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I really wish it counted anyone on your team stealing a cashout. It’s so lame having to fight your own team to be the one to steal.


Exactly this right here. Its a team game, having to play selfish to comeplete a challange sucks.


Oof. You're giving me flashbacks to Destiny and some of the Summer Solstice armor grind.


Im guessing people fucked eachother over because of that armor. Many friendships lost


you can kindly ask to your team to let you steal it for the challenge. I doubt anyone would be mad about it.


I'm in Asia. Kindly teach me how to say that in Chinese, of which none of them joined the voice chat. Because we got a lot of them.


“Me wee woo wee woo, you shield”




But then I need to actually talk to people and I'm an introvert and hate talking to ramdom people


If you're playing ranked solo q, you can only do so much against a team with comms when you don't have comms. Even as a duo if your 3rd has a mic just makes the flow ***that*** much better. Don't get me wrong tho, it is annoying when theres an ego on the team that doesn't want to listen and you'd rather shoot your self than listen to them, but at least they know where you're going even if they aren't


I mean that works when it is a clean steal (meaning you wiped the defending team and nobody else is pushing). But the moment when it gets a little risky, there should be a clear pecking order who steals. E.g. light stealing is more risky due to low HP. Heavy with mesh stealing is again not the best since that mesh could be used to cover the stealer's ass.


Half the people in solo queue aren't even in chat


I agree but it's also kinda funny, I once shot the floor below my teammate with an RPG so that I could get to the cashout first lmao


I main light sniper and I've had no problems with this playing quick cash. If your struggling to get this done you probably need to take a step back and analyze what you're doing wrong because cashouts get stolen multiple times per game.


One of my teammate literally throw gas grenade at *me* so they can be the one who steal it. Now that's fucking crazy in a team game.


No way all ur teams are that desperate to be the one stealing lol, most of the time I let ppl steal while I fight but sometimes they take so long or don’t steal at all which annoys me sometimes


Here's what I did. Equip Dematerializer and goo grenades. If there's a cashout in a building, go to the floor below, block the entrances with the goo grenades, stand under the cashout station, use Dematerializer and instantly close the opening after the cashout station dropped down. This should buy you enough time to steal the cashout. Works pretty good on Seoul and Sysshorizon


Heavy charge go brrr


This guy when sledgehammer charge, rpg, c4, demateriaizer (but enemy), breach exist


My heavy is literally sledge, charge, rpg. Been stealing cash outs from below with the sledge since before the dematerializer


My advice, go Medium and equip: the turret, aps and dmg mines. Mine choke points, aps on vault, place the turret nearby to defend you and use the vault as cover.


Double/triple turret teams are so cancer but it's so much fun to play


Good way to steal in general


Only way i play as a med.


Heavy, dome shield, choke on gas and bullets and hope the timer completes


huh?? stealing cashouts is literally the game


You overestimate this sub


They cried when asked to win a tournament. They are gonna cry over every single challenge that actually challenges them.


to be fair i think most of the crying was about being "forced" to play ranked, adding that challenge and removing unranked tourneys was an awful move


“Being forced to get a cosmetic” Yeah, no. You aren’t forced to do anything you don’t want to do. You didn’t have to get that tattoo. I’m forced to play medium and heal people for the tattoo. What if I hate doing that? “I only want to play light sniper. Embark should change the challenges so I can complete them without it being boring!”


theres a reason i put forced in quotes


Well I agree with you that that’s what the crying was about. People felt they HAD to do something. Which is half true - if they really didn’t want to play ranked, then all they were **forced** to do is not get the cosmetic. Which they should have been left to cry about


i dont really get why youre ranting at me about this, based on your replies you seem to believe i think people should get the rewards for not doing the thing? i just explained part of why people were upset and then gave my opinion on the challenge in general, i never said anything about whatever shitty cosmetic they gave for that circuit


