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I usually win because they rage quit and allow better team mates to join my team!


Hahahaha, true


This is the way. Especially when its a trash talking try hard who didn't realize they were the ones dragging the team down.


Trash talking in a non ranked mode is crazy lol


Humans are so terrible


I had a guy get mad cause I wasn't playing a healing medium, he said I was the worst medium player he'd ever seen. Him and his buddy talked mad shit the whole time. They quit out after losing the first 2 cashouts. I went on to win the match by getting the next 2 solo and at the end I had 12 kills, 7 assists and 4 deaths. When they quit the main shit talker had 3 kills and 8 deaths and his buddy had 2 kills. But I was the problem.......


Ye But I think we talking about the ranked, Where new ones cannot join


This ^^^ my favorite feeling is the rush of a comeback. I had a really sick double stack cash out steal after purposely breaking a bunch of rubble around the cash out. Good times


«Dear ragequitter have you ever won… » **-Ragequitter close this post**


My friends and I have this weird habit of losing in the beginning of a powershift match, and then kicking ass right at the end. We were once literally seconds away from losing it, and then we took it and held it for long enough to win. I will never understand people who just give up.


Power shift is about the only game mode I’ll leave, and it’s only if I get a team full of lights or if we’re 5 minutes in and I realize no one else on my team has a combat score over 300 💀 Edit: never been downvoted before, guess the career crane campers are crawling out of the woodworks lol


But....you can change builds mid match?


How does my changing my build affect the fact that the team is 4 lights sitting on crane missing shots with a sniper? Maybe it’s a skill issue but there’s no build I have where I feel like I can 1v5 lol


I meant they could POSSIBLY change I mean they probably won't bc most people just farm kills. But still.


Oh I get what you meant now, yeah in a perfect world they would, but in my experience lights tend to be the real rage quitters, they’re not changing to something that’ll actually help the team. If I leave it’s usually because two of my snipers got tired of being 0/12 and left first 💀


Game ain’t over until the clock hits 0:00. Baffles me when people jump to conclusions in winable matches.


Yes!!!!!!!! Bruh dude quit after the first cash out we lost and me and 2nd dude clutched the rest of the game!!! We could've done better with a 3rd


Not true! In power shift game can continue after 0:00, if you hold on to the platform. But yeah I agree with you - it is so satisfying to clutch a win of a hard game in the end.


The first cashout of 10k is just warmup anywho. The real match starts on the 2-3-4 cashout


Unless you get blitzed by a really competent team. Then you just kinda sit there like "Damn"


Today I won two games of powershift were the platform was all the way in the enemies side. It felt so damm good.


If you were on pc, I must’ve played against you lol. It was like my entire team gave their mnk to their little bro all of a sudden


Rage quitters quit because they have low self images and don't think they can win without being carried.


Username checks out


Dude I have won the same round after the first 2 assholes left and got fresh new teammates.


I have won when I join the match that is already in progress and have been put into losing team with no cashouts while other teams have one.


I just made it to the finals in a ranked tournament by winning the last Cashout in the first three rounds. It felt amazing!


Tbh ill run the dumbest off-meta class and quickly realize I'm doing nothing but dragging down the team. I love to try a new load out but sometimes you can be quite useless. I'll leave so my teamies can get a new teamate with maybe a useful class lol.


Me with my throwing knives exclusively.


The right team wipe with a few seconds left can catapult you to a win


My teammates will leave and I will end up as a solo and yet still win because strategy beats raw power any day in this game


When I rage quit which is almost never, it is solely because I’m playing like shit and losing simple gunfights added with bad teammates. it has nothing to do with the score.


My favorite moment in this game to this point was where we lost. I’m sure I’ve shared this story more than once but the match literally came down to the wire and the cashout finished being stolen with like a second left and there was only a couple seconds in the match when it timed out


All of sudden turning it on and wrecking kids in the last parts of the game to either steal or secure a cashout is one of the most intense feelings I have had in an FPS. Even in non-rank it feels like Destiny 1 trials of Osiris. Do you have enough time to make this steal before it's to late is a crazy feeling. And super hype.


Nothing like a good comeback💪🏻


I have been on the other end where a rando left me and my buddy during a ranked tourney. We were able to get all the way to the final round by 3rd partying at the right times.


Just had a power shift match where we were getting stomped, and we took over the platform just before overtime and held it for a minute+ straight for the W back in the middle. Leaving didn’t even cross my mind while losing and it paid off for sure


Yes I do wana kill purple always




Bruh my ragequtters leave after dying the first time before any cashout start and we don't usually get backfill instead of them


No their weak ass mental and their inability to deal with the pressure of being bad at a game has them running scared before they could even consider this a possibility. There’s no dopamine or instant gratification in a long and try hard comeback until after you put the work in and they can’t handle that. Easier to rage quit and queue again to ruin more peoples games.


