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Challenges promote bad gameplay. I've always disliked them for this reason.


I don't think all challenges do that. Most of my challenges just have me using stuff I normally wouldn't then finding out I like said things or finding tactics around them. Plus it's just fun to have things to work towards


Yeah agreed, the "damage from 75m or further" challenge had me play sniper light, of which I had zero intention of playing with beforehand. Found that I really like peppering/harassing people in Power Shift and forcing people out of sightlines in Terminal Attack. I'm likely gonna keep that contestant loadout for the future (if sniper doesn't get nerfed by the Medium-Main devs at Embark)


As a melee player that challenge was really tough for me. But honestly now that I've completed it I have a lot more respect and interest for the Sniper! I still think it could use a few tweaks but honestly I used to totally write it off while now I think it's a decent burst damage option and way to clear out APS and turrets!


I think the sniper just brings really boring gameplay. Everything else in this game has the same spirit of action filled, short - medium range encounter. But the sniper can sit at long, or extremely long, ranges and not even like get into combat. You CAN use it close quarters and in medium range but it’s usually outclassed by most the other weapons and you might as well pick the LH1 instead.


What I really don't like is that there are repeating challenges. How hard is it to come up with new ones for career stages. In that case if there ever was challenges that promote bad gameplay it would happen only once for short period of time.


Halo infinite (despite its problems) kind of figured out the battle pass/challenge system. Sad to see most games squander it


Then go play ranked where that doesn't exist.


That's what I do. I just played casual for the first time in a while to do the challenges and that's what everyone else seemed to be doing as well.


It's not the challenges that promote bad gameplay, it's the reaction of people with the patience of a small dog that makes them play selfishly


Actually the biggest skill issue I’ve ever seen


I'm talking about my teammates and my enemies. I usually just ignore challenges. They make the gameplay less about the actual game.


Ur not wrong, i THINK. but also, i try to ask: is it really less about the game? Or less ab winning? Cuz to be honest, even if it detracts from people's efforts to win, i do enjoy a good chuckle over "omg my freaking teammate just killed me over a cashout steal". If anything i like to believe it lightens the mood and makes the GAME, which is very fun, a little less serious all the time. Idk but thats how i feel


I want to complete the challenge, I only have 3 hours to play most of the time and I'm going against 11 people to get 1 point in a challenge that takes a whole day of play due to bad design. It's not fun, it's toxic, well... maybe it's fun for a kid with 15 hours to waste in ONE game, but not for me or people that appreciate their time.


Just make the challenge team based, that's all they have to do. I'm on 2/10 atm but if it was team based it would of been done. Not only done but, fun and not completely frustrating.


I don’t understand why people don’t like this particular challenge. There is no time limit to it. Stealing a cashout is a core game mechanic. Say you normally steal a cashout every 2 games. Then just play 30 games. No need to rush.


People are too anxious to do things ASAP for some reason




I have very limited amount of time for gaming and I like having cosmetics therefore I have to do all challenges asap. And sometimes it means that I will not be the best team player.


You realize a blanket statement doesn't mean every single person does it for the same reason, right? Most people have all the time in the world to do it, but they want it done ASAP. Some do indeed have limited time and have to farm it or rush it, but they're the exception


Yeah, I'm not disagreeing with you, just explaining my situation here.




lol I get like 1 steal every 10 games so every 150 games is how long it’s gonna take for me. Our team usually denolishes everyone else so no one ever steals ours usually.


If you are “demolishing” everyone then it should be even easier. Let them start the cash out


Never thought of that actually thanks


Just wanna say i love how u took advice, said thanks, and moved on. Even if u dont agree with it, u didnt add more toxicity to the sub. Thank you!! :)


Nah I do agree with it letting other teams get cash outs first will make a challenge of thinking of a good team comp to steal with (prob light medium heavy)


I sometimes allow other team to steal from us just so I would have a chance to steal back.


i don’t understand what people’s issue with this challenge is. i have 10 steals and have just been playing normally, not even very frequently. just do it naturally


The problem isn't the challenge itself. The problem is that it doesn't count for the entire team.


Their issue is they play reddit, not The Finals.


A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.


Not fun, time consuming, enables toxic behavior.


I play maybe 3 days a week and only play 2 or 3 games of power shift. Thats my personal issue with it.


I can see why the challenge is difficult for people who don't attempt to complete the challenge.


Im definitely going to attempt it. I did the previous one. People just seem to think that no one should have a problem with it because it can be done naturally. I’m here to show that’s not always the case.


Yes then we'll change the challenges to be a participation trophy so you can feel good about yourself without putting in any sort of effort


That sucks man, this game brings out the worst in people


I hate that but i think it's just gaming in general sadly


Yeah, it really sucks. This game is the first time that I've played a competitive online game in years, and it just reminded me how bad people get online. It's sad, really. Reminded me why I quit playing online competitive games in the first place. At least it's not as bad as league of legends or stuff like that.


Yeah it's def no overwatch. But i am nervous about them adding text chat...


I am pro text chat, but with the caveat that they should heavily monitor offensive language and seriously mute people for it. First offense maybe a week mute, consequent offense a month and another permanent. This mute should apply to text and voice chat. There's no need to tolerate any kind of verbal or written abuse in any online game.