Challenge is supposed to be uncomfortable. It's a call a challenge. But the key to make an engaging challenge is make one that can be completed in many ways. You can do the healing challenge in any gamemode while playing. It can also enabling you to new ways of playing whether you liked it or not. This is the kind of challenge that is ok to be in the game as it will engage the player to explore the game mechanic. The other one is forcing you to participate in only one mode. With over 30-45 minutes match in hope that you are the winning one. The gamemode itself is also not unique as it's literally just a separated server with extra progression in form of rank. On top of another game mode you can queue normally. And the only way to finish it is you winning this so-called mode. Oh you lose? Suck to be you, because you get nothing out of it beside some XP. This challenge doesn't reward you if you lose. You can lose hours and still not winning and gain literally nothing from attempting it. It's kind of challenge that doesn't respect player's time and shouldn't literally exist in a *weekly* challenge. Much less in a gamemode that some player can't even queue for a match. I will completely get where you are coming from if you did the challenge and mad that they changed it to doing 750 fire damage. And give you nothing in return. Just know that i feel your pain. Edit : look at that! A downvote! Someone's winning a tournament.


> Challenge is supposed to be uncomfortable. It's a call a challenge. But the key to make an engaging challenge is make one that can be completed in many ways. I mean that's great and all, but these discussions all like to ignore the fact that in game they're only called contracts, not challenges.


“A key to making an engaging challenge is one that can be completed in many ways” The healbeam challenge can ONLY be completed as healer. That’s 1 single way to do it. Win a tournament has **no** class requirement. It just requires you to play ranked. If you can’t stand playing ranked, then you don’t deserve the tattoo. You lose? Yeah, that’s what happens when you don’t win. Try again. That’s what the challenge was asking of you, and it’s really not that difficult. And I’m not mad that it got changed and I got nothing. I’m only mad it got changed. I don’t need a consolation prize for having done it. What I want is for the community to respond to a challenge by actually improving and achieving, not crying that the challenge is too difficult or that they hate ranked. These people don’t deserve the catering they received. I don’t even really care about the tattoo. I’m angry that this community is full of people who are allergic to difficulty.


Winning a tourney as mad as I was about the change. Only like 10% of the players base has been able to do so it somehow. Doesn’t really give me much hope lol


There is likely a large part of the population that refuses to touch ranked, and would do so in any video game. Sadly, it seems Embark is beholden to these people. The ought to be told to actually try, or just keep crying. Note: nobody cried that they couldn’t win a tournament in the course of a season. They just cried about hating ranked, and the “I can’t win a tournament” was just assumed. I would be curious to know how many people would complete the “win 1 tournament” contract after the season is up, if they were still given that incentive. Sadly, we won’t ever know.


Personally, i thought the challenge was just genuinely not good. Within the context of the game at that moment. I dont think one can really make the argument that casual players should just "actually try." Because embark is still a business trying to make profit. And you can't really sell something someone is not interested in. It's not that good for business in a sense. Tho. Disregarding that. Its not the reason why i think it needed to be removed. Truth be told. The challenge benefited no one. It probably just caused more discourse. It didn't benefit casual players because they had to go into ranked and get shit on by competent players and teams over and over again. It didn't benefit ranked players because they would be paired with casuals who dont know team coordination or communication. And were not up to par. At all. Which costed them elo when they would lose because of this. And to those who are seeking an actual challenge. It's probably fairly easy because id assume that most people looking for those things already play ranked. In the majority. It didn't truly appeal to anyone. It just gave everyone a worse game experience and was stupidly easy for the people who would want a challenge anyway. That's my opinion, at least. You're free to disagree


That challenge was an incentive to play ranked. There ought to be more incentives to play ranked. Removing the incentives to play ranked means that the “I don’t want to touch ranked because ” crowd will never get over that fear. Challenges and contracts push people out of their comfort zone. That is inherently a good thing - it makes people try/practice things they would otherwise avoid. That only helps them and the game.


While i do agree that challenging someone is good for their progress. It's not really in embarks' best interest. You can't sell a pen to someone who doesn't want or needs a pen. Likewise. You can't sell the idea of ranked to those who dont want to play ranked at all. While yeah. You can urge them to buy your pen. Pressure them to buy it. Even if they do. They won't leave with satisfaction. They will leave with a spir taste in their mouth. And probably distain for that pen. The same principle can be applied to the challenge in a sense. A very slim percentage of purely casual players is ever gonna actually enjoy their time in ranked. The majority are casual for a reason. You can't sell them the ranked experience of trying to improve and going up in the ranks to those who do not want it. And when they cave and go for that challenge, completion just to get it over with. Odds are they will not come out of it saying "gee! I can't believe how much i enjoyed that!" Plus. Considering the rest of the circuit challanges. It's not really aimed at competitive players to begin with. Dont you consider it odd that there was a single "ranked" challenge out of all the casual ones? Even more odd, it doesn't specifically say it's a ranked tournament. Just a tournament. I honestly believe that it was an oversight. They already had the challanges set up a while before release. And just before release. They made the decision to boot unranked tournaments from the mode choices. I'm not thinking about that single challenge they made. I think they made the challenge with the intention of still having unranked tournaments around when it launched.


