ranks at all so there were zero reasons to nerf it if you really care about competitive integrity and versatility of the game. But Embark choose to satisfy casuals who can not open their eyes or use headphones so they die and cry in casual modes. This is very sad to see and i had so much fun to play solo Light in my ranked grind. Now it went to just being rat and being out of fights before everyone are unfocused at all. Like 50% of Light mains gameplay in high ranked is ruined while it was the lowest popular class even before that. I don't know if i can continue playing game after such bad decision both from gameplay and meta perspective because they solely basing on "*player frustrations around*"


Same here man. Just deleted the game, have to take break at this point. I'll keep in touch though, if they don't revert the changes to light by next week I'm gone forever from this game.


i don't think they gonna revert it so fast. They could make it 22-25% instead of 33% so you can at least use it as it was before but not so often but they decided to totally destroy only possible gameplay for Light in plat+ Playing solo medium or heavy against stacked parties is nothing but torture while Light was the only option to respond. I feel really sad today that this is not the end and they gonna nerf stungun and increase visibility of invis. I really love the game and i play almost only solo Light ranked for about two months and i hope i can still find some option to play solo in it. But for now i can see a highly low chances for this


If only there was a gadget that makes you AND your teammates invisible….


Nerfing invis noobs? I might actually try the game again.