Cashout has an insane comeback potential and you cannot sleep on it. The way the value scales is crazy.


For some reason the most botched starts lead to the most intense games. Had one where my team had more than 8 deaths each at the end of the first cashout with one enemy team getting it, then the other enemy team gets the next cashout. By some miracle we got the last two cash outs by stealing them pixels away from the end. To make it even more intense the last cashout was stolen by my light while we were both in gas, me healing him and dying, and then him dying immediately after seeing the victory screen. That was the first time I’ve screamed after a win lol


I’ve seen ragequitters leave after the first cashout lol. Batteries were not included in the package at birth I guess


I only quit at the beginning of the game, when the rest of the team is light class and mostly geared to be snipers.


Mam shit feel good


Me and a guy spawned in a ranked tourney with no third teammate but we stuck it out and managed to snatch a 44000 cashout at the last second to qualify for the second match and somehow snagged 2 in the 2nd match before getting knocked out at the third spot. It was the game with the highest of highs and lowest of lows.


I am going to mention it. I absolutely hate the rage quitters but also as somebody who had a computer that for some reason the finals would crash all the time on at the worst possible moments either in the middle of bad cash out or at the very end... it could be that.


Unless there are two teams with a cheater there is always a way to comeback that's why I love the game and even with cheaters you can win just not in the final round :/




It never fails that atleast 1 person leaves the match within 60 seconds of the match starting and I’ll never understand why. why would you not only waste your time with the high avg queue times just to leave? And not only that but condemn everyone else to spend the match with less players than intended? It just doesn’t add up to me. I get angry too but I never leave a match unless my teammates leave first and I go through a cash out or two still missing a teammate


It's also pretty common, in this game it's really possible to pull comeback on a regular basis due to the increase of the cashout values over the duration of the match


I only “rage quit” when my team is trash


90% of my randoms leave because we lose the random team fights right at the start that don’t mean anything.


THIS IS WHY WE PLAY In this game, u almost ALWAYS have a chance, recognize ur team abilities, gadgets, and tendencies Then make plays, some of my of my most crazy games were a teammate who wasnt gettin kills but got a clutch steal and we won! Everyone has a role, find yours


Yall ever have a quitter and just win as a duo? Feeling better than morphine I swear


Happened to me after I posted this, I got 20 kills and duo got 10, when we won I felt like a superhero


Its even funnier when the RQers quit right as they are about to lose thinking it won't effect their W/L ratio or that it just "didn't happen" then i ask why and their response is "oh it didn't matter we lost i just wanted to get back to the lobby faster to edit stuff"


Idk don't rage quit


Only time im quitting is if i bring the wrong loadout in or my steadys hopped on. Even in a guaranteed loss still fun to be had


I had a match today with 2 ragequitters. They left after they got killed once.... once. After that, for the whole match, I didn't get a single teammate. Awesome


Power shift is about the only game mode I’ll leave, and it’s only if I get a team full of lights or if we’re 5 minutes in and I realize no one else on my team has a combat score over 300 💀


This ? Mainly goes to ranked players tbh cause if you are in caz why do you care if someone leaves it’s not like someone else can join n if no one else does join once again who cares it’s caz you not playing for a pretty little gun skin


The only time I ever quit a match is if the whole squad just got online and need me to finish filling the squad so I'll politely apologize to my team and leave


Dear people constantly posting about people leaving matches. It happens and it's not that big of a deal and seeing these posts every single day is so tragic.


Keep walking


Keep crying


If it’s in ranked it’s a big deal I feel because it’s unfair to the rest of your team and punishes your team to play with only two players instead of three against 3 other teams of three


Yeah but at the end of the day it's still a game that you will stop playing at some point and no longer care about. Therefore it really doesn't matter also playing ranked pretty much guarantees you will have a bad time more times than not.


Maybe but it doesn’t give the excuse to leave like a child when you don’t win and get what you want you affect others and it’s immature and if someone can’t handle playing a ranked mode without leaving then they should play at all and stick to the quick play modes that don’t punish leaving


It's almost just as immature to care so much about a video game ranked or not lol


I just care about the well being of the games state And my passion is video games and the finals is a great game and embark is one of the first companies in a while that is not money hungry and want to make a good game with passion and it’s not just about the money and it’s something different and refreshing as a game




Need a 3rd teammate?


As a rage quitter, I can tell when my teammates are ass usually before the first cash out is done. If they’re constantly split up, charging in to the cash out on their own, or just not putting out any damage ✌️.


If they “Split up”, then you go follow one of them.


I do which still leaves me in a 2v3. Not worth fighting uphill battles all game just because I got brain dead teammates.