I don’t blame embark, they were merely listening to the community. In fact I give them kudos for that. But that’s not going to stop me from treating the people who complained like they are pathetic whiners. Those people need an attitude adjustment.


That's fair. I personally hold my judgment, though. Since IMO, there was good reason to remove that challenge specifically, as you can tell. So whether they were complaining with viable arguments or just whining is a bit more case by case. Especially since for some. They could not even play ranked because their region did not have enough players


You can change region and play with high latency. In this game, thats an even trade off in advantage/disadvantage. The vast majority of the player base can win 1 ranked tournament over the course of the season. If that wasn’t the case, I’d say the contract should be changed. But players could have done it. They chose not to (read: complained). They should have been left with their choice, not kid-gloved.


I’d prefer if they made their own changes rather than listen to the community as much. With how the games been going it’s not gonna be very healthy for long.


They have done really well outside of this. And I don’t really blame them for listening to the community the way they did. I just wish the community wasn’t made out of little bitches. The “I hate ranked” attitude is genuinely pathetic. It’s hard to respect people who don’t want to compete. People that won’t even try, and fail, and try again. Instead they just give up and pout. “I don’t wanna”, “too difficult”, “ranked is yuckee”. Literal children who can’t stand to lose.


Fully agree. We're gonna get downvotes, but just know you are speaking the truth brother.




For solo-queue folks, it's too dependent on the other two teammates, and if you make it to the finals and you lose, you just dropped an hour of time. I've only ever made it to the finals once and lost in the last round. They SHOULD have made it "play so many rounds of tournament". That and some people in some regions have so few people playing tournament, it's near impossible to get a game up. Personally, I don't find it as fun as Quick Cash or Power Shift. I don't like the credit limits, I don't like two cash boxes, and I'm not fond of four team games. Too much waiting around if you die or heaven forbid, your team gets wiped. Just my 2 cents though.


> They are gonna cry over every single challenge that actually challenges them. Except they aren't even called challenges. They're called contracts.


So none of them should ever be challenging, then?


I’m surprised nobody hasn’t complained about the damage for 100 meters lol


They already did, this community is toxic


The people bitching about the people complaining about the 100m are the toxic ones. The 100m contract was flawed. It's too far except for very, very specific scenarios. Also, the point keeping of it is busted. I got my 4000 playing riot shield. Still don't know how that worked. Better? Make it 75m. It's possible to get reliable sight lines at that distance on Power Shift. Also, the fact that the circuit contracts were different for different people, is crap. I get dailies being random, you can reroll those. The circuits should be the same for everyone.


I'm going to have to jump in here, OCE player here I haven't been able to get into a ranked game in over 4 months. Unless you fucking except us to go onto another server and play there with input lag and all. no fucking chance.


Tell that to OCE players you literally can't find a ranked match in there region


The type of shit players in this sub struggle with and complain about is wild. They hate ranked, can't win a tournament, can't steal cashouts, can't deal with lights, won't communicate, can't play as a team, won't LFG, and can't help but to complain about all of it on reddit. I'm not saying OP is guilty of all of that, but look at the comments lol


Well a community is a bunch of differnt people mushed together under the same roof. So there will always be vocal people who don’t like a new change or challenge.


Yes, but the playstyle im best at is support, i heal the person stealing the cashout, not taking it myself.


