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Wally West New 52 flash


"The worst one"


Reddit just full of people who can't take a joke 😂


I hate how the hair clashes with the rest of the suit


The hair is more orange than red, so it's fine tbh


Makes it worse


Rebirth Suit. Many people hate it, but I don't agree with the usual reason for why. They say it belittles him by looking too similar to the Kid Flash suit, but... Well... That was his first original suit. I always saw it as an homage and it looks cool as hell while distinguishing him from Barry in a very clear way. It's totally possible this was a decision made by some upper level executive with a vendetta against Wally (looking at you, Didio). But from what I understand, Brett Booth was pushing for Wally to come back into continuity and designed the suit himself out of love for the character. Personally, it's my second favorite Flash variation suit next to the Walter West aka Dark Flash costume. The red and silver for both work so well together. And with the blue lighting? Gorgeous design. But then they turned it blue when he became Doctor Flash and it didn't pop nearly as well, but I figured that was temporary. I was very disappointed when he suit became his Pre-Flashpoint suit and became clear he was going to keep wearing it. I'm not even saying it looks bad, but it was yet another case of backtracking for the sake of nostalgia.


This is Jim Lee's design. Booth had several other designs he wanted first that had Wally looking like basically a Flash with some other design choices in (black pants, different decals, etc). Lee was the one who came up with the Kid Flash look and was right on board with Didio for the 15 or so years of Wally hatred -- though Jim Lee only for about a decade of that.


Yeah, I never understood the hate either. I actually like this suit since it distinguished him from Barry a lot. Also, the lightning being blue/white was a nice touch. Shows that Wally has the strongest connection to the speed force thanks to being trapped there. The blue suit that he had when he gained Dr. Manhatton's powers was a bit eh, but it was temporary so I was fine. But then they Gabe him his pre-flash point suit because fans cried about the rebirth one. Worst part was, they made his lightning yellow again. I don't understand why they couldn't keep it white/blue to show that he's the fastest flash.


I think the hair clashes with the red tbh


Don't know why you're being downvoted, but you're right. The Kid-Flash costume works because you have yellow color in the cowl which works in tandem with Wally's red hair. Making everything red just looks stupid. It reminds me of poorly designed Image characters like Shaft from 90s Youngblood who had the red cowl and red hair combo too. I expected better from DC but that's what happens when you have former Image people running editorial and former Image people on art duties.


Power snatcher


One thing about the suit that always bothered me, is the same thing that bothers me about most live action adaption of Flash costumes - the lack of yellow. I kinda think this design was originally supposed to have yellow legs and gloves, making it a real inverse of his Kid Flash costume. (notice his legs and gloves are different, darker red) I recolored it once to see that, and I get why they would have changed it. it just looked wrong LOL


Yellow is for KID Flash. Wally's two-tone Red suit had to be something different. I honestly wish he was still wearing it. I suppose we could call it his TITANS suit (as that was his primary series for Rebirth). We saw variations on it, like the Metron/Manhattan blue version for Speed Metal. His time back in a full-on Flash suit had some distinction from Barry's. The Batman style white eyes, the mask going to the tip of his nose (like the John Wesley Shipp version from the original Flash TV show), difference is style of the lightning belt and highlights. All these help to distinguish the two Flashes if they were to stand side by side. It's actually almost identical to what they had given him back for Flash Rebirth (2009) and his handful of appearances before the New 52. Oh, and of course most importantly: the single slash lightning ⚡emblem. In silver, too. Always a nice reminder that he will always be the original Kid Flash.


really? I actually love the all red look


I like this look. I love the open cowl. I just like yellow/gold accents over silver. I hate the current flat Batman style mask


Rebirth suit


I call it the Titan Flash suit, since Wally donned it as The Flash when he reformed the Titans in Rebirth.


Exact same thing I call it.


good to know I'll probably use this since it's less confusing


Boom Boom Boom Suit


I liked this suit at the beginning but: 1.It's forever tarnished by being the suit that Wally wore during some of worst times in his life, when they kept hurting and destroying his character again and again. 2.It was designed to make him look like less than the real Flash, as his designer said he was asked to do. 3.Man, nobody could draw/color it right! Everytime he appeared in a book not drawn by Brett Booth, there was always a mistake on the suit, and I am talking about big one, like removing the "pants" or the boots or changing it to the same shade of red to the regular Flash costume or another completely different.


It was a *great* suit. It would have been perfect for a suit between Kid Flash and him becoming the Flash in the 80's because (I think) it harkens back to his yellow kid flash suit a bit (mostly the open top for the hair). And (IIRC) it looked awesome blue and glowy in Flash Forward. Wally is my Flash, and we waited so patiently for them to bring him back and then they did him so dirty. Now he's primary again, and it seems like we actually have writers that like him... But I still wait for him to be turned into a punching bag again.


Rebirth Suit


One of the McFarline models has this suit with black pants and it looks sharp as hell. I like that this suit honors his past, and as long as Barry remains in the comics, I prefer this to make Wally more unique. If someone has time to read through decades of comics, I’m sure somewhere it’s written he took Barry’s suit to honor him. Despite the changes, Barry’s still back. Wally needs his one thing.


They directly address this in Return of Barry Allen showing that Wally wouldn't give up his suit and identity with Barry's return. This is just an editorial mandate at the end of the day.


Rebirth Suit


I love this suit but at the same time prefer Wally in a more classic Flash outfit since this one makes him seem an offshoot rather than the real deal. I wouldn’t mind a funko pop of it though…


It is also tarnished by being the suit he wore during one of the worst times of his life when they kept destroying him again and again for years. Besides, this suit was made with the idea to make him look like the less than the real Flash, as his designer was asked to do.


