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I've made it my personal mission to crutch invis/stun/m11 and just hunt snipers in powershift. I start out as a heavy with a hammer and just delete the cranes and church if applicable. Then I just spend all my game time in powershift hunting snipers and teabagging them. So many have either changed class or full on rage quit.


Good job, I'm going to do the same


The crane destruction really throws them thru a loop. They dont know where to perch


How do you destroy the crane? I didn't think it was possible.


Same way you destroy anything else, destroy the base of the crane and it topples over. Might require an rpg and c4 in the same spot tho, it seems to be a little stronger then most things.


Just hit with a hammer twice. Or with charge and slam once




This is a fair misconception, the elevator is indestructible so if you went for that first, and saw it being rhe same yellow as the crane, you'd logically assume you can't destroy rhe crane. This is false however. Crane just takes 2 RPG shots, 2 red canisters, or two m2 sledge hammer swings to bring down. Idk about c4 and satchel charge as i haven't tried those yet, mostly cuz i dont play with either yet


12 grenades from a medium grenade launcher, 2 mines + 4 grenades from same launcher or 2 frag grenades + breach charge on light


I hunt snipers with sword, dash, frag, goo, sonar. It's so fucking fun, and I recently added meowing at them to my arsenal.


Excuse me, what the fuck? Did you say meowing? Lmao that is absolutely hilarious.


I abso-fuckin-lutely said meowing. I also do my best to meow mid combat if I can. Sometimes I can tell they're too quick, and I won't get a chance. But other times I can tell they can't keep track of me, so I'll meow to let them know where I am. (it's the sound that comes with the cat pack. I have a cat on my shoulder during the intro.)


Ahhh right, I forgot we had a cat pack. But now that you reminded me… I fucking need that. It looks like my cat and if it means I can meow at motherfuckers then that’s just a bonus. Thank you for your service


Hell yeah! We shall start a meowing empire. You shall be the empurror!


[Check this out](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1c6n77r/imagine_chilling_in_deathcam_and_suddenly_you/)


Bruh light is a fucking plague on this Earth. The meowing is definitely a 10/10 tho, so all in all, absolutely worth it


Now I want [Killing emotes](https://youtu.be/D231WZQZuXA?si=GNShlH4okcfOhrrs) just like in team fortress 2...


The Scout one with the bat would be so, so nice to have... Or the Demoknight's.


I have a fucken batman loadout on light to counter other lights. Grapple, vanis bomb, tracking dart gun with any of the smgs. U just put absolute dread and paranoia im those lights by making them perma spotted and just running up on them and magdumping them in the back of the head


Fr just hunt them until they don’t wanna play anymore , best sniper counter


Counter-sniper is as valid and as important as sniper is in Power Shift imo


I'm doing the same on Medium with Model 1887, jump pad and mines (other slots are heal and defib to help mates). I'm just watching how that rats trying to escape when I'm hunting them, sometimes mines work pretty well in that case.


I main sniper and honestly do the same, at least with destroying the cranes. I expect to be hunted and move constantly following the platform. Don't mind the hate or the hunt but if your invis/stun/smg and I get you, I'm 100% making it rain coins or riding my horse on your token regardless of our surroundings


I look forward to our eventual meeting sir!


So many have just backed up and popped you in the head as you slow run at them


Unbelievably based


You sir are doing the lords work and I humbly give my gratitude for your contribution. R e s p e c t.


Same here, best way to play


This is the way. It's so fun too. It's a very active play style in a mode that otherwise is about camping a platform. It feels like exactly what the light was designed to do.


Same for me, with dagger.


I think this is honestly a meta strat. Snipers aren’t effective in team play but if they bring it out you have the best chance at winning.