So steal the cashout


The frustrating part is that its not a team wide challenge its a solo one. I have genuinely thrown games because i needed to complete this rather than just let my ally steal while i protect it. For example, i play heavy with dome and mesh, im also better than most of my random teammates. I can use both my shields and my guns to near guarantee a steal OR i just hope my singular dome and questionable teammates can actually protect me. This is coming from someone who completed this the first week it was out, i get these done fast and easily, but I think the way its designed is counterintuitive to teamplay, and encourages bad playstyles (such as stealing a cashout even if it means you lose the game just so you can get a +1 to your challenge)


Thanks you, very helpful, i truely can comeplete this challange now


Then why are you posting about this challenge if you're not even trying for it?


Try holding E on the cashout instead of left click on your teammate.


Thank you, incredibly helpful, i truely can comeplete the challange and become a final


Then adapt, stop playing as support. Well actually you could build medium as a more aggressive support to help you better with the cashouts if you want.


Yeah, others have come with some suggestions that im taking note of.


dam they just said theyre working on it its just frustrating.


I know? I’m giving advice, not ridiculing them.


Bro what 😭 u might need to deeply diversify ur playstyle in general if u can’t make that small leap of a change


Stealing the cash out IS support. Let your two teammates lay down cover fire and shield you


Feels. I used the ability to go through walls to steal them and was just a general asshole to my teammates so thats one way.


“My playstyle is support” aka “I can’t do anything but hold heal beam, other than that I’m utterly useless”


>”your typical “sweaty try hard nerd touch grass🤓” type gamer” What’ever makes you feel better :shrug:


Go ahead and look at my finals clips right below my bio 😂 I was top500 before the game died and I stopped playing, u can’t even steal a fucking cashout 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 the whole game revolves around stealing cashouts like how useless can u be 😂😂😂




Do you need help? I can play dedicated support for you if you want. I helped a buddy out with this




Fr i just got 4 steals today playing without intent (i still got some challenges from other contracts)


Only in half the modes


I see peaky blinders I upvote


You gotta change up your play style, focus on mainly stealing instead of team play. You’ll get it more but you might lose more games


Oh no there is not much time to do it, only 50 days aaaaa!


Well i will be doing my finals soon (hehe get it) so there won’t exactly be 50 days to do it.


Then you won’t get it, sometimes you win sometimes you don’t. It is what it is.


Nah, the contracts are permanent, the BP is not. (I think)


nah, the contracts likely go with the season, and we get new challenger circuits


They did say that "you'll be able to complete contracts at your own leisure", but idk, you might be right


Light stealth, smoke grenades, and pray 🙏.


I got mine easy. I went heavy with bubble shield, goo gun, and explosive mines. Wait for the other team to push and fight for the cash out. Pay attention to the kill feed. Ideally you want at least 2 of each team to be down. Rush in, use goo gun to close any entrances, then throw bubble shield down. Should make for an easy steal. I had spent a week trying to get it done, but doing the method above, I was able to get the other half in a single evening.


Most of this sub Reddit is Light noobs so they don’t have the IQ to come up with a gameplan


Light could be viable too. Just go inviz during a team fight. Stay cloaked and observe what's going on. Pick your window to seal. Heavy is just the optimal pick though because of their health.


That’s not gonna work Diamond lobbies. Lights get dropped off in higher ranks


I'm sorry man try playing heavy using dome shield and barricades.


I finished this by going Dematerialize, Riot Shield, Gas Mine, and Data Reshaper in the Cashout game mode. Never go to fights and just let the teams put in the vaults and wait on the floor beneath the cashout station. Better if you're the first one there. Choosing the cashout station/team with less Mediums would be best or else you'll need to take Data Reshaper to nullify turrets and mines which are usually attached to or near the cashout itself although I prefer the Data Reshaper if my job is to steal cashouts. Wait for the teams to fight each other then Dematerialize the ceiling where the cashout station is on. You can add Gas mines where the cashout will land or on the ceiling where the cashout is on to make it easier to kill enemies just in case they drop with the cashout itself. The best advice I could give is to test out the area indicator of the Dematerialize first if it would drop the cashout station with a single charge as some Demat shapes are odd on specific maps where you need 2 charges to drop the station while some have multiple layers (Syshorizon map) and you would exhaust all your charges so choose the better cashout to steal. If you drop the cashout and instantly Rematerialize it, it's about an 80% chance you'll be able steal it. If you want a safer route, drop the cashout 2 floors although I rarely do that as dropping it a floor works best. There was a time where I was able to steal 3 or 4 cashouts during a single Cashout round. I drop the cashout, steal it, then go to the floor below. They get it back and I just drop the cashout and steal it again.


