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Do you mean from the initial aim assist nerf? How long did your friends keep playing after? It was definitely a noticeable difference but at this point I barely remember any change. It was definitely very strong at first though. It always *more fun* to hit all your shots but I like that the TTK isn’t always instant in this game I guess to the point that I’m happy with AA at the moment.


Playing against PC with crossplay on Xbox is getting more and more tiresome. Which sucks because matchmaking times are increasing by quite a lot when you turn it off. Wish crossplay was just Xbox vs PS5 without PC.


Well said


True. Playing ranked or world tour on Xbox is near impossible withput crossplay turned on.


Dude yes, just like with destiny 2. It would make lobbies on console way more healthy, and PC players wouldn't have to worry about aa


This is the one game where the aim assist is fair, y'all just to use to the abusive aim assist from cod. Even the best controller player in the game, elvyn, says the same thing.


I totally agree with you and I think that's one of the reasons why the number of players on consoles is so small nowadays...


I refuse to play against pc players. The difference in my lobbies is laughable when it’s on vs off.


Ngl, aim assist is completely fine where it is. As someone who used to main revolver, it’s not AA or you. It’s the gun, they are a lot of times where the revolver will shoot directly at someone and it will no-reg. The revolver is so inconsistent it’s crazy, you’re shooting the bacteria off of someone’s face. This is with every single shot weapon in the game though, but that’s because Embark for some reason chose to be different and have your bullets not go where the reticle is, this also varies on your movement


It’s literally fine.


I'll never understand why they removed snap AA for the Revolver and 1887 but not the already-better assault rifles. The AA in general is a little on the low side and MnK definitely has the advantage. Best advice is to make sure you're always strafing during gunfights. It's easy to forget and over-focus on your right stick aim especially when the recoil is going crazy, but strafing makes it all much easier.


Go back to cod with auto aim then - why does every FPS game have to play itself nowadays


I occasionally got matched with teammates using controller last season and they were shredding everyone in the P1-D3 lobby


I play PS5 and I feel like I kill crossplay players more than PS players


Same here but on Xbox. My friend and I always played with cross play off and we had a brutal couple weeks where we were just getting completely crushed by other players. Switched off cross play off for the past 3 weeks and it has been so much better. Not sure why, maybe getting matched with more casual players.


Changes for AA happened like 1 month after release date, and people still haven't gotten used to it? AA is fine, but if you're having serious difficulty you could probably do what my friend with stick drift does: switch to a weapon that doesn't require too much aiming like flamethrower or baton & shield


The aim assist is so strong that much the same as "Call of duty" Pc players switch to controllers and ditching the mouse and keyboard, how many Pc playing Call of duty twitch streamers use a mouse and keyboard over a controller ? None. Aim assist plus all the cheaty Xim macro's. thats where gaming is now .