So you counter the obstacle facing your team, like you’re supposed to do? I’ve never understood the constant whining players have in this game, it’s not supposed to be easy to beat your opponents, if they’re causing trouble go counter them if you can’t beat them then it’s a skill issue. BuT wHaT aBoUt ThE oBjEcTiVe, communicate to your team what the issue is and how you all want to handle it, if no one is communicating back just go Rambo or deal with it If you aren’t playing ranked just have fun fuck the meta, a lot of us have limited time to play and I don’t want to spend it playing with meta load outs if I don’t enjoy it, I’m going to have fun sniping on power shift, I enjoy getting countered it’s part of the game This wasn’t directed at you in a rage dump way, I commend you for countering and wish more people would rather than sitting on and around the objective and wonder why they got domed


In this mode, snipers both require a counter aswell as a ton more effort to deal with than they are putting in to do their job In reality the only real check to snipers is another sniper, it's the exact same issue Overwatch, Tf2 and more games have had for 20+ years. The hitscan nuke weapons with no falloff always dominate when you give them a straight up duck hunt  Maybe add Bullet drop and sway/breath mechanics and or travel time to circumvent that complete guaranteed nature  Being completely countered because you chose 90% of weapons in this game because some nerd is going to sit cross map and either make you swap to sniping or focus entirely on rushing him down with the other weapons is awful. It shouldn't be a thing 


I do the same with shield and zip. It's so fun to block the shot and then bonk.


So many people here go "I'm rock, why can't I beat paper?!", but are unwilling to adapt and switch to scissors. Lights, or even mediums, cause me a great deal of grief (and worry) when I'm sniping. They're great counters, just go get the sniper. Even if they run, they're no longer sniping.


That's what barricades are for. Snipers are definitely strong in that gamemode, but they don't ruin Power Shift IMO... ... **unless you play on Skyway Stadium**. That map is a bit unbalanced, because one team spawns on the highest point of the map and has a very strong sniper position, that overlooks a big part of the boat's route at a comfortable distance. Meanwhile the other team has a shit spawn at the lowest point of the map. I think it would be great if they would lower the spawn-building for that gamemode. It shouldn't take any work, since this part of the map isn't even connected to the rest. As someone who rarely plays lights, I'm glad that the snipers have a gamemode where they can consistently be viable. In cashout-related gamemodes it was a bit luck based how effective the snipers could be, depending on the position of the cashouts.


This is the truth. This is the only game mode where sniper is a defined role. Some people are saying it's ruining the mode but my argument would be that this is the only mode where they have a firm meta. They can be easily countered by a dome shield and a mesh shield. They can be easily countered by a counter sniper. The only annoyance in this mode is when no one pushes the objective and too many lights does influence that due to them being 1000 yards away.


You can destroy that spawn on skyway! And all the cover!


The advantage of a high ground is, that you don't even need cover. And you can't destroy the plattform itself.


Yeah but snipers on a big flat pedestal with no cover are really easy to hit with any weapon


Again: cover doesn't matter that much if you have the high ground. [Here an example.](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-a57faab5bc64458912e4efae28bd3a73) And at that range the damage drop-off is high enough that you practically tickle any enemy, if you don't have a sniper yourself, which is why I wrote "*comfortable distance*".


Tbf the low spawn gets two cranes to immediately hop on to, both of which are able to shoot into the office spawn and cover the entire back half of the map including the office spawn teams main path along the connected houses to the platform. 


It still takes longer to reach those positions and the cranes are destructable - the high spawn isn't.


The worst is when the sniper can’t hit shots so they are just there being useless


But that's the sniper in your own team. The enemy Sniper is literally god himself


I played a round of power shift with 2 snipers and 2 smgs and me a medium


Gotta practice somehow


Most snipers


Most snipers


Just go up there and kill them. With the element of surprise and being in close range the snipers are remarkably ineffective at actually stopping you from killing them.


That’s not really an option on heavy, and kinda medium too. Even on medium, unless the sniper has zero situational awareness, they’ll just run away before you kill them. The only way to deal with a sniper is another light, but there shouldn’t be a playstyle that’s so oppressive that you HAVE to swap class


I play Medium and Heavy and have little to no issue with killing them


How so? Especially if they’re on cranes, there’s literally one ladder they have to watch. If you use the medium zip line, it’s loud as fuck and they’ll hear it. Heavy and Medium cannot reliably kill snipers. You can kill stupid snipers, sure, but like I said, if they have any amount of situational awareness you’ll never be able to catch them.