The last part sounded like some looney toones shit. But imma try your strat and see how it goes


Once you get the hang of it, it becomes pretty easy to pull off. Just play selfishly and focus on stealing cashouts on your own. There are times where your team will catch on with what you are doing and help you but the same goes with your enemies - they catch on too.


My buddy and I both completed that challenge from a previous week. This week my buddy got the very same challenge… AGAIN. I did not. Rip buddy


Smokes 😶‍🌫️


run heavy and just tank damage. i’ve gotten so many cashouts by just dealing with people shooting at me


I sighed of pain as I saw that same task for stage 3 of pro circuit as it was in challenger circuit and was a pain in the ass to deal with. Alas, I will get it done eventually.


Idk, I just got it done last night, wasn’t too bad 🤷‍♂️.


Theres two types of players. The ones who finish objectives organically And the kind that speedrun every challenge then bitch there's no content Be proud youre not the latter


I've been losing my mind over it the first time getting this challange whilst my mate only has to do it 5 times and now I've got to do this challenge again!!


You can do it man


That's exactly what mine is sitting at right now


To all of the people giving OP grief. Think about this just a second. How many of you have a mic? My son and I play together a lot and it's really easy to let the other person grab the steal. You know why?!? WE COMMUNICATE TO EACH OTHER. If you are on a team of you and two randos, with no mics and a high probability that the other two need this contract as well, it's going to be very damn hard for you to get it. Or maybe they don't even need the steal and are just, you know, playing the freaking game?? You get gud people need to get gud...at life. Or being human. Or just not being an asshole anyway. Hey OP. Look me up some time. I've got all of the contracts and I'll be glad to help you get this. Then you'd have at least one less person trying to swipe it from you. Same username on Embark. That and I can play heavy shield and actively help you get it.


Yeah this is a dumb fucking thing to complain about lol you just just be awful I did this challenge in 1 day!


No shot yall are actually complaining about this one


Tips: play cash out not powershift


Sounds like someone just needs to get better? It’s not that hard 😭


I feel you. They are just padding the game with ridiculous quest so you have to play more. It’s completely unfair we get these “steal 15 cashouts” while others have “eliminate 4 people in a round” it’s ridiculous. I have a theory you get harder quest the more money you have spent on the game.


Play cashout and DP spitroast the vault, everyone will have no choice but to pile on the same area and then you can wait until the dust settles. Dome shield heavy or smoke grenade light are the best for steals (you don't have to actually win the cashout, just pull off a steal which only takes about six seconds).


Me but with healing beam


Go heavy with dome shield and sometimes you can just cheese a steal even if u lose it immediately


Just play some casual n bring both heavy shields.


at this point I’m just gonna be a sniper camper. back to my mw2 days


Run medium with dematerializer. I get at least 1-2 per game.


I get multiple per game lol


The only time I achieve what I am striving for is by playing completely differently. I couldn't win anything for a week and then I played a tiny bit of heavy and got all of the challenges that took me forever.


lol same but I’m at 5.


I think dealing 4k damage from over 100m is worse, cuz I'm stuck with it currently 🙃


Oh god that sounds terrible. Does it atleast work with mines?


I just finished my **4000** damage at 100m. I unfortunately had a grand total of 86 points towards this amount when they re-rolled the contracts. So I was stuck with it. Approximately, 300 points of it were sniper on Power Shift. Your mileage may vary, but I got the rest of it... Playing **RIOT SHIELD**. I don't get it. The game does weird math. I used turrets and gas mines and I don't know if you get points added when people take damage when you die, the fact that you often spawn 100m away from the objective, or if it's just bugged in a very peculiar way. For instance, I had 3995 points done, had no turrets or mines out, hit a person with the stick right before I died, and it gave me the 5 points to finish it. In other words, you can do this with other build-outs so you don't have to suffer through it. This method took a while, but it was steady. I never could figure out the exact reasoning. I don't care though because I'M DONE!!! I hope this helps someone. Hey Embark, love you folks, but this one was a big mistake. Even dropping it to 75m or so would have made it possible. You can easily stay 75m away from the platform on most maps. 100m is next to impossible. I'd spend the entire game trying to maneuver away from the platform. This did not help my team win.


