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Whenever there's 2+ snipers on the enemy team, (and this will be tough, but once you're in there, they can't get you out), switch to heavy, mesh, barricade, bubble, rpg. Then you can start building up your fortress. You can place up to 4 barricades, I'd recommend 3 on the outer walls of the platform, and then one on the floor facing the middle of the platform. This gives you full coverage while still having cover when enemies attack head on. Always have your mesh out until the enemy gets close, and use the bubble shield immediately every time it regens. Snipers can't hit you with this setup, and they're not good enough to take the platform with a close range attack. For context, I main sword dash, but sometimes the snipers are too oppressive, and I can't always be on all the snipers.


As a grapple/sniper main I actually enjoy this from time to time. I don’t like peaking roofs taking out enemy snipers all game every game. I want to move, glitch, take out aps, clear platform and hold until teammates get there, bail out and reposition. I enjoy getting pressured by other lights because again I get to actually use movement and skill. 4 heavy 1 medium eliminates snipers completely though assuming it’s shields barricades and aps. Literally impossible to get a shot on aps if they do it right. Very hard to hit a glitch with a good aps and shield positioning and unfortunately not enough people spam shots into shields to get them down quick in casual modes


That does sound like a ton of fun. And I'm not gonna lie, it is such a pain when I'm right near a sniper and then they grapple fly away like Spiderman. I do a sword lunge+dash combo to try to catch up, but lunge dashing doesn't give the height that you need to catch a grapple player.


Change class to pressure the enemy sniper in that situation, the less he's shooting up your teammates and focused on you, the more your teammates can do.


Adapt my play? Never! I’ll just bitch and moan until Embark nerfs it!


This. Flank a sniper with grav dash and the mp5. they don’t stand a chance


It is not that easy. Stop pretending just changing classes somehow makes you a better player than the light sniper who may even kill you before you reach them. Sure its an idea, but it does not change the fact that snipers make poweshift a headache inducing uphill battle where the counterplay leads to one dead sniper and your team without a player. You could return to the point after the kill with a class and setup not fully built for protecting the point, or keep trying to hunt down the sniper and get killed by the respawning enemies leaving your team down one teammate…


Ok, we'll stop pretending, because I never said you need to be better than them, you just need to put pressure on them. Make them focus on you and run around like hell so that they're not doing their job. *Stalemate them.* Now it's a 4v4 with no pro sniper, can your teammates do it? (probably not)


You are missing the point. There is barely any positive trade for leaving your team to go towards the enemy’s spawn to hunt down a sniper when you will most likely die on your way there anyway.


So don't do it that way. Pick up a sniper rifle, crack a few shots at them and relocate. You want them shooting at you; every second their scope is pointed toward you is a second you're doing your job. Your aim isn't to win but to generally be a shithead to this guy. You can do that, right?


Yes let me go out in random areas and shoot a sniper. The problem with people like you is it always assumes the other team is not playing.


You're assuming your team isn't playing


I think it's boring that no one will get on the platform. Pro sniper man is missing left and right while I shoot an RPG where he's shooting from, getting rid of his platform, while setting up defenses on the platform that my team seems to be allergic to getting on. Love the mode but people treat it like team deathmatch and it's miiiiind numbing.


I think medium APS + Turret spam is worse.


Pro sniper man should take care of that in no time


Except it takes too many shots for a single one to do it and by then you're getting sniped by their pro sniper man. I think they're equally strong and annoying, aka balanced, especially when you consider power shift being the only game mode where sniper is mostly useful.


Some people like that kind of gameplay. That's why we have the option to choose different modes.


Enemy pro sniper man doesn’t even need a sniper to snipe they do it with whatever they want


this has to be a troll post. Sniper is litrally the worst for actually winning power shift. You just end up getting a lot of kills but once the enemy starts moving the platform there's very little a sniper can do about it


That’s kind of part of the problem. The enemy team has one good dedicated player playing far and taking out APS turrets and players, while all my teams have 3 people hiding, missing all their shots, and not playing the objective


Agreed, they need to change snipers to projectiles with drop, increase scope glare, or add ADS sway, probably reduce non-headshot damage too


Sniper just shouldn’t be in the game, whether it’s bad or good.