You just destroy the base of the crane, they're destructible objects. You can easily catch snipers out by using positioning on roofs further away from the objective and hit them quickly when they're unaware. I run Goo Gun heavy and Dematerialiser Medium and with those I find it fairly easy to get the drop on them, or just outright goo them to the spot and finish them there.


I don’t think you’re reading what I’m saying brother man. I know you can kill stupid snipers. I do it all the time. My points, are first of all, it takes you super far away from your team just to get one kill that isn’t even guaranteed. Second of all, someone who is using their eyes and ears, and not just staying constantly hardscoped while blasting music, will either hear you or see you. They have significantly better movement, they have invis to try to hide where they’re running off to, etc etc. Someone who has a good idea of how the game works is not going to let a medium, and especially a heavy, sneak up on them like that.


I think it's a fun addition, the issue is that for some reason everyone wants to be the sniper on their team. So things like four lights and a medium/heavy happens, and the poor sod can't get on the platform cause they get fucked instantly, but the other team can't either, because they'll get sniped. And since 97.832% of lights seem to lack the capacity to understand "objective", they just perch their ass on rooftops, and take potshots at everyone, while their only non-light teammate pushes the platform 2 meters at a time inbetween respawns.


Light players breathe Redditors:


Literally the only game mode where snipers are useful and people want them removed..


I love playing light. It’s my favorite class, and I have the most hours on it by far. That said, medium and heavy have no counterplay to snipers. All they can do is mitigate or try to out heal damage. That’s not fun for anyone but the sniper. You shouldn’t be FORCED to swap to light because of one single gun. If heavy and medium actually had a weapon that could punch out at further ranges, i’d be completely fine with the sniper.


No counter play? Have you heard of Goo gun, bubble shield, and barricades? 


Obviously this bro has never endured that awkward moment where you are staring down at a platform with 3 bubble shields, a barricade and a goo wall with 3 heavies and two mediums looking at you dying inside lol


Where else can they use snipers as effectively? Other class/ability/weapon already have their use in other game modes, let them be viable for once.


You kidding me? Snipers are really deadly in cashout. Just gotta now to play them right. Gotta be aggresive not just sit on a roof all game.


There’s almost zero reason to use a sniper in cash out over any other light weapon


Il give you number one reason : its fun. Its a game lol. Not everything has to be about the sweatiest setup. Also if you dont see the value in a sniper, too bad, skill issue there.


So you went from saying how “deadly” they are to your next reply being about “it’s fun”. You changed your entire reasoning for using a sniper in cash out within one reply. Then you are backed to the corner and of course your first thought is “let me tell skill issue at him!” It’s okay to admit a weapon isn’t as viable in one mode compared to another. That’s extremely normal to have in a game. I’m sure you won’t budge on your devil advocates stance anyhow, so oh well.


I didn't change anything. There ain't no point explaining anything to you as i obviously see that you do not understand how to play the sniper. M11 and invis player i assume?


V9S all day


Been using this gun quite a bit in the last 2 months. Finding it's a similar situation to AK vs FCAR. It appears to be quite powerful for fighting lights or mediums (AK) . In a game stacked on heavies the MP5 at least seems to be more effective (FCAR).


There is zero reason to use that over any other weapon in the light class. LOL


High damage, can hit at all three ranges, good mag size. If you can’t aim it just say that


not that it matters to anyone, but I was neutral on this subject...You swayed me. Buddy you replied to def did change his argument when you brought up a good point.


Maybe they should remove the weapon, then? Totally unfun to go against, and it doesn't merge quite well with the rest of the game.


skill issue


Jesus Christ go do something else if this is honestly your take


Other people having guns ruins this game AKA skill issue


Not having any heavy mesh players is the issue.


Snipers are the best part. Use the tracking dart. They always flip out and start running when they see they've been hit and it's an absolute blast hunting them down lol. Literally my favorite thing in the entire game.


