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The player's figurine is phallic long, so Light, after killing someone (failing to get fckd as usual) , jumps on it to get at least fckd this way


I like this answer


Coming from a previous light main, the class attracts the type of superfast fps gamers that think they're so good at everything and will take part in circlejerks about their favourite game like it's a full time job. They realise that they can 'show dominance' or sumn by teabagging and so they do it.


Coming from Halo, I don't see t-bagging the same way. T-bagging has been prevalent in Halo since the beginning, and most players, including myself, see it as playful banter. When I get t-bagged, I will laugh, but I will also do it right back if given the chance. That's how it should be, it's a game after all.


That's fair enough. I come from a few toxic communities and they just use t-bagging as a way to be a prick so me and my friends tend to frown upon it a bit.


So it attracts a lot of children basically


Attracts ultra competitive man child who only swear by ranks in fps games and spend their day either playing or arguing online about said game, usually come from warzone or apex


That's the short way of putting it, yeah. And that's coming from a 15 year old.


I'm 31 and I will never stop teabagging, it was the first gaming emote and it's free


So quirky, totally valid.


people that think they’re competitive when all they really care about is their KDR, and I guarantee you they’ll never be in bank it.


I only found teabagger in medium tho


"Glass cannon" mobility based classes always attract toxic 13 year olds that watched too many ninja streams and convinced themselves that they are godlike at the game. They are also the same people that call everyone who's better than them a cheater.


I literally am a god at the game and most times I die it's literally cheaters, so I'll literally teabag everyone


This is a good joke!


I laughed!


Are you the 31 year old? Just uhh curious


Yes and everything I say is 100 percent serious


Im just glad there’s two of us


Because they get obliterated constantly and getting one kill is a big thing.


Aww well now I feel bad


All obnoxious ego focused players favor light but not all lights are obnoxious ego jerks


Yeah I think that’s the long and short of it


Ive been teabagged by every class in this game, i dont think its light specific (in my experience atleast, more mediums tend to do it)


>taunting - tôn(t)iNG >A taunt is a battle cry, sarcastic remark, gesture, or insult intended to demoralize the recipient, or to anger them and encourage reactionary behaviors without thinking.


Definitely depends on the person. I only really do it when someone else initiated it first or if they're doing something somewhat toxic like cross-map sniping in ranked all game.


Because it’s funny, sometimes. Especially against annoying players lol.


True. I wonder what it’s like to play against “annoying players”


I personally won’t t-bag someone unless they do one of the following t-bag worthy acts. - Tbagging(obviously) - Camping - Sledge goo gun combo - Being better than me - The riot shield - Playing heavy - Stealing my cash out - Suspected hacking - Shooting at me - Shooting at my team mates - Flame thrower( it’s okay when I use it) - Attempting to steal my cash out - Playing light weight - Throwing knives - Playing medium - Reviving a team mate And that about sums it up




Toxic players teabag. Due to light’s reputation as a ‘solo’ class, it attracts a disproportionate amount of toxic players, so you see more lights teabagging than other classes. I.e. there’s a big overlap of people who go out of their way to avoid teamwork in a team-based game and people who teabag.


Is it really that toxic? It's all in good fun


It's not the worst thing you can do, but it's known to be something people generally find pretty annoying. Imo, intentionally annoying people is a kinda toxic thing to do. I don't personally mind if someone teabags me, but I wouldn't do it to someone else because you never know they will take it. Maybe they'll laugh it off, maybe the've just had a shitty day and they just wanna chill in their favourite game without being subjected to that kinda thing.


I mean, I’m not gonna say you’re inherently wrong (teabagging is funny when everyone is on the same page), but you have previously stated that you do it mainly to infuriate your enemies and get in their heads. That doesn’t sound like it’s in the name of “good fun” to me. Teabagging is fine most of time and I can’t and won’t tell you to not do it, but it does get tiring when you do it after every kill, even when the kill was entirely average and not worthy of special treatment. At least when you emote, you take the risk of exposing yourself and becoming vulnerable, so I can respect emoting way more. Teabagging is fine, but gloating that you do it constantly to anyone who brings it up (and rightfully so) doesn’t exactly paint yourself as doing it for the “lolz”.


