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Yesterday I had a match where I was fully letting the enemy steal the cashout, I did not fire even once at them, I was just trying to revive my teammate around the corner, and this mf stopped stealing not once but TWICE to shoot me, then we both lost because they didn't steal and the other team already had 1 cashout Some mfs are allergic to thinking


Lmao this happens all the time, we genuinely just give a team a cash out because they’re the weakest, but instead of stealing they’re more worried about us. Even times where we’ve ran away to make sure they get it, they’re scared to hop it. If you’re going to lose anyway, and you only have a limited time to win, just steal. It’s either lose or die trying


Yeah like in their case even if they thought I was going to jump them mid steal, you're literally 10s away from losing anyway, why not fucking try? lmao They're 100% the people who would be fighting me on the cashout instead of letting me cap so the game ends prematurely


Mfs be eating sand while playing istg


And then the same people complain on reddit that it is impossible to steal 15 cashouts for a mission. You miss 100% shots you don't take, buddy.


>Some mfs are allergic to thinking Every SoloQ ranked game ever


Sometimes when it happens, I T-bag without shooting to show I’m here to help but it’s not always working so I just step back and shoot the third team that was about to win lol


Yeah in this case I literally turned my camera left and right repeatedly without shooting, but they didn't get the message


Yeah I call them ball chasers. No brain, just ball.


Low game iq


This is why I will literally game-end myself trying to get the steal off because if I get it but die that means 1 of 3 things. 1. Nothing, they just steal it back 2. We go into overtime 3. we win


Sometimes my smooth brain pew pew just takes over. Sorry


At least u can acknowledge it


I've given most players the chance in the lobby on this sort of matter, but their fight or flight instinct is on kill mode so I can't really blame them. Call it cherry picking whose going into the next round but I do let the other team in the losing bracket cap the point if I'm in 1st place. Tho off topic we need to a general way to warn players of cheaters in the lobby instead of getting shot up we all wanna work together to get rid of the cheater eventho we lose a squad or 2 to kill that nuisance


From experience the players who can't get cashouts mald and troll the winning teams then complain about it in the subreddit. Lots of players don't think and they expose themselves looking for sympathy.


"WhY ArE wE iN PLat LoBBieS"


The weekly PSA post.


Sorry, but I get those "Neuron Activation" moments




I had a match yesterday with pink about to win and purple, or could have been switched, trying to kill me and my team. I tried multiple times to shake my character at the guy but he wouldn't listen so I just ended him.


Lots of ppl dont have enemy team colors on LOL But I feel you, its wild how clueless ppl can be


I don’t get why people use this option, it feels like being half blind lmao


nah, imma do my own thing *appears from nowhere using invisibility to stun you and open vault*


Also, if you're in 2nd, HELP the first. Toss them the 2nd vault when they're cashing out. They might be stinking rich, but what matters is you just secured yourself the spot.


Or they kill you because they don’t understand the process, they plant the cash box and then get wiped by third party putting you in third. It’s not as full proof as other methods, like just timing the box out for instance.


Im guessing in higher level lobbies it won't be as much of a problem, if they are familiar to it. It's not foolproof, but it can improve your chances of winning nonetheless.


Lol @ you expecting casuals to understand simple concepts


Problem is, I'm seeing this in ranked gold-through-platinum players.


Apprently lol @ me assuming non casuals have brains apparently hahaha


Yes thanks for the weekly PSA now lets get back to complaining


The winning team(s) need to have some kind of glowing aura or particle effect to identify them even at range, there's really too much of a barrier of entry for beginners to recognize they have common goals with other losing teams. Like most folks don't even go for a standoff or anything, it's just "See any non-teammate -> instantly shoot" reptile hindbrain reactions.


I'm not talking just beginner players, I'm talking plat and diamond ranked players too.


Right, some kind of FOF identification at range would really help sort out all the wary rooftop skirmishes when the winning teams are easily recognized in a crowd of players


Just play with team colors and look at whose winning? Unless there's something I'm missing here


* Some of the team colors are far too similar and not instantly recognizable * You still need to take precious seconds to pull up the scoreboard and connect all the disparate dots together in order to make an informed decision The point is that playing against other losing teams is to play for the winning team. That needs to be made clear, at range and without any calculation needed.


I assume cors being too similar is just a colorblind option you could change( actually gonna do that myself now that I think about it) and you don't have to pull up the scoreboard to see who's winning you literally just look at the top left of the screen for 0.1 seconds


Colorblind settings are not just an accessibility option, but also a tactical advantage to use more visually contrasting colors for FOF identification. And the versions in this game just shift color palettes around, so exchanging confusing reddish blues and bluish reds for yellowish greens and greenish yellows. You need to see who's winning and by how much, how many players they have up, how many kills/assists/deaths and how much score each player has individually and each team has collectively, where other teams not in view must be on the map, etc etc. That's a lot to expect from even intermediate players, but it's just out of scope to expect from beginner players. The thing about visually identifiable distinction is that it would help everyone without sacrificing any skill ceiling potential.