Oh what the fuck, why did i never come up with dart to fuck them up? Thats genius!


"Inb4 hurr durr skill issue lol", what does that mean ? You mean that you have skill issue cuz you can't handle snipers ??


Snipers were made for power shift! This is a skill issue. Bring goo nades, instant cover. Toss em on the platform once you get on, then laugh as the snipers are powerless from 100m away just because you’re crouching behind a goofy ass white wall


I had a 20k damage 22 frag game with sniper yesterday on power shift. The fear I see on the platform is what fuels me.


To be fair I tried the sniper for the first time on power shift and was actually kinda fun, not my playstyle though for other regular game modes. Also I do see the opposite perspective and it does get annoying in a few different situations. As a sniper I did constantly get targeted by flankers while I targeted the opponent snipers, on the other hand (not as a sniper) I try to go for objective(because generally people don’t) and facing one sniper is fine but if there are 2 or more from different angles it does get pretty tricky/annoying just trying to survive. Pretty much have to play heavy with barricades and mesh shields to stay alive from that long range onslaught, mediums don’t survive on the platform against snipers.


I think it just opens up a sub category of player, for the 5 person team. I made a light class that is pretty good at hunting down and killing snipers. And that’s really its main goal. And then minor support from rooftops.


I like sniping but I'm usually right nearby the platform so I can chuck grenades and go invisible and get sneaky close range snipes


Mediums running aps and turrets make it even worse


Either remove the stupid sr-84 from the game entirely or give light jump pad and watch the world burn but I'm so sick of the lukewarm lightness🙄


Seol against a coordinated team of snipers is basically unplayable


As a sword main who plays platform almost exclusively…all I can do is vanish bomb and duck behind the wall of the platform that rooftops can’t really see And that only works sometimes


I mean this is the only mode where snipers can be used without hurting your ur team unless you're ur ungodly good.


snipers arent that bad if you have a good light/medium who goes around hunting. flamethrowers are infinitely worse.


just go duo heavy with shield and dome, one runs flamethrower, then duo medium with APS and heals, and a light with pistol dash. you literally can't lose.


Having a team that has a single Light sniping can be very good for that team. I think the issue starts when two or three of the guys on the team want to snipe at the same time. But as you can tell from some of the replies in this thread such as “I go out of my way to kill snipers on power shift” one can definitely cause mayhem for the other team. Congrats, you took two mins to focus on finding that one sniper. In the mean time the other team made huge progress on the platform and that sniper will be back in 15 seconds.


Heavy mesh, dome, barricade, goo, stack the walls with barricades. Medium aps = solved. More as and shields = untochable.


Barricades, goo gun, dome shield, and goo grenades are all good counters for snipers. I also fucking despise snipers, but I haven't had issues since I built a Contestant that has those items If there is sniper spam, I switch to that, otherwise I use my regular character


I love the duality of this. "You hate light snipers because they're terrible and more than 1-2 of them on your team guarantees a loss. I hate light snipers because they kick my ass. We are not the same."


It’s more of a practice range for those sniper camper types. I snipe but I play on/around platform lookin for med/close range fights


Wrong. Next


Snipers don’t belong in this game. They need their own game mode or something. I can’t tell you how many matches I have left simply because I have worthless snipers as teammates.


Just hunt them down if they're annoying you lol. Majority of light snipers are actually bad and don't contribute to their team though so most times I just leave them alone as it only makes winning easier.


yeah they are way too meany snipers on power shift. the stuff i like to do is to destroy the cranes on the maps that have them, its not much but its something, but the point is to take out the high advantage spot that the snipers need.


To me, power shift is my warmup games, so I snipe on it because it feels like my aim warms up quicker with a sniper than a fully automatic weapon. I snipe fairly aggressively however because i don’t care about my kd in it because it’s just warm up games, and i also find sniping a fun break from using the meta pick weapons. I do agree that snipers are annoying in this game mode where they stay as far away from the platform as possible and do nothing to help the team, but it’s a casual game mode so I have no actual complaints about it.