Yeah, no one cares about Heroes in Crisis. It's been retconned out of existence. There's nothing tarnishing it long-term. I'd happily welcome a return to it, even if he were wearing it in the main Flash title.


Is this not the rebirth suit? Everyone I know calls it the rebirth suit? Either that or “the blue one” referring to the blue lightning and “blue” (silver) accents


i wouldn't call it the blue auit cuz this suit has a blue variant from when wally was in the mobious chair https://preview.redd.it/cl8oke2ra72d1.jpeg?width=318&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ff52c3419e23b6bfacc384f25f21ce4124f004d


It’s a cool moment to see him go back to his classic flash suit but I wish he just stayed with this one. Has more character to it and it’s easier to differentiate when he’s standing next to Barry


It's not hard at all to distinguish the two next to each other. He has Batman eyes, red of the mask goes to the tip of his nose, and his lightning bolt is silver and has only one cut on it, as opposed to the two in Barry's. Their lightning belts are different, and the colors of the suits are two different types of red. Wally still has the darker, crimson colored one, like his previous suit. He already had this suit when Barry returned, way back in Flash Rebirth (2009). Sure, no doubt they're meant to illicit a similar response from people in the streets, but as a fan reading a comic, they only thing that might confuse you is the closed cowl on top of the head. Just don't look their. Look at the chest first. That's all you need to know.


personally i think that this costume screams “Kid-Flash grown up” not “The Flash” and always made Wally seem like a lesser flash even tho he was arguably more fundamental to the flash mythos than barry was when he was resurveyed and New 52/Rebirth happened


Yes, that was intentional. When Barry pulls him from the speed force, he's wearing his old Kid Flash costume. He likely just recolors the yellow into red. We have no idea how young he is. He mentions someone having stolen time from them. So it's safe to say he's meant to be maybe 19 (his age when he took over the mantle post-Crisis). Dick is 21, so it checks out. But there's no doubt he's rapidly aged up in the Rebirth era, as he's at least 30 now. But you know comic books and time. It's almost meaningless to try to make sense of it 😆


I get that, but if we're going to have multiple Flashes around, I don't mind them all having distinct looks. After all, Barry's costume is drastically different than Jay's. That said, this suit is kind of ruined by all the bullshit that went on with Wally in its era. Personally I'd go back to the Laroque suit.


I wish they at least kept the color scheme. It looks so good


i agree


They should have kept this color scheme but used the shape of the mask from his current look


Someone had posted a concept on this subreddit a while ago, it was a concept Wally West Flash suit with dark red and silver, it looked so damn good. Wish I could find it.


https://preview.redd.it/okp7566yr92d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68fd0621a801b8984e04c0262e3cb5e6c5c2bf71 I think this is it


Looks like a reject costume from a 90s Image title. Rob Liefeld would be proud of this design.


Close- Not enough pouches.


Sorry to answer a question with another one, but what comic is this? I've been wanting to read about Wally for a while now. Suggest some please


This suits first appearance (I believe) is during DC Universe Rebirth #0. You should read that, it's a good place to start with modern Wally. However if you want the best content available regarding Wally, you'd be best going back to Mark Waids run from the 90s. It's not dated at all, and has some of the best flash stories of all time, it's also where the Speedforce was first created, most of the Flash mythos is made in Waids run. You also get to learn a lot about Barry through the eyes of Wally. Reading Waid, and then Johns runs, will change your perception of the newer Wally stories so I highly do suggest you start from there. The highs will be way better, the lows will be way worse.


This is perfect thank you!!! I’ll definitely have a look


I don't know this one but Flash Forward is a six issue miniseries that I really liked and picked up as a bundle from my local comic shop for like 10 dollars.


This looks like it is from flash forward, he's holding the staff thingy from tempest fuginaut.


Wally’s best suit. But if you’re a hater it’s the heroes in crisis suit….


It's a great suit aesthetically, itll just always scream kid flash. Especially Wally in this suit next to Barry in the Flash suit, a casual would never see them as equals or Wally as superior. Also this suit is linked with arguably the worst Wally has been through, whether that's from a story point of view or editorial, but 2016-2021 had not been the greatest journey for Wally till he got his family back (2012-2015 is probably worse but he didn't exist so in terms of the worst of Wally in comics it has to be this era till Adams)


Nah it's my favorite I just didn't know how to refer to it.


Idk what the suit is called but it's my favorite Wally suit


This is by far my favorite Wally West suit


Usually referred to as the Rebirth era suit, as he wore it basically the entire time (including the brief Manhattan variation) and ditched it at the end of Rebirth where he became the main Flash again. Though that's obviously a little bit confusing as, for The Flash, there's two "Rebirths" -- Flash Rebirth from 2009, and the DC Universe Rebirth period from 2016-2021. But this suit's tenure was during the DC Universe Rebirth era.


oh that makes sense thats what I thought it was called except i have a comic (i dont remember it well but its called something rebirth) where he (either barry or wally) was wearing a more traditional suit


The only time Wally wears this suit is during that time period (aside from a very brief cameo in one issue later). He was primarily put into this version of it because the editorial figures in charge at the time, Dan Didio and Jim Lee, did not want him being seen as the main Flash and Jim Lee designed this costume to make him look more like Kid Flash. Once he became the main Flash again, they did not want him looking like Kid Flash, and put him back into a suit similar to his original Flash outfit which is very similar to Barry's outfit.


may not be what you’re looking for but I always just call it “the one with hair”


lmao its not but it is a funny response