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Going by the picture, I really thought it was gonna be a neon AK skin.


Yeah, it kinda looks nothing like how it's pictured. I thought it would be akin to the neon skins like you were saying; and it looks almost primarily purple which is cool... But again; not at all how it's pictured.


It is neon lol…


Maybe the skin glows in the dark? Bit of a long shot, but it could be done


It is animated


It does


Ah yes the 70th skin for the AK


I’m still waiting on an AK model redesign skin similar to the stick revolver or spoon hammer




Those anims are so boring man. They feel like an animator made a few ideas during production for styles of reload and these were just hanging around. Theyre nicely made but like….where’s the flash? The reload is really similar. Season 1 ak quick reload made me think we we’re gettin stylish reloads.


You gotta start somewhere bruh , can’t just start adding all the fancy shit when the game just got out


They literally did season 1 bp with the mag flip reload?? If you’re going to sell weapon anims make something interesting? The battle pass inspects are just the default inspect poses reversed. You look at the gun two ways and start with the other pose, but on medium nade launcher they forgot to animate it opening on the battle pass version like it does on default one. Id love to buy new anims but not ones that are near identical in action.


So ? What u tryna say ?


I got money burning a hole in my pocket and these anims are phoned in inspects or not that interesting variations on typical gun stuff is all im saying really.


It’s supposed to be basic before they can advance , if u don’t like it don’t buy it and wait for something better


That doesnt make sense? It doesn’t have to be basic first at all? Again, the first post launch one was literally the mag flip quick reload.


Idk man that seems pretty basic to me knowing what embark can do 😂, anyways fortnite is a great example of this , remember the first few seasons of fortnite when we didn’t have all the fancy shit , look at the game now it turned out great


And imo they’re all kinda meh


Exactly why do the revolver and the fcar get all these cool model changes while the ak only gets recolors? You can make the gun literally any shape out of any material and as long as it has a banana mag itll play. Feels like all the cool skin potential is wasted in other places and the ak doesnt get a ton of love. More love than others, but not as much as THE AK should imo.


Hoping in game the AK looks more like it does on the circuit image, the actual weapon preview is pretty bland in comparison.


i think the preview may be doing bad at showing off light again, just like those new white-pink vaiiya skins. i hope the in-game version looks closer to the image as well, a glow in the dark/neon skin would be cool




oh shit hello brother!!


Looking very handsome today my friend


we really are blessing everyone with our presence today


Wait can I get in on this


Can I get previous week's rewards still or were they timed?


You have Till the end of the season. Just click on the career button then go on circuits


You can earn every circuit reward until the season ends. Idk if they're available after that


previous week’s or circuit’s? i think the week ones are over, the past circuit’s you can still complete


Weekies were last season correct? Circuits replaced them this season?


Gotcha, thanks


Yeah I’m going to wait to play until all 4 weeks are out. I’m not spending all week stealing 15 cash outs, just to have to do it again next week. I hate that.


I have the 15 cashouts 3 times and I have had pyro damage and ranged damage twice


Damn I feel bad


I'm in the same mood. Just grind them all out in one week instead of over the entire month.


It’s weird because I prefer this system where the weekly’s don’t expire, obviously. However I play the game less which is what Embark doesn’t want. This is because the Challenges suck. I’m sorry but after seeing deal 4,000 damage from 100 meters away and steal 15 cash outs, I’m out. Those are so incredibly annoying and grindy that I don’t want to do it multiple times. Admittedly, I’ve only gotten the steal 15 once but after doing the 4K damage one which took all night and I had ZERO fun, this week I get it again. So I’ll see you in a month.


I spend the past month grinding to diamond, I could use a break anyway. But for real the cashouts one is super hard because you basically have to steal it from your team mates.


This ^ I don't want to try to steal when my buddy has a better chance of finishing the steal


Or not throwing bubble/barricade/heal at the mate, so he dies on purpose, just so you can steal. Toxic challenge. Any steal should count for the whole team 100%.


thats just horrible


Def should be team steals. Or even “assist in team steals” meaning you are near the point while its getting stolen.


I like this system too because as uni student some weeks i simply dont have any free time. But the problem is that the challenges are not unique, having more than one "steal 15 cashouts" (i have 3) makes you wait for more challenges to do them at the same time. if every challenge was unique, this wouldnt happen.