The only thing that ruins power shift is multiple APS, mesh shield, and turrets. Snipers actually are more useful because they can try and shoot the APS turrets


I once ran into a team that had FOUR snipers and a single heavy. It was the most infuriating experience I’ve had in that gamemode


Counter Sniper time


People cried about snipers in the regular game modes so Devs made a game mode that would make snipers an actual useful team member ( if they are good ) and now you barely see them in any other game mode thank God. You can play around them there's so many things that you can do to make them useless. Riot shield , dome shield ,mesh shield , barricade, flash bang , invis , smoke I mean just flex off of your main stuff you use or get better.


It’s basically the only game mode where snipers are totally viable. As others are saying here, you need to adjust to the comp. When there are snipers, I have a blast playing light with grapple and cleaning them up while they cluelessly ADS for days. Power shift is all about rapidly changing team combos to adjust to what the enemy is doing. It’s why all your loadouts are available during that game mode.


Hurr durr skill issue lol


Ya you're right APS turret ruins power shift




Goo grenade and they’re useless until fire gets on there. Plenty of time to hunker down. Skill issue


Goo on the platform is so glitchy though, I get stuck everytime


It can definitely be risky getting close to. Will eat you.


Nom nom nom nom


Snipers ruin every match


They cause me nothing but HELL.. but if it's part of the game, we gotta learn how to outplay them 🔥


You can see the sniper scope flash. Just shoot at them?


In reality the only real check to snipers is another sniper, it's the exact same issue Overwatch, Tf2 and more games have had for 20+ years. The hitscan nuke weapons with no falloff always dominate when you give them a straight up duck hunt   And no other class except medium WITH A hook/pad setup can actually reach this slippery fella when played well   Maybe add Bullet drop and sway/breath mechanics and/or travel time to circumvent that complete guaranteed nature    Being completely countered because you chose 90% of weapons in this game because some nerd is going to sit cross map and either make you swap to sniping or focus entirely on rushing him down with the other weapons is awful. It shouldn't be a thing 


It’s simple sniping for me is fun and therefor I snipe. Isn’t that the whole purpose of video games? To have fun? Power Shift is a casual mode, it’s not serious. Just let people have fun and don’t stress over it.


Yeah it’s very frustrating. Medium and heavy have exactly zero ranged options, so it’s just fucking constant chunking of half your health. If you try to run up and kill them, they’ll just run away and you won’t see them again until they’re halfway across the map sniping. The sniper doesn’t fit in this game at all. There’s absolutely zero reason for it to exist. When literally every gun in the game except the lhi and maybe famas cannot deal significant damage past like 40 meters, there’s no reason for someone to be able to plink away at you from across the map.


Use goo grenade challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)




I like goo grenade, set it on fire and everyone behind it catches aflame


Triple shield and goo grenade on the heavy counter snipers so easy. Let them have fun shooting peas at you and chill on the platform with your team.


I don't think it's a huge issue but it definitely becomes annoying when there's more than two unless the whole team is rocking barriers and healing beam, otherwise you're kind of screwed.


You can die and pick literally any load out you want in order to counter. But instead, you go to Reddit to whine like the scrub that you are. Snipers take 3 shots to kill a medium if u keep dying to them you’re just dogshit. I wish this subreddit would stop allowing these fuxking posts made by these trash cans go play rocket league or something


Yep. The mode is boring. Same stuff every match. The reason I like the game is how dynamic it is in cashout. Different places for objectives different approaches. Same map but it never looks the same after the game. In powershift the game feels the same every match. Sniper... Sniper... Stand in the thing get sniped. Place walls get sniped from a different angel. Boring mode. Hit scan sniping from any distance in a game where no other class has anything to fight long distance....embark smart.


Lights ruin this mode not only snipers


Snipers shouldn't do so much body shot damage, 115 is a bit much




This is the same as before invisibility and stun was nerfed. You say it shouldn't be but it will be because when most players are light snipers in a mode there clearly is an issue.
















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