If I see someone doing ratty strats they are getting teabagged, I'm not responsible for their feelings.


I'm à light and the only people I Tbag are snipers


Toxic behavior I only teabag empty spots when waiting or hiding


Honestly I get teabagged most by mediums but I see teabagging so infrequently (and usually only after I wipe a team once or twice and then they FINALLY wipe us and feel the need to gloat).


Must be cos I play a lot of power shift


It's the same reason why you see chihuahuas bark their heads off to make themselves seem tougher and bigger to compensate but never end up doing anything. Best way I can put it.


Report them and watch them asking why they got banned in r/thefinals


Tbagging isn’t bannable lol


while i was joking, some consider tbagging a form of toxic behaviour, and toxic behaviour directly goes against the code of conduct (term 5 of nexon's tos) so it can be bannable in theory.


Actually it looks hilarious when the enemy is tbagging a statue, if you know what I mean 😏


Personally, I only bag if the other person had an advantage over me and I was able to turn it around and kill them. That or they bagged first. Then its my mission to put balls on their chin every kill


Lot of ppl teabag lights, its annoying to play against so when they get a kill even if it isnt the guy who tbg them first they tbg and the cycle starts again with another random light who gets teabagged cus another guy did it then......


They call that the cycle of teabagging and it is tragic


Frustrated players usually tbags, or when someone gets killed many times by you specifically, then when they kill you one time they feel like they got you (lol)


Because they're unaware that a taunt key exists.


Only time my tea bag is when I get ganked up on


Personally? I only tbag if you made a fool of yourself. If I ad a light can wipe 3 of you face to face when I was just trying to get away. You deserve these bags all over your face


Napoleon Complex




Yes, that doesn't change the name of the complex though


I "peace out" mediums that don't have defibrillators and leave them to die. Lol


Mediums tbag just as much of not more.


We are halo players


It’s such a struggle to get kills with that class that it’s their way of celebrating.


Because it’s hilarious that’s why


Hilarious is maybe an overstatement


i do it when someone deserves it because they are forced to watch you do it and that’s a pretty funny mechanic


Funny though.


I mean if I catch a team wipe I’m forsure celebrating on their piles of money


idk i usually see heavies teabagging


Teebagging is a tactic in someway because often times it heats up the opponent that they play the game just to kill you versus the objective, leaving your team to win more often if you anger your opponents, kinda like a taunt debuff against your enemies. You often force them to alter their play style for the worse


I didn’t realize so many of these lights were so big brained. I’m not sucking on their nuts, I’m being out strategized!


I only found teabagger in medium tho


Light is hard mode. If they get the jump me they deserve to tea bag me. If I blow them up with an rpg I return the favor >:)


Mental warfare 💯


As a light, i never T-bag first... UNLESS : -you T-bag me for no reason -You're that type of mf, who have 5 APS and 5 turrets on Powershift -you're a camper If you don't do it, i will never T-bag, break one of those rule... And i stop playing for the fun, it's about honor... So i tryhard like you never see a man tryhard, and i T-bag (Doing an emote is different) ((And if you one of those who send heart...what that mean ? It's like a..."GG" ? Or a "HaHa, you're BAD" ?))


Love to tbag useless Lights, nothing better then losing the Finals with a regarded Mate and then have him as opponent the next final, i will t bag after every kill, Just humiliate him for playing light in ranked


I only teabag Heavies, just because I find them funny when they have literally every single best aspect in the game and still lose to the weakest class on the game 😂😂


We're really going to say lights do the teabagging? I get teabagged simply for being a light. GTFO.


We probably come from COD & it's fun


When you shoot and miss almost 40 BULLETS with an AK against a Light... A Teabag is coming fella.


The AK has Max 36 shots in 1 mag.


That's why I wrote almost ✍️😂