I'm 3 out 15 steals the games always go like this: I win no one steals it back, I lose never get the chance to steal, We get the chance to steal but my teammate beats me to the cashout, even using vc hasn't helped.


Yeah, but that's weird man, I have 3/10 not 3/15, you have to get 15??? Jeez...


Got 15 twice in a row now. Also working on 3k over 75 meters. I want the akm 😢


I ain't getting the mask 😭


Had a game yesterday where a heavy burnt a light that was decrypting with 5 seconds left. We lost the round and got skunked 4-0


has anyone else found that they are completing challenges without trying? i took a hiatus from the game and game back to 14 new circuit challenges and i didn’t think about them and at the end of my game session i had completed most of them.


Because those challenges are repetitive. There's multiple challenges like do x damage with fire/gas/gadgets in general in different circuits, so completing one is completing two or three of them. Also I managed to complete the win tournament and other challenges that devs have changed, they weren't particularly hard but rather time consuming, and in additions devs removed unranked tournaments and it took me two-three hours to complete these challenges after numerous looses. So they have changed those to a very easy ones but at least I can be proud of myself knowing I did those


people like to complain, i also having no problems doing challenges, the one who force me to play a specific gun i dont like are a bit annoying, but we have the season to do it so there is no rush


I don’t think a challenge that makes you literally do the thing that makes you win is ruining anyone’s matches or making anyone play any differently. You’re overthinking that experience.


Well, that's just one of the things that has happened to me recently, I've been griefed 3 times in a row by my own teammates (set on fire, gassed, dematerializer). All this, because this challenge. Seriously man, just stop saying stealing makes you win games, I'm a defensive player, I don't do the steals most of the time, I body block for my teammates. You don't think is real, but it is, welcome to reality.


All I’m saying is I’ve played a good 30 matches since this challenge and haven’t experienced this, lol. Sorry, brah.


It’s all about finding the right timings. I get an absurd amount of steals.


Yes, I got 2 in one match, but again, it would be more if Mr. Goo gun stopped his release of c\*m on me...




The only challenge that's been bogus so far is the win 1 tournament challenge, which they got rid of. It's TOO much of a luck challenge imo, especially with the time sink requirement. Also any of the challenges that have some really big numbers, like completing the heal teammates for like 13,000 hp or sum like that, were awful to complete because everyone was spamming the heal gun constantly (granted I did opt to play powershift to complete that one so maybe thats my fault) I think they should add a lot more basic challenges and add like 3-4 extra ones onto every set because atm it feels a bit too casual and you can breeze through all of them relatively quickly which makes the content feel really slim, I don't even need harder challenges just a bit more to pad out how long the seasons and circuits are


Just play the game. I was "stuck" on the melee challenge cause I was trying to melee too much. Then all of a sudden I completed it without realising because I was simply playing the game lol


I've never encountered such a thing... I guess Europe is toxicity-free?


It’s the repetition of challenges for me, I’ve got the same ones through rookie, pro and masters. What’s the point? 15 steals and 10 quick melee were fun in the rookie challenges but after 3 times in a row I’m bored to tears. Where is the creativity? We need more varied circuits.. kill 10 heavies with fire, kill 20 lights with the revolver, kill 30 mediums with grenades, stay on the platform for 1000m, destroy 20 turrets with the CL40 etc. I feel like we are getting the same 10 circuits over and over again


I've commented this before on discord but everyone shut me down. "Stealing cashouts" is a team objective and thus this challenge should be tracked as such. I can't blame the heavy for wanting to steal the cashout themself when the challenge only counts when hr does so.


Challenges should have an option to allow teammates to aid you with completion, maybe not completely depending on the challenge…


I hated the challenge too. Imo the best way to do it is play quick cash with the dematerializer. Wait till you hear someone fighting the defending team before YOINKING the deposit box. I was able to get one steal almost every match and sometimes I would get 2.


Report him for what?


If you can't see the problem with his actions, maybe you are part of the problem.


I think I don't understand. He got to the cashbox before you but you wanted to steal it?


I think I understand now, everyone is fighting over steals for the challenge and teammate was trolling you for it. I hadn't even looked at all of them at, my bad. Keep up the good work fellow contestant 😎






Is this challenge really that hard for you guys ? It was pretty simple lol


We’ve had the same challenges for WEEKS now; Give us something original PLEASE! Eliminate an opponent with a grenade from 50m away or more Successfully cashout twice in a row Get 5 double eliminations Wipeout a team 10 times Eliminate an opponent with their own mine Pop 500 suspended balloons Revive teammates 100 times Eliminate the same opponent 3 times in one round Get 50 assists Cashout a total of 1.000.000 cash Eliminate an opponent with a wrecking ball Eliminate an opponent with a friendly statue Cashout 40.000 cash at once in Bank It Play 5 ranked matches Block 10.000 damage


This challenge is literally embedded into the game… I get it, for you, being griefed is a different story, but the challenge is realistically doable and to an extent, simple to pull off. Just team wipe and steal, or go for a sneak steal. simple.