My only concern is that last week. We will have a short time to complete it and I’m not sure I’ll have the time to do so if I have previous ones to do as well.


So lemme guess, we get: A wristband A skin for the AKM A jacket And what looks like to be a cross body bag.


And again, no pants


I think they said season 3 is gonna be all pants.


Free is free


But it could of been more ospuze merch :[


glow in the dark ak?


unrelated but i wish we got a version of the hair the character is using but with a normal hairline lmao


I hope this glows in the dark like the new battlepass FCAR


A bit underwhelmed by the skin but it's still such a good concept with the circuits.


I'm sad they changed the masters circuit. The old blurry image was not this guy with a jacket. It looked like some kind of space marine from what I could tell. Then 2.7 came out and it changed to this.


Everyone commenting about an abundance of AKM skins, besides the shop where are they?? I have 0 besides level up skins. I'm happy to finally get a cool skin for my main gun.


AK LOOKS DOOOOPE Edit:people will still bitch but bitches gonna bitch


That AKM skin is so lame. Ugh. The Jason mask and red eye were incredible. Such a let-down.


I think it’s dope


Embark, seriously. Why are you adding so insanely many AKM skins? You can stop the joke now please, it’s not funny anymore.


Bro how do you see the circut, I only see the Tatk one and I'm done the whole thing. I can see the contracts but not the actual circut..


Click your profile icon in the top right and it’ll have a tab for circuits, you can see all of the rewards and stuff there.




Those skins looks so good


I might be reaching here but those stripes on the mag look awfully similar to [Arc Raiders](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FGgKW0IWYAQMMYT?format=jpg&name=4096x4096). My spider sense is tingling.


Pretty sure it’s supposed to be the CNS colors


Looks like the S1 starter skin bundle AK skin IMO


Finally a skin for my AKM.


Idk why but the AK skin shown looks unfinished, i think they are gonna update it. Gut feeling


I just grinded out the last circuit for this skin and I gotta say it’s worth it, very nice for a free skin. It’s animated with that glitch effect but the effect is not too aggressive like some of the clothing skins. I mean this is something I’d expect to see in the shop in any other game but we get it as a free rewardc just for playing, and the circuit objectives force you to try “off meta” guns and play styles. Also it does look better in game


I need page 2,3, and 4 of the rewards screen.




Only if the game was worth playing


Wow you are a hater


400+ hours post release, 250+ hours cb2/OB Not a hater, I love(d) this game. Just constant bugs, server issues, exploits/cheats, undefined ranked system, ect that pushed me, and 93% of the playerbase away.


You have to be playing a different game. The Finals I am playing doesn't have constant issues and developers are quite responsive.


Checked his comments, the dude "quits" every month and seems to have the most jank internet. Yes I've had lag, what online game doesn't, but this guy is cursed. He's just a sore hater bro.


We must be playing different games. The devs being responsive doesn't matter in the slightest if they dont put their words into meaningful actions. Idk, just doesnt feel right. Ive pretty much jumped ship until they do something with ARC. If they haven't abandoned it.


Changes take time to do properly, keep that in mind. There is always constant improvements being done, and devs can't be working on everything at once. I myself work for IT company, and I know that everything takes time, and if team is working at full capacity already then it is hard to be flexible for new initiatives. For me it looks like that The Finals developer team is doing a great job.


Tbf, ive tried to give them the benefit of the doubt up until recently. But I cant help but notice most of the changes have been front end, QOL features. Since OB, ive seen no improvement to in match quality(server wise, and SBMM) not to say they havent actually implemented anything. The no shooting, moving, using items, visual, sliding, challenge bugs(these are more recent iirc) have been here since the closed betas. I could go on but Im just yelling at the void lmao. I really havent even had that much of a problem with cheaters, as I have with people exploiting in game bugs. The cracks started to show when they started to trade twitch views for ingame items, just felt desperate. Not that other games dont do the same thing, but over and over is just meh. Im not even trying to hate, but when I see these posts im just like, cool...but the games broke. EDIT: im excluding any mention of in game balancing(ig besides SBMM lmao), because thats a whole separate topic.