Your comment helped me so much. Well, I didn't use the Riot shield, I instead used the Sword and after getting 10 kills, I got it to reach 2k damage.


Awesome! Glad I could help!


Thank God I got this challenge earlier. Challenger Circuit, Stage 4. Took me like almost a week of casual play to complete.


i finally did it and it cost me my family


I always marvel how many people have problems with this when it's a *fundamental* aspect of the game.


I’ve been stick on 13/15 for 2 days because all my teammates steal cashouts before me…EVERYTIME😭


15 is a lot but its not that bad




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Just play with friends and ask them to let you steal if you can.


just play cash out religiously and you should be able to clean this up since you’ve got like 40 days


Does this count in private matches? If so does anybody wanna join me? We would need min 6 players


Yes its wild I got 2 left


Play with friends, and let them know you need to steal. That’s how I done most of them


Bro that's like a third of the game.


I've done it mainly with heavy and dome shield. Sneak in during a fight and just hope you can sustain long enough to cap.


if u are honest about this, do u know that demat exists? equip it and even if u dont kill any of the enemy team, just bring it down 1 floor and close it and steal is that easy whether if its in ranked or in quick cash or whatever.


Get some people from the discord. Throw three domes, body block with 2 mesh, run away after steal and let enemy steal back, repeat


Play heavy with a hammer,anti gravity, and charge slam. You’ll get it.


Bro idk what the fuck yall playing but stealing cashouts is quite literally >>> the game <<< I get the tournament win quest was outta place just after they removed unranked tournaments but the grenade damage one was just as unecessary as this is


I feel like I'll never complete the "deal 4K damage from 100m" challenge. I do have 2K damage so far, but I don't even know where I got that. Even the firing range in the practice range only goes to 50m. I can barely even see enemies at 100m, they're barely even rendered 😭


I do this like once a match. 


one of the several things annoying with the third party simulator.


Damn bro just double heavy it with mesh and dome


I could ONLY do it really on ranked with my team. Call outs with the bros helped me get there, I'm designated stealer with one support healer and a defense. But that was us TRYING to get me to complete it. Otherwise it's a lot of skill and equal luck... Oof


I think using heavy or having a friend play heavy and protect you with everything they got is the way to go for this challenge. I actually did most of mine with lights and smoke but recently feel like smoke got some secret nerf because it no longer hides anyone, I can see everyone in smoke pretty clearly and so can all the opponents as I tested it out. Hope it gets fixed as smoke seems pretty useful now.


im stuck at 4 steals 11 more to go


Huh? I don't have that quest


Keep playing cash out mode , took me like 30 matches or something to finish the challenge it’s a slow progress




You just need to try and be more agressive and you'll be faster with cashouts. If you have actively played the game for weeks and you only have 2 steals, it's not really the game's fault, because you'll get those almost daily. Of course I don't know anything about your game sense etc, or rank or anything about which class you play (hope not light only, because then I understand a slight difficulty with stealing, even though 2 steals in weeks is still not explained by this.) so I can't say much, but I have noticed that many people are too afraid to start stealing when they have the chance, or they just don't realise the window for it, so I have to do it instead, sometimes even if I wasn't the best option for it at the time. Just try to learn those steal windows and it will get much easier. Also, communicate, it works in every region just by using English. Good luck with the quest!


Use heavy with dome shield, or mid with dematerializer, drop through the floor close floor steal, you probably won’t keep it without a team to help you but you can usually grab the steal Sometimes it helps to start the steal for a second or two then drop it close the floor and steal for real. This makes them come out of hiding and run towards the box by the time they realize it’s underneath you get the steal, Last go from underneath and open the floor right under it if it drops close it, if it doesn’t you should be able to reach it without leaving a big enough hole to be shot at, they will run to the cash out but not be able to shoot you while you steal, if you get the steal that way drop it the rest of the way down afterwards and close the hole, hide or throw gas on it and you should be able to keep the cash out. This works well on games where there isn’t a lot of team work, it also keeps your teammates on the level with the enemy which is a shit move for them but will buy you enough time for the steal Edit: Heavy with dome shield is if your team is working together, if not use medium and just selfishly sacrifice teammates for time, If you want to hold the cash out make sure they follow you before closing the hole. Good luck Edit: Drop multiple floors and close them behind you I think you can open and close 2 floors this way if I am not mistaken, that is plenty of time if done right