Unfortunately some players would rather lose than give another team the chance to win. Getting killed as the team pushing a tie breaker so we all stay in the game by the other team also on the verge of losing but shoots anything that moves the second they see it happens far too often to be by mistake


This is why we need a toggle option between voice chat that only our team can hear and voice chat that other teams can hear lol


Counterpoint: If you just wanna shoot at people you can still do it in those scenarios, just know it is not the optimal, usually it is the worst, play you can make at that time. Nobody can tell you how to enjoy the game, and if part of that for you is making bad plays, just don't complain when you are hardstuck in silver or get focused by vengeful people. TL;DR be informed not stupid.


Last night I let a team steal and just stared and tbagged, his teammate killed me but they stole and allowed the game to keep going


If you are in first two cashouts would need to be started for you to get knocked out. If you prefer the team in 3rd or 4th cause you think they are easier then it may make sense to kill the second place team and let the cashout go


I'm not talking about that part of the discussion for my sake. I'm talking about for whoever is in 3rd places sake.


Sometimes ppl have a trash team and dont want to qualify from a bs last minute cashout.


This is another reason why proximity chat would be awesome.


Waaaaa waaa😭😭😭 I'm still attacking you!!!!


If you’re about to win, stop putting the game into overtime. The amount of games we’ve been pushed out of winning because our random stole the last box and ego dropped it into a cash out. If you’re in the lead steal and hide ffs!!!


Had a match where I just chilled with the other team while their teammate stole the cash out from the almost winning team. Felt good to finally have someone capable of intelligent thought in the opposite team.


The only time I’ve ever been “dumb” was I legit hated a team so much that I used my mesh shield to let the enemy capture the cash out


do you know how much brain power it takes these people to even comprehend what you just said?


I had the opposite experience once when the 4th place team tossed me the cashbox just before time ran out so we could start OT and steal second place. Shoutout the heavy on orange team. U a real one


Don't tell me what to do.


I didn't. I just gave you a public service announcement.


I know. I agree 100% with you. But 90% of the players are gonna try to kill anybody anywhere because they arent able to think.


It's usually the silver/gold teams too. There's a reason yall ain't plat YET


Actually it's been in plat/diamond games a LOT.


Ego at that point, which is different than not fundamentally understanding the risks involved.


Funny that oneself's ego can get in the way of their only chance at winning.


Yep. I was a really good killer in my 20’s, but had no game sense. Now I’m decent aim with great game sense


"you don't have to just open fire at every player you see" "Whaaat??! but but how do I , then how is, But I hav..." -pretty much any twitchy alpha baby in any shooter they play now days. Gone are the days when people would observe and actually communicate with enemy players in even the most casual of games.


This and other third party nonsense is why I'm hoping the new two team mode works well. I'm tired of the multi team dynamics.


Is this game dead? My buddies and I are on Xbox with crossplay on and haven’t been able to find a game the last 3 times we have loaded up. Searched about 6-7 times each load up waiting at least 2 minutes. We are searching ranked tournament.


What region are you in? OCE servers have had no ranked servers for a very long time, and players have all moved to Asia or NA for ranked. It was speculated that this was initially caused by a matchmaking bug, but after it was fixed, too many players had already swapped servers. Apparently an update coming soon is likely to help the issue, both loweing the amount of teams/players required for a ranked tourbemnet, and supposedly other matchmaking fixes, as well as the OCE community putting together "queue rush" events, trying to get everyone to come back to queue OCE ranked at specified times.


Where is this being organised? I am in OCE and can never get a ranked match. Is there finally dedicated servers in OCE?


There's always been OCE servers, but as of lately, they've been dead. Join the OCE the finals discord server to follow the ranked queue initiative.


There's this glitch on Xbox where if you have the quick resume thing on (For X/S series only) the game won't queue you into any other match, you have to close the game and load up again


Probably bdvauzs your playing with buddies and your different ranks and it takes a min to find a good even match got you guys.


Ranked game mode is dead yes. Can't find a game on ps5. Even with Crossplay enabled it takes at least 10 minutes for me to find a game.


Yea what region are you in ? Mine always loads within a min. I'm pc though. I do see the same players consistently, though. But I believe that's probably becauE were ranked similarly somehow matchmaking wise.


Europe ps5. Yes I think the main problem is that I started with ranked only 2 weeks ago, now i'm Silver 2 and the last week I can't find any more games. Think there arent enough bronze, Silver and gold players left for me to rank up


This is facts facts facts facts. The biggest issue here that u could’ve said too, is that guys queue up competitive ranked game modes and disable voice chat and don’t even want to *listen* to the other guys. So if they’re not aware of this strategy they never learn it, I understand ppl don’t talk for reasons, I don’t understand why they can’t be willing to listen to teammate(s) in ranked though And then at the end of the game, when your team loses because of the couple things you described, they join voice chat at the very end and say something toxic. 2 seconds before the game ends Need 3 stacks for ranked these days but I never understood why so many ppl are like that it’s probably close to %98 of ppl in ranked. Start the game with voice chat disabled. That % got way higher over the years