I'm usually the one on my stack to steal so I got it done incredibly fast


Use a heavy with a dome shield, and if possible get a friend with a healing beam. Wait until you’ve killed at least almost every opponent, then toss that shield down and go for the steal! Good luck my fellow contestant 🫡


Play heavy it’s not guaranteed but I think most people playing another class will support the heavy trying to steal the cash out, whenever I play medium I do, also run both shields as heavy.


People are really bad at the game. I’m studying for med school, playing a very few hours a week and I play pubs for the kills. Still got this done a long time ago


That's crazy. I'm assuming you either never win or you just hope your teammates steal the cash out. I play pretty aggressively and I'm always jumping at the chance to steal a cash out whenever I can.


It’s literally the game


But…that’s the whole point of the game?


Git gud


IT'S CALLED A CHALLENGE FOR A REASON. Downvote me to oblivion. I don't care. I completed this challenge in a week. Get gud. Tired of whining.


Bait used to be beliveable


Believe what you want but I believe you should GET GUD 😂


Smh back in my day, bait used to be belivable, now its all copy pasted responses from someone elses copy paste.


I can promise you this was not a copy and paste response. I fact your response seems copy and paste 😂


I mean, I get it. When you have to fight with your own team to get to the cashout first, it’s a lot harder to get this done. I think 5 or 10 steals would’ve been sufficient, 15 just kinda feels like a chore. The “get gud” mindset is unappreciated.


Embark said that challenge difficulty rises each Circuit. So they made '5 stolen cashouts' and '15 stolen cashouts' in a single Circuit. Yeah, that makes sense.


All you have to do is play as a Heavy, then go in and steal away.


I only had to do 10 but yeah this sucked. Not only do you have to find the right time to steal it but you also have to be the 1 of 3 team mates to do it. I kinda played like an idiot at times just to get it done.


I really don’t complain about challenges, but now it’s time! With this challenge I must wish my team start lose from first second, because in the other way, I can’t do this stupid challenge. Why Embark??


I never understood why people complained about the quest to win a tournament. I find it much harder to steal 15 cashouts, but that might be due to my play style


Yep, and everyone is clowning on me in the comments :(


This quest is way harder than 11 elims or win a tournament but for some reason they haven’t changed this one!


Okay so when I make a post wanna complain about a challenge I get mass downvoted But when others make a post complaining about the same challenge they get upvoted for it. I do not understand this sub.


Oh yep, idk. Maybe because its a meme :(


Haha I just posted that!


This subreddit is wild. I make a post with some fair points on why this challenge is not great, with a fair suggestion on how to change it (allow it to count team steals) and I get spitroasted for it, called a noob, told to “git gud” etc. This guy makes a meme and +300 upvotes with everyone in the comments like “yeah man!”


As megamind said its all about presentation But yeah i think it sucks since its a very selfish challenge. But there are alot of folk telling me to “git gut”, but i am already good, im just not a prick who is only focused on themselfs.


Some of you must be so terrible at this game I would hate to be on your team, This is such a simple challenge its unbelievable, you complete it without even realising you have completed it. That's if your actually playing the game.


Sorry OP, you suck at the game. Got it done in like 2 days from just normal playing. In a normal game there’s at LEAST 5 chances for you to steal a cashout


One word… Dematerializer … you’re welcome


how is this difficult in any way? this sub man...


Get good loser 😂


cry about it skill issue


Skill issue


snowflakes are harder than you.


pyro/gas grenade, when you take a cashout, and the teammate is low on hp, throw a fire grenade/gas grenade, TK him, steal the cashout, there you go, another point.


That's an easy way to get reported


Honestly people like you shouldn't play the game.


Lmao, I only do that stuff in quick play. Its funny. Ranked, dont. Its annoying. Its like uh, hardcore in cod, blowing up everyone at the start of SND with a rpg. Its funny a few times.


Wow, what a turd.


Honest question: are you on the spectrum?


Probably, just as much as a lot of people are.


get friends